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Online Carding tutorial, very good

Carding: Carding: Online, Instore, Going through vendors and advice, Phishing for change of billing addresses

Including drops and what you need to know;Huge guide written by me

kay major updates done to this carding text, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

What I'm going to cover:

Online Carding
- A quick overview of what online carding is
- SOCKS and why we use them
- Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
- Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents

Carding while on the job
- Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
- Skimming whilst on the job
- Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)

- Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)

Phishing over the phone
- Phishing over the phone for details

Keylogging for CVV2s
- Hardware keylogging

Carding Instore
- What instore carding is (very brief)
- How it's done
- How to act and present yourself instore

Carding over the phone
- Carding over the phone

- Services provided in IRC
- Advantages to using IRC for info
- Disadvantages
- How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves)
- Vendors and how to approach them
- How to rip in IRC (EVERY vendor, reliable or not has ripped some n00b who acted like they knew what they were doing)
::::WU BUG BULLSHIT and how to rip n00bs and gain more::::

Phishing for Change of billing
- What COB is and why it's useful
- Use through phishing pages
- Use through keylogging

Drops and what you need to know about them
- Drops and what you need to know about them

What carding is
Carding summed up quickly is the act of obtaining someone's credit card information, from the CC#, CVV, CVV2, CVN, and the billing address, along with the expiry date and name of the person the card belongs to along with a signature.

Online Carding
Online carding is the purchasing of goods done over the internet with the CVV2.
Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card).

This is the format you usually get them in when you buy off IRC:
:::MC ::: Mr Nigerian Mugu ::: 1234567890123456 ::: 09|11 ::: 01/15 ::: 123 ::: 123 fake street, fakeville, ::: Fake City ::: DE24 TRH ::: 01234-567890 :::

SOCKS and why we use them
Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off IRC with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE).

You can get good SOCKS from (people are selling accounts for the site in IRC all the time), that's the best place but even I ended up losing the account eventually (unknowingly I was sharing it with some Nigerian dude who became selfish).

So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card.

Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website:
- The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone).
- The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time
- If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just PayPal to local websites and order to your local drop)
- If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes)
- Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC)

It is hard to find websites online now that have most of these qualities, therefore we have to use COBs and photoshop to help us along the way, which is what I'll go into now.

Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents
Okay so say you come across a site that will deliver to another house not registered on the card, but they want verificaton either through phone or scans of a utility bill, credit card or passport.

For this you'll want to get a pay as you go deal for a cheap shitty mobile all in fake details (say a nokia 3210, brick LMAO!), or you can use to your advantage to help you. Hell if the person's details you're using is local to you and you're daring then go to their home and beige box from there; it'd be very convincing.

If they speak to you over the phone have all details in your mind about the item you're carding, have some bullshit story if you're having it sent to a diff address such as a family member's birthday and you need it there as quick as possible as it's a last minute thing, or some shit like that. If you're carding multiple sites at the same time it's easy to get them mixed up, so make sure who it is calling you 1st.

For CC scans and how to do them check the attachments at the end of this file, they explain so much better than I could. How you use them is once you've made them like the tuts have said to do, you then tilt them a little bit so it does actually look like a scan. To make it even more believable put some paper in the scanner (dark shade if you must), scan it and open in photoshop and then put the shopped CC scan of the front onto it and then do the same with the back, then send the scans to them via e-mail or post. Same goes for utility bills (can be got through trashing or your own, and then edited in PS).

Do not use the same designs when making your CC scans, otherwise it will become too obvious. To give you a head start on mastercards (what I recommend for n00bs to go for) I'm giving you a globe hologram image so you won't have to buy them in IRC; unfortunately all of my visa hologram pics are shit, but I'm working on getting a good one soon.

Carding whilst on the job
Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
Believe it or not giving your information out to anyone anywhere is not a wise choice, you can not trust anyone in this day and age. Yes there are carders working on the inside in places where there are a lot of people around flashing off their plastic cash and using them freely without a care in the world. The most common of places for a carder to work at are brand label clothing stores such as Limey's, Charlie Brown's and all the other trendy shops.

Ever noticed when yourself or someone else has paid at the desk with a debit card or credit card that they bring out a keypad from under the desk, then put your card into it and have the buyer input the pin? Think again when they take your credit card and go under the desk with it to get the keypad, they are doing more than just that; just because they're not taking the card and running off with it does not mean they're not stealing your information. A friend of my dad used to card and work in a clothing store, he used to have a piece of play doh stuck under the desk and he used to press the card onto the piece of play doh, unfortunately he began doing it too much and because he'd gotten away with it so many times he became careless and got caught out by a co worker and from what I know he is still doing time. The moral is, be careful with the play doh method. The unfortunate thing is you can only get the full info of 2 cards at the max, and you don't know exactly if you're pressing over the info of another card already put on to the play doh. Also you can't get the CVC through this method, I was just giving a classic example from the olden days.

But there is a new wonderful invention called cameras, video recording, and mobile phones and they are even all working on the same thing. It's best to test it out 1st and have a camera on your phone that is at least over 2 megapixel and allows long enough video recording times. The phone is set to video record and on a lighting if needed, and taped underneath the desk for you to record both sides of the card for all the information you need, as well as being quick you can get a lot more than 2 on, depending on how long each recording lasts, you may need to start more than one recording.

You need good reason to be going under the desk to get the chip and pin machine, so make the desk look cluttered up and put shit in the way of everything, such as coat hangers and various other items; or you could just flat out bullshit the customer and say that the chip and pin machine on the desk isn't working so you need to get the other one, take their card and then go under searching the desk and quickly show it to the camera phone and then get the chip and pin machine and put the card in it and then hand to the customer to put in their pin as normal, unaware you have a CVV2 to later use when shopping online.

Skimming whilst on the job
For skimming you'll want a mini portable MSR500M reader that can be fitted on your waistline belt or of course once again under the desk, if you're a cashier. But you'll also want a MSR206 writer if you plan on writing the tracks to an embossed CR-80 piece of plastic later (you can make these yourself but embossers are expensive and it's an expensive procedure, so wait a while until you do that yourself and buy them from IRC (be careful, people like to rip with plastics, or you'll get shit quality if you don't watch out).

If you plan to just sell the dumps on IRC then that's fine, but you'll still need the PIN as well, so if you're a waiter you can get a cheeky peek at them putting their pin into the chip and pin device while you keep hold of it slightly (have them put the pin in while they're sat down and you're standing up). It's much easier to skim in a restaurant rather than clothing retail, as you don't have to think it out and set it up as much. You can keep the MSR500M in your front pocket of the uniform you're wearing and pretend to be giving the card a clean on the sleeve (bullshit and say the device won't read it), while really you're giving it a swipe into your reader. This way the person doesn't even get suspicious because you don't take their card out of sight with them. I guess you could do that technique with clothing retail too when you get their card in your dirty little hands, but peeking for the PIN is harder or you'll have to have a friend shoulder surf for it (or if they're on the next register have them use a sony cyber shot c902 camera phone and pretend to have them talking on the phone while really they're recording the person next to them putting in their PIN; cybershots are really inconspicuous looking with their cameras and VERY clear [5mpixel]).

I'll go into detail what to do with the dumps you have later in the instore carding section.

Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)
If the store you work at hasn't gone carbonless on the transactions information then you can get most of the info from the receipt you get a copy of for yourself and note down the pin on this as well when/if you get it.

Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)
Ever heard the expression "Another man's trash is another man's gold"? That's exactly what this is. You'd be surprised how many people haven't heard of a paper shredder or bonfire. They just dump their financial records containing SSN's/NI, full name, address, bank, credit card number, CVV, CVV2 etc. All on forms people couldn't be bothered to dispose of properly because they thought they were JUST old records. Again carders wok on the inside again for when they want to do trashing, a lot of janitors wear rags but you'd be surprised how secretly rich most of them are (along with the other shit they steal from work as well). But also from this if there is not enough info for you on the forms then there is definitely the phone number of the mark on the form that they've scrapped; almost always, and if not then there is enough info on their to look them up in the phone directory. Then of course you use social engineering skills over the phone to get the extra info that you need. If you know of a store that is not carbonless, then go trashing in the bins at the back of the store for the receipts with the credit card details on it.

Phishing over the phone
Phishing over the phone for details
Ever had telemarketers ask for your credit card info over the phone? (this is if you haven't already hung up by just hearing a nigger or paki on the phone) chances are they're a carder. Believe it or not there are people actually stupid enough to fall for these obvious scams. Even more people fall for this if they believe that the caller is from the credit card company itself or part of the secret service or credit fraud investigations; the FBI, CIA and police have nothing at all to do with credit card fraud believe it or not. If you sound professional or part of an important group such as investigations then people are more likely to comply with you if they believe that their card has been used for credit fraud purposes and have to give their credit card info and billing address for verification. The best time to call up the mark is when they are at work as it'll take them by surprise and they'll be wanting to get it sorted asap so that they can get back to work. Also if it's "serious" then the secret service don't wait for you to finish work before they question you. Play along well to the part you're pretending to be. Some social engineering skills are required and you must gain the experience of lying to people yourself. Before calling up the person find out as much information about them as you can.

If you've stolen a CC from someone personally you can call them up pretending to be their bank and tell them there has been some suspicious charges made to the credit card from places such as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Russia; places like that, get them to confirm their details (milk as much as you want out of them, ask them bullshit security questions such as their mother's maiden name, address, etc; you may as well, it'll make it easier to get a COB for you to use).

You can also get their PIN out of them if you want as well by either straight out asking them to confirm it, or be crafty and after you've told them to verify their PIN you're putting them through to a different department; then play some cheesy music down the phone for a few mins, have a female voice recording (use AV vocie changer) asking them to input their PIN on their dialpad (this won't be as suspicious); get these recorded so they can be decoded with DTMF decoding hardware/software later (although it's expensive). Guessing DTMF tones is pretty easy too, but you need to know what each tone sounds like, it's preferred to use decoding software to ensure you have it correct.

If you try hard enough you can get full info about anyone over the phone (I suggest using spoofcard for this).

Keylogging for CVV2s
Hardware keylogging
First of all it's best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you're lucky enough to get someone who is buying something online anyway. Get the keyloggers from here:
And come back within 2 days time or so and collect the keylogger after doing some browsing yourself (as to not look suspicious just coming in and then leaving a few seconds later).

Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone's info who logs in on it.

Carding Instore
Instore carding is the act of skimming a credit card and writing the dumps and track1+2 to a CR-80 piece of plastic and then either cashing out at the ATM or shopping for goods instore, as long as you have the PIN as well through whatever method you choose to use.

How it's done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software (thejerm is the best to use). And you do it like this:
Written by: Acetrace

1. Load up thejerms software

2. hit settings tab

3. hit "Defaults" in Leading Zeros box

4. hit "75 bpi" in Set Track 2 density box

5. go bak to actions

6. hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do

7. input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the % ; or ? symbols because the program already does it for you)

8. hit Write Card and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)


Download thejerm from here:

Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.

Simple what you do, make sure you KNOW the PIN for the card you're using before you go, don't be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you're going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing (that you've previously carded :p) or even a suit. It would look suspicious someone with a hoodie going into a store and buying a Louis Vuitton watch, so walk in with style. When you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that's what it is (well it is now anyway lol) no looking shifty and don't look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don't know your name or where you live, they're not being watched half of the time, so stop worrying about the fucking cameras; remember you're doing nothing wrong. When you go in, don't rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it (if it's a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it's good for playing video games on). You'll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don't make too much small talk but be polite and civil. Once you have the good sin your hands don't bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone
Okay 1st of all do not be a dumb fuck now, do not call from your own phones at all. For extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else's phone but that's a totally different game all together and is also a major felony to go agains tyou on the chance that you do get caught so we'll keep it simple and use a payphone (it's not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year 2007 and I'm pretty sure they'd have changed the system again...bastards, I'll check sometime though ) to call them up. Do not put on a stupid voice at all, the salesman/woman will know and it'll be a cause for investigation during the mailing of the goods or the requesting of them. Just be calm, cool and talk to them as you normally would if you were ordering with your own card. They'll ask for a name, name as it appears on card, phone number, billing address, expiration date, method of shipping, and the product that you want to buy. Also when trying to not seem so shifty be sure to ask questions such as if they can deliver the next day or 1st class, and if they can order it to your "relatives" house so that it can be there for their birthday; maybe even ask if they can write a message to go with the gift as well on your behalf . The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order. Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn't hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don't just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate. If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else's address who you don't know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they've sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and ask them if they could kindly keep and sign for the package and you'll pick it up after work (this is a last resort and only to be tried if you're good at talking to people, which you should be if you're a carder). I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text.

I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify (if they won't send without some verification which is usually the case).

Services provided in IRC
IRC is the main gathering for fellow carders, scam artists and rippers. To put it in a nut shell, IRC is THE black market, unlike craigslist and eBay which are just black markets. You can get anything illegal off IRC from CP to warez to CC details (which is what we want).

To concentrate on carding though you can buy:
Utility bill scans
CC scans
COB (a service to get someone to call up the victim's bank and get the billing address changed to your drop)
Payment for using someone else's drop and then sending to you
Fake ID/ ID scans
Phisher pages

The list really is endless

There are a lot of advantages to using IRC networks and channels which I'll go into now:
- The channels are often underground and not known to many people, so they're harder to stumble upon by some random guy.
- The messages can be encrypted so they can't be read by anyone happening to be on the network sniffing the traffic. This makes it harder for investigators to uncover.
- Easier and quicker to communicate with mass amounts of like minded people.
- Variety of channels to go to if one doesn't suit you (there are MILLIONS and new ones being made every second, guaranteed).
- And of course a varity of services, if you need something you can bet someone from the other side of the world will be willing to share or/and sell to you.

There are a lot of disadvantages though, IRC is the equivalent of a backstreet alley, you'll be fine if you stay cautious, here's what you should be weary of:

- Viruses
- If you don't have strong anti viruses and firewalls you will get infected (no norton shit, kaspersky and NOD32 are what you want)
- Do not accept random .exes or any file for that matter
- It is easy to get ripped off, choose your forms of payments and who you deal with wisely

How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves)

Here is the most commonly asked question I get asked by n00bies and fellow carders; where do you find these channels?
If I'm being totally honest the best place to find out about them is through Nigerians; no bullshit that is where I found out about a lot of the carder channels I used, also how I found out about forums and their IRCs too such as cardersplanet, darkmarket etc. How I found him out was just on a normal scam bait I was doing, it wasn't a long one, but in the end he tried phishing me so I tried back and we had a laugh about it; I was straight up with him and told him I wanted to get deeper into the game, I looked up to his type of people and wanted to get rich/successful (I also shared the double claim secret about paypal with him which got him trusting me a little bit) he then sent me an invite to cardersplanet (this site was full of Nigerians). Eventually I went in the IRC (admittedly got ripped a few times) then started vending myself under various diff nicknames, then moved onto different sites like darkmarket and cardingzone when I'd got invites for them (although cardingzone is shit it's good to get in the IRC for starting off, you'll get invited to better forums the more you hang out in IRC, trust me). Don't ask me for invites to cardingzone, I was banned for ripping (I didn't rip anyone )

The quicker way is to use these and search for certain keywords:

And of course don't forget google.

I'm only going to give you one clue for searching through google for a carding IRC, and that word is "undernet".

Fellow carders don't like revealing their IRCs, and for obvious reasons.

My advice is find a scammer through e-mail, and chat to him; be witty with it but be respectful to a fellow fraudster.

Vendors and how to approach them
Vendors are the people in IRC who are selling and providing the services for you. There are certain ways you should speak to vendors otherwise they're going to rip you (remember this is the black market, this is just like going up to a random drug dealer in the street and not knowing what you really want or what you're getting into; you'll get ripped off). Ask as many questions as possible of what you want to know, if you're buying a CVV2 ask to see proof of their details working (get them to make a small purchase somewhere; they should show you a before and after and the limits that are there on the card [there are methods out there of checking your balance; you can even get it through text/sms]. This is a market so remember there are more people that will be willing to buy from that vendor, it's open for all, you can get a full load of info including dumps for as low as £3/$5, drops usually go for £7; if someone is saying higher prices don't be afraid to haggle down to these prices or a little bit lower. COBs go for a little bit higher in ranges of £15-£20 because the vendor needs to get full info on someone and then change the billing address through the bank to where ever your drop is.

Now when you go in the channel don't fucking say or request anything, shut up and see what the vendors are saying they have to offer and then send them a private message and talk to them. If any "vendor" messages you 1st trying to push onto you to buy from them then they're most likely a ripper; however don't piss off the rippers or assume someone is a ripper because you never know who is going to be there to help you out later on down the line or who might be pissed off enough to fuck you over.

I can't give any big advice on not getting ripped in IRC because you don't personally know anyone in there at all, you just have to take your chances (expect to get ripped your 1st few times going in there, just don't go to them again, because if they get away with it once they'll definitely try again if you go back to them).

DO NOT BUY ANY WU BUG(Western Union Bug); it is a massive ripper technique which is bullshit. The WU BUG used to work but was patched a looong time ago, most of the time now you'll get nothing or you'll end up with a rootkit on your comp. Rippers always say ridiculous prices for these too such as $200+; but if someone says lower prices it's still bullshit and most likely a rootkit/trojan/keylogger going to be installed on your machine while you get some useless program that does nothing.

Written by slim-ov-derby


Reaction score

Now heres a question for you. What is the difference between cvv and cvv2. I see people selling cvv more than cvv2. Is one better than the other?
As far as using these things. Should I start and try 50 bux a card or should I go to 200 bux a card. Can I hit one more than once?


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Carding (BASICS) -- OLD TUT

This is a creepcentral publication
Carding: Carding: Online, Instore, Going through vendors and advice, Phishing for change of billing addresses
Including drops and what you need to know;Huge guide written by me

kay major updates done to this carding yext, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

What I'm going to cover:

Online Carding
- A quick overview of what online carding is
- SOCKS and why we use them
- Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
- Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents

Carding while on the job
- Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
- Skimming whilst on the job
- Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)

- Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)

Phishing over the phone
- Phishing over the phone for details

Keylogging for CVV2s
- Hardware keylogging

Carding Instore
- What instore carding is (very brief)
- How it's done
- How to act and present yourself instore

Carding over the phone
- Carding over the phone

- Services provided in IRC
- Advantages to using IRC for info
- Disadvantages
- How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves)
- Vendors and how to approach them
- How to rip in IRC (EVERY vendor, reliable or not has ripped some n00b who acted like they knew what they were doing)
::::WU BUG BULLSHIT and how to rip n00bs and gain more::::

Phishing for Change of billing
- What COB is and why it's useful
- Use through phishing pages
- Use through keylogging

Drops and what you need to know about them
- Drops and what you need to know about them

What carding is
Carding summed up quickly is the act of obtaining someone's credit card information, from the CC#, CVV, CVV2, CVN, and the billing address, along with the expiry date and name of the person the card belongs to along with a signature.

Online Carding
Online carding is the purchasing of goods done over the internet with the CVV2.
Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card).

This is the format you usually get them in when you buy off IRC:
:::MC ::: Mr Nigerian Mugu ::: 1234567890123456 ::: 09|11 ::: 01/15 ::: 123 ::: 123 fake street, fakeville, ::: Fake City ::: DE24 TRH ::: 01234-567890 :::

SOCKS and why we use them
Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off IRC with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE).

You can get good SOCKS from (people are selling accounts for the site in IRC all the time), that's the best place but even I ended up losing the account eventually (unknowingly I was sharing it with some Nigerian dude who became selfish).

So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card.

Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website:
- The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone).
- The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time
- If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just PayPal to local websites and order to your local drop)
- If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes)
- Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC)

It is hard to find websites online now that have most of these qualities, therefore we have to use COBs and photoshop to help us along the way, which is what I'll go into now.

Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents
Okay so say you come across a site that will deliver to another house not registered on the card, but they want verification either through phone or scans of a utility bill, credit card or passport.

For this you'll want to get a pay as you go deal for a cheap shitty mobile all in fake details (say a nokia 3210, brick LMAO!), or you can use to your advantage to help you. Hell if the person's details you're using is local to you and you're daring then go to their home and beige box from there; it'd be very convincing.

If they speak to you over the phone have all details in your mind about the item you're carding, have some bullshit story if you're having it sent to a diff address such as a family member's birthday and you need it there as quick as possible as it's a last minute thing, or some shit like that. If you're carding multiple sites at the same time it's easy to get them mixed up, so make sure who it is calling you 1st.

For CC scans and how to do them check the attachments at the end of this file, they explain so much better than I could. How you use them is once you've made them like the tuts have said to do, you then tilt them a little bit so it does actually look like a scan. To make it even more believable put some paper in the scanner (dark shade if you must), scan it and open in photoshop and then put the shopped CC scan of the front onto it and then do the same with the back, then send the scans to them via e-mail or post. Same goes for utility bills (can be got through trashing or your own, and then edited in PS).

Do not use the same designs when making your CC scans, otherwise it will become too obvious. To give you a head start on mastercards (what I recommend for n00bs to go for) I'm giving you a globe hologram image so you won't have to buy them in IRC; unfortunately all of my visa hologram pics are shit, but I'm working on getting a good one soon.

VISA hologram pic coming soon!

Carding whilst on the job
Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
Believe it or not giving your information out to anyone anywhere is not a wise choice, you can not trust anyone in this day and age. Yes there are carders working on the inside in places where there are a lot of people around flashing off their plastic cash and using them freely without a care in the world. The most common of places for a carder to work at are brand label clothing stores such as Limey's, Charlie Brown's and all the other trendy shops.

Ever noticed when yourself or someone else has paid at the desk with a debit card or credit card that they bring out a keypad from under the desk, then put your card into it and have the buyer input the pin? Think again when they take your credit card and go under the desk with it to get the keypad, they are doing more than just that; just because they're not taking the card and running off with it does not mean they're not stealing your information. A friend of my dad used to card and work in a clothing store, he used to have a piece of play doh stuck under the desk and he used to press the card onto the piece of play doh, unfortunately he began doing it too much and because he'd gotten away with it so many times he became careless and got caught out by a co worker and from what I know he is still doing time. The moral is, be careful with the play doh method. The unfortunate thing is you can only get the full info of 2 cards at the max, and you don't know exactly if you're pressing over the info of another card already put on to the play doh. Also you can't get the CVC through this method, I was just giving a classic example from the olden days.

But there is a new wonderful invention called cameras, video recording, and mobile phones and they are even all working on the same thing. It's best to test it out 1st and have a camera on your phone that is at least over 2 megapixel and allows long enough video recording times. The phone is set to video record and on a lighting if needed, and taped underneath the desk for you to record both sides of the card for all the information you need, as well as being quick you can get a lot more than 2 on, depending on how long each recording lasts, you may need to start more than one recording.

You need good reason to be going under the desk to get the chip and pin machine, so make the desk look cluttered up and put shit in the way of everything, such as coat hangers and various other items; or you could just flat out bullshit the customer and say that the chip and pin machine on the desk isn't working so you need to get the other one, take their card and then go under searching the desk and quickly show it to the camera phone and then get the chip and pin machine and put the card in it and then hand to the customer to put in their pin as normal, unaware you have a CVV2 to later use when shopping online.

Skimming whilst on the job
For skimming you'll want a mini portable MSR500M reader that can be fitted on your waistline belt or of course once again under the desk, if you're a cashier. But you'll also want a MSR206 writer if you plan on writing the tracks to an embossed CR-80 piece of plastic later (you can make these yourself but embossers are expensive and it's an expensive procedure, so wait a while until you do that yourself and buy them from IRC (be careful, people like to rip with plastics, or you'll get shit quality if you don't watch out).

If you plan to just sell the dumps on IRC then that's fine, but you'll still need the PIN as well, so if you're a waiter you can get a cheeky peek at them putting their pin into the chip and pin device while you keep hold of it slightly (have them put the pin in while they're sat down and you're standing up). It's much easier to skim in a restaurant rather than clothing retail, as you don't have to think it out and set it up as much. You can keep the MSR500M in your front pocket of the uniform you're wearing and pretend to be giving the card a clean on the sleeve (bullshit and say the device won't read it), while really you're giving it a swipe into your reader. This way the person doesn't even get suspicious because you don't take their card out of sight with them. I guess you could do that technique with clothing retail too when you get their card in your dirty little hands, but peeking for the PIN is harder or you'll have to have a friend shoulder surf for it (or if they're on the next register have them use a sony cyber shot c902 camera phone and pretend to have them talking on the phone while really they're recording the person next to them putting in their PIN; cybershots are really inconspicuous looking with their cameras and VERY clear [5mpixel]).

I'll go into detail what to do with the dumps you have later in the instore carding section.

Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)
If the store you work at hasn't gone carbonless on the transactions information then you can get most of the info from the receipt you get a copy of for yourself and note down the pin on this as well when/if you get it.

Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)
Ever heard the expression "Another man's trash is another man's gold"? That's exactly what this is. You'd be surprised how many people haven't heard of a paper shredder or bonfire. They just dump their financial records containing SSN's/NI, full name, address, bank, credit card number, CVV, CVV2 etc. All on forms people couldn't be bothered to dispose of properly because they thought they were JUST old records. Again carders wok on the inside again for when they want to do trashing, a lot of janitors wear rags but you'd be surprised how secretly rich most of them are (along with the other shit they steal from work as well). But also from this if there is not enough info for you on the forms then there is definitely the phone number of the mark on the form that they've scrapped; almost always, and if not then there is enough info on their to look them up in the phone directory. Then of course you use social engineering skills over the phone to get the extra info that you need. If you know of a store that is not carbonless, then go trashing in the bins at the back of the store for the receipts with the credit card details on it.

Phishing over the phone
Phishing over the phone for details
Ever had telemarketers ask for your credit card info over the phone? (this is if you haven't already hung up by just hearing a nigger or paki on the phone) chances are they're a carder. Believe it or not there are people actually stupid enough to fall for these obvious scams. Even more people fall for this if they believe that the caller is from the credit card company itself or part of the secret service or credit fraud investigations; the FBI, CIA and police have nothing at all to do with credit card fraud believe it or not. If you sound professional or part of an important group such as investigations then people are more likely to comply with you if they believe that their card has been used for credit fraud purposes and have to give their credit card info and billing address for verification. The best time to call up the mark is when they are at work as it'll take them by surprise and they'll be wanting to get it sorted asap so that they can get back to work. Also if it's "serious" then the secret service don't wait for you to finish work before they question you. Play along well to the part you're pretending to be. Some social engineering skills are required and you must gain the experience of lying to people yourself. Before calling up the person find out as much information about them as you can.

If you've stolen a CC from someone personally you can call them up pretending to be their bank and tell them there has been some suspicious charges made to the credit card from places such as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Russia; places like that, get them to confirm their details (milk as much as you want out of them, ask them bullshit security questions such as their mother's maiden name, address, etc; you may as well, it'll make it easier to get a COB for you to use).

You can also get their PIN out of them if you want as well by either straight out asking them to confirm it, or be crafty and after you've told them to verify their PIN you're putting them through to a different department; then play some cheesy music down the phone for a few mins, have a female voice recording (use AV vocie changer) asking them to input their PIN on their dialpad (this won't be as suspicious); get these recorded so they can be decoded with DTMF decoding hardware/software later (although it's expensive). Guessing DTMF tones is pretty easy too, but you need to know what each tone sounds like, it's preferred to use decoding software to ensure you have it correct.

If you try hard enough you can get full info about anyone over the phone (I suggest using spoofcard for this).

Keylogging for CVV2s
Hardware keylogging
First of all it's best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you're lucky enough to get someone who is buying something online anyway. Get the keyloggers from here:
And come back within 2 days time or so and collect the keylogger after doing some browsing yourself (as to not look suspicious just coming in and then leaving a few seconds later).

Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone's info who logs in on it.

Carding Instore
Instore carding is the act of skimming a credit card and writing the dumps and track1+2 to a CR-80 piece of plastic and then either cashing out at the ATM or shopping for goods instore, as long as you have the PIN as well through whatever method you choose to use.

How it's done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software (thejerm is the best to use). And you do it like this:
Written by: Acetrace

1. Load up thejerms software

2. hit settings tab

3. hit "Defaults" in Leading Zeros box

4. hit "75 bpi" in Set Track 2 density box

5. go bak to actions

6. hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do

7. input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the % ; or ? symbols because the program already does it for you)

8. hit Write Card and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)


Download thejerm from here:
I was a member of this site and it came from there so don't worry about it not being safe, I used this software a lot back in the day.

Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.

Simple what you do, make sure you KNOW the PIN for the card you're using before you go, don't be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you're going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing (that you've previously carded :p) or even a suit. It would look suspicious someone with a hoodie going into a store and buying a Louis Vuitton watch, so walk in with style. When you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that's what it is (well it is now anyway lol) no looking shifty and don't look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don't know your name or where you live, they're not being watched half of the time, so stop worrying about the fucking cameras; remember you're doing nothing wrong. When you go in, don't rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it (if it's a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it's good for playing video games on). You'll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don't make too much small talk but be polite and civil. Once you have the good sin your hands don't bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone
Okay 1st of all do not be a dumb fuck now, do not call from your own phones at all. For extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else's phone but that's a totally different game all together and is also a major felony to go agains tyou on the chance that you do get caught so we'll keep it simple and use a payphone (it's not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year 2007 and I'm pretty sure they'd have changed the system again...bastards, I'll check sometime though ;). The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order. Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn't hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don't just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate. If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else's address who you don't know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they've sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and ask them if they could kindly keep and sign for the package and you'll pick it up after work (this is a last resort and only to be tried if you're good at talking to people, which you should be if you're a carder). I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text.

I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify (if they won't send without some verification which is usually the case).

Services provided in IRC
IRC is the main gathering for fellow carders, scam artists and rippers. To put it in a nut shell, IRC is THE black market, unlike craigslist and eBay which are just black markets. You can get anything illegal off IRC from CP to warez to CC details (which is what we want).

To concentrate on carding though you can buy:
Utility bill scans
CC scans
COB (a service to get someone to call up the victim's bank and get the billing address changed to your drop)
Payment for using someone else's drop and then sending to you
Fake ID/ ID scans
Phisher pages

The list really is endless

There are a lot of advantages to using IRC networks and channels which I'll go into now:
- The channels are often underground and not known to many people, so they're harder to stumble upon by some random guy.
- The messages can be encrypted so they can't be read by anyone happening to be on the network sniffing the traffic. This makes it harder for investigators to uncover.
- Easier and quicker to communicate with mass amounts of like minded people.
- Variety of channels to go to if one doesn't suit you (there are MILLIONS and new ones being made every second, guaranteed).
- And of course a varity of services, if you need something you can bet someone from the other side of the world will be willing to share or/and sell to you.

There are a lot of disadvantages though, IRC is the equivalent of a backstreet alley, you'll be fine if you stay cautious, here's what you should be weary of:

- Viruses
- If you don't have strong anti viruses and firewalls you will get infected (no norton shit, kaspersky and NOD32 are what you want)
- Do not accept random .exes or any file for that matter
- It is easy to get ripped off, choose your forms of payments and who you deal with wisely

How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves

Here is the most commonly asked question I get asked by n00bies and fellow carders; where do you find these channels?
If I'm being totally honest the best place to find out about them is through Nigerians; no bullshit that is where I found out about a lot of the carder channels I used, also how I found out about forums and their IRCs too such as cardersplanet, darkmarket etc. How I found him out was just on a normal scam bait I was doing, it wasn't a long one, but in the end he tried phishing me so I tried back and we had a laugh about it; I was straight up with him and told him I wanted to get deeper into the game, I looked up to his type of people and wanted to get rich/successful (I also shared the double claim secret about paypal with him which got him trusting me a little bit) he then sent me an invite to cardersplanet (this site was full of Nigerians). Eventually I went in the IRC (admittedly got ripped a few times) then started vending myself under various diff nicknames, then moved onto different sites like darkmarket and cardingzone when I'd got invites for them (although cardingzone is shit it's good to get in the IRC for starting off, you'll get invited to better forums the more you hang out in IRC, trust me). Don't ask me for invites to cardingzone, I was banned for ripping (I didn't rip anyone :angry:)

The quicker way is to use these and search for certain keywords:

And of course don't forget google.

I'm only going to give you one clue for searching through google for a carding IRC, and that word is "undernet".

Fellow carders don't like revealing their IRCs, and for obvious reasons.

My advice is find a scammer through e-mail, and chat to him; be witty with it but be respectful to a fellow fraudster.

Vendors and how to approach them
Vendors are the people in IRC who are selling and providing the services for you. There are certain ways you should speak to vendors otherwise they're going to rip you (remember this is the black market, this is just like going up to a random drug dealer in the street and not knowing what you really want or what you're getting into; you'll get ripped off). Ask as many questions as possible of what you want to know, if you're buying a CVV2 ask to see proof of their details working (get them to make a small purchase somewhere; they should show you a before and after and the limits that are there on the card [there are methods out there of checking your balance; you can even get it through text/sms]. This is a market so remember there are more people that will be willing to buy from that vendor, it's open for all, you can get a full load of info including dumps for as low as ?3/$5, drops usually go for ?7; if someone is saying higher prices don't be afraid to haggle down to these prices or a little bit lower. COBs go for a little bit higher in ranges of ?15-?20 because the vendor needs to get full info on someone and then change the billing address through the bank to where ever your drop is.

Now when you go in the channel don't fucking say or request anything, shut up and see what the vendors are saying they have to offer and then send them a private message and talk to them. If any "vendor" messages you 1st trying to push onto you to buy from them then they're most likely a ripper; however don't piss off the rippers or assume someone is a ripper because you never know who is going to be there to help you out later on down the line or who might be pissed off enough to fuck you over.

I can't give any big advice on not getting ripped in IRC because you don't personally know anyone in there at all, you just have to take your chances (expect to get ripped your 1st few times going in there, just don't go to them again, because if they get away with it once they'll definitely try again if you go back to them).

DO NOT BUY ANY WU BUG(Western Union Bug); it is a massive ripper technique which is bullshit. The WU BUG used to work but was patched a looong time ago, most of the time now you'll get nothing or you'll end up with a rootkit on your comp. Rippers always say ridiculous prices for these too such as $200+; but if someone says lower prices it's still bullshit and most likely a rootkit/trojan/keylogger going to be installed on your machine while you get some useless program that does nothing.

Easy as hell to do, not much photoshop skills needed really either.

Bullshit and say you're selling full info (you're getting the info from or any credit card gen program; of course they don't fucking work), if they want to see proof just use your own legit CC or another stolen CC to buy something and show them proof of you buying it, except photoshop the details to that which you're going to be giving him later. Take payment through Western Union ONLY (since e-gold isn't around anymore), then just send him the bullshit info.

If they want the report to go to their phone via SMS then just spoof a text with an sms bomber saying some bullshit reports. Then get the payment via WU.

To get victims you message them 1st, message out in the whole channel 1st and then PM random buyers (look for ones requesting).

::::WU BUG::::
seriously this is bullshit, all people are doing are showing buyers fake screenshots made in PS or are actually making quick programs themselves and taking screens of them and then selling them, although essentially they're useless. You want to do this, but you want to actually send them a file as well, but bind a keylogger or trojan to it; not only can you rip them out of their cash to buy your infection but the info you get from spying on them will be so much more as well ranging from their info to other stolen CC info, you'll have a backdoor on what they do and can exploit it.

If you can't be bothered making fake screenshots then get them from other rippers trying to sell them, get them to show you pics, vids and info; then use it for yourself and rip some n00bs.

Phishing for Change of billing
A billing address is the details used for a person's bank account and most often their credit cards and everything else too, this includes their phone number too.

What a change of billing (COB) is in a nutshell is changing the billing address registered to the card to your drop address you're gonna be using. When you want to card BIG at various online websites the orders will look more legit that you're not sending it else where other than the one registered to the card (obviously after you've changed the billing address), meaning the delivery of your goods will be quicker and will require a lot less verification.

Most of the time you change the billing address over the phone but SOME banks will let you do it online; when you phone up to change it you use or the pay as you go mobile phone you're going to be using when carding, or beige boxing :p

When changing the billing address you need to know as much info as possible about the person's billing address you're changing, because the bank is going to ask you 3 security questions you set (such as mother's maiden name) before they change it.

You can phish for details over the phone (see the phishin over the phone section above), however it's best to use keyloggers and phisher pages for this with a MIX of over the phone.

Use through phishing pages
2 methods here, 1 including over the phone, one isn't.

The method without the phone is to just send a ton of e-mails out to random people and send them a html e-mail telling them they need to update their information before the account is suspended or their account with the bank will be cancelled, you have them go to a phisher page off the template and the phisher pages "requires" them to answer security questions like their mother's maiden name, their pet's name, you know those type of questions.

Another method is to call them up pretending to be the bank and saying there have been different ip ranges logging on their account and they need to confirm their details online, link them to the phisher page and have them fill in the details; have the phisher page redirect to the actual online bank's login page; then ask if they've done that over the phone, tell them to wait a minute while you confirm and check it all out, say it's all clear and tell them to log in, they'll think nothing of it and you now have the answers to their secret questions which you can give to the bank itself when you go to change the billing address.

Use through keylogging
This is my favourite method and what I told S_E last night in IRC.

You have a hardware (or software) keylogger set on someone's comp, use sock proxies when logging into their online bank account and then change their password, call them up pretending to be the bank and then get them to go to the actual online bank link and fill in their forgotten password options (answering secret questions) or of course get them to go to your phisher page and fill in the details (this is if you want to add more fields to get more info) then pretend to be checking it all over, then change their password again to some random letters and numbers and give it to them to log back in (it doesn't matter because they're keylogged and you'll get their new login if they change the password again anyway), you'll have all their info logged down too for you to answer your questions when you call the bank.

Best time to do all of this is around the 10th day of the month (people usually get their credit reports at the start of every month), this will give you plenty of time to card enough for the remaining days until they see they're not getting their reports coming to them anymore (if you're crafty you can pretend to have cancelled the online bank account for them after they've gave you the info you need to know; I used to do this method and keep it going without them knowing).

You need as much info as possible when calling up the bank to change the billing address.

Drops and what you need to know about them
Drops and what you need to know about them
What drop locations are and what they?re used for
Well simply a drop location is an abandoned house, or any house that is not under your name or any of your details. You can lead young children into these to make a sexy time with them, get items delivered to them that you want no one else to find about or risking finding, or just use it to squat in if you have no where else to go. Basically they are used in ways of keeping your nose clean and are used by mostly scam artists and sex offenders.

How to find a drop location
There are many ways of finding a drop location for use, whether it temporarily or permanently (although I suggest swapping and changing locations because my main last one I used got raided or broken into and is boarded up and too hot to use); I will suggest 3 ways on how you can find some for you to use.

One final tip is don?t bother going for houses that are boarded up at the front where it is visible to passers by (it?s okay if round the back is boarded up)

Way #1
As just mentioned you can go about it many different ways but one of the ways the way I prefer to go about it is you should be looking around some older housing estates and more ghetto areas (could also tie in with the sob story you feed to a paedophile/child predator you are possibly scamming). For example in Derby there is an area called Sinfin, but now there is 2 parts to it and they are New Sinfin and Old Sinfin. Old Sinfin is the are you would want to go to, because it?s older it?s most likely to be alot more houses abandoned or deemed unsafe (it?s bullshit).

Or if you were lucky like I once were then you could ask around your mates if there are any empty houses in their area. If there are then you?re in luck and can even have your friend keep tabs and watching over it for you and give you details so you can keep it all under wraps and safe. It may be alot riskier with neighbour hood watch morons, and nosey neighbours, but it?s still ideal and a little bit less suspicious than the abandoned houses in the older estates, and this is because the older estates usually have all abandoned houses close by, where as the odd one out covered with a street filled with inhabitants will seem less suspicious to the postman.

Way #2
Now this is a temporary way of finding a drop location, but is sometimes an effective ways and means of getting what you need but has a bit more risk to it; and personally is a way I have never used even till today.

Have you ever been eavesdropping on a conversation between a neighbour and one of their family member?s or friends?, or been down the pub and heard the common as muck chavs boasting about a holiday they are going away on for however long they say they?re going away for?

Well listen out for these type of conversations. Because them away on holiday means the house is most likely going to be empty for however long they?re going away for. So if you already know where they live then that?s great the job is made easier; if you know their first name and surname then look them up in the phone directory and find their address to go along with the number. If you don?t know where they live, or their name then just listen out to see if you can hear their names come up in conversation; just remember that if it?s in the pub it?s most likely local to it that they live, so you could easily find out by following them home and seeing.

Way #3
Possibly the safest, easiest way of finding, and quickest way to get a drop location.

Most areas have houses up for sale am I right?
Or houses that are up for bidding on, am I right?

Well they have a website with a full list of your local area(s) that have houses up for bidding on and for sale.

For example I would search Derbyhomefinders and look at the list on their site.

All of these houses are empty and often do not have a sign up outside them either (if they do then just take it down and hide it somewhere for the time being).

The advantage to using the lists to find the drop locations to use is it will usually say when the bid is up or if the house has been sold (this lets you know that it will not be ideal to use that certain house now it?s most likely to be inhabited) and will have the houses on there that are still being bidded on and that are still up for sale, these are the ones you want to be using.

The best thing about this though is that you have a full list of many different drops to use (like I said earlier it?s best to switch drop locations and use many different ones) and it is updated with new ones coming up and tells you full which ones are over and not usable.

You just need to know your agencies for housing and find their website.

Obtaining and using drop locations
You?re probably thinking now I?ve got/found one that?s great and everything but how the fuck do I keep it a secret?

for way 1
this much is obvious that you do not tell anyone except your partner if you?re doing a team bait, and 1 trustworthy friend to keep tabs on it if you are doing a bait on your own, and also the paedophile, but only when he asks. But there is alot more to it than that, also maintaining your abandoned house and making the postman think someone living there.

Appearance isn?t everything at all in any case and it isn?t for this either, but of course you try to make yourself look as best as you can. The same principles are applied to keeping an abandoned house; you should atleast try to get a new lock put on the door which you will also have a key for; just so that if any druggies go there before you then they will have a tougher time getting in (of course it?s ideal you don?t get somewhere known to druggies but this is an example of what use it could have) but also if there is a fucked up lock on a door then it?s pretty damn obvious only low life scum or some criminal(s) are using the place, so buy a new lock for the door and get it fitted on, whether you do it yourself or get assistance from a friend who knows what they are doing.

Now as for overgrowing plants and weeds, you can only do so much without being suspected. Do not use a lawn mower, use clippers and hack it as short as you can. It?s best to get all of this done when everyone is at work during the day time; but in reality it isn?t ideal at all and most criminals don?t tend to bother with this. Instead they will make it seem someone is in but is just too ill to do anything with the garden or is just a lazy fucker. They do this by often writing up a note and PayPaling it to the door or leaving it on the floor near the door saying something such as "No milk today please" or "Not in, please leave packages at post office".

Write a few letters to yourself aswell ready to come on the same day as the parcel, this will make it look like you get mail and not just the one off suspicious package now and then.

Now 2 alternatives, you can either get to the abandoned house and take the mail from the mailman while acting like you live there (you must look the part as lazy or disabled if you have ingrown plants in "your" garden) or you can leave a note saying to take any packages to the post office for pick up because you are at work or something along those lines.

One final rule is do not be in and out of the hideout everyday or whatever, visit probably 2 or 3 times a week.

Way 2
Now there are 2 ways to go about this; you can either just get to the house early in the morning a little bit just before the postman arrives and be at the house outside pretending you?re just about to leave and then sign for the package (if you need to) and collect it off the postman and then be on your way after he?s gone. Or if you?re good at bypassing alarms (I have a guide on burglary) or the house has no alarm then you could bump key in at night time (not recommended) or during the day time the day before when everyone else will be at work aswell, and hide out there for a bit (hell even take some food that is left in the fridge and feed yourself since you?re spending the rest of the day and early morning there). Basic rules are don?t have tv on too loud if at all, or if you do then put head phones on into the tv if it?s that old of a model, and leave everything how it was left an say upstairs so incase any neighbours or anyone looking after the house while the owners are away come in then you have time to hide.

Obviously if it?s a package you don?t have to sign for then you can PayPal up a note on the door early in the morning before the post man comes saying to leave it round the back or what ever excuse you wanna make up.

Way #3
Easy, just as previously except you don?t have to be as cautious and often the alarms are disabled for that time being anyway so you don?t have to worry as much if you bump key into it.

As also stated previously in this guide, if there are any up for bidding/for sale signs then take them down and just get them out of the way.

You can even go to this one the night before instead of day time because no one is hardly going to be watching over this unless it?s in a neighbourhood watch area (in which case you chose the wrong area anyway, you dumbass).

Some basic tips to keep in mind
-- Be there before the postman! can?t stress this enough, it?s too fucking obvious if you?re late.

-- When signing for packages, if you need to, then sign a fake signature (the sig can be any made up fake shit) with your hand that you don?t write with, so it?s harder to trace incase things go tits up later on down the line.

-- Take anything in any guide with a pinch of salt, things may be different circumstances for you and your situations; guides are to be used as basis?s.

CC scan tutz:

Also will say the main reason we use SOCK proxies:
Sock proxies can receive and send most types of internet traffic such as e-mails, java, flash etc; sock proxies are more private as well and much more secure.

Socks traffic is anonymized as it is sent out and the incoming traffic is filtered.

You can run most programs through SOCKS easier as well.

Bear in mind it's wise to disable java, and flash and have your cookies cleared before and during use of the proxies as they can reveal your identity.

Disable Javascript, until you need to use it (usually when submitting info).

You can find socks(5) proxies online, scanning them to see which ones are still high in anonymity and are working is done through certain scanners you find online.

I use accessdiver to check all my proxies from the lists I got.

If I ever get a log in for anyproxy again (if I decide to start carding again) then I'll be sure to share some lists sometime.

Infact you can actually buy them off the website, except they're cheaper in IRC.

An extra tip about drops: You can order it to any address you want really, call them up saying they got the address wrong and are sending it there instead (say you live on a street that sounds similar to theirs), ask if they can sign for it and keep it ther euntil you can pick it up after work. This is the best method.

TL;DR: Fuck you, read it.


Reaction score
Carding Tutorial

Carding: online, instore, going through vendors and advice, phishing for change of billing addresses Including drops and what you need to know. Huge guide written by me.

Kay major updates done to this carding guide, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

Kay major updates done to this carding guide, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

  • Online Carding.
  • A quick overview of what online carding is.
  • SOCKS and why we use them.
  • Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
  • Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents.
  • Carding while on the job.
  • Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles.
  • Skimming whilst on the job.
  • Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method).
  • Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works).
  • Phishing over the phone for details.
  • Keylogging for CVV2s
  • Hardware keylogging
  • Carding Instore.
  • What instore carding is (very brief).
  • How it's done.
  • How to act and present yourself instore.
  • Carding over the phone.
  • Phishing for Change of billing.
  • What COB is and why it's useful.
  • Use through phishing pages.
  • Use through keylogging.
  • Drops and what you need to know about them.

What carding is.
Carding summed up quickly is the act of obtaining someone's credit card information, from the CC#, CVV, CVV2, CVN, and the billing address, along with the expiry date and name of the person the card belongs to along with a signature.

Online Carding.
Online carding is the purchasing of goods done over the internet with the CVV2.
Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card).

This is the format you usually get them in when you buy off IRC:
:::MC ::: Mr Nigerian Mugu ::: 1234567890123456 ::: 09|11 ::: 01/15 ::: 123 ::: 123 fake street, fakeville, ::: Fake City
::: DE24 TRH ::: 01234-567890 :::

SOCKS and why we use them.
Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off IRC with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE).

You can get good SOCKS from (people are selling accounts for the site in IRC all the time), that's the best place but even I ended up losing the account eventually (unknowingly I was sharing it with some Nigerian dude who became selfish).

So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card.

Finding a cardable site and what cardable means.
Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website:
The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone).
The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time
If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just PayPal to local websites and order to your local drop)
If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes).
Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC).

It is hard to find websites online now that have most of these qualities, therefore we have to use COBs and photoshop to help us along the way, which is what I'll go into now.

Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents.
Okay so say you come across a site that will deliver to another house not registered on the card, but they want verificaton either through phone or scans of a utility bill, credit card or passport.

For this you'll want to get a pay as you go deal for a cheap shitty mobile all in fake details (say a nokia 3210, brick LMAO!), or you can use to your advantage to help you. Hell if the person's details you're using is local to you and you're daring then go to their home and beige box from there; it'd be very convincing.

If they speak to you over the phone have all details in your mind about the item you're carding, have some bullshit story if you're having it sent to a diff address such as a family member's birthday and you need it there as quick as possible as it's a last minute thing, or some shit like that. If you're carding multiple sites at the same time it's easy to get them
mixed up, so make sure who it is calling you 1st.

For CC scans and how to do them check the attachments at the end of this file, they explain so much better than I could. How you use them is once you've made them like the tuts have said to do, you then tilt them a little bit so it does actually look like a scan. To make it even more believable put some paper in the scanner (dark shade if you must), scan it and open in photoshop and then put the shopped CC scan of the front onto it and then do the same with the back, then send the scans to them via e-mail or post. Same goes for utility bills (can be got through trashing or your own, and then edited in PS).

Do not use the same designs when making your CC scans, otherwise it will become too obvious. To give you a head start on mastercards (what I recommend for n00bs to go for) I'm giving you a globe hologram image so you won't have to buy them in IRC; unfortunately all of my visa hologram pics are shit, but I'm working on getting a good one soon.

VISA hologram pic coming soon! Carding whilst on the job.
Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles.
Believe it or not giving your information out to anyone anywhere is not a wise choice, you can not trust anyone in this day and age. Yes there are carders working on the inside in places where there are a lot of people around flashing off their plastic cash and using them freely without a care in the world. The most common of places for a carder to work at are brand label clothing stores such as Limey's, Charlie Brown's and all the other trendy shops.

Ever noticed when yourself or someone else has paid at the desk with a debit card or credit card that they bring out a keypad from under the desk, then put your card into it and have the buyer input the pin? Think again when they take your credit card and go under the desk with it to get the keypad, they are doing more than just that; just because they're not taking the card and running off with it does not mean they're not stealing your information. A friend of my dad used to card and work in a clothing store, he used to have a piece of play doh stuck under the desk and he used to press the card onto the piece of play doh, unfortunately he began doing it too much and because he'd gotten away with it so many times he became careless and got caught out by a co worker and from what I know he is still doing time. The moral is, be careful with the play doh method. The unfortunate thing is you can only get the full info of 2 cards at the max, and you don't know exactly if you're pressing over the info of another card already put on to the play doh. Also you can't get the CVC through this method, I was just giving a classic example from the olden days.

But there is a new wonderful invention called cameras, video recording, and mobile phones and they are even all working on the same thing. It's best to test it out 1st and have a camera on your phone that is at least over 2 megapixel and allows long enough video recording times. The phone is set to video record and on a lighting if needed, and taped underneath the desk for you to record both sides of the card for all the information you need, as well as being quick you can get a lot more than 2 on, depending on how long each recording lasts, you may need to start more than one recording.

You need good reason to be going under the desk to get the chip and pin machine, so make the desk look cluttered up and put shit in the way of everything, such as coat hangers and various other items; or you could just flat out bullshit the customer and say that the chip and pin machine on the desk isn't working so you need to get the other one, take their card and then go under searching the desk and quickly show it to the camera phone and then get the chip and pin machine and put the card in it and then hand to the customer to put in their pin as normal, unaware you have a CVV2 to later use when shopping online.

Skimming whilst on the job.
For skimming you'll want a mini portable MSR500M reader that can be fitted on your waistline belt or of course once again under the desk, if you're a cashier. But you'll also want a MSR206 writer if you plan on writing the tracks to an embossed CR-80 piece of plastic later (you can make these yourself but embossers are expensive and it's an expensive procedure, so wait a while until you do that yourself and buy them from IRC (be careful, people like to rip with plastics, or you'll get shit quality if you don't watch out).

If you plan to just sell the dumps on IRC then that's fine, but you'll still need the PIN as well, so if you're a waiter you can get a cheeky peek at them putting their pin into the chip and pin device while you keep hold of it slightly (have them put the pin in while they're sat down and you're standing up). It's much easier to skim in a restaurant rather than
clothing retail, as you don't have to think it out and set it up as much. You can keep the MSR500M in your front pocket of the uniform you're wearing and pretend to be giving the card a clean on the sleeve (bullshit and say the device won't read it), while really you're giving it a swipe into your reader. This way the person doesn't even get suspicious because you don't take their card out of sight with them. I guess you could do that technique with clothing retail too when you get their card in your dirty little hands, but peeking for the PIN is harder or you'll have to have a friend shoulder surf for it (or if they're on the next register have them use a sony cyber shot c902 camera phone and pretend to have them talking on the phone while really they're recording the person next to them putting in their PIN; cybershots are really inconspicuous looking with their cameras and VERY clear [5mpixel]).
I'll go into detail what to do with the dumps you have later in the instore carding section. Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method).
If the store you work at hasn't gone carbonless on the transactions information then you can get most of the info from the receipt you get a copy of for yourself and note down the pin on this as well when/if you get it.

Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works).
Ever heard the expression "Another man's trash is another man's gold"? That's exactly what this is. You'd be surprised how many people haven't heard of a paper shredder or bonfire. They just dump their financial records containing SSN's/NI, full name, address, bank, credit card number, CVV, CVV2 etc. All on forms people couldn't be bothered to dispose of properly because they thought they were JUST old records. Again carders wok on the inside again for when they want to do trashing, a lot of janitors wear rags but you'd be surprised how secretly rich most of them are (along with the other shit they steal from work as well). But also from this if there is not enough info for you on the forms then there is definitely the phone number of the mark on the form that they've scrapped; almost always, and if not then there is enough info on their to look them up in the phone directory. Then of course you use social engineering skills over the phone to get the extra info that you need. If you know of a store that is not carbonless, then go trashing in the bins at the back of the store for the receipts with the credit card details on it.

Phishing over the phone for details.
Ever had telemarketers ask for your credit card info over the phone? (this is if you haven't already hung up by just hearing a nigger or paki on the phone) chances are they're a carder. Believe it or not there are people actually stupid enough to fall for these obvious scams. Even more people fall for this if they believe that the caller is from the credit card company itself or part of the secret service or credit fraud investigations; the FBI, CIA and police have nothing at all to do with credit card fraud believe it or not. If you sound professional or part of an important group such as investigations then people are more likely to comply with you if they believe that their card has been used for credit fraud purposes and have to give their credit card info and billing address for verification. The best time to call up the mark is when they are at work as it'll take them by surprise and they'll be wanting to get it sorted asap so that they can get back to work. Also if it's "serious" then the secret service don't wait for you to finish work before they question you. Play along well to the part you're pretending to be. Some social engineering skills are required and you must gain the experience of lying to people yourself. Before calling up the person find out as much information about them as you can.

If you've stolen a CC from someone personally you can call them up pretending to be their bank and tell them there has been some suspicious charges made to the credit card from places such as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Russia; places like that, get them to confirm their details (milk as much as you want out of them, ask them bullshit security questions such as their mother's maiden name, address, etc; you may as well, it'll make it easier to get a COB for you to use).

You can also get their PIN out of them if you want as well by either straight out asking them to confirm it, or be crafty and after you've told them to verify their PIN you're putting them through to a different department; then play some cheesy music down the phone for a few mins, have a female voice recording (use AV vocie changer) asking them to input their PIN on their dialpad (this won't be as suspicious); get these recorded so they can be decoded with DTMF decoding hardware/software later (although it's expensive). Guessing DTMF tones is pretty easy too, but you need to know what each tone sounds like, it's preferred to use decoding software to ensure you have it correct.
If you try hard enough you can get full info about anyone over the phone (I suggest using spoofcard for this). Keylogging for CVV2s.

Hardware keylogging
First of all it's best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you're lucky enough to get someone who is buying something online anyway. Get the keyloggers

And come back within 2 days time or so and collect the keylogger after doing some browsing yourself (as to not look suspicious just coming in and then leaving a few seconds later).

Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone's info who logs in on it.

Carding Instore.
Instore carding is the act of skimming a credit card and writing the dumps and track1+2 to a CR-80 piece of plastic and then either cashing out at the ATM or shopping for goods instore, as long as you have the PIN as well through whatever method you choose to use.

How it's done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software (thejerm is the best to use). And you do it like this:

Load up thejerms software

hit settings tab

hit "Defaults" in Leading Zeros box

hit "75 bpi" in Set Track 2 density box

go bak to actions

hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do

input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the % ; or ? symbols because the program already does it for you)

hit Write Card and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)


Download thejerm.

I was a member of this site and it came from there so don't worry about it not being safe, I used this software a lot back in the day.

Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.

Simple what you do, make sure you KNOW the PIN for the card you're using before you go, don't be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you're going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing (that you've previously carded ) or even a suit. It would look suspicious someone with a hoodie going into a store and buying a Louis Vuitton watch, so walk in with style. When you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that's what it is (well it is now anyway lol) no looking shifty and don't look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don't know your name or where you live, they're not being watched half of the time, so stop worrying about the fucking cameras; remember you're doing nothing wrong. When you go in, don't rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it (if it's a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it's good for playing video games on). You'll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don't make too much small talk but be polite and civil. Once you have the good sin your hands don't bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone.
Okay 1st of all do not be a dumb fuck now, do not call from your own phones at all. For extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else's phone but that's a totally different game all together and is also a major felony to go agains tyou on the chance that you do get caught so we'll keep it simple and use a payphone (it's not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year 2007 and I'm pretty sure they'd have changed the system again...bastards, I'll check sometime though <_<) to call them up. Do not put on a stupid voice at all, the salesman/woman will know and it'll be a cause for investigation during the mailing of the goods or the requesting of them. Just be calm, cool and talk to them as you normally would if you were ordering with your own card. They'll ask for a name, name as it appears on card, phone number, billing address, expiration date, method of shipping, and the product that you want to buy. Also when trying to not seem so shifty be sure to ask questions such as if they can deliver the next day or 1st class, and if they can order it to your "relatives" house so that it can be there for their birthday; maybe even ask if they can write a message to go with the gift as well on your behalf ;). The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order. Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn't hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don't just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate. If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else's address who you don't know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they've sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and ask them if they could kindly keep and sign for the package and you'll pick it up after work (this is a last resort and only to be tried if you're good at talking to people, which you should be if you're a carder). I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text.

I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify (if they won't send without some verification which is usually the case).

Services provided in IRC
IRC is the main gathering for fellow carders, scam artists and rippers. To put it in a nut shell, IRC is THE black market, unlike craigslist and eBay which are just black markets. You can get anything illegal off IRC from CP to warez to CC details (which is what we want).

To concentrate on carding though you can buy: CVVs
Utility bill scans CC scans
COB (a service to get someone to call up the victim's bank and get the billing address changed to your drop) Payment for using someone else's drop and then sending to you
Fake ID/ ID scans DUMPZ
Phisher pages

The list really is endless.

There are a lot of advantages to using IRC networks and channels which I'll go into now:
The channels are often underground and not known to many people, so they're harder to stumble upon by some random guy.
The messages can be encrypted so they can't be read by anyone happening to be on the network sniffing the traffic. This makes it harder for investigators to uncover.
Easier and quicker to communicate with mass amounts of like minded people.
Variety of channels to go to if one doesn't suit you (there are MILLIONS and new ones being made every second, guaranteed).
And of course a varity of services, if you need something you can bet someone from the other side of the world will be willing to share or/and sell to you.

There are a lot of disadvantages though, IRC is the equivalent of a backstreet alley, you'll be fine if you stay cautious, here's what you should be weary of:
If you don't have strong anti viruses and firewalls you will get infected (no norton shit, kaspersky and NOD32 are what you want).
Do not accept random .exes or any file for that matter.
It is easy to get ripped off, choose your forms of payments and who you deal with wisely.

How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves).

Here is the most commonly asked question I get asked by n00bies and fellow carders; where do you find these channels?
If I'm being totally honest the best place to find out about them is through Nigerians; no bullshit that is where I found out about a lot of the carder channels I used, also how I found out about forums and their IRCs too such as cardersplanet, darkmarket etc. How I found him out was just on a normal scam bait I was doing, it wasn't a long one, but in the end he tried phishing me so I tried back and we had a laugh about it; I was straight up with him and told him I wanted to get deeper into the game, I looked up to his type of people and wanted to get rich/successful (I also shared the double claim secret about paypal with him which got him trusting me a little bit) he then sent me an invite to cardersplanet (this site was full of Nigerians). Eventually I went in the IRC (admittedly got ripped a few times) then started vending myself under various diff nicknames, then moved onto different sites like darkmarket when I'd got invites for them.

The quicker way is to use these and search for certain keywords: and of course don't forget google.
I'm only going to give you one clue for searching through google for a carding IRC, and that word is "undernet". Fellow carders don't like revealing their IRCs, and for obvious reasons.
My advice is find a scammer through e-mail, and chat to him; be witty with it but be respectful to a fellow fraudster.

Vendors and how to approach them.
Vendors are the people in jabber ot telegram who are selling and providing the services for you. There are certain ways you should speak to vendors otherwise they're going to rip you (remember this is the black market, this is just like going up to a random drug dealer in the street and not knowing what you really want or what you're getting into; you'll get ripped off). Ask as many questions as possible of what you want to know, if you're buying a CVV2 ask to see proof of their details working (get them to make a small purchase somewhere; they should show you a before and after and the limits that are there on the card [there are methods out there of checking your balance; you can even get it through text/sms]. This is a market so remember there are more people that will be willing to buy from that vendor, it's open for all, you can get a full load of info including dumps for as low as £3/$5, drops usually go for £7; if someone is saying higher prices don't be afraid to haggle down to these prices or a little bit lower. COBs go for a little bit higher in ranges of £15-£20 because the vendor needs to get full info on someone and then change the billing address through the bank to where ever your drop is.

Now when you go in the channel don't fucking say or request anything, shut up and see what the vendors are saying they have to offer and then send them a private message and talk to them. If any "vendor" messages you 1st trying to push onto you to buy from them then they're most likely a ripper; however don't piss off the rippers or assume someone is a ripper because you never know who is going to be there to help you out later on down the line or who might be pissed off enough to fuck you over.

I can't give any big advice on not getting ripped in IRC because you don't personally know anyone in there at all, you just have to take your chances (expect to get ripped your 1st few times going in there, just don't go to them again, because if they get away with it once they'll definitely try again if you go back to them).

DO NOT BUY ANY WU BUG(Western Union Bug); it is a massive ripper technique which is bullshit. The WU BUG used to work but was patched a looong time ago, most of the time now you'll get nothing or you'll end up with a rootkit on your comp. Rippers always say ridiculous prices for these too such as $200+; but if someone says lower prices it's still bullshit and most likely a rootkit/trojan/keylogger going to be installed on your machine while you get some useless program that does nothing.

Easy as hell to do, not much photoshop skills needed really either.

Bullshit and say you're selling full info (you're getting the info from or any credit card gen program; of course they don't fucking work), if they want to see proof just use your own legit CC or another stolen CC to buy something and show them proof of you buying it, except photoshop the details to that which you're going to be giving him later. Take payment through Western Union ONLY (since e-gold isn't around anymore), then just send him the bullshit info.

If they want the report to go to their phone via SMS then just spoof a text with an sms bomber saying some bullshit reports. Then get the payment via WU.

To get victims you message them 1st, message out in the whole channel 1st and then PM random buyers (look for ones requesting).

Seriously this is bullshit, all people are doing are showing buyers fake screenshots made in PS or are actually making quick programs themselves and taking screens of them and then selling them, although essentially they're useless. You want to do this, but you want to actually send them a file as well, but bind a keylogger or trojan to it; not only can you rip them out of their cash to buy your infection but the info you get from spying on them will be so much more as well ranging from their info to other stolen CC info, you'll have a backdoor on what they do and can exploit it.

If you can't be bothered making fake screenshots then get them from other rippers trying to sell them, get them to show you pics, vids and info; then use it for yourself and rip some n00bs.

Phishing for Change of billing.
A billing address is the details used for a person's bank account and most often their credit cards and everything else too, this includes their phone number too.

What a change of billing (COB) is in a nutshell is changing the billing address registered to the card to your drop address you're gonna be using. When you want to card BIG at various online websites the orders will look more legit that you're not sending it else where other than the one registered to the card (obviously after you've changed the billing address), meaning the delivery of your goods will be quicker and will require a lot less verification.

Most of the time you change the billing address over the phone but SOME banks will let you do it online; when you phone up to change it you use or the pay as you go mobile phone you're going to be using when carding, or beige boxing

When changing the billing address you need to know as much info as possible about the person's billing address you're changing, because the bank is going to ask you 3 security questions you set (such as mother's maiden name) before they change it.

You can phish for details over the phone (see the phishin over the phone section above), however it's best to use keyloggers and phisher pages for this with a MIX of over the phone.

Use through phishing pages.
2 methods here, 1 including over the phone, one isn't.

The method without the phone is to just send a ton of e-mails out to random people and send them a html e-mail telling them they need to update their information before the account is suspended or their account with the bank will be cancelled, you have them go to a phisher page off the template and the phisher pages "requires" them to answer security questions like their mother's maiden name, their pet's name, you know those type of questions.

Another method is to call them up pretending to be the bank and saying there have been different ip ranges logging on their account and they need to confirm their details online, link them to the phisher page and have them fill in the details; have the phisher page redirect to the actual online bank's login page; then ask if they've done that over the phone, tell them to wait a minute while you confirm and check it all out, say it's all clear and tell them to log in, they'll think nothing of it and you now have the answers to their secret questions which you can give to the bank itself when you go to change the billing address.

Use through keylogging.
This is my favourite method and what I told S_E last night in IRC.

You have a hardware (or software) keylogger set on someone's comp, use sock proxies when logging into their online bank account and then change their password, call them up pretending to be the bank and then get them to go to the actual online bank link and fill in their forgotten password options (answering secret questions) or of course get them to go to your phisher page and fill in the details (this is if you want to add more fields to get more info) then pretend to be checking it all over, then change their password again to some random letters and numbers and give it to them to log back in (it doesn't matter because they're keylogged and you'll get their new login if they change the password again anyway), you'll have all their info logged down too for you to answer your questions when you call the bank.

Best time to do all of this is around the 10th day of the month (people usually get their credit reports at the start of every month), this will give you plenty of time to card enough for the remaining days until they see they're not getting their reports coming to them anymore (if you're crafty you can pretend to have cancelled the online bank account for them after they've gave you the info you need to know; I used to do this method and keep it going without them knowing).
You need as much info as possible when calling up the bank to change the billing address. Drops and what you need to know about them
Drops and what you need to know about them What drop locations are and what they’re used for
Well simply a drop location is an abandoned house, or any house that is not under your name or any of your details. You can lead young children into these to make a sexy time with them, get items delivered to them that you want no one else to find about or risking finding, or just use it to squat in if you have no where else to go. Basically they are used in ways of keeping your nose clean and are used by mostly scam artists and sex offenders.

How to find a drop location?
There are many ways of finding a drop location for use, whether it temporarily or permanently (although I suggest swapping and changing locations because my main last one I used got raided or broken into and is boarded up and too hot to use); I will suggest 3 ways on how you can find some for you to use.

One final tip is don’t bother going for houses that are boarded up at the front where it is visible to passers by (it’s okay if round the back is boarded up)

Way #1
As just mentioned you can go about it many different ways but one of the ways the way I prefer to go about it is you should be looking around some older housing estates and more ghetto areas (could also tie in with the sob story you feed to a paedophile/child predator you are possibly scamming). For example in Derby there is an area called Sinfin, but
now there is 2 parts to it and they are New Sinfin and Old Sinfin. Old Sinfin is the are you would want to go to, because it’s older it’s most likely to be alot more houses abandoned or deemed unsafe (it’s bullshit).

Or if you were lucky like I once were then you could ask around your mates if there are any empty houses in their area. If there are then you’re in luck and can even have your friend keep tabs and watching over it for you and give you details so you can keep it all under wraps and safe. It may be alot riskier with neighbour hood watch morons, and nosey neighbours, but it’s still ideal and a little bit less suspicious than the abandoned houses in the older estates, and this is because the older estates usually have all abandoned houses close by, where as the odd one out covered with a street filled with inhabitants will seem less suspicious to the postman.

Way #2

Now this is a temporary way of finding a drop location, but is sometimes an effective ways and means of getting what you need but has a bit more risk to it; and personally is a way I have never used even till today.

Have you ever been eavesdropping on a conversation between a neighbour and one of their family member’s or friends’, or been down the pub and heard the common as muck chavs boasting about a holiday they are going away on for however long they say they’re going away for?

Well listen out for these type of conversations. Because them away on holiday means the house is most likely going to be empty for however long they’re going away for. So if you already know where they live then that’s great the job is made easier; if you know their first name and surname then look them up in the phone directory and find their address to go along with the number. If you don’t know where they live, or their name then just listen out to see if you can hear their names come up in conversation; just remember that if it’s in the pub it’s most likely local to it that they live, so you could easily find out by following them home and seeing.

Way #3
Possibly the safest, easiest way of finding, and quickest way to get a drop location.

Most areas have houses up for sale am I right? Or houses that are up for bidding on, am I right?

Well they have a website with a full list of your local area(s) that have houses up for bidding on and for sale. For example I would search Derbyhomefinders and look at the list on their site.
All of these houses are empty and often do not have a sign up outside them either (if they do then just take it down and hide it somewhere for the time being).

The advantage to using the lists to find the drop locations to use is it will usually say when the bid is up or if the house has been sold (this lets you know that it will not be ideal to use that certain house now it’s most likely to be inhabited) and will have the houses on there that are still being bidded on and that are still up for sale, these are the ones you want to be using.

The best thing about this though is that you have a full list of many different drops to use (like I said earlier it’s best to switch drop locations and use many different ones) and it is updated with new ones coming up and tells you full which ones are over and not usable.
You just need to know your agencies for housing and find their website. Obtaining and using drop locations
You’re probably thinking now I’ve got/found one that’s great and everything but how the fuck do I keep it a secret?

for way 1
this much is obvious that you do not tell anyone except your partner if you’re doing a team bait, and 1 trustworthy friend to keep tabs on it if you are doing a bait on your own, and also the paedophile, but only when he asks. But there is alot more to it than that, also maintaining your abandoned house and making the postman think someone living there.

Appearance isn’t everything at all in any case and it isn’t for this either, but of course you try to make yourself look as best as you can. The same principles are applied to keeping an abandoned house; you should atleast try to get a new lock put on the door which you will also have a key for; just so that if any druggies go there before you then they will have a tougher time getting in (of course it’s ideal you don’t get somewhere known to druggies but this is an example of what use it could have) but also if there is a fucked up lock on a door then it’s pretty damn obvious only low life scum or some criminal(s) are using the place, so buy a new lock for the door and get it fitted on, whether you do it yourself or get assistance from a friend who knows what they are doing.

Now as for overgrowing plants and weeds, you can only do so much without being suspected. Do not use a lawn mower, use clippers and hack it as short as you can. It’s best to get all of this done when everyone is at work during the day time; but in reality it isn’t ideal at all and most criminals don’t tend to bother with this. Instead they will make it seem someone is in but is just too ill to do anything with the garden or is just a lazy fucker. They do this by often writing up a note and PayPaling it to the door or leaving it on the floor near the door saying something such as "No milk today please" or "Not in, please leave packages at post office".

Write a few letters to yourself aswell ready to come on the same day as the parcel, this will make it look like you get mail and not just the one off suspicious package now and then.

Now 2 alternatives, you can either get to the abandoned house and take the mail from the mailman while acting like you live there (you must look the part as lazy or disabled if you have ingrown plants in "your" garden) or you can leave a note saying to take any packages to the post office for pick up because you are at work or something along those lines.
One final rule is do not be in and out of the hideout everyday or whatever, visit probably 2 or 3 times a week. Way 2
Now there are 2 ways to go about this; you can either just get to the house early in the morning a little bit just before the postman arrives and be at the house outside pretending you’re just about to leave and then sign for the package (if you need to) and collect it off the postman and then be on your way after he’s gone. Or if you’re good at bypassing alarms (I have a guide on burglary) or the house has no alarm then you could bump key in at night time (not recommended) or during the day time the day before when everyone else will be at work aswell, and hide out there for a bit (hell even take some food that is left in the fridge and feed yourself since you’re spending the rest of the day and early morning there). Basic rules are don’t have tv on too loud if at all, or if you do then put head phones on into the tv if it’s that old of a model, and leave everything how it was left an say upstairs so incase any neighbours or anyone looking after the house while the owners are away come in then you have time to hide.

Obviously if it’s a package you don’t have to sign for then you can PayPal up a note on the door early in the morning before the post man comes saying to leave it round the back or what ever excuse you wanna make up.

Way #3
Easy, just as previously except you don’t have to be as cautious and often the alarms are disabled for that time being anyway so you don’t have to worry as much if you bump key into it.

As also stated previously in this guide, if there are any up for bidding/for sale signs then take them down and just get them out of the way.

You can even go to this one the night before instead of day time because no one is hardly going to be watching over this unless it’s in a neighbourhood watch area (in which case you chose the wrong area anyway, you dumbass).

Some basic tips to keep in mind.
- Be there before the postman! can’t stress this enough, it’s too fucking obvious if you’re late.

- When signing for packages, if you need to, then sign a fake signature (the sig can be any made up fake shit) with your hand that you don’t write with, so it’s harder to trace incase things go tits up later on down the line.

- Take anything in any guide with a pinch of salt, things may be different circumstances for you and your situations; guides are to be used as basis’s.

Also will say the main reason we use SOCK proxies:
Sock proxies can receive and send most types of internet traffic such as e-mails, java, flash etc; sock proxies are more private as well and much more secure.

Socks traffic is anonymized as it is sent out and the incoming traffic is filtered.

You can run most programs through SOCKS easier as well.

Bear in mind it's wise to disable java, and flash and have your cookies cleared before and during use of the proxies as they can reveal your identity.

Disable Javascript, until you need to use it (usually when submitting info).

You can find socks(5) proxies online, scanning them to see which ones are still high in anonymity and are working is done through certain scanners you find online.

I use accessdiver to check all my proxies from the lists I got.

If I ever get a log in for anyproxy again (if I decide to start carding again) then I'll be sure to share some lists sometime. Infact you can actually buy them off the website, except they're cheaper in IRC.
An extra tip about drops: You can order it to any address you want really, call them up saying they got the address wrong and are sending it there instead (say you live on a street that sounds similar to theirs), ask if they can sign for it and keep it ther euntil you can pick it up after work. This is the best method.

I think I should add the updates I posted in another thread in this one as well, it's some need to know shit. Nothing in here is outdated, but this is additional needed info.

Carding isn't so easy unless you have full details and get them all changed, even then they may bring up a red flag, it depends on the site you're carding.

To be easier for example I'd card people who live in the same country as me only, just to make the job easier. Why? IIN/BIN is one of the first things they check now. Unless you steal all of their details and call up the bank and tell them you're going "abroad", otherwise all transactions would just be stopped. Get the COB address changed also, obviously this still is absolutely needed to be done to avoid the top red flag. In that case it'd be only good for instore carding and if you'd phished the pin from them, or if you're buying from IRC get full info.

Simple way, keep it to your only country and you'll have less work and trouble coming your way.

If you're going to card then card big, but not the most expensive thing in stock obviously, don't fuck around with multiple small purchases.
Identifying the place the card was issued from can be done through various methods; 2 to name a few.
This will help you pick out the phished cards and which ones are of use to you.

Now I wasn't really specific about checking for valid CVV2s so I'll tell you that now to stop you wasting your time and to keep this thread alive for further information and input.

Now there are loads of sites you can use this trick on to test if a CVV2 is valid so I don't mind giving you one.
The way it goes on most sites with this trick is to choose any product at all and go to the checkout, give the real CVV2 info but an incorrect billing address. If it gives an AVS mismatch error and/or can't match the address of the cardholder means it's valid. If it tells you the transaction has been declined then your CVV2 is invalid.

Don't use yahoo wallet for checking them, it tends to stop a lot of cards working later on.

I just thought I'd add some more stuff about instore carding because someone I know had an error pop up on one of his cards today because his dumpz on one of the cards had died. This isn't usually a problem because this person used to skim for his own when it was easier, but now he buys them from IRC instead.

When you buy dumpz from vendors and are a regular carder there will be times you're carding instore and have errors come up at the point of sale. Now because he chose a dumb nigger cashier this was easier to get out of, so keep in mind to go for nigger cashiers, younger people and dumb women.

He got the worst error come up, which was "call for authorization". Now you do not want them to do this at all, so you should make it clear you don't have much time for this, tel them you'll call the bank tomorrow and ask them to try another one of your cards. There are many other excuses as well but this was the one the person I know used. You must pu your hand out as if to insist you want the card back whilst talking to them, most of the time they won't know whether to give it you back but will give it you back when put on the spot. If you don't have another card just say you will call the bank about it and come back tomorrow.

The key to this however is to remain calm. Then give them another card.

Another error is "declined". You'll get this eventually if you have good dumpz on your card, the limit has to end somewhere (get a good IIN to make more money). Before hand you should make out you're not sure how much money is on the card "I hope I have enough money to cover this", or when it's declined just stay calm and give them another card and tell them you think the limit must be gone on that one, you had a feeling that was going to happen; laugh it off. If you don't have another card on hand say you'll be back soon and you're going to the cash point.

There's many other merchant error codes and I won't cover them all (I linked to them in another thread somewhere when kirby was mod) but once you have practice bullshitting with these errors you'll begin getting good at it, it's all pretty much the same action you should take anyway.

Now you're probably thinking if you have the PIN as well then why not just cash out at the cash point and then pay in cash? You can only draw out £300 within 24 hours most cards.

Also if you're carding expensive goods then have some other ID which matches the name on the credit card, they'll ask for this majority of the time if it's expensive goods. Sometimes the guy I know has been able to get away with just having a fake business name tag ID whipped up. This won't wash if you're carding rolexes or gemstones. It's best to have another form of fake ID like a driing licence or something like that.

Means change of billing. There's a couple of ways to do it, online or by phone. Alot of banks only need ssn and dob so a lookup for them will sometimes do it. A little advice is do not card 2k 3 hours after you changed the billing. Wait about 3-4 days or maybe a week. Common sense buddy.

BIN (bank identification number)
Keep logs of them, you found one that made you 5k?? save it and get it again. This is one of the most important things in carding and make sure you keep the gold to yourself.

Western Union
Yes it is possible, but it's a pain in the ass. You need to try and try...and keep trying til you discover the treasure. Make sure you get good credit reports.

I'll tell you one thing though, USA cc suck ass. I recommend the good one's Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Greece. But some USA bins are still good just look.

He's right about the COB. It takes a while to change now, so get it changed as early into the month as you can, the 8th or 9th is usually good enough for the guy I know.

IINs are the most important now indeed if you want to make a good profit and not get busted by limits. UK IINs aren't that bad but the best ARE germany, spain and Turkey from what I've seen so far.

I've got a huge list of IINs which I'm a little reluctant to share.

As for Western Union I've heard you need a lot in a lot of countries but in the UK it's not too hard at all.

Get some sock proxies and make an account online. Add the card details and the receivers details then go through the process.

If it all goes well they give you a MTCN (money transaction control number).

Call them up to confirm and answer their questions about why you're sending the money and if you know them. I usually give the excuse that I'm a job agent and it's his weekly pay. They ask other qustions like your D.O.B (this is why you need to be good at phishing or make sure you're buying fullz). They'll also ask the name of the bank that issued the card, so see the BIN/IIN checkers I linked earlier.

I've heard of some people being asked if it's their first time making a transfer through WU from credit card. This is what catches you out or confirms the whole thing; just say yes, it's a 50/50 chance.

Then go to a WU agent with fake ID of the contact details you gave of the reciever, or if you've got a trustworthy person to pick it up then give his and get him to pick it up.

The shit thing is you can only send £100 each transaction and only £600 a month. That was with a UK IIN, I'm not sure if it'd be different with another card.

Western Union is good for cashing out but it's not worth all of the stages and there are tons of easier ways.

By the way, if you're phishing for fullz you should now ask this question because the banks have upped their security since July.

What is the 1st, 3rd and 6th character of your secret password?

Phishing over the phone while using spoofcard works handy with banks as well and is pretty fun while you're playing some downloaded office noise MP3 in the background as well.

They vary on that question so if you can get the whole password (like you should be aiming to do so) then it's easily done.

Since I'm feeling generous I'll tell you that amazon is EXTREMELY easy to card.

A UK only site that's easy to card is additionsdirect, but you need to make an acocunt on the site too; just keep using sock proxies and sign up all in the card holders details and put the billing addresses in there. They allow shipping to alternte addresses still and will leave it around the back in a dry, out of the way place if there is no one there to collect. Easiest place to card so far, they tried making it more difficult by having to sign up to the website.

Don't trust VPNs much at all. Main reason being shadowcrew.
That was a sad moment for all fraudsters but a good lesson was learnt for those not in the scene at that time, you never put all of your trust or your eggs in one persons basket. When I was a mod of Bad Ideas, there was some retard flooding the forums everyday because I called him out on trying to scam others off and advertising his shitty fake services in all of his posts; I looked up the IP and turns out the VPN he was using was operated by someone I'd done alot of vending with in the past and we helped each other out. This guy was more than willing to give me all traffic details of the guy using his service, I didn't but I certainly threatened to do so to this dumbshit if he didn't stop spamming and fuck off.
VPNs are not to be dependable on, there are a few trusted ones out there, but shadowcrew is just proof that anyonecan turn at any time.


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Instore Carding - Tutorial

So you're interested in trying out instore carding? Instore carding is one of the fastest ways to get money. But you will need to keep your head on straight for this. As you should with every operation you go out to do. This tutorial will tell you the ins and outs of instore carding. Feel free to distrobute this as much as you want. For the beginners:
You're obviously reading this because you either A. Want to learn how to instore card or B. Want to see if you can find anything you are not aware of.
For people who chose A. You should have atleast some prior knowledge of credit cards before you try instoring. If you do not that is ok too, just keep reading the tutorial and by the end of it you should be fine. The most important thing about instore carding is how you *Take the part* of the identity you're *Playinig* as. If you're going into a store looking to come out with $3-5k worth of electronics dressed in your normal apparel and being nervous, think again. You need to dress up and act like a person who would look like they could buy these items any day of the week. The first time you're going to be nervous ofcourse, its natural to be nervous the first few times. But with time and past experiences to look back on, it just gets easier as you go on.

Dressing the part:

This should come natural to most people out there. To buy something expensive you need to make it look like you can buy these items along with acting like you can (below). For your first operation i suggest should include you going into any of the clothing stores listed below and buy a decent amount
of quality clothes. I cannot stress enough how quality plays a part in dressing up. Buying a sweater in walmart and a sweater in banana republic could determine the difference between getting out with your goods or running out of the store. Along with clothing you might want to buy some jewelry or a very high priced watch. If a cashier suspects something is up, seeing some classy jewelry or a watch could also help reduce the suspicion.

Clothing stores are usually never uptight with purchases of clothing so that is why I suggest going there first to get some quality clothes. You can be dressed as you want in there and it wont matter. When you buy the new clothes, put them on in a restroom and then continue your activities on a higher priced basis.

Acting the part:

This area will come hard for some but easier for others. Prepare yourself before you go in with things you might say. If you're going into a store to
buy smaller items ($800 and below), this usually not hard to accomplish. But for larger items you should act as if you can afford these items at any time of day. Acting stuck up in a sense can accomplish this. Other than that, dressing the part is the other area that helps you present yourself as a person of wealth.


Before you go out there and start instoring you will need the following items.

Card reader/writer - You're going to have to (in most cases) need a card reader/writer to write new dumps on your cards.
Especially if you want to re encode your cards and go out. The only case where you would not need this is if you were buying plastic from a vendor who offers to encode the dumps for you. For a reader/writer I highly recommend the MSR-206. It is the most popular encoder out there. You can buy them from Price: $200 $640

Computer/Laptop (Preferred) - To be able to encode your dumps (later on) you will first need a computer to hook your card encoder up to. Using a desktop is fine but if you come into any problems with your dumps which is going to happen, you will have no way to re encode your plastic. You will have to drive home and re encode there. But if you have a laptop, you can bring your MSR with you and just hook it up and re encode while you're in your car. Doing this will save you gas, and time. Price: $600 to $2400

Power Inverter - This is a very handy tool that you're going to need for this and you will probably find yourself using for all other types of things. The MSR requires a power source so buy or card one of these. If your laptop battery gets low aswell which will sometimes happen just hook it up aswell. I found a very good one at BestBuy for $80. It covers up to 800 watts (400 watts each plug). Price: $80

Plastic - I have seen all sorts of ways to obtain plastic. From stealing others and using those to buying them from a vendor. You DO NOT want to steal anyones credit cards and start using those. And you do not want to re encode your own credit cards. Im sure it makes sense to do so but over time if you start using your own credit card, the credit card companys are going to see the name being used and will surely contact you about these occurances. The best bet is to buy plastic from a vendor. Think about this too. When buying plastic, get atleast 2 cards with the same name as your novelty. It will save money on new novelties and give you a higher chance of walking out with your merchandise.

Dumps - The most important item of this whole operation. What would you do without dumps? Nothing thats what.
Now depending on what you're planning on getting out for your first op will determine on how much you will need to spend on dumps. I would not worry about spending for now. As soon as your op is over you will see that you have well made your money back from this.

Wallet - Some people may think that putting the plastic and novelty in your own wallet is not a bad idea. But the truth is that it is probably one of the biggest problems that could arise if anything was to happen. Keeping your false information and your real information seperate is a necessity. If you have any sort of personal contact information on you when carding I would suggest dropping it off in your car. Optional Items - Fake ID - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but is not always needed. Most of the time for large purchases cashiers will ask for an identification that matches the plastic. There are numerous vendors out there who provide a novelty service that will fit your needs. Getting a state that is semi close to you is ideal in this situation.

Anonymous Phone - This is optional to have, I have used dumps from seller that checks the dumps before sending so that all are valid. His dumps work 8/10 times on average. So if one card does not work I simply hand them another card with an excuse as to why that card was not working. If youre going through any other vendor you should buy a tracfone and find a phone merchant that will verify your dumps before you go into a store. When using a phone merchant there are two ways of authorizing a card. Some people think that charging a $1 or $1.50 on the card will not kill the card as many businesses use a $1 or $1.50 charge as a pre-authorization to check and see if the card is valid.
Others prefer charging a random higher amount to make it look like a legit purchase. Either way, its up to you how would want to check it.

Serial to USB Converter - Smaller laptops may not come with a serial port to connect your encoder to. If this is the case you will need to buy one of
these. Price: $15-$25

Newskin Bandaid Liquid - You might be asking yourself "What would I do with this?". Well, if you really want to be protective you can put some newskin on your finger tips so no traces of fingerprints will appear on the plastic if any misfortune was to happen. Planning:
Planning out what youre going to buy before you buy it would be a nice thing to do. It saves you time thinking of what you need or might need.

Also think about this. If youre main goal is to get a hefty sum of money, you should checkout ebay to see what sells for a high percentage. Usually gift cards to popular stores get high amounts back because they are just like cash. But just double check ebay.

If youre going to do an instore op for your own personal pleasure then you really dont need to make a list because you should already know what you want to get. Or you can look around in the store and choose what you want. Taking care of business:
Before hand I always like going to the bathroom. It makes the carding situation a bit more easier if you get nervous. JediMasterC brought this on aswell.
You do not want to get caught and be remembered as the kid who shit his pants. That is if you do get caught which odds are you wont if you follow these instructions.

Destination Safety:

Choosing a location to instore is not very hard. The internet has a vast amount of websites that have store locators. So find your subject mall or store and do a search to see whats around you. Here is a very important rule to follow by. Do not do anything where you live.
Or in a more common way of putting it. Dont shit where you live. Find a store thats atleast a good half hour drive away from you and is atleast two cities over.

Some people choose to use fake license plates when entering your destination for carding just to add that extra level of security on in case a camera catches the car that drives away. This is ofcourse optional, but it doesnt hurt to put more safety on. Just dont speed away or anything that could get you pulled over.

Parking - When parking your car, make sure you park for out so no camera will catch your license plate. It will be worth the extra walk when youre walking out with your merchandise.


So now you have everything you need to get started. Youre prepared for the best and the worst situations to come.

The first time you go out you should expect some nervousness to come even before entering one of the stores listed below. The most important thing to do is to stay calm and act natural. The more suspicious you act, the more the cashier is going to suspect something is up. I do not recommend taking any drug or alcohol to calm yourself down. You need to look calm and natural while being alert to your atmosphere at the same time.

[color=blackImportant anatomy of a dump:
There is a more detailed version of this on CP. But for now, you will only need to know this information to start. B41111111111111111111^LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME^060910100 000000000000000000

B - Identifies to the POS system that your card is a bank card 4111111111111111 - Credit Card Number
Lastname - Lastname of cardholder

/ - Seperater

Firstname - Firstname of cardholder 06 - Experation Year
09 - Experation Month 101 & Beyond - Bank data
Now some vendors will only sell the second track. So that leaves you with trying to figure out how to write track1.
Most stores do not check track1 so it
is not the most important thing. But to be safe I always include track1. Here is an example of what you will need to do. It is very easy.


If you havent noticed, track2 in most cases is just like track1. To begin making track1, add a B that will indeicate its a Bank card.


Then, youre going to want to change the = to a
^lastname/firstname^ . B4111111111111111^LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME^0609101000000 00000000
And finally, youre going to add six zeros at the end of the dump. B4111111111111111^LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME^0609101000000 00000000000000
And thats your dump. Like I said its not hard to create track1 from only having track2.

Software to encode the dumps - I recommend TheJerms software. It is very self explanitory.[/color] Types of dumps:
People ask me all the time about using generated dumps and if theyre good. I would not use generated dumps. Most of the time they will only work correctly with a certain Bin. And there is a 15% less success rate than using other types of dumps. You might as well use quality dumps in your locations you choose so people will not remember you instead of having errors come up and your face gets noticed more easily.

The best quality dump you will probably find are skimmed dumps. Skimmed dumps mean that the actual card was swiped onto a portable Mag Stripe reader.
Therefore, using these you know you will have all of the correct information for track1 and track2.

Hacked dumps are usually taken from databases by you guessed it, hackers. The quality on these are the normal quality thats out there.

Dump types and limits:

I will only discuss so far visa, discover dump limits and a word on amex dumps as I have not encounted any use with mastercard dumps.

Visa Classic - These types of dumps are usually the cheapest to buy from a vendor. I have heard that on average you can get $500 on these types of dumps.
But I have been pulled atleast $800 on them. Visa classics have a balance limit of $500 to $3,500. Although the most I have been able to get off of a
single classic is $2,600 before an error occurs.

Visa Gold - One step above the classic, These limits start at $3,500 and can double as the cardholder gains good credit.
With these you can make higher amounts of purchases.

Visa Platinum - Visa platinum dumps are for the larger purchases mainly. On a good day you can pull off anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 .

Visa Signature & Business - Signatues are said to have no limits. So for us that means these have the highest limits available. People have said to have
gotten anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 off of these types of dumps.

Discover - I have not used these that much in my past but from what I gathered you can get anywhere from $1,000 to

$5,000 on these in one purchase. Using these dumps for multiple purchases will most likely kill the dump before you get past either of those limits. Almost all discover cards begin with a balance of $10,000.

Amex - I have not used these dumps. The reason to that is that you need the correct CVN to complete the transaction. It is not embossed, but printed onto the plastic. So you cannot re encode amex dumps. If the CVN is not correct when entered, you will automatically get a call for authorization.

How long dumps last:

This question no one can answer. You might be able to make a good prediction of how long they will last if you think of time and the dump type. For instance. If you have a classic dump, its 11:30 AM and you make a variety of small (Under $20) purchases. Odds are youre going to get that card to last a lot longer than a classic dump thats doing $300 purchases at 7:30 PM. Think of the cardholders work hours. They will usually be 9 AM to 5 PM. That is when their card is idle so to speak.

Advanced dump purchasing:

By now, if you have been reading about dumps. You might know that by purchasing dumps from banks that are closer to your area, that there is a higher success rate on most purchases. Only some vendors will offer to let you buy by a certain Bin (first six digits of the cc).
The Bin determines what bank corresponds with the card. To find local Bins, go to and search for a any bank that has a lot of locations in your area. You can also search for the state name and see what that comes up with. Choosing your cashier:
This is probably one of the more fun things to do while instoring. Usually 90% of the time, Minorities and Younger Girls make the best choice for cashing out. Minorities include, Blacks, Mexicans, and Asians if you were wonderings. The reason you want to choose these types for your cashiers are because they are usually the easiest to manipulate. In some cases you are going to have to use a normal person to cashout. But try not to make it a habbit.

Interactions with the cashier:

In order to safely get your items out of the store successfully, you will need to know how to interact with the cashier. To in a sense manipulate them.

When you bring your stuff up to the cashier act normal. If it is a large amount they might say something nice to you mentioning the amount of merchandise you are buying. Just play with it and make them feel good aswell. If you make the cashier not feel comfortable they will think something is up if any error happens. Which will sometimes if you are planning on doing a lot of instore. Errors and Excuses:
As I was saying above, there are going to be errors now and then. Now most are very easy to talk your way out of. But in some cases youre going to need to know when you try and grab your novelty and card and just run. That will most likely not happen if youre only doing this a few times but for people who are planning to do this more often it is most likely going to happen atleast once. I have listed below a few common errors and how to handle them.

Optional Pre-Excuse - JediMasterC brought this excuse method to a lot of peoples attention and it is a very good idea in most cases. Making the cashier already think that the transaction will not go through so they are not surprised by the error, which makes handling the situation much easier. Saying something as easy as *I hope I have enough to cover this* or anything around those terms is good.

Declined - Once you spend and spend on a good dump there has to be an ending point. Usually with dumps that will not die this is the final step to
completing it. Hopefully you will have another card on you to hand the cashier. If you don't thats fine too.

If you have another card - Oh, I thought that was going to happen. Here try my other card.
If you do not have another card - I will be right back. I'm going to go get my check book / go to the ATM.

Call For Authorization - This one can be tricky if you do not have the right cashier. This is something you DO NOT want the cashier to do. A call for
authorization is basically the store calling the bank or the stores authorization center in order to confirm that it is the actual cardholder making the purchase. If this happens just stay calm.

If you have another card - I don't have that much time, Ill call the bank later. Try my other card.
If you do not have another card - I don't have that much time for this Ill call my bank and come back tomorrow.

If they persist on making the call, put your hand out as if they were going to give you your plastic back. Doing this tends to put some stress on the
cashier as to whether or not give the card back to you. They usually will put the card back in your hands.

Do Not Honor - This will happen every now and then and is probably the easiest to overcome. The cashiers will sometimes just ask you if you have another card.

If you have another card - Hand them the card and say you'll call the bank about that one. If you do not have another card - Oh, I will call my bank about that tomorrow (then leave).

Those are the most common problems you are going to find. Of course there are more error codes. There are about 50 of them. But by the time you manage to talk yourself out of these you will have enough experience to talk yourself out of the rest. Selling your items:
There are a vast amount of ways for you to liquidate your items. The best way to do so is on ebay. I am not going to go into a large description because then this tutorial would change to how to sell your items or scam on ebay. You can either buy an account from a vendor or get a B&M bank account and create your own. I do not suggest using your own ebay account. A lot of people have in the past and even if a good amount havent been caught, you do not want to be that small percent that does. Storing your money:

Here is another area that can be done in a lot of ways. I will tell you to not put the money in your legit bank account. If you were thinking that,
you should take a minute and think again. You could store your money on an electronic bank account service such as egold, or webmoney. Or if you want more control over your money, you could keep it all in a well hidden safe. Using an electronic bank account instead has a higher security rate. As if anything was to happen to you involving LE, odds are they will not find your information for that account. Which means they would not have access to your funds because they would not know it exists. End Notes:
Thank you for taking your time to read this tutorial. I hope it was worth your time! I also hope that everyone who is inspired by this reply with any
words or questions they would like to say. Good luck to all of you!

Stores that do not type last 4: 7-11
Abercrombie & Fitch Aeropostale
Almost every clothing store* Albertsons
American Eagle Amoura
Apple Store Babbages
Barnes and Noble Bath and Body Works Body Shop
Bed Bath and Beyond Bartel
Big 5 Blockbuster
Bose Factory Store/Showroom Borders
Burlington Coat Factory Cost Plus
Eddie Bauer
Every gas station (pay at pump)* Excluding Shell Filenes
Foot Locker Fred Meyer
FYE* (Some type last 4) Gap
Garts Sports Godiva Chocolates Grocery Stores
Home Depot (self swipe)

Journeys* (Some type last 4) Kauffman's
KB Toys Kens Camera
Kmart (self swipe) Lowe's (self swipe) Linens and Things Office Depot
Old Navy
Pier One Imports Rite Aid Safeway SamGoody Schucks
Sears Spencer Gifts
Sports Authority
Staples* (Some type last 4, some dont) Starbucks
Target (self swipe, sometimes check sig) Timberland
Tower Records Toy Works Toys R Us UPS Store Victoria Secret Walden Books
Walmart (self swipe but most check sig)

Restaurants: Applebee's Bertuccis Chilis
Olive Garden Pizza Hut Papa Ginos Unos Wendys
*Almost all major restaraunts.

Stores that type last 4: BestBuy
Circuit City (Uses AVS Aswell) Cell Phone Services

CompUSA Guitar Center Hot Topic
Lindt Chocolates Mens Warehouse
OfficeMax (Types In CVV on back of card) SunGlasses Hut
Torrid Tweeter

Merchant Codes:

Refer to Card Issuer
Refer to Card Issuer, special condition 03 Invalid Merchant
04 Pick up card 05 Do not honor 06 Error
07 Pick up card, special condition 08 Honor with identification
09 Request in progress
10 Approval for partial amount 11 Approved VIP
Invalid Transaction
Invalid Amount
Invalid card number 19 Re-enter transaction 21 No action taken
30 Format Error
41 Lost card Pick up 43 Stolen card Pick up 51 Not sufficient funds
52 No checking account 53 No savings account 54 Expired card
55 Pin incorrect
57 Transaction not allowed for cardholder 58 Transaction not allowed for merchant 61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
Restricted card
Security violation
65 Activity count limit exceeded 75 Pin tries exceeded
76 Unable to locate previous 77 Inconsistent with original 78 No account
80 Invalid transaction date 81 Cryptographic PIN error
84 Pre-authorization time to great
86 Cannot verify PIN 89 MAC error
Issuer unavailable
Invalid receiving institution id 93 Transaction violates law
94 Duplicate transaction
96 System malfunction


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Basic Carding Tutorial

In this tutorial, i will teach you the terms “carding”, “scamming”, “cvv2? etc. I’ll also tell some tricks for sites such as,, actually just ebay let’s start with explaining the term “CARDING” Chapter 1: Introduction and Tips.
Carding, or scamming as other people would say, is an art. It’s basically ordering items from the Net (cellphones, laptops, PDA’s, TV’s ,……) without actually paying for it. or at least, not paying with your own money Now you’ll all be wondering how we do this stuff.
Well, most sites accept credit cards as a payment form. These credit cards can be obtained from mIRC or from public forums, which i won’t display here due to security reasons.
For the dummies: a creditcard is a 16 digit number which can be used to pay, some sort of bank card. There are different types of creditcards:
- Visa Mastercard (MC)
- American Express (AMEX) Discover
- Novus JCB
When you obtain a creditcard, you have to recognise the type.
A card starting with a 4 is a Visa, with a 5 is a Mastercard, with a 3 (15 digits long) is an Amex, with a 6 is Dicover/JCB.
Some sites might ask for a CVV2, this is the tree digit verification code on the back of the card. Mostly this is also pasted on the forum or mIRC channel.
Note: Amex has a 4 digit verification code, and for discover 000 can be used. Now there are some tips and tricks when you want to order something.
Look for a site with a shitty layout, they’ll probably have a shitty security and are “cardable” (this means you cane asily get stuff from the site )
Try to use Discover or Amex, these cards are less involved with chargebacks etc and most merchants (payment processors) won’t verify these cards, instead of visa and
mastercard, which have alot of chargebacks.
Don’t use a store in your own country, especially not big ones. is one of the best cardable sites if you have the right techniques..
When ordering, sites will ask for a billing adress and a shipping adress.
The billing adress is the adress listed on the creditcard, the shipping adress is your adress or a drop adress, a so called “delivery adress”.
As you might have noticed, i oftenly mentioned ebay as a site to buy goods from.
But ebay doesn’t use an instant paying service, they offer online paying services such as Paypal and
These sites gladly accept all types of creditcards, from all over the world.

Chapter 2 : Ebay, Ebay
As you will probably know, is an online auction site where goods can be sold and bought by people over the world.
This site is one of the most visited shopping sites, because of its large variety of goods and prices, which can be lower then store prices.
Now the question is: how to contact the seller and arrange the fraudulent deal.
Well, to contact the seller you will need an ebay buyer account.Also use a valid email adress, a yahoo or hotmail one for example, because you have to confirm your registration, and also the seller(s) will reply to you on that email adress. If you see an item and you want to buy it, first ask the seller a question.
A question which will work well is the following one: Hi there, i am from USA and i am interested in purchasing this item from you. i would like to pay this item with my paypal.
But the item is a gift for my cousin in Belgium can you gift wrap the package and calculate shipping costs for 2-3 days delivery? please reply me with a total price and your paypal adress.
With this message i received alot of items, including cellphones, a PDA, shoes, a laptop, software, etc. Paypal.
Now i will (finally) explain the meaning of the word Paypal. us an online payment method, which is used by alot of ebayers, and can be funded by bank transfers or creditcards (whoohoo)
All you need for this is a USA cvv2 (see chapter 1) and a valid email adress.
Fill in the form with the creditcard info (name, adress, city, state, zipcode, country, etc) and the email adress you are using for Ebay.
On the bottom of the page they will ask you to pick 2 security questions and give an answer on those questions, in case you forget your password.
Pick any random question and fill it in with random info, paypal cannot verify it. After you have signed up, go to your email inbox & click on the paypal email.
Inside you will find a link which you’ll have to click in order to confirm the registration. You’ll visit a page which will ask you to confirm your paypal password.
Fill it in, click on submit, and paypal will ask you to add a bank account. We aren’t interested in this, so click on Skip. Then you’ll see your account overview. In the left menu, click on Add a Credit Card.
On that page it’ll ask you the cardholder’s name, the ccnumber, type of creditcard (see chapter 1), the expiry date and the Cvv2 (cfr. Chapter 1)
If all information is valid, click on Submit and hopefully you’ll get a message saying : you have succesfully added a creditcard. Blablablaa…….
If you are unlucky, you’ll get one of the following errors:
This creditcard has already been assigned to another paypal account, please use a different card.(no explenation needed)
You have entered an invalid or partial credit card number (cc number is incorrect).
Your card has been declined because we could not verify the 3-4 digit code on the back of your card. (cvv2 is invalid).
This card has been declined by your bank issuer (card is invalid).
After you have successfully added a card, look in your email inbox for some replies from sellers which will contain a full price for the item.
Go to your paypal account, click on Send Money.Fill in the recipient (seller’s paypal email), the amount, and pick Auction Goods (non Ebay)
on the next page create a item number (10 digits maxium), and a buyer ID (johndoe4852 for example). As auction site, select Other.
Then click on Continue, it’ll bring you to a new screen to confirm the information you entered. As funding source, you’ll see that the credit card is selected.
On bottom you ‘ll see that paypal automatically selects the credit card adress as shipping adress. Leave this indicated like this, it’ll give the transaction a very legit look.
Then click on Confirm and hope for the best. If your purchase was succesfull, you’ll get a message saying you’ve sent cash or you paid for an online auction.
Then return to your paypal account & Log Out. Go to your inbox, tell the seller the money has been sent and provide the shipping adress in the email.
Also ask him to mail you back once the package is shipped.
If everything is ok, you should have the package in 1 week (including the weekend and holidays).
After a while, the seller might mail you to tell you the payment has been reversed and asking you to send it again. Simply ignore these emails by marking them as spam.


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Basic Carding for Noobies

By this article I hope most of beginners will find answers of their most main and chain if youl enter card in any place you see you wont get stuff. Mainly this chain includes two people who card the stuff and who this stuff accept. For the beginner do this both thing by himself is almost unreal. So lets explore it deeper.

First we must find online-shop where we will order stuff. Dont try to get plazma TV for 10k first. There are many reasons you wont be able to card it. Choose the stuff like not expencive laptop or photo camera cheaper $1k-1,5k thats optimum for the beginning. Further take the card there are many people who sell it its out of our article. After youve bought card we need to prepare it. We cant order stuff on holders address and we dont need it. Well order stuff to drop a person wholl accept the stuff (read more about it in another articles).

For example youve bought such card:
Lets separate info we got:
name_on_card= Amber Zellweger
address1=53 Kinne Road
city= Glastonbury

Further we need to make enroll of this card. We need SSN (Social Secure Number), MMN (Mothers Maiden Name), DOB (Date of Birth) for it different banks request different info. Some of them can also request DL (number of drivers license) or PIN number. So we dont need to pass such secure like PIN requesting. And another info we can look up on special services (usually one-time of its using costs $1-$2). We need also to know card number) and find in special programs (CC2Bank, Mars Data Bank) or in another BIN databases which bank it belongs to.
There enroll-register option, enter all data were asked, Now we have online access to 2-3 sizes more than were going to spend) and also look for general option address it on your drops data. Except phone number we need to have our own number (because shop can call to it and we must avoid any problems with it). You can own it using some time for approving changing (time of waiting is different in different banks).
So card is ready. Lers check it but we should check it. Try to buy some cheap shiet like soft or chocolate or smth like this if payment was successful we can do the shopping! Use name, card number, exp and cvv of CARDHOLDER, and new address we enter in enroll account.
Now is final. Register in our online shop and order the stuff. Choose the fastest delivery method. So we have the same billing and shipping addresses you know why already. After ordering wait for shops reply. You can be asked for call or if all will be good, youll receive track number its number which you can enter in delivery service youve chosen and trace your parcel.
The last you can do tell about it to your drop (drop-service) and wait.


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Carding Tutorial #1

Carding: Online, Instore, Going through vendors and advice, Phishing for change of billing addresses.
Including drops and what you need to know; Huge guide written by me.
Kay major updates done to this carding text, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

What I'm going to cover:

Online Carding
- A quick overview of what online carding is
- SOCKS and why we use them
- Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
- Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents

Carding while on the job
- Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
- Skimming whilst on the job
- Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)

- Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)

Phishing over the phone
- Phishing over the phone for details

Keylogging for CVV2s
- Hardware keylogging

Carding Instore
- What instore carding is (very brief)
- How it's done
- How to act and present yourself instore

Carding over the phone
- Carding over the phone

- Services provided in IRC
- Advantages to using IRC for info
- Disadvantages
- How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves)
- Vendors and how to approach them
- How to rip in IRC (EVERY vendor, reliable or not has ripped some n00b who acted like they knew what they were doing)

WU BUG BULLSHIT and how to rip n00bs and gain more

Phishing for Change of billing
- What COB is and why it's useful
- Use through phishing pages
- Use through keylogging

Drops and what you need to know about them
- Drops and what you need to know about them

What carding is

Carding summed up quickly is the act of obtaining someone's credit card information, from the CC#, CVV, CVV2, CVN, and the billing address, along with the expiry date and name of the person the card belongs to along with asignature.

Online Carding
Online carding is the purchasing of goods done over the internet with the CVV2.
Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card).

This is the format you usually get them in when you buy off from verified sellers:
:::MC ::: Mr Nigerian Mugu ::: 1234567890123456 ::: 09|11 ::: 01/15 ::: 123 ::: 123 fake street, fakeville, ::: Fake City
::: DE24 TRH ::: 01234-567890 :::

SOCKS and why we use them
Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off jabber with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE).
You can get good SOCKS from (people are selling accounts for the site in IRC all the time), that's the best place but even I ended up losing the account eventually (unknowingly I was sharing it with some Nigerian dude who became selfish).
So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card.
Finding a cardable site and what cardable means.
Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website:
- The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone).
- The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time.
- If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just PayPal to local websites and order to your local drop).
- If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes).
- Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC).
It is hard to find websites online now that have most of these qualities, therefore we have to use COBs and photoshop to help us along the way, which is what I'll go into now.
Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents.
Okay so say you come across a site that will deliver to another house not registered on the card, but they want verificaton either through phone or scans of a utility bill, credit card or passport.
For this you'll want to get a pay as you go deal for a cheap shitty mobile all in fake details (say a nokia 3210, brick LMAO!), or you can use to your advantage to help you. Hell if the person's details you're using is local to you and you're daring then go to their home and beige box from there; it'd be very convincing.
If they speak to you over the phone have all details in your mind about the item you're carding, have some bullshit story if you're having it sent to a diff address such as a family member's birthday and you need it there as quick as possible as it's a last minute thing, or some shit like that. If you're carding multiple sites at the same time it's easy to get them mixed up, so make sure who it is calling you 1st.
For CC scans and how to do them check the attachments at the end of this file, they explain so much better than I could.
How you use them is once you've made them like the tuts have said to do, you then tilt them a little bit so it does actually look like a scan. To make it even more believable put some paper in the scanner (dark shade if you must), scan it and open in photoshop and then put the shopped CC scan of the front onto it and then do the same with the back, then send the scans to them via e-mail or post. Same goes for utility bills (can be got through trashing or your own, and then edited in PS).
Do not use the same designs when making your CC scans, otherwise it will become too obvious. To give you a head start on mastercards (what I recommend for n00bs to go for) I'm giving you a globe hologram image so you won't have to buy them in jabber or IRC; unfortunately all of my visa hologram pics are shit, but I'm working on getting a good one soon.

VISA hologram pic coming soon!

Carding whilst on the job.
Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles.
Believe it or not giving your information out to anyone anywhere is not a wise choice, you can not trust anyone in this day and age. Yes there are carders working on the inside in places where there are a lot of people around flashing off their plastic cash and using them freely without a care in the world. The most common of places for a carder to work at are brand label clothing stores such as Limey's, Charlie Brown's and all the other trendy shops.
Ever noticed when yourself or someone else has paid at the desk with a debit card or credit card that they bring out a keypad from under the desk, then put your card into it and have the buyer input the pin? Think again when they take your credit card and go under the desk with it to get the keypad, they are doing more than just that; just because they're not taking the card and running off with it does not mean they're not stealing your information. A friend of my dad used to card and work in a clothing store, he used to have a piece of play doh stuck under the desk and he used to press the card onto the piece of play doh, unfortunately he began doing it too much and because he'd gotten away with it so many times he became careless and got caught out by a co worker and from what I know he is still doing time. The moral is, be careful with the play doh method. The unfortunate thing is you can only get the full info of 2 cards at the max, and you don't know exactly if you're pressing over the info of another card already put on to the play doh. Also you can't get the CVC through this method, I was just giving a classic example from the olden days.
But there is a new wonderful invention called cameras, video recording, and mobile phones and they are even all working on the same thing. It's best to test it out 1st and have a camera on your phone that is at least over 2 megapixel and allows long enough video recording times. The phone is set to video record and on a lighting if needed, and taped underneath the desk for you to record both sides of the card for all the information you need, as well as being quick you can get a lot more than 2 on, depending on how long each recording lasts, you may need to start more than one recording.
You need good reason to be going under the desk to get the chip and pin machine, so make the desk look cluttered up and put shit in the way of everything, such as coat hangers and various other items; or you could just flat out bullshit the customer and say that the chip and pin machine on the desk isn't working so you need to get the other one, take their card and then go under searching the desk and quickly show it to the camera phone and then get the chip and pin machine and put the card in it and then hand to the customer to put in their pin as normal, unaware you have a CVV2 to later use when shopping online.

Skimming whilst on the job
For skimming you'll want a mini portable MSR500M reader that can be fitted on your waistline belt or of course once again under the desk, if you're a cashier. But you'll also want a MSR206 writer if you plan on writing the tracks to an embossed CR-80 piece of plastic later (you can make these yourself but embossers are expensive and it's an expensive procedure, so wait a while until you do that yourself and buy them from jabber or IRC (be careful, people like to rip with plastics,
or you'll get shit quality if you don't watch out).
If you plan to just sell the dumps on IRC then that's fine, but you'll still need the PIN as well, so if you're a waiter you can get a cheeky peek at them putting their pin into the chip and pin device while you keep hold of it slightly (have them put the pin in while they're sat down and you're standing up). It's much easier to skim in a restaurant rather than clothing retail, as you don't have to think it out and set it up as much. You can keep the MSR500M in your front pocket of the uniform you're wearing and pretend to be giving the card a clean on the sleeve (bullshit and say the device won't read it), while really you're giving it a swipe into your reader. This way the person doesn't even get suspicious because you don't take their card out of sight with them. I guess you could do that technique with clothing retail too when you get their card in your dirty little hands, but peeking for the PIN is harder or you'll have to have a friend shoulder surf for it (or if they're on the next register have them use a sony cyber shot c902 camera phone and pretend to have them talking on the phone while really they're recording the person next to them putting in their PIN; cybershots are really inconspicuous looking with their cameras and VERY clear [5mpixel]).
I'll go into detail what to do with the dumps you have later in the instore carding section.
Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method).
If the store you work at hasn't gone carbonless on the transactions information then you can get most of the info from the receipt you get a copy of for yourself and note down the pin on this as well when/if you get it.

Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works).
Ever heard the expression "Another man's trash is another man's gold"? That's exactly what this is. You'd be surprised how many people haven't heard of a paper shredder or bonfire. They just dump their financial records containing SSN's/NI, full name, address, bank, credit card number, CVV, CVV2 etc. All on forms people couldn't be bothered to dispose of properly because they thought they were JUST old records. Again carders wok on the inside again for when they want to do trashing, a lot of janitors wear rags but you'd be surprised how secretly rich most of them are (along with the other shit they steal from work as well). But also from this if there is not enough info for you on the forms then there is definitely the phone number of the mark on the form that they've scrapped; almost always, and if not then there is enough info on their to look them up in the phone directory. Then of course you use social engineering skills over the
phone to get the extra info that you need. If you know of a store that is not carbonless, then go trashing in the bins at the back of the store for the receipts with the credit card details on it.

Phishing over the phone
Phishing over the phone for details.
Ever had telemarketers ask for your credit card info over the phone? (this is if you haven't already hung up by just hearing a nigger or paki on the phone) chances are they're a carder. Believe it or not there are people actually stupid enough to fall for these obvious scams. Even more people fall for this if they believe that the caller is from the credit
card company itself or part of the secret service or credit fraud investigations; the FBI, CIA and police have nothing at all to do with credit card fraud believe it or not. If you sound professional or part of an important group such as investigations then people are more likely to comply with you if they believe that their card has been used for credit fraud purposes and have to give their credit card info and billing address for verification. The best time to call up the mark is when they are at work as it'll take them by surprise and they'll be wanting to get it sorted asap so that they can get back to work. Also if it's "serious" then the secret service don't wait for you to finish work before they question you.
Play along well to the part you're pretending to be. Some social engineering skills are required and you must gain the experience of lying to people yourself. Before calling up the person find out as much information about them as you can.
If you've stolen a CC from someone personally you can call them up pretending to be their bank and tell them there has been some suspicious charges made to the credit card from places such as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Russia; places like that, get them to confirm their details (milk as much as you want out of them, ask them bullshit security questions such as their mother's maiden name, address, etc; you may as well, it'll make it easier to get a COB for you to use).
You can also get their PIN out of them if you want as well by either straight out asking them to confirm it, or be crafty and after you've told them to verify their PIN you're putting them through to a different department; then play some cheesy music down the phone for a few mins, have a female voice recording (use AV vocie changer) asking them to input their PIN on their dialpad (this won't be as suspicious); get these recorded so they can be decoded with DTMF decoding hardware/software later (although it's expensive). Guessing DTMF tones is pretty easy too, but you need to know what each tone sounds like, it's preferred to use decoding software to ensure you have it correct.
If you try hard enough you can get full info about anyone over the phone (I suggest using spoofcard for this).

Keylogging for CVV2s
Hardware keylogging.
First of all it's best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you're lucky enough to get someone who is buying something online anyway. Get the keyloggers from here:
And come back within 2 days time or so and collect the keylogger after doing some browsing yourself (as to not look suspicious just coming in and then leaving a few seconds later).
Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone's info who logs in on it.

Carding Instore
Instore carding is the act of skimming a credit card and writing the dumps and track1+2 to a CR-80 piece of plastic and then either cashing out at the ATM or shopping for goods instore, as long as you have the PIN as well through whatever method you choose to use.
How it's done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software (thejerm is the best to use).
And you do it like this:
1. Load up thejerms software
2. hit settings tab
3. hit "Defaults" in Leading Zeros box
4. hit "75 bpi" in Set Track 2 density box
5. go bak to actions
6. hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do
7. input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the % ; or ? symbols because the program already does it for you)
8. hit Write Card and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)

I was a member of this site and it came from there so don't worry about it not being safe, I used this software a lot back in the day.
Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.
Simple what you do, make sure you KNOW the PIN for the card you're using before you go, don't be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you're going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing (that you've previously carded Razz) or even a suit. It would look suspicious someone with a
hoodie going into a store and buying a Louis Vuitton watch, so walk in with style. When you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that's what it is (well it is now anyway lol) no looking shifty and don't look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don't know your name or where you live, they're not being watched half of the time, so stop worrying about the fucking cameras; remember you're doing nothing wrong.
When you go in, don't rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it (if it's a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it's good for playing video games on). You'll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don't make too much small talk but be polite and civil. Once you have the good sin your hands don't bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone
Okay 1st of all do not be a dumb fuck now, do not call from your own phones at all. For extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else's phone but that's a totally different game all together and is also a major felony to go agains tyou on the chance that you do get caught so we'll keep it simple and use a payphone (it's not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year 2007 and I'm pretty sure they'd have changed the system again...bastards, I'll check sometime though. The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order. Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn't hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don't just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate. If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else's address who you don't know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they've sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and ask them if they could kindly keep and sign for the package and you'll pick it up after work (this is a last resort and only to be tried if you're good at talking to people, which you should be if you're a carder). I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text.
I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify (if they won't send without some verification which is usually the case).

Jabber or IRC
Services provided in IRC
IRC is the main gathering for fellow carders, scam artists and rippers. To put it in a nut shell, IRC is THE black market, unlike craigslist and eBay which are just black markets. You can get anything illegal off IRC from CP to warez to CC details (which is what we want).
To concentrate on carding though you can buy:
Utility bill scans
CC scans
COB (a service to get someone to call up the victim's bank and get the billing address changed to your drop)
Payment for using someone else's drop and then sending to you
Fake ID/ ID scans
Phisher pages
The list really is endless.
There are a lot of advantages to using IRC networks and channels which I'll go into now:
- The channels are often underground and not known to many people, so they're harder to stumble upon by some random guy.
- The messages can be encrypted so they can't be read by anyone happening to be on the network sniffing the traffic.
This makes it harder for investigators to uncover.
- Easier and quicker to communicate with mass amounts of like minded people.
- Variety of channels to go to if one doesn't suit you (there are MILLIONS and new ones being made every second, guaranteed).
- And of course a varity of services, if you need something you can bet someone from the other side of the world will be willing to share or/and sell to you.
There are a lot of disadvantages though, IRC is the equivalent of a backstreet alley, you'll be fine if you stay cautious, here's what you should be weary of:
- Viruses
- If you don't have strong anti viruses and firewalls you will get infected (no norton shit, kaspersky and NOD32 are what
you want)
- Do not accept random .exes or any file for that matter
- It is easy to get ripped off, choose your forms of payments and who you deal with wisely.
How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves).
Here is the most commonly asked question I get asked by n00bies and fellow carders; where do you find these channels?
If I'm being totally honest the best place to find out about them is through Nigerians; no bullshit that is where I found out about a lot of the carder channels I used, also how I found out about forums and their IRCs too such as cardersplanet, darkmarket etc. How I found him out was just on a normal scam bait I was doing, it wasn't a long one, but in the end he tried phishing me so I tried back and we had a laugh about it; I was straight up with him and told him I wanted to get deeper into the game, I looked up to his type of people and wanted to get rich/successful (I also shared the double claim secret about paypal with him which got him trusting me a little bit) he then sent me an invite to cardersplanet (this site was full of Nigerians). Eventually I went in the IRC (admittedly got ripped a few times) then started vending myself under various diff nicknames, then moved onto different sites like darkmarket and cardingzone when I'd got invites for them (although cardingzone is shit it's good to get in the IRC for starting off, you'll get invited to better forums the more you hang out in IRC, trust me).
The quicker way is to use these and search for certain keywords:
And of course don't forget google.
I'm only going to give you one clue for searching through google for a carding IRC, and that word is "undernet".
Fellow carders don't like revealing their IRCs, and for obvious reasons.
My advice is find a scammer through e-mail, and chat to him; be witty with it but be respectful to a fellow fraudster.

Vendors and how to approach them
Vendors are the people in IRC who are selling and providing the services for you. There are certain ways you should speak to vendors otherwise they're going to rip you (remember this is the black market, this is just like going up to a random drug dealer in the street and not knowing what you really want or what you're getting into; you'll get ripped off).
Ask as many questions as possible of what you want to know, if you're buying a CVV2 ask to see proof of their details working (get them to make a small purchase somewhere; they should show you a before and after and the limits that are there on the card [there are methods out there of checking your balance; you can even get it through text/sms]. This is a market so remember there are more people that will be willing to buy from that vendor, it's open for all, you can get a full load of info including dumps for as low as ?3/$5, drops usually go for ?7; if someone is saying higher prices don't be afraid to haggle down to these prices or a little bit lower. COBs go for a little bit higher in ranges of ?15-?20 because the vendor needs to get full info on someone and then change the billing address through the bank to where ever your drop is.
Now when you go in the channel don't fucking say or request anything, shut up and see what the vendors are saying they have to offer and then send them a private message and talk to them. If any "vendor" messages you 1st trying to push onto you to buy from them then they're most likely a ripper; however don't piss off the rippers or assume someone is a ripper because you never know who is going to be there to help you out later on down the line or who might be pissed off enough to fuck you over.
I can't give any big advice on not getting ripped in IRC because you don't personally know anyone in there at all, you just have to take your chances (expect to get ripped your 1st few times going in there, just don't go to them again, because if they get away with it once they'll definitely try again if you go back to them).
DO NOT BUY ANY WU BUG (Western Union Bug); it is a massive ripper technique which is bullshit. The WU BUG used to work but was patched a looong time ago, most of the time now you'll get nothing or you'll end up with a rootkit on your comp. Rippers always say ridiculous prices for these too such as $200+; but if someone says lower prices it's still bullshit and most likely a rootkit/trojan/keylogger going to be installed on your machine while you get some useless program that does nothing.

Easy as hell to do, not much photoshop skills needed really either.
Bullshit and say you're selling full info (you're getting the info from or any credit card gen program; of course they don't fucking work), if they want to see proof just use your own legit CC or another stolen CC to buy something and show them proof of you buying it, except photoshop the details to that which you're going to be giving him later. Take payment through Western Union ONLY (since e-gold isn't around anymore), then just send him the bullshit info.
If they want the report to go to their phone via SMS then just spoof a text with an sms bomber saying some bullshit reports. Then get the payment via WU.
To get victims you message them 1st, message out in the whole channel 1st and then PM random buyers (look for ones requesting).

Seriously this is bullshit, all people are doing are showing buyers fake screenshots made in PS or are actually making quick programs themselves and taking screens of them and then selling them, although essentially they're useless. You want to do this, but you want to actually send them a file as well, but bind a keylogger or trojan to it; not only can you rip them out of their cash to buy your infection but the info you get from spying on them will be so much more as well ranging from their info to other stolen CC info, you'll have a backdoor on what they do and can exploit it.
If you can't be bothered making fake screenshots then get them from other rippers trying to sell them, get them to show you pics, vids and info; then use it for yourself and rip some n00bs.

Phishing for Change of billing
A billing address is the details used for a person's bank account and most often their credit cards and everything else too, this includes their phone number too.
What a change of billing (COB) is in a nutshell is changing the billing address registered to the card to your drop address you're gonna be using. When you want to card BIG at various online websites the orders will look more legit that you're not sending it else where other than the one registered to the card (obviously after you've changed the billing address), meaning the delivery of your goods will be quicker and will require a lot less verification.
Most of the time you change the billing address over the phone but SOME banks will let you do it online; when you phone up to change it you use or the pay as you go mobile phone you're going to be using when carding, or beige boxing Razz.
When changing the billing address you need to know as much info as possible about the person's billing address you're changing, because the bank is going to ask you 3 security questions you set (such as mother's maiden name) before they change it.
You can phish for details over the phone (see the phishin over the phone section above), however it's best to use keyloggers and phisher pages for this with a MIX of over the phone.
Use through phishing pages.
2 methods here, 1 including over the phone, one isn't.
The method without the phone is to just send a ton of e-mails out to random people and send them a html e-mail telling them they need to update their information before the account is suspended or their account with the bank will be cancelled, you have them go to a phisher page off the template and the phisher pages "requires" them to answer security questions like their mother's maiden name, their pet's name, you know those type of questions.
Another method is to call them up pretending to be the bank and saying there have been different ip ranges logging on their account and they need to confirm their details online, link them to the phisher page and have them fill in the details; have the phisher page redirect to the actual online bank's login page; then ask if they've done that over the phone, tell them to wait a minute while you confirm and check it all out, say it's all clear and tell them to log in, they'll think nothing of it and you now have the answers to their secret questions which you can give to the bank itself when you go to change the billing address.
Use through keylogging.
This is my favourite method and what I told S_E last night in IRC.
You have a hardware (or software) keylogger set on someone's comp, use sock proxies when logging into their online bank account and then change their password, call them up pretending to be the bank and then get them to go to the actual online bank link and fill in their forgotten password options (answering secret questions) or of course get them to go to your phisher page and fill in the details (this is if you want to add more fields to get more info) then pretend to be checking it all over, then change their password again to some random letters and numbers and give it to them to log back in (it doesn't matter because they're keylogged and you'll get their new login if they change the password again anyway), you'll have all their info logged down too for you to answer your questions when you call the bank.
Best time to do all of this is around the 10th day of the month (people usually get their credit reports at the start of every month), this will give you plenty of time to card enough for the remaining days until they see they're not getting their reports coming to them anymore (if you're crafty you can pretend to have cancelled the online bank account for them after they've gave you the info you need to know; I used to do this method and keep it going without them knowing).
You need as much info as possible when calling up the bank to change the billing address.

Drops and what you need to know about them
What drop locations and what they used?
Well simply a drop location is an abandoned house, or any house that is not under your name or any of your details. You can lead young children into these to make a sexy time with them, get items delivered to them that you want no one else to find about or risking finding, or just use it to squat in if you have no where else to go. Basically they are used in ways of keeping your nose clean and are used by mostly scam artists and sex offenders.

How to find a drop location
There are many ways of finding a drop location for use, whether it temporarily or permanently (although I suggest swapping and changing locations because my main last one I used got raided or broken into and is boarded up and too hot to use); I will suggest 3 ways on how you can find some for you to use.
One final tip is don?t bother going for houses that are boarded up at the front where it is visible to passers by (it's okay if round the back is boarded up).

Way #1
As just mentioned you can go about it many different ways but one of the ways the way I prefer to go about it is you should be looking around some older housing estates and more ghetto areas (could also tie in with the sob story you feed to a paedophile/child predator you are possibly scamming). For example in Derby there is an area called Sinfin, but now there is 2 parts to it and they are New Sinfin and Old Sinfin. Old Sinfin is the are you would want to go to, because it's older it?s most likely to be alot more houses abandoned or deemed unsafe (it's bullshit).
Or if you were lucky like I once were then you could ask around your mates if there are any empty houses in their area.
If there are then you?re in luck and can even have your friend keep tabs and watching over it for you and give you details so you can keep it all under wraps and safe. It may be alot riskier with neighbour hood watch morons, and nosey neighbours, but it's still ideal and a little bit less suspicious than the abandoned houses in the older estates, and this is because the older estates usually have all abandoned houses close by, where as the odd one out covered with a street filled with inhabitants will seem less suspicious to the postman.

Way #2
Now this is a temporary way of finding a drop location, but is sometimes an effective ways and means of getting what you need but has a bit more risk to it; and personally is a way I have never used even till today.
Have you ever been eavesdropping on a conversation between a neighbour and one of their family member is or friends? Or been down the pub and heard the common as muck chavs boasting about a holiday they are going away on for however long they say they?re going away for?
Well listen out for these type of conversations. Because them away on holiday means the house is most likely going to be empty for however long they?re going away for. So if you already know where they live then that?s great the job is made easier; if you know their first name and surname then look them up in the phone directory and find their address to go along with the number. If you don?t know where they live, or their name then just listen out to see if you can hear their names come up in conversation; just remember that if it?s in the pub it's most likely local to it that they live, so you could easily find out by following them home and seeing.

Way #3
Possibly the safest, easiest way of finding, and quickest way to get a drop location.
Most areas have houses up for sale am I right?
Or houses that are up for bidding on, am I right?
Well they have a website with a full list of your local area(s) that have houses up for bidding on and for sale.
For example I would search Derbyhomefinders and look at the list on their site.
All of these houses are empty and often do not have a sign up outside them either (if they do then just take it down and hide it somewhere for the time being).
The advantage to using the lists to find the drop locations to use is it will usually say when the bid is up or if the house has been sold (this lets you know that it will not be ideal to use that certain house now it's most likely to be inhabited) and will have the houses on there that are still being bidded on and that are still up for sale, these are the ones you want to be using.
The best thing about this though is that you have a full list of many different drops to use (like I said earlier it?s best to switch drop locations and use many different ones) and it is updated with new ones coming up and tells you full which ones are over and not usable.
You just need to know your agencies for housing and find their website.

Obtaining and using drop locations
You are probably thinking now I've got/found one that is great and everything but how the fuck do I keep it a secret?

For way 1
This much is obvious that you do not tell anyone except your partner if you?re doing a team bait, and 1 trustworthy friend to keep tabs on it if you are doing a bait on your own, and also the paedophile, but only when he asks. But there is alot more to it than that, also maintaining your abandoned house and making the postman think someone living there.
Appearance isn?t everything at all in any case and it isn?t for this either, but of course you try to make yourself look as best as you can. The same principles are applied to keeping an abandoned house; you should atleast try to get a new lock put on the door which you will also have a key for; just so that if any druggies go there before you then they will have a tougher time getting in (of course it?s ideal you don?t get somewhere known to druggies but this is an example of what use it could have) but also if there is a fucked up lock on a door then it is pretty damn obvious only low life scum or some criminal(s) are using the place, so buy a new lock for the door and get it fitted on, whether you do it yourself or get assistance from a friend who knows what they are doing.
Now as for overgrowing plants and weeds, you can only do so much without being suspected. Do not use a lawn mower, use clippers and hack it as short as you can. It?s best to get all of this done when everyone is at work during the day time; but in reality it isn?t ideal at all and most criminals don?t tend to bother with this. Instead they will make it seem someone is in but is just too ill to do anything with the garden or is just a lazy fucker. They do this by often writing up a note and PayPaling it to the door or leaving it on the floor near the door saying something such as "No milk today please" or "Not in, please leave packages at post office".
Write a few letters to yourself aswell ready to come on the same day as the parcel, this will make it look like you get mail and not just the one off suspicious package now and then.
Now 2 alternatives, you can either get to the abandoned house and take the mail from the mailman while acting like you live there (you must look the part as lazy or disabled if you have ingrown plants in "your" garden) or you can leave a note saying to take any packages to the post office for pick up because you are at work or something along those lines.
One final rule is do not be in and out of the hideout everyday or whatever, visit probably 2 or 3 times a week.

Way 2
Now there are 2 ways to go about this; you can either just get to the house early in the morning a little bit just before the postman arrives and be at the house outside pretending you?re just about to leave and then sign for the package (if you need to) and collect it off the postman and then be on your way after he?s gone. Or if you?re good at bypassing alarms (I have a guide on burglary) or the house has no alarm then you could bump key in at night time (not recommended) or during the day time the day before when everyone else will be at work aswell, and hide out there for a bit (hell even take some food that is left in the fridge and feed yourself since you are spending the rest of the day and early morning there).
Basic rules are don?t have tv on too loud if at all, or if you do then put head phones on into the tv if it?s that old of a model, and leave everything how it was left an say upstairs so incase any neighbours or anyone looking after the house while the owners are away come in then you have time to hide.
Obviously if it?s a package you don't have to sign for then you can PayPal up a note on the door early in the morning before the post man comes saying to leave it round the back or what ever excuse you wanna make up.

Way #3
Easy, just as previously except you don?t have to be as cautious and often the alarms are disabled for that time being anyway so you don?t have to worry as much if you bump key into it.
As also stated previously in this guide, if there are any up for bidding/for sale signs then take them down and just get them out of the way.
You can even go to this one the night before instead of day time because no one is hardly going to be watching over this unless it is in a neighbourhood watch area (in which case you chose the wrong area anyway, you dumbass).

Some basic tips to keep in mind
- Be there before the postman! can?t stress this enough, it?s too fucking obvious if you are late.
- When signing for packages, if you need to, then sign a fake signature (the sig can be any made up fake shit) with your hand that you don?t write with, so it is harder to trace incase things go tits up later on down the line.
- Take anything in any guide with a pinch of salt, things may be different circumstances for you and your situations.
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What Is Carding?
Carding is a term describing the trafficking of credit card, bank account and other personal information online as well as related fraud services. [source Wikipedia]
“carding” is term related to fraud of credit card usually . At this time every shopping site or other purchase in site using credit card,which get attention from hacker and they noticed this point and start using it for their benefit.

What Is Term Ripper In Carding?
I think you must see some posts in facebook or whatsapp group, according to them they are carder, can card for you in some advance payment usually 50% of product that you want to card, in some cases they want cc from you. But when you deal them in inbox (ib) ,they just take money from you and disappear in as they get their money simply they block you. In simple words facebook full fill with 90% of ripper. So its really important to understand carding and how to prevent from ripper. I m not posting about ripping in carding, it is about how to card so let's focus again on carding, start with basic requirements.

Basic Requirements In Carding
1. Computer, macbook, laptop: C'mon don’t be foolish you can’t card with your simple mobile phone, so it’s time to run your pc/lappi in work.Don't worry your are not working high level program, it is same as you play game on your pc ;).
2. VPN:
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables a computer to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if it was directly connected to the private network, while benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. This is done by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, encryption, or a combination of the two.There are a lot of free and premium VPN are available, it is recommended to use premium or may be it is a trial software.
You can get a lot of free vpn software on internet, or trial. Here is link where you can get VPN software for free or premium ones
3. RPD - Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. The user employs RDP client software for this purpose, while the other computer must run RDP server software.
Clients exist for most versions of Microsoft Windows (including Windows Mobile), Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, and other modern operating systems. RDP servers are built into Windows operating systems; an RDP server for Linux also exists. By default, the server listens on TCP port 3389.
Microsoft currently refers to their official RDP server software as Remote Desktop Services, formerly "Terminal Services". Their official client software is currently referred to as Remote Desktop Connection, formerly "Terminal Services Client".
You can connect to RPD by clicking on start menu - remote desktop connection - then type victims ip address. Example,click connect, now it will pop up screen asking for password and username which is in this case: User name: Shipping Password shipping1. Now click ok, and you will get access to Remote Desktop Connection - which means you are connected to someone computer and you will buy stuff from victims computer. Not YOURS!
4. Socks 5: Socks 5 SOCKet Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 additionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server. Practically, a SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded. SOCKS performs at Layer 5 of the OSI model (the layer, an intermediate layer between the presentation layer and the transport layer).
You can get socksfor free, or you can buy fresh which i recommend
Before we proceed lets learn how to user socks5 in Mozilla Firefox.

How To Use Socks5 In Carding?
Example of socks4/socks5 are
Socks5 are very easy to use via Mozilla Firefox. First open Mozilla Firefox.
Just follow this step in firefox -
1. Go to options >> advanced >> network >>connections >> settings.
2. Now the screen will pop up various options like :
1. No proxy; 2. Auto Detect; 3. Use system proxy; 4. Manual proxy configuration.
You mark 4. Manual proxy configuration. Now type in socks host IP you have collected from above mention sites. for example Socks Host: Port: 1080.
3. Now press ok and you are connected to secure socks5. I will explain more when we start carding.
5. Credit card: Victims credit card, you can get a lot of free credit cards here on ABH, or you can buy one from various cvv shops that can be find on internet. Let's see how CC will look like or what information CC contain Example of victims credit card (see image also):
First Name: Ben
Middle Name: Jamsin
Last Name: Parker
Spouse Name:
Father Name:
Billing Address: 9006 peppertree circle
City : Wichita
State: KS
Zip Code: 67226
Country: US
Phone Number: 3166342050
Credit Card Information:
Card Type: Credit
Credit Card Number: 5102 4129 0001 1332
Exp. Date : 6 /June / 2022
Name On Card: H. James Menehan
Cvv2 : 474
Mother Maiden Name: penny
Social Security Number: 515 16 4160
Birth Day : 28
Birth Month : 02
Birth Year : 1926
Account Information:
AOL ID : [email protected]
Password : Jm6227mh
This is just only an example of victims credit card, you don't need all this information in carding like. Some sites ask only for card numbers, exp date and cvv2.
Here you can buy a cc (some domain may be blocked by your browser or antivirus)

Carding Website
Now that you have all this above, let’s start carding.
Let’s say we want free phone like Samsung S6, IPHONE 12, etc...
First of all choose a online shopping website from your country. Why? Because if you choose shopping site from another country you, either they not able to make delivery in your country or they take up to 2 days for delivery. I hope you don’t want to wait a lot for your order. I leave this choice on you. When you choose your site, find out which type of it is.
There are two types of shops, VBV and NON VBV:
VBV is a Verified by Visa, an online security system for credit card transactions. Which means you need to provide a card knowing a lot of victim credit card information such as DOB (date of birth), SSN (social security numbers), Secure password witch cc owner use for online purchase. You can check on shop is there a VBV VERIFIED BY VISA ICON on home page.
NON VBV is not verified by visa card, you can buy anything with non vbv cards without going through 3d verification process.
I leave it now for later.

Carding Tutorial
1. Connect to your vpn software and choose ip address of your victim's country.
2. Connect to RPD ( Remote Destkop connection), must be same country (IP), state as credit card holder's address .
3. Now from your RPD, connect to socks5 via mozzila firefox, example 34539 United States, Must be same as your victim's address: COUNTRY, STATE, CITY!
4. When you done all that, create email with same name as credit card holder name, same address, same city, and everything. Or if you got email access that's would be a lot better.
5. Go to your website shop you want to card.
6. Register with credit card holder information, name, country, city, address, and email you made one just for this ORDER.
7. Add a shipping address, some sites don't allow to ship to different address but there is plenty of shops which do.Shipping address is where package will be delivered usually Carder called it Drop. Which means you provide your address, girlfriend address, friend address, to your drop etc.
8. Select product you want, and click on check out, now it will ask for you know, how you will pay. Choose credit card, and type victims credit card numbers and other information needed.
9. Click order now, and i am sure 100% they will confirm your order via email or you will get track your order on website, after pressing order.
(note that some sites need phone verification, but you can always buy phone number in internet or in real life , confirm your order, and destroy it after they ship your item)
10. Wait for order to arrive to your shipping address, I personally use . When they arrive they call me, and i can say different address where i want to pick up my order.
Hope you all know now what is carding, ripping, how to get CC and how to card? Please share this post with your friends.


This FAQ is intended for educational PURPOSES ONLY.


- Well, defined loosely, carding is the art of credit card manipulation to access goods or services by way of fraud. But dont let the "politically correct" definition of carding stop fool you, because carding is more than that. Much more.
Although different people card for different reasons, the motive is usually tied to money. Yea, handling a $9,000 plasma television in your hands and knowing that you didnt pay one red cent for it is definitely a rush.
But other factors contribute to your personal reason for carding. Many carders in the scene come from poor countries, such as Argentina, Pakistan, and Lebanon where $50 could mean a weeks pay, on a good day.
Real carders (the one that have been in the scene the longest) seem to card for something more, however.
The thrill of cc manipulation? The rush that the federalles could bust down your door at any minute? The defiance of knowing that everyday that you are walking among the public is another day that you have gotten away with a federal crime?
Whatever your persona reason for carding is, this tutorial should answer a few noobie questions and take the guessing out of the entire carding game. The resources and techniques mentioned in this tutorial are NOT, I repeat, NOT the only methods of carding. Experience in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way.


Credit Cards: Yes, CCZ.
"Do you have any CCZ?"
"Where can I hack CCZ?"
"Where can I get a list of valid CCZ?"

You need money to make money. Plain and simple. Which means that the only way your gonna be able to get ccs if you have ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY is if you successfully rip a noobie with 100 cards (but what noobie has 100 cards?), if you have any background in database hacking, if you trade for your ****, or if you know someone that's willing to give you ccz all day.
I know thats a discouraging statement to all of you, but we have to keep **** realistic. The easiest way to get ccz is to purchase them.
"but I cant get a job/I dont wanna work!"
Having a regular 9 to 5 job is not a bad idea in the carding scene. Not only will you have some sort of alliby to why you have all this expensive **** in your house, but you can also use the money (who cant nowadays) to pay bills. You cant card forever, and you cant sustain yourself by carding alone.
If you are REALLY strapped for cash, you have to go through the alternative: trade for your resources. You have to be resourceful in carding, meaning you have to use what you got. Got a psybnc admin account?
Offer psybnc user for a cc or two. Got shells? roots? Can you make verification phone calls? just ask yourself "what do I have that might be valuable to someone else?" and work with that. It dosnt have to be big, it just has to get you a few cc's in your palms.
Once you've run your first successful cc scam, DONT SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS. Save $200 and re-invest back into the carding community. head to SC and get better cards. If you have level 2 cards, I suggest carding C2it/Paypal and using that $$ to buy ccs (successful C2it/PP scamming techniques will not be discussed in this tut, sorry).
To other minor pointers on rippers and legit sellers, please scroll down to "SELLERS, TRADERS, AND RIPPERS, OH MY!"
"Where can I check my CCZ?"
Knowing wether your cc is valid or not is really important for saving some time and energy. If you want the lame pr0n site check, you can check them under hxxp://
The idea way for checking ccz is through an online merchant (, linkpintcentral). These merchants can verify cc amounts without charging your ccs. Good luck finding one. People on Jabber or IRC want a ridiculous trade for These merchants (cvv lists, cash). So if you run accrosss a legit merc, dont give it out!
Even to your best buds! Online mercs are gold in the world of carding.
Other methods for verifying cc amounts include registering your cc on an online bank. You will need at least a level 2 card, level 3 for ATM cards. Alot of online banks can give you limit, billing addy, ect ect but they require at least a level 2 cc (more info on ccz below).


I want to make something clear right now. The secret to carding is not the number of cards you own, its what you can do with the cards. What do I mean by that? Simple.
Hypotherical situation: My name is Johnny and I have 3 ccs with SSN, DOB, CVV NUMBER, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TELEPHONE NUMBER. I have a friend named Billy. Billy has 300 CCCZ with CVV, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TEL. NUMBER. Whos more likely
to successfully card something?
Simply put, I (Johnny) am. Why? Because I have more information that can prove that I am the person who owns this CC than Billy does with his 300 CCVZ. Does that mean Billy's not gonna card anything? No, that
just means Billy's gonna have a hard time carding anything without verification.
So to sum up this lesson, you have to get information on your mark (the person that youre impersonating).
#1 rule in carding is: the more information you have on a person, the better chances you have for a successful transaction. Here is the information you're looking for(note: the levels of a card is not a tehcnical carding term, I' just used L1 L2 L3 to simplify **** throughout the tutorial.

LEVEL 1: REGULAR CVV. If you have this much info, youve got yourself a regular cc. Nowadays you need this much info for carding ANYTHING worth mentioning. If you have any less than this information, youre **** outta luck.
Social Security Number (SSN):
Date Of Birth (DOB):
******s Maiden Name (MMN):

LEVEL 2: (PARTIAL FULL-INFO) If you have this much info, your ccz are on another level. With this info, you should be able to card PayPal, C2IT, and other sites without too much of a h***le.)
PIN NUMBER (For CC or ATM card)

LEVEL 3: (true full-info) If you have this info, youre cc is ready to card anything your heart desires)
Now if all you have is a regular cc, dont discourage. Just do some research and build your cards as much as possible:
First, go to and try to lookup your marks street address and phone number. Make sure it matches the info you have on your cc.
Last, but not least, take a quick look in is a bit of a *****, but you can lookup DOB and MMN (ie, if your marks name is anthony hawkins, his father is david hawkins and his ******s name is bella donna, Donna is the MMN)
So size up your cards and move on to the next lesson:


Safety is key. No one wants to give the federalles the satisfaction of busting us and shutting down
production, so we gotta stay as anonymous as possible.
First let me start off by saying theres no 100% safe way to card. Dont let people fool you into thinking that.
You can be behind all the proxies, wingates, socks, and whatever else in the world, but you leave "digital fingerprints" wherever you go. For my personal benefits, I use a carded ISP combined with an anonymizer account ( and a level 1 proxy. But I dont reccomend that for everyone. offers excellent services for those that want to remain anonymous. The setback is that its a service, and like any other service provided, you have to pay for usage and they will restict your account due to fraudulent usage. Just card another one rite? If youre planning to use anonymizer, just concentrate on keeping your IP secret from their services instead of the site youre carding. The only set-back to the service is that they have some issues with sites using Java Applets, meaning you might have to skip out on some major sites that require JAVA.
Proxies and such: I use a private hidden proxies, and dont really **** with any other proxies, so I cant comment too much on this topic (maybe someone will paste a seperate proxy faq?) As far as I'm told (thx red and hit), proxies differ from level 1 to level 3, 1 being the most anonymous, 3 being the least. You can also get free proxies from this is a descent site which ranks their proxies from "transparent" (leaks your ip) to "highly anonymous." they also do real-time proxy tests and other ****.
Stealther: Theres a prob out there that will actually link your proxies together for maximum anonymity. This program is called Stealther. Stealther can be registered via key (so you can go to #serialz on efnet and get a key) and is a descent anonymous program.
EvidenceEliminator: If you're really serious about carding, this is a program you NEED to have installed on your HD at ALL TIMES! Federal agents have several programs that allow them to extract information from your PC, such as the pages you have visited, the files you have deleted, and the emails you have written.
Everytime your PC restarts, EE kicks in, providing you with the safety of erasing any tell-tale logs and history files. You always want to be prepared for the worse.
JAVA: Reguardless of what stealth method you are using, always be sure to disable JAVA on your browser.
CARDED ISP: I dunno if carding an ISP is safe or not. I've heard mixed feedbacks about this idea. However, I can testify that I've had expirience with such a matter and I havent had a problem as of yet. Some popular ISPs to card are Earthlink Pre-paid (you can pre-pay it up to a year, look for the link on their confusing website) and America Online (better used for a quickie card, just get out one of their 849308490383904 free 10000000 hour cds and input a few ccs into that *****).
These arent the only stealth methods out there: these are just the popular ones ATM. If you feel you have an anonymity method that works, by all means try it out. You never know what works and what dosent until you experiment.
If you need to know how anonymous you really are, there are some simple ways of testing this. the first (and most basic) test you should take. is a simple method of knowing what your ip is on the web. This does not run though JAVA so you cant really tell if your anonymous or not from this site alone.
hxxp:// This is actually a pr0n site protected by ibill. When you try to sign-up, there is a java applet that tells you "your current IP of blahblahblah is being recorded. Any fraudulent blahblahblah will be reported." If its not your real IP, you p***ed the second test (you can also check your ccs here).
hxxp:// this is a basic check of your anonymity level. Must have JAVA enabled the true purpose of the site is to promote their software (multiproxy) which works in similar fashion to stealther.


The right drop is essential to your scamming needs. Finding legitamite drops inside and outside of the US is hard. Many people keep your **** and dont send, or some people dont pick up the package at all! (theres nothing worse than watching your hard-earned laptop going back to the store because it was refused by the recepient).
If you live inside (or even outside) the USA, youre better off scoping a drop out on your own. A drop is basically an empty home that looks to be inhabited. This is the shipping address you use for your carding needs. Your items should only picked up at night. As awlays, be sure to have a cover-story in case someone asks why youre snooping around an empty home. "I'm picking up a package for the person that used to live here" is a legit excuse. Or even "my father is the real-estate agent." is good. Just keep in mind that if you order anything over $500, it will USUALLY need to be signed for, (this statement is based upon FEDEX/UPS policies. I've gotten feedback from people that state they have gotten their local UPS employee to drop merchandise worth 1k at thir doorstop using a note, but these are uncomfirmed rumours.) Wether youre willing to sit and wait all day on the doorsteps of your drop, or you rather leave the postman a note that says you'll pick it up at the nearest postal station, its up to you. Dont panic if you have to pick up a package at the station. When you walk in, you need to be calm so it dosent arise suspicion. If the clerk asks you to wait more than 3 minutes, PLEASE dont stand there waiting to get busted, tell him/her you have a prior engagement and quickly exit stage left.
If you live outside the USA, youre just gonna have to trust someone. The easiest way to get a legit drop in the USA is to ask around for people that have had successful experiences with a drop. Most drops hold a 50/50 or "you card something you card me sommething" policy. If youre talking so someone thats trying to cut themselves in to the deal "Ie yes, I know someone but you have to card me something too" just move on, they're wasting your time.
Just a quick note, if youre carding something like a plasma television, youll have better luck using a drop from the same state, changing the billing addy (you can change a billing addy with a level 2 card, youll need a L2 card for carding a plasma tv neways) and acting like you just moved. (have that mindset when you call in: I am (name of cardholder) and I just moved from (city a) to (city b)) Once you have the item in your possession, you SHOULD GUESS THAT YOUR DROP HAS BEEN FLAGGED. What does this mean? YOU SHOULD NOT - I REPEAT SHOULD NOT RETURN TO A DROP ONCE YOUVE CARDED EXPENSIVE **** TO IT.
Reguardless of wether your drop is flagged or not, do you really want to take the chances?
The cellular phone: The anonymous cell phone is the carders sword. With it, you will make several calls to several companies using several names. You should keep this cellular phone for carding ONLY. (just in case you become confused and forget who youre talking to.) If you have a phone phreaking connection, youre a lucky SOB. For the rest of us, we gotta go out and get a pre-paid cellular phone. A phone which dosent require much info to purchase and use.


Ok, so you got your ccs, your drop and youre as anonymous as you can make yourself. Now what sites are cardable? This is the easiest question I have to answer on this FAQ.
Why do I say that? because it's true. Like I said in chapter two of this little tutorial, its not about how many cards you have, its what you can do with them. Alot of this has to do with your mindset as well.
If you have a card from Johnny Knoxville from Texas, you must be Johnny Knoxville from texas. Depending on the information that you have acquired from Johnny Knoxvile, you must convince merchants and I-stores that you ARE Johnny Knoxville.
When approaching these I-stores, you want to scope things out first.

Ask yourself a few questions:

- Whats their policy on different shipping address than billing addess?
If they have a "must call" policy, make sure to give them an anonymous number where you can be reached (have your anon cell phone ready for this).

- Do they accept other payments besides credit?
If they accept other payment methods, sometimes its easier to card with a different payment method. Ive had more luck on with online checks that I have with credit cards.
Whatever you card, make sure that you have all your info prepped before carding it. If youre carding something over 1k, get on your anonymous celly and call up the banking institution of the person's card youre holding. Make sure to let them know that youre making a purchase of a large limit, so they dont deny your card.
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To become pro carder, here is what you must need:
1. CClearner – to clean your cache
2. Socks 5 IP Address
3. VPN / RDP
4. A list of working emails – Google Mail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook (created your own)
5. Virtual Machine – Virtual Box or VMWare Workstation
6. CVV or Accounts
7. User Agent/ Finger Print Spoofing Tools – FraudFox / AntiDetect Browsers


For anything you wan to card or purchase, the procedure is always same:
1. Have your CVV and Account Detail ready, check the location (City and Country)
2. Run VPN – Select the same country and closest city possible
3. Run Virtual Machine ( Virtual Box ) with Window Installed
4. Run Sock5 through Proxy Manager and locate the location of the victim or the nearest city possible
5. Double check your IP is not blacklisted (BL Check)
6. User Agent/ Finger Print Spoofing Tools ( FraudFox / AntiDetect )
7. Configure the User Agent/ Finger print Spoofing tools
8. Change your system time that match your victim time zone
9. Use CClearner to clean all existing cache
10. Clear the DNS cache by go to Run>type “CMD”>enter the command “ipconfig/flushdns”
11. Launch the Internet Browser (FireFox)
12. Check your identity at Whoer or Check2IP to make sure all your information are correct.
13. Start your carding
14. In the middle, you might need email address for user information, use the common email such as GMail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook mail and fill in carder’s information
15. And you are done!
The steps above are applying to anything you want to card.

What is Carding?
Carding is a process of using someone else's card illegally or simply we can call it credit card fraud which hackers call this process carding and we call the peoples carder
A Pro Carder must know that he must use Proxy, Vpn or RDP and User Agent Unfortunately we cannot card Amazon by RDP because they log our ip and checkes it with 3389 port but weak sites can be easily carded like
For carding to rely more on success percentage we should use bill=ship which means Billing Address should be same to shipping Address.
Most sites do not ship to third word countries but do not worry u can easily make it ship to your country using drops.


As a beginner summoned total concentration to this.
So it don’t seem you’re floating in the Carding world.

CC = means - Credit Card.

CC FULLZ = means - CC details with all major Information about the cc holder Which aside the ordinary cvv details "Fullz" includes D.O.B, SSN, MMN & Security Q & A.

VBV = means - Verified By Visa or NON - VBV

BTC = means BITCOIN.

MCSC = means - MasterCard Secured Code.

DROP = means - The Address where You want Your Carded items to be shipped to.

CITY + STATE = means - Your IP's location which is Country or State and City must match the Billing City and State on the CC.

BILL=SHIP = means - The CC Billing Address should be the 'Exact Same' as the Shipping Address 100%.

ZIPCC/CCZIPCODE = Means - Similar meaning as the case of "City + State".

CCSTATE/STATECC = Means - The CC Country and State should be 'Exact Same' as The Drop Address.

RE-ROUTE = Means - Calling or Chatting Customer service to Change Bill=Ship to Ship to Drop Address But mostly maintaining CC name and Phone number by just giving out the drop Address as the Correct address to receive the Shipment.
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I think I should add the updates I posted in another thread in this one as well, it's some need to know shit. Nothing in here is outdated, but this is additional needed info.

Carding isn't so easy unless you have full details and get them all changed, even then they may bring up a red flag, it depends on the site you're carding.

To be easier for example I'd card people who live in the same country as me only, just to make the job easier. Why? IIN/BIN is one of the first things they check now. Unless you steal all of their details and call up the bank and tell them you're going "abroad", otherwise all transactions would just be stopped. Get the COB address changed also, obviously this still is absolutely needed to be done to avoid the top red flag. In that case it'd be only good for instore carding and if you'd phished the pin from them, or if you're buying from IRC get full info.

Simple way, keep it to your only country and you'll have less work and trouble coming your way.

If you're going to card then card big, but not the most expensive thing in stock obviously, don't fuck around with multiple small purchases.

Identifying the place the card was issued from can be done through various methods;

2 to name a few.

This will help you pick out the phished cards and which ones are of use to you.

Now I wasn't really specific about checking for valid CVV2s so I'll tell you that now to stop you wasting your time and to keep this thread alive for further information and input.

Now there are loads of sites you can use this trick on to test if a CVV2 is valid so I don't mind giving you one.

The way it goes on most sites with this trick is to choose any product at all and go to the checkout, give the real CVV2 info but an incorrect billing address. If it gives an AVS mismatch error and/or can't match the address of the cardholder means it's valid. If it tells you the transaction has been declined then your CVV2 is invalid.

Don't use yahoo wallet for checking them, it tends to stop a lot of cards working later on.

I just thought I'd add some more stuff about instore carding because someone I know had an error pop up on one of his cards today because his dumpz on one of the cards had died. This isn't usually a problem because this person used to skim for his own when it was easier, but now he buys them from IRC instead.

When you buy dumpz from vendors and are a regular carder there will be times you're carding instore and have errors come up at the point of sale. Now because he chose a dumb nigger cashier this was easier to get out of, so keep in mind to go for nigger cashiers, younger people and dumb women.

He got the worst error come up, which was "call for authorization". Now you do not want them to do this at all, so you should make it clear you don't have much time for this, tel them you'll call the bank tomorrow and ask them to try another one of your cards. There are many other excuses as well but this was the one the person I know used. You must pu your hand out as if to insist you want the card back whilst talking to them, most of the time they won't know whether to give it you back but will give it you back when put on the spot. If you don't have another card just say you will call the bank about it and come back tomorrow.

The key to this however is to remain calm. Then give them another card.

Another error is "declined". You'll get this eventually if you have good dumpz on your card, the limit has to end somewhere (get a good IIN to make more money). Before hand you should make out you're not sure how much money is on the card "I hope I have enough money to cover this", or when it's declined just stay calm and give them another card and tell them you think the limit must be gone on that one, you had a feeling that was going to happen; laugh it off. If you don't have another card on hand say you'll be back soon and you're going to the cash point.

There's many other merchant error codes and I won't cover them all (I linked to them in another thread somewhere when kirby was mod) but once you have practice bullshitting with these errors you'll begin getting good at it, it's all pretty much the same action you should take anyway.

Now you're probably thinking if you have the PIN as well then why not just cash out at the cash point and then pay in cash? You can only draw out $300 within 24 hours most cards.

Also if you're carding expensive goods then have some other ID which matches the name on the credit card, they'll ask for this majority of the time if it's expensive goods. Sometimes the guy I know has been able to get away with just having a fake business name tag ID whipped up. This won't wash if you're carding rolexes or gemstones. It's best to have another form of fake ID like a driing licence or something like that.

Means change of billing. There's a couple of ways to do it, online or by phone. Alot of banks only need ssn and dob so a lookup for them will sometimes do it. A little advice is do not card 2k 3 hours after you changed the billing. Wait about 3-4 days or maybe a week. Common sense buddy.

BIN (bank identification number)
Keep logs of them, you found one that made you 5k? Save it and get it again. This is one of the most important things in carding and make sure you keep the gold to yourself.

Western Union
Yes it is possible, but it's a pain in the ass. You need to try and try...and keep trying til you discover the treasure. Make sure you get good credit reports.

I'll tell you one thing though, USA cc suck ass. I recommend the good one's Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Greece. But some USA bins are still good just look.

He's right about the COB. It takes a while to change now, so get it changed as early into the month as you can, the 8th or 9th is usually good enough for the guy I know.

IINs are the most important now indeed if you want to make a good profit and not get busted by limits. UK IINs aren't that bad but the best ARE germany, spain and Turkey from what I've seen so far.

I've got a huge list of IINs which I'm a little reluctant to share.

As for Western Union I've heard you need a lot in a lot of countries but in the UK it's not too hard at all.

Get some sock proxies and make an account online. Add the card details and the receivers details then go through the process.

If it all goes well they give you a MTCN (money transaction control number).

Call them up to confirm and answer their questions about why you're sending the money and if you know them. I usually give the excuse that I'm a job agent and it's his weekly pay. They ask other qustions like your D.O.B (this is why you need to be good at phishing or make sure you're buying fullz). They'll also ask the name of the bank that issued the card, so see the BIN/IIN checkers I linked earlier.

I've heard of some people being asked if it's their first time making a transfer through WU from credit card. This is what catches you out or confirms the whole thing; just say yes, it's a 50/50 chance.

Then go to a WU agent with fake ID of the contact details you gave of the reciever, or if you've got a trustworthy person to pick it up then give his and get him to pick it up.

The shit thing is you can only send $100 each transaction and only $600 a month. That was with a UK IIN, I'm not sure if it'd be different with another card.

Western Union is good for cashing out but it's not worth all of the stages and there are tons of easier ways.

By the way, if you're phishing for fullz you should now ask this question because the banks have upped their security since July.

What is the 1st, 3rd and 6th character of your secret password?

Phishing over the phone while using spoofcard works handy with banks as well and is pretty fun while you're playing some downloaded office noise MP3 in the background as well.

They vary on that question so if you can get the whole password (like you should be aiming to do so) then it's easily done.

Since I'm feeling generous I'll tell you that amazon is EXTREMELY easy to card.

A UK only site that's easy to card is additionsdirect, but you need to make an acocunt on the site too; just keep using sock proxies and sign up all in the card holders details and put the billing addresses in there. They allow shipping to alternte addresses still and will leave it around the back in a dry, out of the way place if there is no one there to collect. Easiest place to card so far, they tried making it more difficult by having to sign up to the website.

Don't trust VPNs much at all. Main reason being shadowcrew.
That was a sad moment for all fraudsters but a good lesson was learnt for those not in the scene at that time, you never put all of your trust or your eggs in one persons basket. When I was a mod of Bad Ideas, there was some retard flooding the forums everyday because I called him out on trying to scam others off and advertising his shitty fake services in all of his posts; I looked up the IP and turns out the VPN he was using was operated by someone I'd done alot of vending with in the past and we helped each other out. This guy was more than willing to give me all traffic details of the guy using his service, I didn't but I certainly threatened to do so to this dumbshit if he didn't stop spamming and fuck off. VPNs are not to be dependable on, there are a few trusted ones out there, but shadowcrew is just proof that anyonecan turn at any time.


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Basic Knowledge In carding. Things you will need to know to be a successful Carder.

Today I am introducing a free carding tutorial for Newbies which includes a methods, advice, and suggestions up to pro level.

If you didn’t understand anything or if I miss anything in hurry please do comment below and let us know your problems or queries…

Knowledge is free, so I decide to teach everyone carding for free. But remember one thing Money makes Money. I will guide you from basic to pro level. Teach you all theory. But you have to invest money to make money.

Carding is not as easy you think and you can’t learn it easily, it needs a lot of practice and time. You have to buy cc, socks and try yourself. Have to use your brain to get success. So if you have no money to invest for yourself then get out from this world and do your own business. I especially write this guide for pure noobs. As much as I can, I will explain everything briefly.

What is Carding?
Carding is an art or technique to buy something from online shopping site for free and as such, expect to fail a few times while you are getting started. The key to being successful is to not give up and keep trying different sites, methods etc. Most carders have endured tireless periods of trial and error which is how they eventually came upon specific methods that work for them. Whatever your personal reason for carding is, this tutorial will help a few noobies who are interested in carding and take the guessing out of the entire carding game.

The resources and techniques mentioned in this tutorial are NOT the only methods of carding. Experience and trying many times in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way and helps you to get a complete knowledge about carding.

The Basic Things Need For Carding:
1. Computer
2. Socks (Compulsory || U may here to use VPN in carding. But it is a piece of shit)
3. Mac Address Changer (Must Use)
4. All in one cleaner (CCleaner)
5. RDP (Optional||But I prefer it for safety)
6. Drop (Optional || But need to use for more secure shopping sites)
7. Credit Card (CC)

Let me Explain how these requirements works and helps you in carding:

1. Computer:
For carding I always prefer to use Computer. You may see many carders doing this in mobile. But it is not safe. So use PC. Don’t have PC, Even i will tell you the safest way of carding in mobile.

2. Socks
Socks 5 Socket Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. So with this we can hide our IP. We used it to match our location same with Credit Cardholder Location to make a successful transaction. It’s don’t leak your DNS info but VPN do that so it is more secure than any VPN software.

3. MAC Address Change
MAC (Media Access Control) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment. A network node may have multiple NICs and each NIC must have a unique MAC address. MAC Address Changer allows you to change (spoof) Media Access Control (MAC) Address of your Network Interface Card (NIC) instantly. You may don’t understand it… it’s like your IP address. We will change it to stay anonymous and safe.

Carding 4 Carders

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Carding Basics TUTORIAL

Carding is a Method of Stealing the Information of Someone’s Credit Card and Using it to Buy Things from Online Stores, Using with the Access of that Credit Card. Hackers, Who Steals these details are Usually Calls Carders. They Buy Goods with these Credit Cards or Sell’s it Online. Below I have Included the Methods, That are Used in Carding. This is A Complete Guide to What is Carding? And How to Do Carding. This Guide Consists a Complete Carding Tutorial, So you can Learn All About Carding.

Dont think Carding is Easy, As Simply Going to Site and Buy Some Stuff. If you want to Learn Carding, you have to Give it time and Practice and Have to use your Mind Yourself. I will just provide some Great Carding Techniques, A Complete Carding Tutorial, But you have to Learn it own. The Success Rate in Carding is very low Because Nowadays, Many Sites get you and Cancel your Order, So It needs very Patience and Time to learn it. This is a Guide for Especially a Noobie If he Wants to learn Carding. So Read Full Post, And If you will have any Doubt, Just Hit the comment Section, Below the Post.

What is Carding?

It is a Process, Where a User or Carder purchase Goods from a Hacked or Stolen Credit Card Details. Hackers Steal the Details of Credit Cards And then Buy Stuff from these details. Carding is an Art of Technique, If you want to learn Carding, You have to give it your time. If you are Noob, Then it is expected that you’ll fail some times, But the Key of Success is, Not to Stop and Keep Practicing.

The Success Rate for Carding is very Low, As their if the Site gets any Unknown Transaction from a Hacked or Stolen Credit Card info, They Usually Reversed the Transaction or Cancel the Order Placement.

However, Carding is most succesfulwhen using US Cards, As these Cards does not require any Pin Verification or OTP’s. So If you are Using an Indian Credit Card, Then It is Highly Secured as they Won’t Work Without OTP Verification or 3D Secure Verification Unless International Transaction Mode is Enabled.

How to do Carding? Complete Carding Tutorial

Below I have Explained Everything in Deep, Plz Read and Share it with your Friends.

Basic Things You Need for Carding: Carding Tutorial

There may be So many Things, But I have Added the Most Important and Basic Ones in this List, Below I also Explained What these things are, And How it will help you in Learning and Understanding this Carding Tutorial.

What is required for successful carding?

A Computer
CC Cleaner or All in One Cleaner
MAC Address Changer
RDP (Optional)
Drop (Optional)

Well, This is an Essential part, If you are going to do Carding. For Carding, I will Always prefer you to Use Computer because it has so many things and It is the Safest Way to Card. Many of Carders Use Mobile for Carding But It is not Safe, So I Prefer having a Computer First. But If you don’t have a Computer, then I have included the Safest way to Card with Smartphone. You can Check that Below. ????

CC Cleaner

It is a very Useful tool that mainly uses for Cleaning all the Browsing History, Clearing Cookies, Caches and Temp Files. This is a very handy tool, But not so many people know about it. Flash cookies are different from Regular Cookies, As they don’t Ask for permission to Install Cookies on your PC, and Saves All the info in your Browser, This Tool Even Clear all the Flash Cookies As Well. ????

MAC Address Changer

MAC Address is a Unique Identifier, That Assigned in an Network Interface Card, Which is Unique of Every Computer. MAC Address Changer Allows you to spoof MAC Address of your Computer.


It is a Network Internet Protocol, Which Mainly Routes Network Packets between Server and Client using a Proxy Server. So, We’ll use it for Hiding Our Main Location and Proving a Fake Location to the location of Credit Card’s Holder for Making the Transaction Successful. Generally, It is more Secure than the VPN, as It won’t leak your DNS Details.


RDP Also knows as Remote Desktop Protocol, Which Allows you to graphically connect with a Computer Over a Network. It will connect you with any Computer Connected as an RDP on Any Country and Make yourself Anon. This is not Required but you can Use it for Safety Purposes.


Well, It is a Service, Which usage for getting Shipping Address for Carding. Suppose If you are from Pakistan And Carding with a US Credit Card. If you’ll add Delivery Address as Pakistan then There are so many chances to Cancel the Order, But If you will use a US Address, then there will be 95% Chances of Order Success. If you have any Relatives their than It is OK, But If you don’t have anyone than This service will help you. It will provide you an Address of that country, And Take Delivery and then Send that Parcel to you. it charges some money for it, But It will be worth in Investing in it. ????

Credit Card

This is the Essential Part of Carding, If you Understand what is it, Half of your Work will End Up Here. Whenever you’ll buy a Credit Card from any Online Shop, you will receive it in a Virtual Notepad File or Something with the Below format.

Types of Credit Cards

Below I Have Added some types of CC:

Regular Credit Card

Well, This is the Minimum Information you’ll get from a CC whenever you’ll Buy it. If you’ll not Get any of these Details, Then you can’t do anything with that CC. You are Out of Luck this Time. With this CC you can Card Simple Sites.

Partial Full-Info CC

In these Card, You will get some Additional Information with the Details Mention Above. This Information are

Social Security Number (SSN):
Date Of Birth (DOB):
******’s Maiden Name (MMN):
with the Help of this Info, You can Even Card C2IT and Even Paypal. So this is Great if you’ll get these Details too.

Full-Info Credit Card

This Card Provides you full Details in it.
These Details are Below:

PIN NUMBER (For CC or ATM card)
If you’ll have this info, You can Card Anything. Yes, I said Anything.

Types of Credit Cards

Below are some of the Companies, Which Provides Credit Cards. I must Suggest you Use AMEX Premium, As It has mainly Usage by Many of the Carders.
These Companies are:


BIN - What is It?

BIN Stands for Bank Identification Number, It is the First 6 Digits of your Credit Card, Suppose if your Credit card number is 4305873969346315 this, Then your BIN will be 430587. I will suggest you Collect some Information Related to BIN, This may help you in Learning Carding Easily. For BIN’s Bins.Pro And BinLists are Best. This will help you in Learning Almost Everything about Bins. Must Do a check at these sites.

How to Card? Carding Tutorial

Well, Before Starting makes Sure you have gathered all the Required Things I Earlier Mentioned in the Post.

Set Up Socks in Mozilla

Just Open Firefox, Than Go to Options and Click on Advanced Settings. After that go to Network and then A Pop-Up will appear. Select the fourth option of Manual Proxy Configuration. Now type the Proxy and Port Below, That’s it.

After Adding the Proxy there, Just Hit OK and Restart the Firefox and Now you’ll be Connected with Secure Socks.

Note: Make Sure to Buy Socks with the Matching Location of the Address in Credit Card. Suppose If Credit Card holder is From South Africa, Your Socks are also of South Africa.

How to Carding? Step By Step Tutorial of Carding

1. Create a New Email Account with the Matching Name of CC Holder, If CC Holder Name is Smith Parker then Make Something Like Smithparker78@***.com

Note: Never Use Disposable Emails for Carding.

2. Run RDP and Connect with your Host, In case if you are not Using RDP Follow the Steps Below-

3. Change All the MAC Addresses Using MAC Address Changer.

4. Clear All the History of Your PC Including Cache, Temp Files using CC Cleaner.

5. Set Up Sock5 in Mozilla Firefox, Check Above I Have Explained How to Setup Socks in Mozilla.

6. Now, Restart your Browser and Visit This link to Check is your IP Changed with the Location of CC holder or Not.

7. Open Any Local Online Market Store, I will suggest you Use anyone which is from your own country.

8. Register Account with the Name of CC Holder and Email you made for Carding.

9. Try to Add an Item to your Cart, The item should Below USD $500, Never use Big Orders for the First Transaction.

10. In Shipping Address, Add the Address where you want to Deliver the Product.

11. Now, Go for the Payment Option, Choose Credit Card for Payment.

12. Enter All the Credit Card Details you Received when you bought the Credit Card.

13. For Billing Address, Use the Address of CC Holder.

If you follow all the Steps Above, your Order will be Successfully Placed. Now wait for Order to Arrive, When the Order will arrive, the Courier boy will make a Call to you, And When you’ll go for taking the Product, he will ask you for Any ID Proof, Try to Provide them any Fake ID,

Note: Never try to Give real ID Proof while getting the Delivery.

How to Card with Android Smartphone

Well, I won’t suggest to do it with Mobile or Android Smartphone, Either You can Try. I personally Suggest using a PC for it.

1. A Rooted Android Device with Some Apps Installed, Apps Like- IMEI Changer, CCleaner, Android ID Changer, Proxy Droid, and Phone ID Changer.

2. Change IMEI, Android ID and Phone ID Using Apps.

3. Connect SOCKS Proxy Using Proxy Droid App.

4. Now Follow All the Steps of Carding Mentioned Above.

List Of Sites for Carding?

Well, There is no one Site which can’t be Carded, Its All Depends on the Credit Card you have. It all depends on your methods and Active mind.

How to Check Balance on Credit Card?

Follow the Steps Mention Below, the Steps will only work with US and UK Based CC’s.

Check your BIN in and get your bank name. For example of the BIN (430587), the bank is Capital One, USA.
Now search phone number bank in google. For this bank, it’s +1-800-935-9935
Call the number on Skype, it’s free since it’s toll-free number.
Now the automatic robot will ask you some info. Ex. CCN, CVV etc.
Now put your info by using your keyboard.
It will automatically tell you the CC balance.