Sold nonexistent auto parts: cyber police of Lviv region exposed a criminal group


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The cyber police of Lviv region, together with investigators of the Investigation Department of the regional Central Board under the procedural direction of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office, with the assistance of employees of penitentiary institutions of the Western Interregional Department for the Execution of Criminal Sentences of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, documented the illegal activities of an organized criminal group consisting of three people.

While serving sentences for other crimes in places of deprivation of liberty in the Lviv region, the defendants organized a" sale " of auto parts. To do this, they created fake accounts on the social network Facebook and placed corresponding ads.

After receiving subscriptions for goods to controlled bank accounts from citizens, the attackers stopped contacting them. Accordingly, buyers did not receive the ordered auto parts.

During the pre-trial investigation, the cyber police identified two more drops. Members of the group used the latter's bank accounts to transfer money to victims.

Law enforcement officers with the support of the TOR battalion conducted 5 searches on the territory of the city of Lviv, Lviv and Zaporozhye regions: at the place of residence of one of the defendants and in correctional institutions. Mobile phones, bank and SIM cards, as well as notes were seized.

20 persons affected by the illegal activities of scammers have already been identified.

Investigators declared suspicion to the organizer and two performers under Part 4, 5 of Article 190 (Fraud). The Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Two more persons who were looking for bank cards for criminals were notified of suspicion under Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The full range of victims and the amount of damage caused are determined.

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