
  1. Brother

    Trojan approach for controlling light rays through Lagrange points

    How scientists made the world play by its own rules. A recently published study in the journal Nature Physics presents a groundbreaking method for controlling and capturing light waves based on the exotic properties of Lagrange points. Scientists from the University of Southern California have...
  2. Brother

    Grandoreiro Trojan destroyed: ESET reveals details of Brazilian agents operation

    Thanks to the company's efforts, the banking Trojan stopped terrorizing Latin American banks. During a joint operation between ESET and the Brazilian Federal Police, actions were taken to stop the activities of the Grandoreiro botnet, as a result of which victims suffered $3.9 million...
  3. Brother

    Cybertend over China: FakeApp as a new vector of remote access Trojan distribution

    When will IT giants finally fix a fundamental flaw in their advertising services? Recently, security experts from Malwarebytes identified a malicious campaign aimed at Chinese-speaking users who became victims of intruders thanks to the Google Ads advertising service. Cybercriminals used...
  4. Brother

    Russian retailers, bankers, and IT specialists are attacked by the RADX Trojan

    Researchers F.A.C.C.T. report the addition to the “warriors” regiment with a new remote access Trojan, RADX, which was used in recent attacks on Russian marketplaces, retail chains, banks and IT companies. A little earlier, the group behind the attacks used another Trojan - DarkCrystal RAT...
  5. Brother

    Teenagers are spreading a new Silver RAT Trojan that can bypass any protection

    The authors are ready to share advanced software to take control of the device. The hacker group Anonymous Arab has released a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) called Silver RAT, which is able to bypass security and run hidden applications unnoticed. This was reported by the information security...
  6. Brother

    MacOS users, be on your guard: Unknown Trojan spreads via PDF files

    The BlueNoroff group has come up with a way to infect financial organizations and investors. Kaspersky Lab has discovered a new version of the malicious boot loader for macOS, presumably associated with the BlueNoroff APT group and its RustBucket campaign. The group is aimed at financial...
  7. Brother

    International distrust grows: SugarGh0st Trojan attacks the Uzbek Foreign Ministry

    Written in C++, the Chinese malware has an extensive range of spy features. According to a new report by Cisco Talos, a group of Chinese-speaking hackers has carried out a malicious campaign targeting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, as well as private organizations in South...
  8. Brother

    Word - a new channel for the Konni Trojan: an ordinary document turns into a means of espionage

    Hackers have found a way to invade and control victims computers without being noticed. FortiGuard Labs has discovered that the Konni APT group linked to North Korea is using an infected Word document as part of an ongoing phishing campaign. Konni was first detected by Cisco Talos in 2017, but...
  9. Brother

    Trojan horse in Chrome: Latin American bank data in the hands of ParaSiteSnatcher extension

    Why would a harmless extension need the financial data of Brazil's largest banks? Trend Micro has discovered a malicious extension for Google Chrome called ParaSiteSnatcher that targets users in Latin America, particularly Brazil. The extension allows attackers to track, manipulate, and steal...
  10. Lord777

    Trojan operators are once again using XLL, breaking accounts to bypass protection

    In recent months, the HP Wolf Security team has recorded an increase in the activity of Trojans distributed in XLL files. To bypass the blocking of such downloads introduced by Microsoft, attackers send their emails from compromised accounts. In the third quarter of 2023, 80% of malware...
  11. Lord777

    Trojan operators are once again using XLL, breaking accounts to bypass protection

    In recent months, the HP Wolf Security team has recorded an increase in the activity of Trojans distributed in XLL files. To bypass the blocking of such downloads introduced by Microsoft, attackers send their emails from compromised accounts. In the third quarter of 2023, 80% of malware...
  12. Carding 4 Carders

    The Amadey Trojan as an Undercover Agent PDF

    A harmless PDF can take control of your data. Cybersecurity experts from the 360 Threat Intelligence Center team have discovered a new campaign by the APT-C-36 group, known for its targeted phishing attacks. This time, cybercriminals decided to step up their attacks by introducing the Amadey...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    Hackers use Windows System Calculator to infect Quasar RAT Trojan

    DLL Sideloading once again demonstrates its superiority over security tools. The open-source remote access Trojan Quasar RAT uses the DLL Sideloading technique to discreetly extract data from infected Windows-based devices. According to Uptycs researchers, this method uses the system trust...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    Spynote: an immortal Trojan that can't be protected from

    Researchers analyzed the work of a secretive and very effective malware on Android. Analysts from the information security company F-Secure conducted an in-depth analysis of the Android Trojan Spnote and discovered its extensive capabilities for collecting confidential information. Usually...
  15. CarderPlanet

    Your code is no longer protected: hackers turned GitHub into a Trojan

    If you see a commit from GitHub Dependabot, check the security of the code. Security researchers found unusual commits in hundreds of public and private repositories that were spoofed to appear to be Dependabot commits. The campaign focuses on injecting malicious code into projects to steal...
  16. CarderPlanet

    Financial shock: Xenomorph Trojan nullifies accounts of major banks

    New features have been added to the Trojan, which helped to clean out crypto wallets and bank customer accounts. The cybercriminals behind a sophisticated Android banking Trojan called Xenomorph have been actively attacking users in Europe for more than a year and recently switched to customers...
  17. Carding

    CapraRAT Trojan: How Hackers Get into Your Life while You watch YouTube

    The Trojan turns the phones of government employees into a listening device. The hacker group APT36 (Transparent Tribe )was seen using at least three Android apps that mimic YouTube to infect devices with a Remote Access Trojan called CapraRAT. The campaign was discovered by the SentinelLabs...
  18. Carding

    Secretive Trojan Remcos RAT massively attacks Colombian organizations

    Social engineering and phishing once again worked perfectly, deceiving many local employees. Cybersecurity researchers at Check Point identified a large-scale phishing campaign targeting more than 40 large companies in various sectors of the economy in Colombia. The attackers ' goal was to...
  19. Carding

    MMRat Android Trojan выполняет удаленное финансовое мошенничество с помощью функции специальных возможностей

    С конца июня 2023 года был замечен ранее недокументированный банковский троянец Android, получивший название MMRat, нацеленный на мобильных пользователей в Юго-Восточной Азии с целью удаленного присвоения устройств и совершения финансового мошенничества. "Вредоносная программа, названная в...
  20. Carding

    Virtual pickpocket: MMRat banking Trojan caused a stir in Southeast Asia

    Think twice before giving a bunch of permissions to unfamiliar programs. Researchers at Trend Micro have discovered a new banking Trojan, MMRat, targeting Android users in Southeast Asia. This is reported in yesterday's report of the company. MMRat is distributed through phishing sites...