The difference between VPN, Socks, SSH, Tor and PPT. Which is better?


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Today's topic will help clarify the minds of beginners, as well as anyone who is just starting to learn the basics of anonymity on the Web. We'll look at the differences between anonymity tools such as VPN, SOCKS, SSH, TOR, and PPT.

1) VPN:​

VPN - encrypts all traffic from prying eyes, hides our real IP address.

It looks like this: we enter any query in the Google search engine. Our request does not immediately go to the Internet, but is transmitted in encrypted form to the VPN server to which we are connected and then goes to the Internet from the VPN server. Based on the total. The provider will not be able to see which sites we visit, because for it all our traffic will be unreadable, and all requests will go to the VPN server. The site will also not be able to determine our home IP address, because it will see the IP address from our VPN server in front of it.

We need a reliable VPN service with a large number of available servers and good speeds on them. Free VPN services are not suitable for us, because they are devoid of all the advantages that we need. Good paid VPN services are quite expensive. But accounts from paid VPN services have long been brutalized and sold for pennies.

Also, don't forget to set the Kill Switch function in the VPN settings (it can be called something else). The kill switch feature completely disconnects you from the Internet if you lose your connection to the vpn server, thereby preventing our traffic from being exposed.


  • Traffic Encryption
  • Anonymous work on the Internet
  • Easy and convenient connection setup


  • Many services keep logs and can transmit them when requested. And free VPNs, in general, openly sell them on the darknet.
So use your VPN exclusively!

- live for a long time, 1-3 weeks. They cost 5-10$. Choosing a clean one is easy enough.

We get the config as a file. Installing OpenVPN from an off site -

We throw the config in C:\Program Files \ OpenVPN\config and run the OpenVPN GUI as an administrator. In the context menu, select our server and connect.

2) SOCKS:​

Since SOCKS transmits all data from the client to the server, without adding anything from itself, then from the point of view of the web server, socks proxy is a client. Therefore, the anonymity of this type of proxy servers is always really complete. The Socks protocol was originally created as a reliable tool for anonymous work on the Internet. In other words, it is an intermediary between your computer and the resource you are accessing. When working through SOCKS, the resource sees the IP of SOCKS, not yours.

Socks5 - live little, usually rented for a day. They cost $ 1-2. They are characterized by good cleanliness. 2f802869:19290hd8 United States CA Murrieta 92563

To connect to the soc, you need a Proxifier.

Launch Proxifier. In the upper left side of the program, we see the Profile tab, then ProxyServers... next Edit

Address -
Port - 52479

Username - 2f802869
Password - 19290hd8

United States CA Murrieta 92563-geo sock


  • Cheap
  • Large selection of locations


  • No traffic encryption


3) SSH:​

SSH allows you to securely transmit almost any other network protocol in an unprotected environment, so you can not only work remotely on your computer through the command shell. SSH functionality is the same as SOCKS, but with one significant and important difference-traffic encryption. The provider will not be able to track activity, because SSH provides strong traffic encryption.

SSH-tunnel(Туннель,Тун) - live for a long time, 1-3 weeks. They are cheap from $ 0.5 to $ 3. Finding clean ones is very, very problematic.|test123|test12345|United States|Washington|Seattle|98121

Connection to the tunnel is made via Proxifier+BitviseSSH. Proxifier starts and collapses, and we need it as an auxiliary software for BitviseSSH to work.

Inserting the tun into BitviseSSH

Host -

Port-22 (it may not be specified, if so, then you enter the standard - 22, you specified it anyway on this tune)

Username - test123
Password - test12345

United States / Washington|Seattle|98121-geo of the tunnel.


  • Traffic Encryption
  • Cheaper than a VPN


  • The price is higher than SOCKS
  • Harder to use than sox and vpn


The developers of TOR technology have already simplified its use as much as possible — just download Tor Browser, and when you start it, you will automatically use the Tor network. No settings, commands on the command line, or anything else.

TOR technology allows you to go to sites and download something from the network without leaving any traces. That is, when you open a site, for example, through the Tor Browser, you will not be able to track the IP address of your computer on this site (and therefore calculate you). Even your Internet service provider will not understand (even if it wants to) that you have visited this site (and it will be impossible to prove this). Well, the browser itself will not store all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.

How does TOR work? This is called onion routing. See. There is a network of nodes owned by adherents of this technology. Three arbitrary nodes are used for data transmission. But which ones? And that's exactly what no one knows.

Tor browser sends a packet to the first node, and it contains the encrypted address of the second node. The first node knows the key for the cipher and, having learned the address of the second, forwards the packet there (this is how the first layer was removed from the onion). The second node, having received the packet, has the key to decrypt the address of the third node (another layer was removed from the onion). Thus, it is not possible to understand from the outside exactly which site you eventually opened in the window of your Tor Browser.



  • Open source code
  • Strong encryption
  • Own pseudo-domain .onion


  • Sometimes very high ping (latency)
  • Ability to intercept traffic at the exit node if the destination web server does not support ssl or tls encryption


PPTP - live for a long time, 1-3 weeks. They cost 2-4$. Finding a clean one should not be a big problem. PPTP will always have port 1723 open. admin1 admin1 Arizona Scottsdale 85260

Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center - > Setting up a new Network connection -> Connecting to a Workplace -> No, create a new connection -> Use my Internet Connection (VPN)