financial pyramid

  1. Tomcat

    Financial pyramid of Ignatova's "crypto queens" will be examined by a German court

    A high-profile trial in Germany - for the first time in the country and, possibly, in the world, a case of fraud with cryptocurrencies is being heard. True, it passes without the main person involved: in the land court in Munster, there will be no Ruja Ignatova, who modestly called herself the...
  2. Father

    In Odessa, the organizers of a financial pyramid scheme that deceived citizens in the amount of more than $ 5 million were exposed

    Under the procedural guidance of the prosecutors of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office, two citizens were exposed and reported on suspicion of fraud using electronic computing equipment (Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). According to the investigation, the suspects...