What is antifraud in carding?


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Antifraud is an analysis system designed to prevent fraudulent actions, detect atypical behavior, and send data to the bank in order to prevent possible subsequent actions with bank cards. If it was rejected the first time, then it's not a fact that this is the end, sometimes 30 minutes are enough for the card to rest and everything goes in the second time, and sometimes the card is already blocked.

Anti-fraud systems assess possible risks (for example, it checks the IP address from which transactions have already been made, the number of failed attempts, and whether the card is included in merged databases. In addition, it checks whether transactions were made from this card in this service, but from a different account. However, it is suspicious if a person pays three times and three different accounts creates it in the store for payment), then when several such incidents are combined, it takes protective measures when caught through these neural filters. There are a huge number of systems on the market, all of them are similar in themselves, you should not go deeper into their structure, there are names that you can navigate by, what you can work with, and what you shouldn't.

To make the system believe that you are not a fraudster, but a typical customer, you need to follow simple rules, which we will talk about now.

Each platform has its own individual antifraud, it all depends on the budget of the company's creator. Stick (PayPal), for example, has its own characteristics: it is not included in the account if its cookies are not enough, but picking them up, climbing on the stick site, you can safely log in to it… At stores with equipment, fraud will be more powerful, each transaction will be studied in detail, but in a store with jewelry, which is not particularly popular, fraud will be almost invisible and the order can go much more than in a shop with equipment). Therefore, it is better to look for unpopular stores (shops) that do not invest huge amounts of money for protection and qualify for a specific product(cosmetics, fishing gear, jewelry, and a long list are sold well). The main feature is to find a shop that will tell you where they are easily located, but it takes time, just drive in and wait for them to miss or not, over time there will be a database of your shops, which will speed up the work. You don't need to drive constantly in one shop, you will quickly kill and talk about it accordingly, too.

The store and the Bank form a multi-stage anti-fraud system, i.e. first the store evaluates your IP address for cleanliness, your cookies and your actions on the Internet, the bank considers whether a typical transaction + evaluates you as a cardholder or a fraudster.

To make it easier to bypass Antifraud, you should know the subtleties of the stores you work with, select the material and correctly perform all the work.

Correctly perform the work, it is to behave like a typical buyer and during work do not Google unnecessary things, do not rush and do not work as a copy paste (copy and paste from a working file), we do everything with pens, because at any second antifraud will decide to make a refusal and get an error.

Bottom line, having set up the car correctly, checking the IP address for cleanliness, you need to look for unpopular shops that have the right product, the right merchant (the right payment method), the right delivery method, and just try it until you find what you need, what will give. Very few people share their shopping experience just like that, so I don't recommend wasting time on tips from the public.