Poker face - what is it? How to learn to hold your face?


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Some borrowed foreign words and terms are so widespread that we are used to considering them part of the Russian language. An excellent example is the concept of "poker face" - what is it and how to determine if you are doing it to the fullest? This phrase has English roots and draws heavily on British culture. At the same time, the term is so successful that it easily fits not only into the Russian language, but is already considered a kind of international concept.

Poker face: what is it and what does it look like?​

If you translate the expression poker face literally, you get a rather awkward construction "poker face". What is it all about? If everything is clear with the face, then poker is a card game in which the probability of winning or losing largely depends on the ability not to reveal to your partners what cards you really have. Experienced gamblers control their own facial expressions to such an extent that it is impossible to guess at what moment they seized the initiative and are playing the game in their favor.

The logical translation of "poker face" is "an unperturbed face" when emotions are completely unreadable. However, this does not mean that you need to portray indifference. On the contrary, the ideal poker face is calmness and neutral politeness without ostentatious coldness. Serenity creates the feeling of a blank white sheet, and even a very perceptive person is unlikely to guess what emotions are actually boiling under this veil.

Diffusion of the term​

Poker as an ubiquitous card game has a long history and is considered the entertainment of aristocrats. Of course, you don't need to show a pedigree now to take part in the party, and connoisseurs have plenty of opportunities to have fun. The popularity of poker is spinning up at a deafening speed, international championships are already being held, gathering those wishing to take part and just fans.

The popularity of the game influenced the popularity of the poker face expression, which is now used wherever it is required to show restraint. One of the signs of popularity has become the poker face meme, which illustrates a typical facial expression without pronounced facial expressions. It is often included in short mini-comics of four frames, it can be used as an analogue of emoji. A high degree of memeticity has made this image one of the most used on the web.

Useful skill​

The talent to maintain a calm facial expression is now in demand in many professions, especially if you have to work with people. The human factor has to be taken into account when it comes to customer-oriented business - not every employee will be able to keep a polite smile if the guest of the establishment, to put it mildly, is not quite right.

A kind of upheaval also took place among businessmen. In the days of so-called wild capitalism, when a businessman could afford almost anything, no one was surprised by excessive emotions. Poker face - what is it for business? First of all, this is a way to maintain your reputation, and also a good way to insure yourself against emotional actions. In business negotiations, when concluding deals or when resolving conflicts, a truly business person will never mimic his true attitude to a situation. Business is becoming more and more like poker, and poker face allows you to hide the true state of affairs from competitors in order not to give them an advantage.

Control myself​

If your facial expressions immediately give the interlocutor all the feelings, this is good only with a very trusting relationship. In practice, you have to constantly control yourself. Sometimes a client, boss, or older relative is deeply wrong, and it is far from always possible to afford a disgruntled grimace. Poker face - is it hypocrisy or self-control? The ability to keep a face is more likely to be a positive character trait.

This talent can be developed, hone with training. Control over the situation is primarily achieved by the ability to control your own facial expressions. To do this, you do not need to suppress your emotions - psychologists unanimously say that this is harmful. But you reserve the right to experience emotions in a way that does not harm your business, under the guise of a poker face.