News of the day — a couple of scammers issued loans for students of the Smolensk technical school


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If after such a loud headline you were waiting for some sophisticated fraud scheme, then I hasten to disappoint you — everything was as simple as two fingers on the asphalt. Two young scammers met ordinary students who, as you know, always need money and offered them to issue VTB debit cards for a modest fee of 2,000 rubles.

It is not clear exactly how the scammers searched for victims in the local sharaga, but it is known that they gave all the instructions in Telegram. In the same place, they provided their victims with numbers that were obviously registered on the left data for making debits (this was necessary so that the drop would not log in to the account). After the courier delivered the cardboard, the scammers made face-to-face meetings on the outskirts of the city and exchanged the cards for cash.

At first, everything went well, so the news about the free 2 thousand rubles quickly spread to the entire technical school,so there were more than enough applicants. When the flow of daunichi dried up, suddenly there was a trick with the registration of loans-scammers drove all the received cards into overdraft, and thus every student who sold his card owed the bank 30,000 rubles.

Despite the huge number of victims, young mammoths for some reason are not in a hurry to write applications, and one even thought to issue a loss on his passport in the hope that he would not have to pay the debt.

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