AntiFraud and Carding for Beginners


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Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about Antifraud (hereinafter referred to as the system) for those who think that, here I bought ss, dedic/tunnel/soksy and calmly beat in some kind of shop or merchant.
What is antifraud in general? This is a security system for a merch or shop that is aimed at preventing any illegal actions on the part of "buyers", that is, protection from people like us. Antifraud may look different. Whether it's a program code with a definitely embedded algorithm of "pure action", or a bunch of bespectacled people behind the monitor who graze your actions. That is, if you deviate from the acceptable parameters of the system, everything will start to get calls, text messages, documents, etc. In principle, there is nothing complicated in ordering the rendering of documents or accepting SMS messages, but these are unnecessary gestures that take time, nerves, create additional costs, and it's not a fact that your drive will be missed. For example, in Paypal, there are rumors that if your account has been limited, then it will be extremely problematic to drain money from there.

So, not everything is so simple.

I'm currently working on my website with the promotion of one of the merch (buy non-existing things from myself via cc)
. I have a few main points that will be very useful for beginners to learn in this business.
Adhering to the basic criteria and understanding the requirements and work of anti-fraud, you can quite successfully carding anything.
  • It is very bad to card something late at night, according to the time zone of the ss holder. Since the system believes that at night all normal people sleep and see pink piglets in their dreams.
  • Orders (cargo) from certain countries may cause resentment in the system. The list of these countries includes Israel (still gets it), Eastern Europe, South America, etc. This means that if you are going to drive in the Argentine CC or any other materials for driving in, then Antifraud will sit in the bushes with a targeted ban of your account or IP and increased attention on you.
  • Driving in large volumes. There are some merch items that are not interested in antifraud at all, as they can skip your order with ease. And there are also those who will not miss your order without a scanned passport and a rabies vaccination.But all this depends only on the merch.
  • ISP address. Internet Service Provider.This is actually the place where you are going to do business, I think everything is clear).For those who don't understand, this means that your IP address must match the holder's address, ideally even the city or ZIP code.
  • billing=shipping think on 'e also special attention should not be concentrated. Some shops will not miss your order if the ss holder lives, for example, in the state of California, and you are going to send a couple of brulikas to your neighbor from Adler, for example. But of course, not all shops are buttoned up on this and can allow you to do this, if it is not initially provided for by the store itself. Call, communicate, and come up with ways. They are there, but just like that, no one will tell you about them, not even me
  • Log in to a shop or merch. Do not try to enter the merch or shop directly using the link that you have. Antifraud does not sleep and sees where your entrance was from. Was it Google, Yahoo or any other search engine, or direct input from the browser. This all affects, so to speak, your relationship with the antifraud. For example, make different queries when searching for your store until you find it. Earlier, when anti-fraudsters were at the level of dinosaurs, you could enter a link to the shop in Google and click on it and calmly enter it. Now it's all at a higher level because of the "fakin rashian carders" like us.
  • Email addresses that do not resemble the name or any relation to it (random) are considered as an attempt to hide their identity and, as a result, will attract the attention of the system.
  • Provider of the email address. Statistics show that most carjacking happens with the use of such providers :mad:hotmail, @yahoo, @juno, etc. Ideally, use Gmail, like Google, reputation and all that.
  • Directly driving in. Do not drive the same cardboard into a merch or shop that you have already driven into 3-4 times before. They drove it in and threw it out, or they went to another shop and finished it off there.
These are the main points that should be taken into account by beginners. Well, those who are already more experienced, they know much more. Yes, and to lay out all the subtleties and pitfalls in one article will not work. All this comes with experience, mistakes, declines, bans, etc.
. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that based on the type of anti-fraud, different methods of combating carding can be used. For example, the system may include that on Monday from 8.00 am to 13.00 pm, no purchases are made and you will be noticed and therefore your order may be declared. And more serious merchants can still throw you java or cookies, which will identify your computer every time (not necessarily an individual entrepreneur), so clean the system more often, and change the interface language, time zone (under the holder, of course) and interrupt the names of your hardware using Stz blaster.
But the result doesn't always depend on your actions. Very often, "Fraud prevention" things pop up just because a visit has already been made to this or that shop-merch site from that dedic or tunnel and it is quite likely that there was a very crooked person there.
For particularly dangerous kulhatskers, I repeat, the article is written for those who are just beginning this thorny path to the stars.