How will you be received and where will you appear? My experience.


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Hi everyone, I want to tell you a little bit about your security and anonymity in this article (does it exist?), what to do if they are already breaking in to you. How to conduct business, communicate and not sit far and for a long time. I will not devote much time here to bundles like VPN-TOR-VPN and OpenWRT routers, since everything has been on the forum for a long time and everything is described in detail and obvious. I was sued under 18 U. S. C. § 1957 and 18 U. S. C. § 1956, but I will not specify any sections. I ended up getting a relatively small fine and lost 3 months of my life. So, some experience is available. During this time, I learned a few lessons and golden rules, and I will share them with you.

A small introduction.
As I wrote above, I don't want to analyze all sorts of bundles here, ala VPN-TOR-VPN, about this I will say only one thing, in most cases the development goes from the end, it is important for you to hide your exit point. As such, anonymity does not exist - they will search for you and know about you, sooner or later you will most likely be accepted, if you do not stop in time, you should think ahead, think through all the garbage moves, how you will be attacked and what to do to make this attack unsuccessful, instead of sitting and adding endlessly vpn accounts that you bought with bitcoins that you bought with your bank card. Everything that has ever been online will never be anonymous.

Part one. My tongue is my enemy.
According to the title, I think everything is clear, do not show off, especially in front of chicks, what a cool hacker or carder you are. Don't talk about your affairs even to the closest people, even to your father and mother, about "close friends with whom we are until the end" I don't say anything at all, they will merge you, merge you at the first threat, and merge you so that it turns out that you are still the founder of some drug cartel.
Work alone, have connections only virtually and nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, do not tell about yourself, where you live, how old you are, what your name is. Later, when you are accepted, all this information will be used against you, as you always heard in movies: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."so that's the truth, remember that.
Do not tell anyone, absolutely no one, about your business, for others you are a freelancer, or a businessman, there is already a legend for yourself, the main thing is that when you are asked the question: "Dear, where does the money come from?" you could always back up your words "about millionaire clients on the freelance exchange" with papers.

I will give you an example of a good friend, at that time, who was framed by his own show-offs, with whom we went on the same case of the same group.
He's from a small town, made money in China, and ended up getting involved with the same bad company your mother told you about when you were a kid. He began to launder dirt through the stock exchange, flew constantly abroad, lived in warm countries. And along the way, he was engaged in music, and after all, he had to consolidate his "gangster image", he began to upload dollars to his Instagram, then it turned out that something about $ 300-400k passed through his account on the stock exchange, the FBI was interested in this, got into development, take him to instagram, this also became a problem. a lead. In short, after a while, when he arrived in the United States-he was successfully fucked by the FBI at 5 am, showing him his correspondence with Jabber. They gave him less than a year, if I'm not mistaken, because this is his first case in the United States. As far as I know, he continues to live there now, and we haven't been in touch for a long time.

What conclusions can be drawn? - Do not show off, do not tell anyone anything, as I mentioned it above, use different nicknames and different mail everywhere, remember the story of the founder of Silk Road, it was either stupidity or a human factor. I'll tell you more about this below.

Part two. The human factor.
He can play with anyone, I'm sure you wouldn't even know.
As I mentioned above in the conclusions about the case of an acquaintance and the founder of Silk Road, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to use the same email address, nickname, date of birth, God forbid first or last name.

(I will now make my own assumptions based on what I have heard and read.) I'll explain. There is software, where everything is filled in, what is your name, where do you live, preferences, your car, etc., based on this, the software brutalizes your usernames, passwords, etc. Conditionally, your name is Vasya Pupkin, you were born on 01.02.1984 and your dog's name is Jenny, for example. The software analyzes the received information and bruteties, vapu01jen, etc., well, you understand. This is usually used when you have already been accepted and are trying to open a cryptographic container.

Continuing to talk about the human factor, always, absolutely always when you move away from the PC-press the magic button in VeraCrypt "Unmount everything", security is not about convenience, your freedom is not worth your laziness to enter the password again. You will be accepted, at least in Russia (and possibly throughout the CIS), when you go to the store for bread or open the door to a courier. Next, spoiler alert, they stick your face in the ground, take your keys and go into the apartment with specialists, seal the PC.

Communication. If you communicate with someone online-communicate in a way that you don't communicate in real life. If on behalf of Vasya Pupkin you write something like this: "lol wow ahaha))))))00)", then when you sit as a "TrueHacker", choose a different communication style. It's all going to be a lead anyway. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. "- I will write it down 10 more times, you just have to remember it as the prayer "Our Father".

Part three. Iron.
You must have two personalities, the first is Vasya Pupkin, this is the one with whom you communicate with your friends on VKontakte (???) and you watch videos on YouTube. The second one is TrueHacker, which you work with. And these two personalities should be on different techniques, then we'll talk about the technique on which you work.

Let's start from the beginning. Purchase of equipment. Find yourself a good laptop or PC on which you will work, take ONLY Used and ONLY for cash. It is best to work from a separate apartment, but if this is not possible, take the laptop to a separate room. I work with gloves to protect you from cuts and punctures, but I don't recommend using medical gloves because they can still leave your fingerprints. Why is that? When I was accepted, they started taking fingerprints everywhere, and lo and behold, there were no fingerprints on the working equipment, because "this is all not mine". And I also advise you to buy a mini vacuum cleaner and constantly remove hair from the keyboard, etc., I will repeat for the tenth time, everything where you scored or forgot will be used against you.

System. Do not use any distributions on your work machine, what do you not like about regular ubuntu? It has all the same things as in some Kali. There is no telemetry in Ubuntu, so use this axis and don't worry. Set the entire system to English.

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Internet access (Whonix) on one container, a second working system on the other. Passwords (???) other data is shown on the third page. Spend$ 20-50 and buy yourself a high-quality Micro SD, many say that they die quickly, I don't know, I have been living and functioning for more than a year. $ 50 isn't worth your freedom. Why Micro SD and not SSD? Faster and easier to destroy. When you go somewhere, hide this card in a safe place. At that time, I had 2 Micro SD cards, one was always hidden in the cornice, the second behind the wall outlet. When there was a search, absolutely everything was turned over, the TV was opened, flowers were taken out of pots, the clock cover was even removed, power supplies from the monitor were removed, etc. Another good place, IMHO, is to hide somewhere in deodorant, or in the door, think everything is limited to your imagination, I already said that security is not about convenience. When you are admitted , you will panic, your adrenaline will jump, your heart will beat and your hands will shake, you will have a million thoughts flying through your head, you will catch such a stupid person as you have never caught before in your life.

Passwords. Use long sentences or stupidly a set of words of 100+ characters, personally I have 190+ characters everywhere passwords, ALT CODES, you can twist and turn them as your heart desires, use spaces, use Cyrillic, use symbols. Do everything possible so that they don't get anything with brutus, but no one canceled the thermorectal cryptanalyzer, in such a case - eat your card, have a snack with your teeth, I do not know, it's better to lose a tooth than sit down for a couple of years. No body , no business.

Part four. Crypt and cash.
Most of them get burned on money, someone accepts money from an exchange to their card, someone accepts money to their binance or another exchange where you passed KYC (Know Your Customer), these are the most banal mistakes that you can fuck up, well, or they will simply grab you at the ATM when you are ready withdraw half a million rubles via QR code from the yellow bank.

Accept money to a COLD wallet, forget about the existence of exchanges, make yourself a flash drive with a wallet and crypt it, or buy some kind of Ledger, although after the recent history with it.. The main thing is to quickly accept the crypt and then turn it into cash, do not keep money in the coin, the market is constantly jumping. In general, you can decide for yourself, but forget about the so-called hot wallets. Which crypt should I use to accept money? Definitely not USDT and others like it, the same USDT is blocked right and left, and there they will already require KYC, do you need it? After accepting the money, then cash out. Forget about exchangers from bestchenge too, find it better on the forum and give them your bitcoins, does not negate the fact that they may also be under garbage :). And in return, you will receive a QR code or a treasure, then it's up to you to decide, none of this is safe.

Part five. Communication and communication.
First, don't use your phone to communicate, AT ALL.
Forget about Telegram, yes, you can buy it anonymously and use it in conjunction with tor, but still, why these risks? If work forces you to use Telegram, then only purchased with Monero and only use it via the web version in conjunction with TOR+VPN. Your bro is Element, Jabber. To use Jabber, you will need to configure everything correctly. Use it only with PGP or OMEMO encryption. Files in it are transmitted without encryption, please note this. The element also uses a decentralized Matrix.
Your bro - Element, Jabber, TOX.
Your NOT bro-Telegram, Signal.

Part six. Your dedic will be attacked.
If you worked with dedik and paid for it from a wallet that you used, for example, to accept money and cash out, then when you are in development, you will be attacked from all sides, including your dedik. Or maybe the seller is sitting and monitoring your actions in order to dump you in the future, otherwise they will take away his license? How do I find out if someone is following me?

There is nothing complicated in fact, but for this, unfortunately, you will need Telegram. Buy an account/register yourself for Monero or bitcoins, then go to the web version on hunix.
We put python on dedic and set our own libraries:

pip install pypiwin32
pip install pytelegrambotapi
pip install pillow

The next step is to create your own bot in BotFather in Telegram.

Create a file with any name on the desktop and make an extension .py, insert the code:

from PIL import ImageGrab
import telebot
from io import BytesIO
from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
import time
token = "token"
bot = telebot.TeleBot(token)
chat_id = "chat_id"
ss_region = (0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1))
ss_img = ImageGrab.grab(ss_region)
bio = BytesIO() = "Screenshot.jpg", "JPEG")
bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=bio)
except Exception as e:

Copy the bot token and paste it into the code, replacing token and chat_id. Great. Running the script in the terminal:


Now, when someone wants to see what you are doing there interesting, you will immediately find out about it, the bot will send you a screenshot of the desktop in the chat. And then you will react quickly and clear all the data, at best.

Part seven. How will your bitcoins be tracked?
It's no secret that the cue ball is not anonymous, everything is easily tracked, and if you once bought a coin from your card, and then purchased some software for your dark deeds, or even worse, and still use it, then here's a little paranoia: -Checking your Bitcoin wallet. -Block browser, it will allow anyone to track where and when your money goes from your bitcoin wallet. -similarly. - This service will allow anyone to put an alert on your wallet, and when there is any activity on your wallet, the person will immediately know about it. -Visualization of links between addresses that participated in transactions.

And this is only what is available to an ordinary civilian, and what three-letter ones have...))

Part seven. How will you be received?
I already wrote about this above, here I'll just combine everything.
I will speak for the CIS based on the experience of my good friends. I will give his example here, with his own permission.
"They took me by the ass at the moment when I was leaving the entrance, immediately flying on the liver, I curl up in a stake and face to the floor, like in the best action movies. They take the keys and go into the apartment with IT nerds, they follow me, they immediately say, show me what's where)). In short, I gave two laptops, all still had faith, everything is encrypted. They didn't look at anything on the spot, they took all the equipment, phones, two laptops, the main PC, disks and flash drives, confiscated the car, put a bag on my head, tie ties on my hands, and went to the department, they asked questions all the way, saying what I do, why, why and when. Surprisingly, they were polite, although they gave pussy at first, but thank you for not breaking your fingers and not using a soldering iron. As a result, they didn't find a fucking thing, they gave us a condition card, the equipment was returned in 2 months, but the car wasn't there))"

For myself, I can say that it was like this:
They turn off all the electricity and force them to open the door while they knock and shout "efbiai open up". Further, while you are sleepily frantically cleaning everything (in my case, I didn't have to clean anything, I took care of this in advance), because they came to you at 4-5 in the morning, they politely open the door to you with a battering ram and the matchmaker tim with machine guns voluntarily-forcibly forced to take a horizontal position. I opened the door, there was not much choice, there were 5-6 people in front of me, as if I was in a movie. Immediately they started asking me questions about weapons or drugs, and then they sent me to the department, and then the lawyers had to leave.

When you get the cash, you still can't go buy yourself a Mercedes, or rather, you can, if it's some 2000th year on a fallen pine tree and all in redheads. Next, you need to legalize the money, the simplest thing is to make checks for "consulting services" , etc., which can not be traced in any way. You can launder through freelancing, but in this case you need a lot of cards, otherwise if you will buy constantly only for bitcoins, it will be strange, isn't it? Open an offline business - you need to do everything in jewelry, if your cafe will bring you 3 million in a month, it will also be strange, the cameras will simply track how many people visited you in a month and draw conclusions. Cars and real estate can ONLY be purchased on credit or by installments. Look towards IT.

Do not engage in criminal activities. All the best.
