How to make money on the Internet: TOP-9 proven ways


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In this article, we presented legal ways to improve your financial situation without leaving your home.
7 ways to make money on the Internet - tips for beginners.
Today many people are interested in the question of how to make money online. After all, some need additional income, others simply save money for some expensive thing or trip. And there are times when making money on the Internet is vital, as, for example, during quarantine. Whatever the reason, it's important to understand that it is possible to have additional income online. And this can be done without any material investment. The only thing that will need to be allocated to make money on the Internet is your own time.

At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that not all types of activities are suitable for people without work experience. So, some of them require technical skills, knowledge of foreign languages, etc. Therefore, the type of activity in the network must correspond to the capabilities of the person.

The PaySpace Magazine editorial team has collected several proven ways to make money on the Internet and get additional income.

The best ways to make money online: teach, sell, translate

Online lessons
Online training as a form of earnings.
You can be a teacher and teach online. The main advantage of this activity is that you can teach almost anything. Depending on the person's skills and experience, he can develop his own training courses in the category of knowledge in which he specializes and teach interested students.

You can implement this idea using the SkillsShare resource - a service that will help you learn online. A wide range of courses are offered here. Therefore, by registering on the site, you can create your own lessons on different topics (mathematics, engineering, design, cooking, language learning, etc.). It is noted that such earnings on the Internet bring at least $ 3 thousand per year of additional profit.

Another useful service to teach online is Udemy. Here you can sell your lessons. You just need to create your own course and put it on the site. When a student chooses and buys a particular course, then the payment is transferred to its author.


List of available online courses at

Required skills: 100% knowledge of the subject you intend to teach. In addition, the ability to work in Photoshop, create and edit videos will come in handy. All these tools will help make the course more interesting and understandable, and most importantly - sell it.

Online transfers
Providing translation services.
It is not so difficult for connoisseurs of foreign languages to find ways to make money on the Internet. In particular, if a person speaks several languages, then he will be able to find enough orders for online translations.

One of the best services for finding a job for translators is Here you need to independently propose the cost of translation for any order. The client will already choose the option that is profitable for him, based on the price.


Translation services can also be provided on other web resources. In particular, is a popular service among the Russian-speaking audience. In addition to translations, there is a large selection of areas of activity for freelancers.

Transcribing texts
Decrypt audio or video for money.
This type of activity requires a lot of patience from a person, because here you will have to listen to audio or watch a video, and then provide the listened information in text form. Therefore, a person needs to understand different accents, to have a high level of command of a foreign language (if the information needs to be decoded not in his native language). And in the case when it is necessary to rewrite a handwritten text from a picture, it is important to be well versed in handwriting.

There are various sites for making money that post such tasks. For example, the Amazon Mechanical Turks online platform is a service from the largest online retailer that offers “tasks for human intelligence”. This means that the computer cannot decrypt information qualitatively, therefore, human skills are required. All you need to do is to register on the website and find a profitable option for yourself.

Lend your vote
the best ways to make money online

How to sell your track on the Internet.

Today on the Internet you can find many proposals related to voice-overs. However, this is not quite a living without investment, since you need to have recording equipment in order to do the job well.

Thus, you can lend your voice to voice-over different types of texts. For this, services such as VoiceBunny or Voice123 are often used . It is necessary to register on these sites in order to voice texts for money. After that, you can choose suitable offers, carry them out and receive money while sitting at home. In addition, such a regular income on the Internet can turn into a professional career.

Sell your creativity and more
Sell online.
Making unusual hand-made products, knitting clothes, painting vases or tableware today can be turned into your own business. So, on the sites ArtFire or Etsy sell thousands of these hand-made goods. Plus, Facebook or Instagram are great places to sell your art.

An additional way of earning money for photography enthusiasts can be the sale of their creations online. On the Internet, they often search for and buy copyright pictures for various projects, online and printed publications. Potential clients can be found on such sites: depositphotos, iStockPhoto , CreativeMarket.


This is what the photo stock looks like.

Musicians who create their own tracks using special programs can also sell their work. At the same time, it is not necessary to run after music companies. After all, you can sell not only full songs, but also jingles or ringtones.

There are many online stores where you can list your own MP3 files for sale. The most popular among them are iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, etc. In addition, there are various Internet services where you can post music on your behalf and sell it. Resources such as DistroKid and can be highlighted here.

If there are no ideas for creativity, you can make money online on a buy-sell basis. But here you need to have start-up capital for the purchase of goods. The essence of such earnings is simple: you have to buy where it is cheap, and sell a little more expensive. After all, if you add another 30% to the cost of the purchased product, then you can get a good monthly profit. For example, in this way they sell goods on the OLX online platform.
Selling goods on OLX is another affordable way to make money.
You can sell not only things, photographs, various products, but also expert opinion. Thus, you can make money on the Internet thanks to your own knowledge. As a specialist in a particular field, with specialized skills, you can benefit from your professionalism. In addition, to sell your knowledge, you do not need to create a separate website. For example, such web resources as Clarity.FM, have a ready-made list of potential clients who are looking for expert opinion and can pay for it.
Sell expert opinion on
This is also a suitable option for those people who are starting to make money on the Internet and want to do it without investment. To use the above platforms and share your experience for money, you only need to register there.

Online surveys are another way to make money on the Internet
You can make money online by answering the questionnaire.
At one time, one of the most popular options for working from home was filling out various questionnaires, which were provided in paper form. This way of earning money is not outdated today. Only now can this be done online on special sites that bring together various analysts, specialists in the field of sociology and people who are not specialists in this field.

So, become a member of a social survey and get paid for it, you can use the following services: OnePoll, SurveyBods, Toluna. After registration, the user will be sent different paid profiles. After answering all the questions, the respondent will receive a reward.

Freelancer - Online Handyman
Work from home and make a profit.
This option is suitable for those who want to provide technical or administrative support. One of the resources with different types of activities is Upwork. On this site, clients post information about work, and people who are looking for a way to earn money choose the best offer for themselves. Most often it is work from home - at the computer and via the Internet: web development, editorial services, website optimization, etc.

Freelance and copywriting: where to start
Writing texts is an option for making money on the Internet.
Copywriting and rewriting are suitable options for how to make money quickly even as a beginner in the field of writing. You can earn income by generating custom content on special copywriting exchanges.

However, before registering on any of these web resources, you need to consider the following factors:
  • Payment for 1 thousand characters. People who have never written articles to order or used copywriting exchanges should choose low-paying orders (25-35 cents per 1000 characters). Yes, these are very small amounts, but the requirements for the text will be low. This will allow beginners to get their hands on and gradually improve their professionalism in copywriting. Experienced copywriters get a lot more, but the requirements for their articles are higher.
  • Knowledge certification. On some copywriting exchanges, it will be necessary to pass a literacy test. This online exam will decide whether a writer is capable of competently completing the task of writing a text. If the copywriter confirms his knowledge, he will have access to orders placed on the platform.
  • Site navigation. The simple and understandable structure of the exchange website will allow the user to quickly grasp the work and get real earnings.
  • Withdrawal methods. It is important to pay attention to what payment systems it will be possible to use later to withdraw the money earned on the exchange. Quite often, exchanges work with PayPal. In addition, the site may indicate the minimum amount that can be withdrawn.

Popular copywriting exchanges are:
  • Advego is one of the oldest copywriting sites out there. In addition to writing texts, there are other options for making money: comments on social networks, communication on different forums, etc.
  • Etxt is a well-known exchange among copywriters. Therefore, there is a lot of competition on this site, and it will not immediately be possible to make money quickly. Etxt operates according to a tender order distribution system. The copywriter chooses the task he likes, leaves his application, and the customer independently chooses the executor.
  • - this platform is better known for its uniqueness and spelling checker service. But copywriters also make money here, who, as they look for and take orders, and sell their own articles.
  • is a popular foreign platform that is suitable for both copywriters and photographers, since it can sell articles and visual content there. In addition, SEO-optimizers, translators and designers can find jobs on the platform.

Become a Guest Writer
Become a guest writer and earn real money.
You can make money on the Internet by writing guest posts for bloggers who develop their Internet resource on a specific topic. However, in order to write such texts, one must be ideally versed in a particular area (cooking, technology, cars, etc.). Well-known bloggers offer large sums of money (up to $ 500) for a professional author's article.

How to get paid for online work
As you can see, it is possible to find the best ways to make money on the Internet, and everyone is looking for a profitable option for themselves. Most of the websites mentioned above offer money transfers via PayPal. If you make transfers in Ukraine, then the Privat24 service is most often used here. You can also create a bitcoin wallet and receive payments in cryptocurrency.