What did the carding give me? Why am I doing this?


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Greetings, today I will tell you why I do this at all and what it gives me.
The continuation of my history of becoming will be tomorrow, stay tuned, turn on notifications!


What did the carding give me and why am I doing this?
1. The most basic and most important thing is that the carding gave me FREEDOM. I have no boss, no one tells me, I can work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet.

This is the most important thing that I have been striving for all my life, to be independent from anything.

2. Money, of course, where is it without them. Carding gives very good money if you try and work. This is not a loot button, here you need to try. There must be an awl in your ass, you must be hungry for money. If you have it, you should definitely come here.

Personally, I sit in a million-plus city and raise it 10 or even more times than the average salary in my city. And I do not fuck it, but I state the facts, when I hear from friends that they were given a salary of 15k or they earned 5-10k in a week, I want to cry. Or work a 13-hour shift and get 1-1.5k, that's tough.

But the worst thing is when these people do not even strive to change their lives, they only do what they complain, what a fucking job. what a lousy boss, etc. They come after work, buy a beer and whip them lying on the couch. I sincerely do not understand such people. What the hell are you complaining, all your shit are to blame, only you yourself. And if you want to change your life, get your ass off the couch and start learning new things. It's so boiling, I can talk about it for a long time.

You must have aspirations, how you can live without them, what is the point in such a life. To buy a car on credit in 5 years is not an aspiration!

Aspiration - I want 3 cars, 2 houses, an apartment, and an income of 1 lam. I want a business with a billion-dollar turnover. These are the aspirations. And think about how you come to this, what you need to change in your life, break your goal into steps and do it.

Think wider, the labels hung on you by the society, the house is the machine, the stable work of the family, this is all bullshit. Society hung it on you, your parents drove it in, think about what you yourself want from life and do it.

There was a moment of retreat and motivation, it just boiled over from the way people think.

So, getting 1.5k for a 13 hour shift at work is tough. This situation does not suit me, so I sit at home, in fact in my underpants, work 5 hours in the evening, and do other things during the day.

I live with a high, as they say.

3. Interest. It’s incredibly interesting for me to do all this, because it’s something so mysterious and alluring, as it was shown in the films. When you sit at home at your computer in your underpants and steal $ 1k, somewhere far away, on the other side of the planet, you feel like just the king of everything. It's an insanely cool feeling that you can do this with only a computer and the Internet.

4. No crises, coronaviruses, ruble exchange rates concern me. I receive money in Dollars.

I do not pretend to be a super wise person. But still listen.
  1. Develop, the most important thing!
  2. Understand what you want!
  3. You gotta want money to shit!
  4. Start reading educational books, business literature. Ask me, I will tell you which is better.
  5. Develop in yourself the aspiration, as I call "an awl in the ass" you should be more than anyone else, if it will be all right for you in life!
  6. Throw the trash out of your head, thoughts inspired by society that do not belong to you. Throw out the formulaic thinking. If you read books, everything will go out of your way.
  7. Stop listening to people who earn little and haven’t gotten a fucking thing in life.
Enough tips for now. I hope I didn't load much with all of this, but understand this is as important as possible for you, if you do not want to rot and be in a gray mass.


Such an echo sounder, by the way, was driven in yesterday from the PayPal logs, after working for 2 hours, it will come to the stingy and get my 40%. Now I do not have time to work a lot, because I am engaged in a forum.

Do not be stingy with likes, I try for you.


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What did the carding give me?​

What does this mean :ROFLMAO:


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The title of the topic of this forum means what material and moral well-being I received while doing carding, what benefits I received from this for my soul and body, as well as how much money I earned at the beginning of my career for my future life.

What is needed for carder's moral and material well-being?
Or to make it easier: How to become rich carder and settle the issue with finances?

My first education: Economist. Second: Psychology. Third: Financial and resource management. It once seemed (due to inexperience and youth) that money and psychology were in no way connected. But the day came when all knowledge from different areas was integrated and what I had been waiting for - Insight - happened. Awareness of the interconnection of thinking, the impact of unconscious structures and the material reality embodied thanks to them was first shocked, and then they opened a clear picture of everything that was happening in my carding life.
The path was similar to thousands of other paths that young people take in the modern world. Initially, the question arose of how to make money. Then, when I learned how to make money, a new question arose: How to keep and increase this money?
Today I have experience in getting out of debt obligations, investing and saving capital. It is foolish to deny that money is an element of our life, quite significant and necessary. Money is an energy that in many ways shows and reflects our level of relationship with the world. In order to masterfully master this element and use it as a tool, it is worth taking into account a number of both physical and psychological factors (fortunately, they are all interconnected). But at the same time, do not forget about a healthy attitude towards money. Money serves a person, not a person for money.
The issue of finance, which has become quite acute, was resolved (as I now understand it) thanks to rethinking and changing seven key aspects that have a direct and immediate impact on the level of material well-being.

7 aspects of material well-being:
1) Financial literacy (Personal accounting, control, planning, investments).
This includes accounting for expenses and income, the ability to distinguish assets and liabilities, savings and investments, the ability to optimize costs and keep track of personal budget movements.

2) Developed neuroses (Lack of desire to acquire psychological "crutches", lack of fear of losing security, exit from the level of survival, gaining support for oneself and abandoning the position of "victim").

In many ways, childhood from 0 to 4 years old plays a role here. The basic sense of security is laid there. Not many can boast of such. Conditionality by family and social systems leaves a tangible imprint on a person's material well-being.
Psychological "crutches" involve the consumption of those goods and services that are not a true need, but without which a person feels discomfort.

3) Love for your carding work (Work with an understanding of why you are doing it, what development prospects and what you want to achieve in the profession. Work for the sake of work. Having professional goals).
Doing what you love and making good money at the same time is easy. Especially in the modern world, where money is made almost out of thin air. But for this you should really love your job, have an understanding of why you are developing in this area and what professional goals you set for yourself.

4) The presence of life goals (Material, social. Understanding where you and why this money. Ability to determine your real needs and goals).
First, there is a need (goal), and then resources come to satisfy it (implementation). Earn money first, and then start spending - it will not work. This is unnatural.

5) Adequate assessment of their competence (Ability to value their work and experience, negotiate decent compensation, audit their professional experience and increase the cost of their services).
80% of the country's population has problems with this. If you choose a job in your specialty, run a business or build a career, while knowing the goals of your development in the chosen direction, then you will inevitably gain experience. The more experience, the more expensive you are (or your product, if you are a businessman). To be able to assess your competence and increase value in the market is one of the key factors of material well-being.

6) Relationships (Ability to negotiate money, interact together, involve others in your business. The presence of connections).
Financial well-being reflects the level of relationships with people. Where does the money come from? From people. Anyway. The ability to build relationships, and even more so today, is the key to the standard of living that you dream of.

7) A healthy picture of the world in the field of money (Ideas and beliefs about money, as well as about oneself in relation to money, form a material reality. Financial result is an indicator of a person's mental attitudes in the field of money).
And here you can talk a lot, but I will not. Let me just say that the whole picture in the field of finance has its roots far back in childhood. This may be based on fears of living better than parents, and attitudes about not earning a lot of money, money is not the main thing, etc. As a rule, everyone has their own idea of material well-being, but only it is not realized, but it has the strongest influence.

How can this be done?
If you own the tools - the flag is in your hands and forward. If not, improve your education level, look for a consultant in the field of finance and psychology. Everything described above lends itself to transformation in a fairly short time. And it is better to spend your time and energy to reap the fruits of your work until the end of your days than to postpone it again "until tomorrow" and wake up one day with a clear feeling of wasted time.
It is easy to be psychologically healthy and financially well-off. And it's worth it.

I really hope that it was not difficult for you to understand these main points and aspects of life. Carding helps a lot in this and makes our life better.