Scam basics for beginners


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In this part, we will go through the database.

The first and most important thing is your story, you must think through your entire life story in advance, up to the place of birth and the place of your real residence. The whole scam depends almost on your story, if you are an ordinary girl who lives at home with her parents, then we can safely use all the schemes that I wrote above, but it all depends solely on your imagination and creativity. I have a friend who pretended to be a girl living in a dorm and after some time they wanted to meet, but there was nowhere, and then it turned out that she has a friend who can rent an apartment. Mammoth threw off about $ 1000, so much for creativity.(but not everything is 100% up to you and your story)

The second is to adjust to the faggot, if you stupidly fuck on one of the above schemes, then it is unlikely that you will succeed. There are vulgar people, there are vulgar, but who are not ready to pay money for sex and in each case you need to use different schemes. For example: if the mammoth is vulgar and he is ready to throw money at you, then we just sell him sex. If he is vulgar, but at any request for money, he moves off the topic, then you can use the topic of blackmail. If he has money, but he is not vulgar, then we ask for money for a taxi, food, things, etc. And we can combine everything in general 1) We serve sex 2) We ask for money for a walk 3) We take his money for a taxi and go to him. We find several such papikas and get a stable income.

To begin with, we need to filter out non-paying mammoths. To do this, at the beginning of communication, we ask such leading questions as " What do you do?", "Do you live by yourself, or with your parents?", "Do you study somewhere, or work?", etc.

If a mammoth is studying somewhere, sitting on the neck of his parents, and his hobbies are playing computer games, then he goes fuck himself. It is advisable to choose people from 22-40 years old, such ebery either work somewhere, or they have their own business

(After we have decided whether the mammoth has lava, we proceed to the schemes)

Sucking money from a girl's face 1.0

Option # 1​

We ask for money for sex (photos, mugs, videos, etc.) the cost depends on what we will sell. If you throw just a photo in panties-200 rubles, if you throw a video where a chick fucks her pussy with a dildo, we ask from 500 rubles, or we offer sex by video call from 1000 rubles

Option #2​

We can also ask for money for walking, for example, you went to the store and saw jeans, you throw him a price tag, and ask him to finish you a little, or say that you are hungry and ask for money

Option # 3​

And the very last option is to ask for money for a taxi. After a long time of communication, you start to start a relationship, and the faggot wants to meet, and we ask for a dime by taxi.

Summing up the results, where can we get mugs, photos, videos, receipts of things, as well as the mammoths themselves?;


1) When someone throws you money for sex, or something else, we ask the screen for a transfer after he has thrown off the money, since you can say "After you pay the money, throw off the screen" he may suspect something is wrong - he will fuck up to you and will not throw off the money, and if you ask them to drop the screen after they have paid for it, they will have no choice and will drop the screen anyway

2) If your communication has gone far and shaggy wants you to come to him, then in this case you do not need to ask for money for a taxi directly, since he will offer you to order it yourself, it is better to say here that I do not want to constantly charge you money and order a taxi myself, but then say, that the taxi arrived, but I don't have enough 2000 rubles, can you dokinut PZ? And here the probability is much higher that he will throw off his money

3) If shaggy is ready to buy sex, we have a chance to earn a little more, when he asks the price for photos, videos or mugs, we give out the phrase " How much are you willing to pay?" if they are willing to pay more than the price that you have set, then agree with them, if not, then say the price that you have specified in advance.

Sucking money from a girl's face 2.0
I will briefly tell you the essence, we will blackmail the furry ones. To do this, we create a separate account on behalf of the girl, and register in different bots for dating, bots are in our thc

We start communication with the mammoth, and in the course of communication we ask him to insta, or vk, if you find out the phone number, then generally fuck off. Then we wait for him to start saying some compliments to you, or you yourself lead him to say a compliment to you, or start saying something vulgar, after which we write "And in the questionnaire you did not indicate that you are vulgar))))" if he starts somehow hitting on you then you say "let's play a game" if he agrees, then you tell him the rules "Look, first we throw each other pictures of the face, then a full-length photo, then a photo without any thing, and each time it gets worse and worse" if he agrees, then our goal is to knock out he's got pictures of dick and stuff like that. Then we will screen everything that he sent the most severe, go to his insta or vk and screen his friends, relatives, and educational institution. We start corresponding with them and send them all these screenshots at once with the text(for example):::

Only I am 15 years old, article 134 of the UKRF, everything is skrineno, all our correspondence and your relatives with insta, my uncle is a judge, one of them has already been closed for 4 years, I am sure that he lives very hard under such an article. Also, having your phone number, I will match you to the police. You will delete the correspondence immediately I will start draining, emergency draining, ignore draining, you will rypatsya I will roll up the application, do you understand everything?

And then don't fill it up with a ton of threats, just write 1-5k.

Of course, the mammoth did not expect this and will be in a state of ahuism, after this, he will most likely be ready to throw off everything that he has if only you left him alone. If you throw 5k at once, say "well, okay, I won't write to the police, I'll just send you out, it will be a lesson to you." Tell him to throw another 5k and everything will be ok. After that, you can twist it as you like. Say that 1 payment arrived and the second one didn't reach, so another 5. And so you spin him up until he has no money left. He must definitely throw off the money in the near future, do not give him time until the morning. He should not have time to think, keep him in constant tension.

Sucking money from a girl's face 3.0
We block iPhones shaggy and ask for money for unlocking. After several days of communication with different mammoths, we disappear for two days. Then we turn on the acting skills, throw him a picture of a broken iPhone and throw him a little tantrum, the bottom line should be that there were important photos for you and ask him to go to your iCloud and send you your photos(if he asks questions about what device you write from, then we call any android, android required) if they agree to help you, we give them the data that they registered in advance on, after he has logged in to your iCloud, you change the password. That's it, mammoth is activated under your iceloud on your iPhone. Consider 90% of the case for you. 8)We already use Cl. I yes, purely formally, we say: I don't know how, restart your iPhone and try it. It reboots and again there is nothing, you turn on the naive fool and say: Yes, you turn on the "Find iPhone" function If it turns on the "find iPhone" function, go to the cloud through your personal account and click "lost iPhone", enter a message to display on its screen:

Transfer $ 100 to unlock your Iphone to the bank card **** **** **** ****

(the article is more suitable for dummies, if you are experienced, then you can run away from here)

Good luck