Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department detained accused of fraud in the amount of more than 44 million rubles


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Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department in the Ulyanovsk region and the Republic of Tatarstan detained local residents. They are suspected of fraud committed on a particularly large scale.

It was previously established that at the end of 2022, a call from an unknown person was received on the mobile phone of a 77-year-old man. The caller introduced himself as an employee of a credit institution. He said that suspicious transfers were being made to the pensioner's accounts. To return them, please provide your bank card details and the codes that you receive in SMS messages.

"The misled citizen followed all instructions and then discovered the loss of savings stored in banks totaling more than 44 million rubles. He realized that he was deceived, and went to the police.

As a result of operational search activities, the alleged accomplices of the criminal scheme were detained. A criminal case was opened by an investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Southern Administrative District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Two defendants were charged. A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was taken against them.

Investigators and police officers are taking measures to identify the accomplices of the detainees, said Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Interior Ministry.

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