Law and Order in Russian classrooms: phone number banned

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Why do State Duma deputies want to remove smartphones from classrooms?

A group of State Duma deputies and senators proposed amendments to the law "On Education", which will prohibit the use of phones in schools without the permission of the teacher. The authors want to add a new paragraph to Article 43 of the law, which refers to the duties and responsibilities of students. They believe that this will improve the quality of education and respect for teachers.

According to the bill, students will be able to use communication devices during lessons only for educational purposes and in emergency cases. In addition, the draft law provides for disciplinary penalties for students who violate internal regulations or infringe on the rights of a teacher. Penalties can be a remark, a reprimand, or a deduction.

The bill also strengthens "the dominant role of the teacher in the process of training and upbringing in an educational organization." The authors claim that the amendments will help eliminate "disproportions between the legal status of teachers and other participants in the educational process in terms of respect for human dignity, prevention of the use of physical and mental violence."

Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov supported the initiative and said that "we are not talking about any bans." He said that the student is always in touch with the parents, but the phones should only be used with the teacher's permission.

One of the authors of the bill - First deputy chairman of the Committee on Education Yana Lantratova expressed her opinion on the bill. She noted that the initiative will allow students not to be distracted by themselves and not interfere with other children's learning. She also spoke about the problems that teachers face because of phones in the classroom. "And teachers themselves admit that sometimes they are simply afraid to go to class, complain that they are sometimes in a vulnerable position and are not protected from digital threats in any way," she said. According to the deputy, there are cases when students turn on the phone, shoot a video, insulting the teacher, provoking him to react, bringing him to tears and heart problems.

Another author of the bill, the leader of the New People party Alexey Nechaev, noted that the majority of parents (72%) support the ban on smartphones in schools. He also linked the use of phones to a decline in children's ability to concentrate. In his opinion, every year the ability of children to concentrate decreases. "Even the most talented teacher can hold a child's attention for 10-15 minutes at most. Now he receives notifications on his smartphone every couple of minutes. It is very difficult to concentrate," he said.

The bill will be discussed at round tables in the State Duma, the Public Chamber and at meetings of deputies with voters.