How did carding beginners do business?


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Hello! This article will describe one of the few carding methods that is interesting for beginners in this business. I will immediately warn you that all of the following should not be applied in practice, since it is illegal and may result in penalties under Articles 272, 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as be considered as fraud. The author of the article has never used these materials in practice. This article is written solely for educational purposes.
  • So, first you need to:
  • Selecting a partner.
  • Making a website a la "Horns and Hooves".
  • Let's summarize briefly. Our site must have:
  • Features of embedding
  • We collect cash or subtleties of cash withdrawal
  • Two birds with one stone
  • And in conclusion…

Let's take a quick look at the main idea of this method. There are many organizations on the Internet that do business online. Very often you can find sites that offer hosting services, server rentals, and sell templates and scripts for webmasters. These companies advertise their services in various ways, and affiliate programs are one of the advertising methods. They may be different, but in most cases you are offered to advertise a product or service on your site, usually using a banner. For each customer who follows a link from your site and buys this product, you get a percentage or some fixed reward. Since such services or goods are usually virtual, the company offers convenient payment methods, such as electronic payment systems, and, of course, credit cards. In general, if you have a well-promoted web project with high traffic, you can work under the affiliate program quite legally.

Now think about what will happen if someone makes a website, creates visibility of its relevance and traffic, and places affiliate program banners on it. Let's say its partner is a company that provides hosting services. Next, they act as buyers themselves: they go to their site, click on the banner, and get to the partner's page. Selects the tariff plan that interests them and buys hosting. Only here he will buy it not with his own money, but with someone else's credit card. In the end, everyone is happy: the partner purchased the client, and the carder received a percentage of the transaction. How to get this percentage and convert it from virtual money to real money will be described in detail below.

So, first you need to:
  1. Start-up capital (approximately $ 300-400).
  2. Knowledge of HTML and image editors.
  3. Basic knowledge of English (knowledge of other languages is welcome).
  4. Computer, internet access, straight arms, some gray matter in the head.
Estimated profit: from $500 per month and above.

Selecting a partner.
First, we need to find a partner whose services or products will have to be advertised. It is useless to look for a partner among our companies and companies in the territory of the former USSR. Firstly, because it violates the unwritten laws of carders, and secondly, because it is not good to deceive your own people. Moreover, there are many more similar companies over the hill, and they pay very decent money. Finding a partner is easy, just go to Google ( and type "affiliates program" in the search bar. Upon request, Google will display a huge number of companies offering various products and services and inviting you to become their partners. You should not rush to the first site that comes across, first it is better to go through different companies and study their terms and conditions. It is best, of course, to find a partner who will pay out what you earn using WebMoney. Companies that offer payment methods such as paypal or cash should be dismissed immediately.

Next, we will be interested in the payment methods that customers can use to pay for their services. Naturally, we need a credit card payment method. Now we need to pay special attention to what exactly the future partner offers. The product must be virtual. Books, T-shirts, and even more laptops are not suitable. In my opinion, it is best to advertise hosting and templates. Well, the sweetest piece is the dedicated servers service. This pleasure is not cheap, so the carder will receive a rather large percentage.

Now you should check how easy it is to skard this product or service. Try it yourself first, and if everything goes well, then this company is suitable for us. Yes, before I forget — pay attention to how often you can get your money. I don't think you should work with a company that pays interest every six months. Fortunately, there are almost no such maniacs.

In addition, there is such a thing as an "initial hold" — this is the time during which your first money is frozen. It seems to me that the best choice would be a company that pays money once a week and has an initial hold of 2 weeks. But this is very rare, usually payments are made once a month.

So, let's summarize briefly. The partner must:
  1. Located outside the former USSR.
  2. Accept credit cards for payment.
  3. Pay interest on WebMoney or wire transfer (bank transfer).
  4. Easy to carding.
  5. Sell a virtual product.
  6. Make payments at least once a month.

Making a website a la "Horns and Hooves".
Well, you've found a partner, and now you need a website that will advertise it. First, you need to decide on the hosting and domain name. The hosting and domain should definitely not be ours. Western companies are afraid of people from the CIS, thinking that we are all scammers.

All this stuff can, of course, skardit, but hosting is better to buy. It will not cost very much, take the cheapest tariff plan, because databases and all sorts of gadgets, such as ssh access, you are unlikely to need. You can also skardit a domain, but you can also buy it, because it is inexpensive. It will be very disappointing if after a month of work all this is taken away from you, and you will not even have time to recoup the money spent. It is better to register a domain in the .com, .net, or .org zone.

Now you'll have to work as a webmaster. Your site should have an idea. It doesn't have to be Vasya Pupkin's page. You can, for example, create an entertainment site, an online magazine for reviewing new hardware software, or whatever is closest to you. Keep in mind that almost all Western companies will refuse to work with you if your site contains pornography, calls to racism, propaganda of weapons or drugs. The topic should be familiar, not causing suspicion and unnecessary questions.

The site design must be sound. It is not necessary to make flying stars or jumping hares, that is, all that is popularly called pop music. Choose calm colors and a familiar design. Your partner will definitely want to take a look at the project, and it should not arouse suspicion in any way. You can also go a more sophisticated way, for example, make the site in Chinese, so that partners do not understand anything. This is done easily: just go to any Chinese site, copy a lot of characters from there, and then swap them and paste them into your site. This is a very convenient solution, since there will be fewer questions, and the partner will be happy — after all, there are a billion Chinese people, and this is a very large market for future clients.

After the project is ready, you can go to the partner's website and register. If everything goes well and he doesn't have any questions, you will soon receive a letter of congratulations and further instructions. Put up banners on your site and get started with further work.

Let's summarize briefly. Our site must have:
  1. Hosting and domain names that do not indicate that they belong to the CIS.
  2. Meaning and an idea that won't arouse your partner's suspicions.
  3. Good design, content, and structure.

Features of embedding
Now that you have a website that advertises your partner, it's time for the official part. There are many subtleties here. You won't be able to tell us everything, because each partner has their own problems. But the basic principles are worth discussing. First of all, you will need the cards themselves, which you will drive in (pay for the sponsor's services). If you already have your own database or can hack online stores, then one of the items of expenses disappears. Well, if not, then it's not a problem at all. I don't think it's necessary to explain that no one has accepted the generated cards for a long time. Cards (hereinafter referred to as cc) can always be purchased online from people who are engaged in their extraction and sale. You can find an ss seller on card sites and forums. When choosing a seller, be sure to find out how reliable it is. Usually on the forums you can see the date of its registration and reviews of other buyers. You will need cards with a CVV2 code. Most likely, you will use the ss from America. The average price on the Internet is $15 per cc.

Take not one or two ss at once, but 50-100 pieces. In this case, you can get a discount from the seller. It is best to buy debit cards, because they take longer to get chargeback( 3-4 months).

However, cards are not everything. You should also take care of your own safety. To do this, you will need proxy servers. You should not rely on proxies taken from public sources, because most processing companies also have these lists and strictly monitor that the client making the payment does not go under them. We will need SOCKS proxies. It is advisable that the proxies that you will use are of the same state as your ss. Therefore, you will have to purchase them from people who specifically provide such services. You can also find them on the card reader forums. On average, access to the database of anonymous proxies will cost $60 per month.

But that's not all. What will your partner think when they discover that out of three users a day who visit your site, all of them immediately click on the banner and buy its services? The situation is very strange. I can say right away that emails to a partner with flattering reviews about banners that have an efficiency of 100% are unlikely to convince them. This means that our site must have good traffic, or at least pretend to have it. On average, the banner efficiency is 0.1%, so we will not deviate from this rule — for each drive, create traffic of about 1000 users. There are different ways to do this. You can write the script yourself, you can find free scripts on the Internet or buy them. But the easiest option is to buy traffic. The cost varies, with an average of $1 per 1000 sessions. People who do this are called trafagons, and you can always find them on the same card reader forums.

If you have all of the above, you can start working. How many cards a day to drive in depends on your audacity. If you drive 1-2 ss a day, this will be quite a normal option.

So, for successful insertion, you need to:
  1. Have cards.
  2. Have a proxy of the same state as the card.
  3. Catch up with traffic to your site.

We collect cash or subtleties of cash withdrawal
Let's say everything went well and you've been working for a month. Naturally, it's time to think about how to get your money back before the chargebacks start. If your partner sends money to WebMoney, then everything is very simple — just register an account in the desired system and transfer money there. How to cash out Webmoney, I think everyone knows, it is written in detail on their website. In the case, you should not be afraid either. There are many exchange offices on the Internet — you can read about them in the article "8 clever ways to cash out money with a credit".

It is more difficult if you will be transferred the amount by bank transfer. Although the whole difficulty is that you will have to find a nalchik. As always, you can find it on the card reader forums. The dealer will charge you a percentage (you will agree on the exact amount). You will also have to agree on how it will be more convenient for you to get the money. I must say that cashing out money is one of the most important moments. Before contacting a salesperson, you should look at their recommendations. If the customer is good, then people who have worked with him will definitely leave reviews about him. There may be a problem here: it is usually not very profitable for a salesperson, especially if he is a pro, to work with amounts less than $1000. Therefore, it may not accept a smaller amount. In this case, you can act in different ways: you can still persuade him to accept $500, or you can just save up more money in the account.

By the way, it is better to make an agreement with the customer in advance, even before joining the affiliate program. The fact is that the account to which your money will go may need to be specified during registration. It is better if everything is ready in advance. This will save you from unexpected surprises.

A regular account somewhere in Latvia is suitable for cash withdrawal. If you have a special desire and have extra money, you can open an account yourself, or you can buy a ready-made one. Most Baltic banks can open an account without visiting them in person. To do this, you will need photocopies of some documents (which ones depend on the bank). After that, they should be sent by mail or fax. If everything goes well, you will receive an envelope containing a debit card (Visa Electron or Cirrus/Maestro) with a PIN code, as well as instructions for online account management. This account will be very useful in the future. It will definitely pay off, if, of course, you don't screw it up after the first transfer. In addition, now you will no longer have to pay interest to the taxpayer, and you will be able to cash out amounts less than $1000.

In the partner's rules, you should carefully read which countries they can make transfers to. If this is not included in the rules, you will have to write an email to the support service and ask about it. It may turn out that they only transfer money within the United States or another country.

In general, to cash out money, you need to:
  1. Have a cash-out account (either your own or provided by the merchant).
  2. Have the required amount on the partner's account.
  3. Exceed the initial hold (if any).

Two birds with one stone
If everything was done correctly, then after a month and a half in your pocket will settle a certain amount of money. How long the project will last depends only on you and on the greed of cardholders. In a month, the project can easily pay off, plus bring some profit. Then all the money will go into your pocket. But, as always, you want more money. And this, in principle, is not a problem.

Let's say you're advertising your partner's hosting service. And why throw an honestly charged product in the trash? A much more reasonable solution would be to sell this hosting service, for example, twice as cheap. Try to find people who will need it. If you sell it on Carder forums, it is better to immediately warn the buyer that the product is skarzhenom to avoid further showdowns. It will be better to sell templates, because they already exist and they will not be closed, such as hosting. The most profitable one is, as I said, dedicated servers. You can also use them for your own purposes.

And in conclusion…
I tried to show that carding is still a creative process. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and then everything should work out. At first, everything seems very complicated, but if you spend a little time, the picture quickly becomes clearer. Of course, there will be surprises along the way, but you can't tell them all. This is due to the fact that many things change very quickly, and each company has its own rules and procedures. I think many people will condemn me, saying that carding is illegal and immoral. I completely agree with this, so I don't encourage anyone to do something like this.