The Chinese again. $800 liability on freelancers.


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Hello! Today I will teach you how to make money on... the Chinese. Again, yes. Chinese and UpWork. Upwork is the biggest freelance exchange in the world.

In China, UpWork is banned by the state, they just can't go there at all. No way. And if they can, they are prosecuted by the state.

Basically, in China, everyone wants to work as coders, but earning money online is prohibited there and in principle does not exist as part of business activities. UpWork is fully available in the CIS countries. We have the goods, the Chinese have the demand. * Hasidic chants started playing*

I want to remind you that this channel is not dedicated to earning schemes, and I only show a case, a case, an example of how it happens, what they earn now, what they live off. So don't take it as a way to make money, but only as something interesting.
  • Register for UpWork.
  • Register on PlayerUP.
  • The white version.
  • The black method.

So, let's start... I'll say right away, the theme has two branches - white and black.

The manual will describe both of them. You don't need any skills, you have basic SI knowledge and money in your pocket.

What we'll need:
  1. Naturally, as you already guessed, it's an UpWork account.
  2. Any payment system that can be tied to UpWork (if you still choose the black method, then you can even tie it up without tying it up, they will just throw money at it), namely Payoneer or Paypal.
Personally, I use Pioneer, because for all the time there was not a single chargeback, and it's not easy to make it there. Registration and verification takes literally half a day-a day.

For verification, you will need:
  1. Passport
  2. Fictional type of activity (I personally took the site of an IT office in my city, and I wasPHPdeveloper). In the verification screen, not all verifications are required. At the beginning, you only need a passport.

Register for UpWork.
Go to Upwork. Click the "SignUp" button.

We write our real data, because then in order to be able to withdraw money, they will require verification from us.

Next, we go to the Create your profile page. I will attach the design in text form to the Manual, but now just screenshots of my accounts (yes, I have several of them, and I will tell you how to register several accounts and then verify them in one person later).

After registering our account, you need to wait until it is verified (not to be confused with passport verification).

P.S. when filling out a profile, originality is welcome, the more copy-paste — the better.

Next, we will need to pass video verification with the passport, write to the support chat and say "Hello, I want to make the video verification for my account", connect the webcam, burn your face next to the passport and you're done. It takes about 10 minutes.

Register on PlayerUP.​

Go to PlayerUp, the usual trading platform for accounts, nothing special. Register, then go to the topic of selling UpWork accounts link.

Create our theme, for example "Selling clear video verified UpWork account". A screenshot of our profile is welcome in the theme.

Next, I advise you to go through other people's topics, they write a bunch of Chinese people in the comments and leave their Skype to be added. (All those" Russian " Skype accounts in the comments are all Chinese).

In contacts for communication, we write our Skype, it is advisable to register some such :

The Chinese are added at the speed of light, there are just a million of them, there are still other sites, but this one was enough for me.

I attach screenshots of typical correspondence with the buyer:


They always ask you to show your account via TeamViewer, I always agreed, usually they went to your profile, went to settings, checked if your account is clean, they can't do anything without a security question and password, so don't worry.

Often they want to rent your account for coding, so that they can use it through TeamViewer. Here we have two options-black and white.

The white version.​

We give our account to him for rent, providing only the password and login from the UpWork account, he will not be able to change anything with them, at the end of the month he pays you a fee for "renting" the account, usually I asked for 10 percent of the income. There is no point in not paying them, because all the payment data is yours and you can simply withdraw money to your account. This is a long-term cooperation, so to speak, personally, I now have a proger, from which I have $ 800 a month stably. (see screenshot)

on the withdrawal account, we link our regular bank card to pioneer and withdraw it right like this, I personally have PrivatBank, here is the screen below:


The black method.​

Black, the easiest and fastest way:

We breed our Chinese for prepayment, the so-called Prepay, the amount varies from$ 25 to$ 100, usually I took the middle and asked for$ 50(above on the screen you can see one such transaction). In 90% , after persuasion, they agreed.

The argument was this: what if you throw me on the account at the end of the month?? (although he couldn't do it in any way, but everything was conducted. Blunt, narrow-eyed eyes).

Sometimes they wanted to call on Skype to hear the voice, I do not know why they need it, but they came across them.

After a couple of months of working on the black market, I switched to a long-term contract with them, and it is more profitable and practically a liability. In addition, after a while, we have a full account rating, I have become TopRated in a couple of months, respectively, there are even more people who want it.

On average, a month from the white method is 800$, the main thing is to find your Chinese <3.
From the black one-who is very good for what, about 600-700$.

That's all! Write your opinions.