The basics of holding and pick-up in carding


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All drives must be analyzed and statistics on stores must be entered, specifically the amounts and goods, the number of necessary checks. By simply writing information into the table over time, you will form a trace information. type:
store name passed / failed average amount (verification) maximum amount (verification)

Based on this, I formed a list of stores that are optimal for driving.

Hold of parcels.

At the moment, when working within the USA, most stores use only 4 courier services: UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL.

Calmly and without any problems, hold is done only for two: UPS and FedEx

In UPS, in the vast majority, you need to make a hold with a regular call, which will help you with a large number of stores.

FedEx can be held by ourselves, in the custumize delivery option. Not 1 article has been written on this topic, I just want to add about some "special" cases:

-When delivering FedEx, the following problem regularly pops up recently: you made a request for hold, but the goods will be left at the courier service office if 1 unsuccessful delivery. This means that the courier will try to deliver it home, if no one is there, then the parcel will be in the mail. It all depends on your luck, like a small detour - you can call the post office and ask to deliver at a certain time. But you have to name it and calculate when kx is not at home, a call from the SI to the holder himself helps us in this.

Organization of your pickup service.

But this is most likely the beginning of the most interesting part for most.

To begin with, pick-up is a very difficult business. Yes, the pickup is an auxiliary link in carding. And without him nowhere, as well as without a carzh.

In order to succeed in this business, a rather big investment of money, effort, time is required.

What do you need? Or what are the main components of a pickup truck. Let's try to put together a big picture from the small pieces of the puzzle:

- a good team (this is the most important element)

Pickup is a risky business, so you should be surrounded by people on whom you can rely more than yourself.

Those people in whom you will be sure, whom you will trust 100%. Since in the case of a not very good outcome, TOGETHER you can avoid an insidious fate. And if you point your finger at each other, everyone will get it. It is also important to establish monetary rewards on the shore for the work / share of each person in the business, so that later there are no questions and no offenses.

- expensive equipment - which is worth spending money on and which is not worth saving on, since this is again your safety and the safety of your team.

Now more about the equipment:

1. Printer + laminator for printing on plastic cards. A striking representative is the Fargo printer

Cost from $ 5000 for the cheapest and used version.

2. Accessories for the printer. Printers of this type are called transparent printers. And instead of paint, a film is inserted into them.

We need: 2 types of film for printing + film for lamination. The approximate cost of the set is about 500 ye for 300 stamps.

The card has 2 sides. Accordingly, you will spend about $ 500 on 150 cards, not taking into account the defective and failed IDs.

3. Plastic cards (the plastic itself, respectively)

4. A ready-made template for printing, rendered with high quality in Photoshop. Moreover, rendering should be done directly from the original document.

I can tell right away the approximate amount for the "budget" of the start: about $ 9-10k for equipment alone.

As a result, the quality should be perfect. It is necessary to monitor everything: the quality of the printer, and the quality of the rendered document, and even the quality of the plastic.

In connection with the spread of this direction, the post offices began to be very attentive to the photo-id and see what is served to them. So the consequences will be very sad if postal workers have a clearly fake document in their hands.

Next, you need to establish the logistics part of the work:

Specially organized warehouses for logistics and movement of goods. You need to understand that all the good that your faithful friends will take away clearly will not fit in your home, and for the sake of safety, it is not very good to keep all this at home. To do this, it is worth renting warehouses, and preferably several, in order to meet there with drops, as well as store goods. I advise you to rent 2 warehouses. One in order for the drops to bring the goods there and they have access to it. The current goods, which they took today, will be brought there. This warehouse should be small. And the second warehouse to which you will have to take all the goods with your own hands. All the main goods will be stored there. Only you have access to the warehouse. And it is also imperative to check the goods for bugs before bringing them to the main warehouse. The warehouse must be large.

Since the United States is a country of strict rules, I advise you to register a company and open an office to take your eyes off your main activity. Do anything (auto shop / car parsing, dry cleaning / car wash), but you must have a cover.

Well, and accordingly, you must have a basic understanding of security - this applies to both offline and online. You are always on the alert, you will need to train your team in the basics of security. It often happens when guys come to the post office and policemen in civilian clothes are already on duty there to find out the scammers.

You need to be able to recognize such threats, as well as to know the basic methods of protection against CCTV cameras (since cameras are everywhere - in parking lots, at post offices and even at traffic lights), you need to be able to hide your identity fingerprints, etc.