Carding Basics 2024


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Chapter 1. Why carding?
Chapter 2. Laws and responsibilities
Chapter 3. Where to start?
Chapter 4. Security
Chapter 5. Configuring the system
Chapter 6. The Anatomy of Cards.
Chapter 7. Test drives
Chapter 8. Real Drive-ins
Chapter 9. Conclusion

Chapter 1. Why carding?
Here we have to figure out why we need carding to make money? Why not just learn to be an accountant, for example, or a lawyer, and then sit in the office to get your 1000 dollars a month and not worry. Someone thinks that in carding you can easily earn a lot of money. If you, my dear reader, decided to do carding for this reason, then I hasten to disappoint you. This doesn't happen. I'm not joking or trying to be ironic. Carding has long ceased to be an easy job. Yes, in the 90s there was such a theme, the bourgeois sent any goods anywhere in the world using the generated card tracks. But those times are long gone. Right now, carding is a world with strict rules. Is there always a confrontation between stores, banks, cardholders and our friends ? carders. So think forty times before you, the reader, decide to start carding. Big earnings here for those who really plow from dawn to dawn and have long been in the subject. There are no freebies here anymore. People make money with their will and perseverance. Remember this, reader. There is also one more unpleasant side to carding. These are problems with the law. Whether you steal a lot or a little, you're a thief. And what did Zheglov say?Should a thief go to jail?. And the police at least somehow protect us, and catch us. Today, news often flashes about this or that case of catching carders. If you are not afraid to sit down, or you are so confident in yourself, then welcome to carding.
And one more thing. Remember, a carder is a thief. You can call it whatever you want, but the essence of this will not change. When you become a carder, you become a thief. Also, think about what other aspects of carding attract you besides money. For example, I like carding because I'm a con artist in my life. When I was very young, I used to hack cars and steal tape recorders and other nonsense. I pulled women's handbags and bred suckers for small change. True, then I calmed down, but I realized that I couldn't live without it at all, so I became a carder. I like to steal. But for you, my dear reader, I once again strongly advise you to think about whether I need all this. You will earn much more money by becoming an official or politician. Bribes haven't been canceled yet. And it won't cancel.
And if you are still firmly convinced that you want to become a carder. Then welcome to the second chapter.

Chapter 2. Laws and responsibilities
For further progress in the hard work of a carder, you should familiarize yourself with the laws of the country in which you live. Since I live in the Russian Federation, we will talk about them in this chapter.
Article 272. Unauthorized access to computer information
1. Illegal access to computer information protected by law, i.e. information on a computer carrier, in an electronic computer (computer), computer system or their network, if this act resulted in the destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of the operation of a computer, computer system or their network, - is punishable by a fine of two hundred rubles or more. up to five hundred minimum wages or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of two to five months, or by correctional labor for a term of six months to one year, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.
2. The same act committed by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group or by a person using their official position, as well as having access to a computer, computer system or network thereof, - is punishable by a fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred minimum wages or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for the period from five to eight months, or by correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or by arrest for a term of three to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years.
This is the most common article for hackers. If you decide to start hacking stores and getting credit cards from there, then this information is just for you. Mind you, if you're single, they give you up to two years. If there are two or more of you, then it's already up to five.
Article 273. Creating, using, and distributing malicious computer programs
1. Creating computer programs or making changes to existing programs that knowingly lead to unauthorized destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of the operation of computers, computer systems or their networks, as well as the use or distribution of such programs or computer media containing such programs-is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to three years with a fine in the amount of from two hundred to five hundred minimum wages or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of two to five months.
2. The same acts that have negligently entailed grave consequences-shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.
If you are a coder and write trois for downloading and zombifying bourgeois computers, then this article is for you. Also, if you ship someone else's troi, then this is also for you. They give up to three years plus a fine, and if with serious consequences, they can give up to seven.
Article 274. Violation of the rules of operation of a computer, computer system or its network
1. Violation of the rules of operation of a computer, computer system or its network by a person who has access to a computer, computer system or its network, which resulted in the destruction, blocking or modification of computer information protected by law, if this act caused significant harm, - is punishable by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to five years, work for a term of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years.
2. The same act that has negligently entailed grave consequences-is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to four years.
If you have done something in a network of stores or a bank and this has disrupted their normal operation, for example, a deface or DDOS attack, then this article is shining for you. In case of serious consequences, they give up to four years.
Article 159. Fraud
1. Fraud, i.e. theft of someone else's property or acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust, -
is punishable by a fine of up to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a period of up to one hundred and eighty hours, or by correctional labor for a period of up to six months to one year, or by arrest for a term of two to four months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.
2. Fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, as well as causing significant damage to a citizen, -
is punishable by a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a period of one hundred eighty to two hundred a term of one to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years.
3. Fraud committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, -
is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of one to three years, or by imprisonment for a term of two to six years with a fine ten thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to one month, or without it.
4. Fraud committed by an organized group or on a particularly large scale-
is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years with a fine of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to three years or without it.
Main article for carders. If you are a carder in any of its manifestations, then this article is shining for you. In different situations, they give from two to ten years. Ten years behind bars, it's not sick, is it?
Article 210. Organization of a criminal community (criminal organization) or participation in it (it)
1. Creation of a criminal community (criminal organization) for the purpose of joint commission of one or several serious or especially serious crimes, or management of such a community (organization) or its structural divisions, as well as coordination of criminal actions, creation of stable links between various independently operating organized groups, development of plans and creation of conditions for the commission of crimes such groups or division of spheres of criminal influence and proceeds of crime between them, committed by a person using his influence on the participants of organized groups, as well as participation in a meeting of organizers, leaders (leaders) or other representatives of organized groups for the purpose of committing at least one of the specified crimes-are punishable by imprisonment for a term of twelve to twenty years with or without a fine of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to five years.
2. Participation in a criminal association (criminal organization) -is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years with a fine of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to three years or without it.
3. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this Article committed by a person using his official position-shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of fifteen to twenty years with a fine of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to five years or without it.
4. The acts provided for in part one of this Article committed by a person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy-shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of fifteen to twenty years or by life imprisonment.
Note. A person who voluntarily stopped participating in a criminal community (criminal organization) or a structural subdivision included in it (it) or a meeting of organizers, leaders (leaders) or other representatives of organized groups and actively contributed to the detection or suppression of these crimes, is released from criminal liability, unless his actions contain other elements of a crime.
Here I think there is no need to comment, if you are a team, then this can also be attributed. If you're a team leader, you can even get a life sentence. However, if you are not a leader and did not do anything special, then the law allows you to turn in your accomplices and walk free.
Article 187. Manufacture or sale of forged credit or settlement cards and other payment documents
1. Making or selling forged credit or settlement cards, as well as other payment documents that are not securities, for the purpose of sale, -is punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to six years with a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for the period from one two years old.
2. The same acts committed by an organized group - Federal Law No. 162-FZ of 08.12.2003)are punishable by imprisonment for a term of four to seven years with a fine of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to five years or without it. (ed. Federal Law No. 162-FZ of 08.12.2003)
This is if you are engaged in real carding and make copies of credit cards, they can give you up to seven years.
Here are the main articles that are attributed to our colleagues. As you can see, the list is not small, and the deadline is not small. So once again think about what is better carding or normal work with a work record, experience and pension. If you still haven't changed your mind about carding, then welcome to the third chapter.

Chapter 3. Where to start?
This question concerns all beginners without exception. Where should I start in carding? With bays, rollocs, cashouts, drops, calls, drawing documents, clothing stores, casinos, dating? There are quite a lot of topics, but not all of them are suitable for beginners. Personally, I think that a beginner can start a good start in a clothing store and start their first business there. So, what is a duffel bag? In short, it looks like this. We go to the website of the online store, choose a laptop or a gold chain as thick as a big toe, pay with data from the bourgeois card, and the ordered product comes to our mail. But as in any business, there are many nuances. One of the biggest problems is anti-fraud protection. This is such a special automatic system that tries to track the person driving in the card and determine whether it is a carder or a real bourgeois. Basically, this system looks at the correspondence of the client's IP address to the country and state where he lives. That is, for example, we enter the card of John Smith who lives in Chicago, Illinois, and the IP address shows that this person is now located in Russia in the north of the Urals, or on Sakhalin, for example. Such tricks with the anti-fraud system will not work. It also looks at local computer settings such as the system language and time zone. After all, it is illogical that bourgeois sits on Russian Windows with a time zone of +5. Therefore, we need a well-configured system to successfully drive in the card. But we don't just need her. You also need to pay attention to your safety. Imagine how by some miracle you skardil yourself things for 50 kilos of dollars and then the uncles from the police come to you because you shone your real IP addresses everywhere and even ordered all the parcels to your home address. Yes, after reading the second chapter, I think you don't really want to get caught so stupidly. Therefore, we need to provide maximum cover for our rear and flanks. Covering up your backsides and more will be our next chapter.

Chapter 4. Security
Let's start with how to protect your real IP address from being exposed. One of the most successful solutions today is a VPN. VPN is a service that will help you stay anonymous, it will help you hide your real IP address, and will not allow you to listen to traffic. Now a lot of offices provide VPNa services. Look for an office with a good reputation and cheaper prices, because you need to spend your start-up capital carefully. Next on the list are socs. In fact, the socs are needed not so much for security, but for the fact that the anti-fraud system would think that we are leaving the state we need. And not from somewhere in Zimbabwe?
Now let's talk about how to accept goods ordered in stores. There can be no question of accepting the goods for yourself. This is only for the most frostbitten kamikazes or emo, so it doesn't matter. And we want to live, but not in prison, but in freedom. So we need to find a drop. Drop is a person who will take care of not only the parcel but also the visit of the cops if any arrive. Drops can be adjustable or non-adjustable. Adjustable drops are those who think that they are doing everything correctly and legally and do not suspect that the product that comes to them is karzhenny. How to rub it in is already a second matter, but they firmly believe that I work at a real job or that you brought a brand-new plasma for your grandmother, and he left for another city on business. Permanent drops are those who know that your product is left-handed and that the police can come to them at any time. Getting your own drops is quite a pain in the ass, obviously not for beginners. Therefore, we will turn to the drop line with a clear conscience. A drop driver is a person who manages drops and provides us with their own drops for a certain fee. Usually this is a percentage of the sale of the product or the second item in the package(two video cameras in the package). So the system is like this when paying with a product card, we specify the drop address and send the parcel to it, and it already sends us half of the parcel. That is, for example, he received two laptops, he keeps one for himself and sends the other to you. But one way or another, this structure is quite pale because they will take a drop for eggs and he will gladly hand you over to the cops. There is a way out of this situation. Now dropovody are also buyers in one person. Ie you send him a laptop worth 1 kilo bucks and he throws you on your WMZ purse 500 bucks upon receipt. This method is much more convenient because you do not need to take the goods on yourself, but you can immediately sell them and receive the laundered money. I think that you should not even remember that you need to look for proven drop guides that have been in the topic for a long time, because there is always a chance that you will be thrown. Work through the guarantor, so it's safer.
Now let's talk about how to protect your private information on your computer. For example, we have credit card numbers, tracks from stores, and other goodies. We need to hide it somewhere far away so that it does not bother our eyes, and so that if the cops suddenly come to us, we can not worry too much about the fact that they will find something illegal on our computer. Personally, I advise you to use a USB hard drive or SDmicroSD card to store important and compromising information. Personally, I use a regular SD card that my laptop successfully uses. In order not to store data in clear text, we need to encrypt it. We will encrypt it using the TrueCrypt program. So, we download the program from an off-site(you can also find a Russifier there). In the wizard, select encrypt USB device. Then select create a hidden volume. A hidden volume is needed for better protection. This is how it works. We create a encrypted partition disguised as any file. For example, for a movie. So, if you enter the password for a regular volume when mounting the partition, then a regular volume will open, I recommend that you cram more porn pictures there. If you enter the password for the hidden volume, then the hidden volume is mounted. The trick is that if the cops find out about the encrypted partition, then you tell them a partition from a regular volume and they will see porn and not documents. More detailed help for this program can be found on the off site.
So now it's time for a detailed introduction to the process of driving in and earning money. But first we need to configure the system. So welcome to the next chapter.

Chapter 5. Configuring the system
So in order to have a customized system, we need to put it somewhere. The best option for this is a virtual machine. WMware is best suited for this situation. Download varya from an off-line server or from torrents. Then we put English Windows on it(it means that we will work with YUSA). After we downloaded and installed Windows on Varya (I don't give detailed instructions because there are millions of them lying around in Yandex), we need to configure the programs we need. Programs can be downloaded from the Internet or copied from the main operating system (just click copy on the files, and then click paste in the VM). So we need TrueCrypt in order to have access to our repository of important documents. There is a small remark here. If you have your encrypted container stored on a flash drive, then you just need to share access to it over the network and specify the path through the network to the container in the guest OS in the script. important! A single container cannot be mounted on both the guest and primary OS at the same time. To mount a container in the guest, first unmount it in the main OS and vice versa! After you set up this program, go to the program for socks. Personally, I use Proxifier_2.8 you can download it from the link that I gave above. To make programs work through sox, run proxyfier, click options > proxy settings > add. There and enter the sox. You can also immediately check sox for survivability by clicking the Check button. To hide DNS, click Option > Name Resolution > uncheck Choose the mode automatically > check the box under Remotely > OK
This is sorted out, I also recommend downloading the CCtools program to change the computer idshnikov and names. Also download and install a good browser like Opera or Firefox. Also use programs to delete temporary Internet files such as cookies, sessions, and cache. Privacy Eraser Pro ? a program that allows you to permanently clear your browser history. In addition to Privacy Eraser, I can recommend CCleaner, the program also cleans the browser history, deletes unnecessary files, and cleans the registry.
The system is set up and ready to be driven in. Welcome to the next chapter!

Chapter 6. The Anatomy of Cards
Now we need to understand the details of what cards are and how to use them.
Usually cards are sold here in this form
" Heather Dodder ","10/27/1977","1232345663 ","135 Wyckfield Road ", " Savannah ", " GA ", "31410", "US","[email protected]", "1(912)256-1212"," Visa", " 4185860387795343 ","307 ","06 ","2008 ","PLATINUM (CREDIT)", "PROVIDIAN NATIONAL BANK" Unclear? Let's write down what's here and why.
", "1(912)256-1212","Visa","4185860387795343 ","307 ","06 ","2008 ","PLATINUM (CREDIT)", "PROVIDIAN NATIONAL BANK" Unclear? Let's write down what's here and why.
1) Heather Dodder - name of the cardholder (credit card holder)
2) 10/27/1977 - date of birth of the cardholder (DOB - Date Of Birth)
3) "1232345663" - personal insurance number (SSN-social secure number)
4) "135 Wyckfield Road" - address of the cardholder (135 - house number, Wyckfield Road - street name)
5) "Savannah" - city of residence of the cardholder
6) "GA" - state of the cardholder
7)" 31410 " - ZIP code of the cardholder (ZIP code in usa)
8) " US " - the cardholder's country
9) "[email protected]" - cardholder's email address (e-mail)
10) "1(912)256-1212" - cardholder's phone
number 11) "Visa" - credit card type
12)" 4185860387795343 "- credit card number
13) " 307 " - CVV or CVV2 card code (3-digit or 4-digit)
14) "06","2008" - credit card expiration date (exp date)
15) "PLATINUM (CREDIT)" - visa card type
16) "PROVIDIAN NATIONAL BANK" - the name of the bank that issued the card By the SSN stat is not always in the card. Such information as SSN and DOB is searched separately for a fee.
Credit card types
Visa (VI, starts with 4),
MasterCard (MC, starts with 5),
American Express (AMEX, starts with 3).

Additional information sometimes requested by the bank/shop
MMN (mother's maiden name) - mother's maiden name.
DOB (date of birth) - date of birth.
SSN (social secure number) - individual taxpayer number.
PIN (pin code) - 4-digit PIN code of the card.
DL (driver's license) - the number of the driver's license.
Well, that seems to be all you need to know about credit cards at first. Now we are ready for the first drive-ins, so let's move on to a new chapter!

Chapter 7. Test drives
To get started, I recommend that you practice on ?cats?. That is, on small things that would then drive in on a real site passed without any problems. So first, you can save yourself a counterstrike. To do this, log in to our VM. On the main os, we cling to the VPN, on the guest sox according to the state of the holder. You can not buy credit cards for this business, but look for fresher freebies or ask someone for a loan. I have often seen credits on KI in freebies, the main thing is to choose fresher ones. Then you can card steam.
You can also practice card card in porno. You can buy any cheap software. Just do not need to use all this later on your computer. Get some sleep.
If everything went well with the test drives, and you have gained at least a little experience in driving, then go ahead and find a real job!

Chapter 8. Real Drive-ins
To start making money on real shops, you need to find these shops. We need shops that send to a different address from billing to a regular CC +CVV. This is the most difficult thing to find such shops. Enter a new thread like "buy asus laptop" in Google and start following links and looking at shops. Read in the shops in the fak what you need for the order, if you think that the shop should send, then do so, take a credit card, drive it in and write the delivery address to the address of the owner of some other card. I.e. there must be a real person at the address you wrote. If you successfully enter an order, they will collect and send it to you and send you a track by email.Track is the parcel number that can be used to track the current location of the parcel on the postal service's website. Also register your mail on the servers, Russian mail like mail or Yandex is a bad idea. Forget about it. So if the store sent you a track and the parcel left, congratulations! You have found a sending shop. Now go to the dropvod, it gives you the address of the drop. You again drive the parcel to the name and address of the drop and go! You need to drop the track that the shop will give you to the dropvod. Now sit and wait for the first money from the dropovod!

Chapter 9. Conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to say that with all the badness of carding, it has its advantages. Learn to withstand the blows of fate, learn to sit at the computer all day long, learn to force yourself to work and learn, and everything will work out for you.
Work with pleasure and you will succeed! Good luck!

vaineo mayne

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Hi, i dont find the link to download proxifier 2.8, I know that i can search it on google but i thought that it was a key or something