Moscow law firm starts accepting applications for payments from Wex and BTC-e clients


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Lidings, a Moscow-based law firm, has announced the start of accepting applications for payments from Russian and foreign users of the collapsed BTC-e and Wex cryptocurrency exchanges.

According to the official announcement on the law firm's website, it is the sole representative of the owners of the BTC-e crypto exchange (Wex) on the issue of accepting customer requests. Requests are accepted in Russian and English via email, WhatsApp and Telegram messengers.

Lidings representatives clarified that they do not conduct consultations for exchange clients, but simply collect applications for the return of assets legally transferred by users to BTC-e (Wex) for investment purposes. Clients will have to provide personal data, including statements from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS), show the sources of funds received and confirm ownership of cryptocurrency wallets.

The BTC-e exchange was closed in 2017 after the intervention of law enforcement officers from the United States. Co-founder Alexander Vinnik was detained in Greece, and then extradited to the United States, where he was charged with fraud, participation in a criminal group and money laundering. After Alexander Vinnik was arrested, the exchange administration tried to restart the platform under a new brand-WEX. But the attempt was unsuccessful. Clients were unable to receive their funds, and according to preliminary estimates, they lost billions of rubles. In 2022, another co-founder of the project, Alexey Bilyuchenko, who managed to change his last name to Ivanov, was detained in Russia.

In 2023, the Singapore-based company World Exchange Services obtained through the Zaeltsovsky District Court of Novosibirsk compensation of 3.1 billion rubles of Wex assets, which Bilyuchenko (Ivanov) was accused of embezzling. In the fall of 2023, a Moscow court sentenced the Wex administrator to 3.5 years in prison. Recently, another Moscow court decided that Bilyuchenko-Ivanov should reimburse World Exchange Services for 18 billion rubles.

Earlier, Alexander Vinnik's lawyer reported that the Russian made a deal with the US prosecutor's office and pleaded guilty to laundering $9 billion using cryptocurrencies.