What is the difference between http proxies and socks?


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Proxies can vary depending on the degree of anonymity, type of placement, method of data modification, protocol used, and so on. In a separate article, we explained which proxies are suitable for browser.

In this article, we will explain what HTTP and SOCKS proxies are, how they differ, and which ones are best for arbitration, online anonymity, SMM, and other purposes.

In short: what is a proxy?​

A proxy is an intermediary server between your computer/phone and the site servers.

If you have a proxy, every time you try to access a site or a site tries to send information to your device, this request passes through the proxy server first.

Proxies are used for different purposes. For example, they help:
  • speed up site opening,
  • visit websites that are blocked in the country,
  • impersonate other users
  • circumvent the restrictions of anti-fraud (anti-fraud or security) systems of websites.
For each of the listed goals, you need to select specific proxies.

The difference between a proxy and a VPN is that the VPN encrypts the user's IP address and all traffic from their device. A secure tunnel is created between the device and the site server, through which data is transmitted.

A proxy works as an intermediate stop between the user's device and the site. In some cases, they can protect data, but this is not how all protocols work.

What is an HTTP proxy?​

HTTP proxies use the HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) protocol for data transfer: that's why it's called this protocol. These proxies redirect traffic only from your browser: when you visit sites, exchange data with them, download files, and so on. In rare cases, HTTP proxies are suitable for some programs.

All HTTP proxies are divided into several types, depending on the level of anonymity.

Transparent ones show the site servers that a person is using a proxy and transmit their real IP address. Due to the fact that these proxies store (cache) data from popular sites, they are used to speed up the opening of sites.

Example:If a user from Barcelona has transparent proxies, sites will see that they are a user from Barcelona, their real IP address, and that they use such proxies.
Anonymous users do not report the user's IP address, but show sites that data is transmitted through a proxy. This helps to increase the protection of data on the network and hide your IP address from sites.

Examples:if a user from Barcelona has anonymous proxies from London, sites will see that they are using a server from London, they have the IP of the proxy server from London, but they will not understand that the user is actually in Barcelona.
Elite not only does not transmit the user's IP address, but also replaces it with the IP address of another user. As a result, no site sees the real IP address of the user and does not understand that the person is using a proxy server.

Examples: if a user from Barcelona has elite proxies from Rome, sites will think that this is a regular user from Rome.
So that the differences are clearly visible, we have compiled a table:

Transparent onesAnonymous usersElite ones
What data is being changedPass the HTTP header and tell the sites the real IP addressThey change the HTTP header to replace the user's IP address with their ownChange the HTTP header to remove the user's real IP address and enter a different real IP
Masking the user's IP addressNoYesYes
Sites can see that this is a proxyYesYesNo
The HTTP proxy has an improved version — HTTPS.

HTTPS differs in that it uses the secure SSL(Secure Socket Layer) protocol. Thanks to it, information is transmitted in encrypted form from the device to the site server. Only the browser that sent the information and the site to which this information was sent know the decryption. The most obvious example of how this protocol works is filling out online loan applications for banks.

Example: imagine that you need to send a parcel from Prague to Cairo. So, an HTTPS proxy is a carrier that will pick up your parcel and carefully deliver it to Cairo, while during transportation it will not unpack the parcel and will not know what is inside.

What is a SOCKS proxy?​

Unlike HTTP and HTTPS, SOCKS (Socket Secure)redirects your traffic not only from the browser, but also from all device programs in general. At the same time, the proxy server does not make any changes and data: it only redirects traffic to the final server. It turns out that the proxy server acts on behalf of the user's device.

The most up — to-date and secure version of these proxies is SOCKS5. These proxies are:
  • they support different types of connections,
  • anonymous.

What is the difference between HTTP and SOCKS proxies?​

HTTP and SOCKS differ in the connection format, the amount of data transmitted, and, as a result, the tasks for which they are suitable.

In the table below, we have outlined some basic differences between these proxies.

Transmitting HTTP headersNot transmitted: the proxy server does not change the data in any way at allAll proxies transmit it, but in different ways: some report using the proxy, while others replace the user's IP address
What kind of traffic redirectsAll: from the browser and device programsOnly from the browser
AnonymityCompletely anonymousDepends on the proxy type
Speed of access to sitesHighDepends on the proxy type. For example, elite cars may run slower

Which proxies to choose❓

This depends on the tasks you plan to use them for.
  • To speed up site loading: you should use transparent HTTP proxies: they do not mask your traffic, but cache data. This helps speed up data access. SOCKS5 proxies also have a high speed: although they pass all your requests through their server, these proxies have a high speed of access to resources.
  • To protect information on the network: you can use HTTPS proxies, because they encrypt traffic.
  • For traffic arbitration: it is better to choose elite resident proxies. They replace your IP with another unique IP, but they are not detected as a proxy. This means that the security systems of traffic sources perceive you as a real user.
  • For SMM and SEO: similar to traffic arbitrage, elite resident proxies are more trustworthy.
  • For anonymity: any anonymous proxy is suitable. If you want to ensure maximum anonymity, use proxy chains-a sequential connection to multiple proxy servers. To do this, you can combine different proxies, for example, the SOCKS — HTTPS — SOCKS protocol. At the same time, the use of a chain will affect the speed: the more of them there are in the network, the lower the speed will be.
At the same time, it is best to avoid using free or cheap proxies for any task. They may not be able to handle your tasks or even use your data against you❗

Where to purchase a proxy​

In the modern world, there are a huge number of proxy providers that offer an even greater variety of choices: proxy countries, connection speed, connection type, the amount of traffic used, and so on. How do you choose a reliable service with affordable prices and quality service? Here are some options for proxy sellers, where you can find a proxy for your tasks:

🔹 Proxy-Seller — proxy-seller.io

Proxy-Seller is a popular provider of high-quality and reliable proxies.

Proxy range:
  • Resident ISPs
  • Mobile 4G/LTE
  • DC/server rooms
  • Unlimited traffic on all types of proxies
  • Speed channel — 1 Gbit / s
  • Private proxies only
  • Both HTTP (s) & Socks5 protocols are included in the same proxy order
  • Real IP providers, which maximizes proxy trust
Ideal for businesses, individuals, and developers who want to stay anonymous online, access limited content, and automate tasks. With instant sending and round-the-clock customer support, the service makes it easier to get the right proxies, at any time of the day.

🔹 Proxys.io — proxys.io

Individual proxies for solving any problem. The service has been proven for many years and a large number of users. From the obvious advantages::
  • Round-the-clock technical support with an average response time of 30 seconds.
  • 20% affiliate program with lifetime referral retention.
  • Wide choice of GEO (list of countries by tariff) and subnets (from 5 subnets per GEO / tariff).

🔹 Proxy-solutions — proxy-solutions.net

There is no registration on their site, which saves you time and does not force you to take unnecessary actions.

Support is provided via the ticket system and works 24/7 without days off or breaks. You can make payments using the most popular payment methods: Visa/Mastercard, Qiwi, Yandex, WebMoney, Bitcoin, PayPal, and other payment systems.

IPv4 personal proxies, Packet proxies (wholesale private proxies), Prime proxies (so-called in the common people resident, resident, home addresses), and City proxies (where you can choose not just a country, but a specific city of the proxy server location).

Proxies of any direction are Anonymous/elite, which indicates the highest classification of anonymity of proxy servers. In this case, the IP address is not suspicious and is not detected as a proxy.

Prices on the site are formed as follows: in addition to the possibility of using bonuses and discounts, the price tag for 1 IP address will decrease with increasing proxy in the order.

🔹 MobileProxy.space — mobileproxy.space

The largest proxy database that is instantly updated and available only to our clients.

There is no emulation or virtualization of mobile proxies. You can be sure that you are working with real mobile proxies from a GSM operator! MobileProxy. space — private, dynamic mobile proxies.
  • Changing the IP address via an API link or timer
  • Fully unlimited traffic
  • Private channel, just for you
  • HTTP and SOCKS5 protocol support
  • 24/7 support and quick resolution of any problems that arise
  • Wide choice of GEO and all operators with the ability to change
  • 480,895 IP addresses
  • Change of GEO and operator
  • Hardware Restart (LC, API)
  • Changing login:pass (Personal account, API)
  • Authorization by login:pass and IP

🔹 iProxy — iproxy.online

Sellers are private traders, so proxies can be from rare parts of the world (where the seller is located geographically, and from there the proxy is located). We connect directly with sellers, they raise proxies in any part of the world. IP Change, Rotation, Whitelist IP, HTTP / SOCKS5

🔹 Proxy-store — proxy-store.com

This store has been on the market for 10 years. 100% guarantee of anonymity of purchased IP addresses.
  • A wide range of proxies for any period of time;
  • Selling standard proxy server packages, individually and in bulk;
  • Only high-performance servers;
  • Responsive professional technical support with working hours 05: 00-00: 00 Moscow time

🔹 AstroProxy — astroproxy.com

AstroProxy is an ecosystem for collecting and analyzing web data for business purposes. Following KYC and AML principles. More than a million proxies in 100+ countries around the world: Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia. Free test access for new users.

AstroProxy offers:
  • Resident proxies
  • Mobile 3G / 4G proxies
  • Server proxies.
All addresses are dynamic: rotation of the external IP by timer, with each new connection, or on request within the selected IP pool. Geolocation accuracy — country, city, ISP provider, ASN.

AstroProxy is designed for professional use: scraping, SEO, SMM, targeting, social media account management, retail, software testing.
  • Integration via the API
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Flexible settings in a single dashboard window
  • Operational and experienced technical support
  • HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols for each port
  • Low rates, traffic packages starting from 100 MB
Free proxy test.

🔹 Proxyline — proxyline.net

Proxyline is a reliable service that offers proxies to users from Russia, the United States, Europe, and the CIS. Working servers are provided for any period of use with a quality guarantee and round-the-clock technical support.

Services in Proxyline have advantages:
  • Complete anonymity and traffic protection.
  • Stable and fast connection.
  • Attractive price.
  • The ability to promote many accounts in social networks.
  • Comfortable work in the field of SEO-optimization.
  • Free access to online games and foreign portals.
  • Unhindered guest posting and unlimited ad placement.
  • Compatible with all websites and web pages.
  • Guarantee for a refund and replacement of the address.
  • Automated activation after payment.
  • 5 years of experience in Proxyline sales in the market.