Which is better Tor over VPN or VPN over Tor


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On hacker and computer forums, I often come across discussions on the topic of what is better TOR over VPN or VPN over TOR. Looking ahead, I want to say that there is no unambiguous answer to this question. In certain situations, one bundle is better and the other is worse. In the article, we will consider the pros and cons of each method and try to understand in which situations it is better to use TOR through VPN, and in which VPNs through TOR.

Which is better Tor over VPN or VPN over Tor​

First, let's define what TOR and VPN are for and what role they play in data privacy and anonymity.

Tor for anonymity​

Tor provides higher anonymity than VPNs. When you try to enter the site, your data goes through a chain of random nodes. You are anonymous, but your ISP can tell you are using Tor.

VPN for privacy​

A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts internet traffic, usually routing it through only one server. Based on this, the speed is higher than Tor.

You are not anonymous, but your work on the network is confidential, unless the VPN provider saves user logs and is ready to transfer them to special services.

Using Tor over a VPN​

User → VPN → Tor → Internet

To use this bundle, you need to connect to your chosen VPN server and then launch Tor Browser. The encrypted VPN traffic will be forwarded to the Tor network, traversing the Tor nodes until it reaches its final destination. End-to-end VPN encryption and Tor anonymity are a good pairing for safe browsing.

  • Easy to customize.
  • High speed and stable performance.
  • The VPN provider cannot see the content or the source of the traffic, but only the fact of the connection to Tor.
  • The ISP does not see that you are using Tor, only that you are using a VPN.
  • The Tor entry node will see the VPN's IP address, not your real IP address. You can go to the Tor onion sites.

  • The VPN provider can still see the real IP address and provide this information to intelligence agencies.
  • If you send unencrypted traffic, you are vulnerable to malicious Tor exit nodes.
  • If the VPN suddenly goes down, the provider will know about your online activities.

Using a VPN over Tor​

User → Tor → VPN → Internet

To use this chain, you first connect to Tor and then start the VPN. Your traffic is encrypted after connecting to Tor nodes.

  • The VPN provider cannot see the real IP address.
  • The ISP cannot see that you are using a VPN, only that you are using Tor.
  • Good for anonymous shopping.

  • Very low speed.
  • You can only access Tor sites.
  • Not all VPN providers allow you to use this bundle.
  • The Tor network does not approve of such a chain, as they believe that a VPN server can create a profile of all your activities and that over time can be detrimental to the user.