How to quickly find data in an endless stream of information?


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Hello! Search engines (Google, Yandex) are used daily by billions of people to find any information. But few people know about the hidden features that simplify the search, freeing it from unnecessary information, and also save you time. Today's article will focus on search operators.
  • How do search engines work?
  • Search operators
  • Simple search operators
  • How do I create a request?

How do search engines work?
There are three main stages in the operation of search engines:
  • Scanning. A search robot or spider is responsible for the first stage. It collects and selects information from sites, analyzes changes in content, URLs, as well as code and site maps. All this is done in order to determine the type of information displayed.
  • Indexing. As soon as the scan is completed, the indexer organizes and performs a quick search for the collected information, i.e. analyzes the site data.
  • Search engine. At the last stage, sites are sorted according to the query preferences, quality, and degree of compliance. This way, we see the content on the search results page.

Search operators
What are information operators and why are they needed?
Search operators are special words, symbols, and phrases included in the search query that help you specify the requested information in order to produce the most accurate result. Their main task is to filter out queries with specific content, narrow down the data, and exclude unnecessary information. You can combine operators with each other to make your search even more productive.


"+—- search for the required words in one sentence. The plus operator helps you specify your search. For example, let's take the word "key", which has several meanings, so to get the result that we need, we will refine the query: key +treble, key +spring, key +spanner. As a result, you get sites that have the full set of words from the query.

- the "minus" operator, on the contrary, excludes the word from the query. By making the "Key-treble" query, you will get any information other than the treble clef.

""shows only those pages where the phrase goes in the exact written sequence.

| (OR) the "or" operator, you can use either of the two options to get a query for several words at the same time or for one of the suggested ones

.. two dots display search results that have a specific numeric range. Also note that we combined 2 search operators.

@ and # are operators for finding information in social networks. social networks by tags and hashtags.

Complex search operators:
an operator that searches for information on a specific site.

related: an operator for finding sites with similar content.

intitle: search for pages by title.

allinurl: an operator that makes it easy to find sites that contain the specified words in the page address. For better display of pages, it is best to use transliteration or Latin letters.

allintext: search by page content. A good way to find a site if you forgot its address.

intext: search as with the previous operator, only pages are selected based on the text description for one word.
info: displays all information about the address.
allinanchor: selects pages with keywords.
inanchor: a similar operator that searches only for one given word.

Yandex Search operators:
+ the plus operator works the same way as Google.
! used before the desired word to accurately display it in the search without changes.
""shows only those pages where the phrase goes in exactly the same sequence as in Google.
* used to replace words in phrases, songs, and quotes. It helps you if you forgot the right word.
() the parentheses operator is used to group words in complex queries.
& is placed between two words, and the search engine searches for pages where these words are in the same sentence.
title: operator that searches for site titles.
mime: helps you find documents of the desired format, such as mime
site: a selection for all pages on the site.
inurl: finds pages only with keywords of this domain.

How do I create a request?
  • Search in different search engines;
  • Search for the same information in different languages (English);
  • Change the word order;
  • Use synonyms;
  • And, of course, use search operators (and where without them?).