Virtual pickpocket: MMRat banking Trojan caused a stir in Southeast Asia


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Think twice before giving a bunch of permissions to unfamiliar programs.

Researchers at Trend Micro have discovered a new banking Trojan, MMRat, targeting Android users in Southeast Asia. This is reported in yesterday's report of the company.

MMRat is distributed through phishing sites disguised as official app stores. To improve performance when transmitting large amounts of data, the Trojan uses a specially developed C2 protocol based on Protobuf.

The Trojan can take screenshots of the screen, remotely manage infected devices, track user actions, and collect various personal data. According to Trend Micro experts, MMRat poses a very serious threat to owners of Android smartphones.

The main purpose of MMRat is to steal money from bank accounts. To do this, the victim only needs to download the malware to the device, install it, and grant it the necessary permissions.

Then MMRat establishes a connection with the remote server and starts transmitting the user's personal data, device information, keylogs, etc.In addition, attackers can remotely turn on an infected smartphone, unlock the screen, and perform fraudulent operations with the victim's bank cards.

To protect yourself from this threat, experts recommend downloading apps only from official stores, avoiding suspicious sites, and regularly updating your device software. You should also be careful when granting permissions to questionable apps.