In Odessa, the organizers of a financial pyramid scheme that deceived citizens in the amount of more than $ 5 million were exposed


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Under the procedural guidance of the prosecutors of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office, two citizens were exposed and reported on suspicion of fraud using electronic computing equipment (Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the suspects organized an illegal financial scheme aimed at fraudulently seizing the funds of a wide range of citizens under the pretext of investing in the development of entrepreneurial activities in the field of software development, which they did not intend to carry out.

They offered their clients to become investors and transfer money to the account of a company that allegedly helps to increase capital investments. They also promised "bonuses" for attracting other participants to the project.

To increase the credibility of their activities, the suspects created a company website and held public presentations and video conferences where they spread false information about their business activities.

According to preliminary data, the amount of damage caused to citizens reaches more than 5 million hryvnias. Currently, 25 citizens are recognized as victims in criminal proceedings.

During searches at the place of residence of the defendants, law enforcement officers seized computer equipment, bank cards, mobile phones that were the instrument of committing crimes, as well as other material evidence.

The suspects were given preventive measures in the form of detention with an alternative to bail.

Investigative actions are continuing to identify other participants in the transaction, all the victims and the damage caused.

The crimes were exposed by the prosecutors together with the investigators of the SS GUNP in the Odessa region and employees of the Department of Countering Cybercrime in the Odessa region of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.