In Lviv, law enforcement officers exposed an attacker who created phishing sites


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A nineteen-year-old resident of Lviv, who fraudulently lured out more than 100 thousand hryvnias from citizens, was exposed by operatives of the Department for Countering Cybercrime in the Lviv region, joint investigators of the Police Department No. 1 of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1 and employees of the bank's security service, under the procedural guidance of the Galician District Prosecutor's Office.

As law enforcement officers established, the attacker created phishing sites of various government and banking institutions on the Internet, sent letters to clients on their behalf, and then, having obtained their personal data and access to bank accounts, transferred funds to their accounts.

Law enforcement officers documented three episodes of illegal activities of the suspect, who thus took possession of the victims ' funds totaling more than 112 thousand hryvnias.

Investigators informed the attacker about suspicion of committing criminal offenses under Part 4 of Article 190 (Fraud). Criminal Code of Ukraine and part 2 of Article 15 - Part 4 of Article 190 (Attempted fraud) The Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty that the suspect faces is imprisonment for up to eight years.

The pre-trial investigation continues, and law enforcement officers are establishing the identities of other malefactors involved in the commission of these crimes.