Dropology. Drop farming. Work with Drops.


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What is dropology?

This is not an earnings scheme. It doesn't say where to go, what to do to earn 50,000 a day.

Dropology is a textbook, an encyclopedia, a revelation, a logbook that tells about who drops are, what they are, where to get them, how to work with them, what you can do with them, how to make money on them, how to protect yourself, and what not to do so as not to be grabbed by the balls.

You will be greeted by the same philosophical and practical method of storytelling, where I tell a lot about the offline world. Somewhere it will be sad, somewhere funny and interesting.

Now I decided to expand my audience. If you are not going to be a drop guide, but still work "Offline", you will be greeted with a variety of techniques and methods that can be implemented in absolutely any topic. A vivid example is the use of someone else's LLC for their personal needs, for example, to recruit drops, or to divorce students.

To the list of co-authors, I invited a couple of guys who worked with drops for carding, parcels. They helped me fill with their knowledge the material on these drops, told me the methods of work, and safety.

This time I put more emphasis on security. Precisely offline security, the consequences. I'm talking about the work of the special services, as well as the technical equipment of the latter in the methods of working offline.

The volume of dropology in comparison with the last part has doubled. You will be greeted by 46 pages (A4) of interesting reading material (almost without pictures). Someone told me that it should be already replicated and published in bookstores. But this is underground literature, the release of which will harm our business by opening the eyes of the townsfolk. This is only for us, those who are "in the shadows".

Traditional consultations for all who bought the material will remain, but in a different format. I gave up ICQ and began to spend less and less time at home. A section has been created for you on the forum, where everyone can get advice and advice from me on these or those schemes with drops. As you fill it, a huge database will accumulate, which will become simply interesting to read and replenish your stocks of knowledge.

Deja vu squared

It became some kind of TV series that came out for the third time. If the first two parts were based only on my personal experience, then this will be different. I specifically communicated with many people, conducted many hours of conversations to supplement the material with their experience. This is due to the fact that I am not entirely competent in certain points. For example, I was not looking for drops for receiving parcels, stuff. Many people know that carding is not mine, I tried it, I didn't like it. And the topic is very good, is in great demand, and generally competitive. But how could I write about it? Make it up? No, I can't do that. After listening to the experience of other people, I will finally supplement the material with information that my readers lacked so much. These will be drops for carding, carzh. Call it whatever you want, artisans of plastic rectangles.

In this part, new, modern methods of extracting resources will be presented that you can use / sell / hand over. In more detail, it will be told about the moments of creating LLCs with the conditions of their existence relevant for the fall of 2020, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. I will shed more light on security issues, tell you about the technical methods of the special services to catch criminals. The narrative is harsher than before. The work is getting more serious, but without a hint of humor, there is absolutely nowhere.

“We are rats in the underground of society, who do not recognize its prohibitions and rules.

The softer the laws of society, the more rats there are. Indeed, there were more rats in wooden houses than in concrete buildings that replaced them. But there are also rats. Our society is now built from reinforced concrete and stainless steel. There are fewer gaps, and the rat has to be dodgy to find them. Only steel rats survive in such conditions. Garrison. Stainless steel rat.

Drop farming. General concepts.

What is a drop?

A drop is a directly or indirectly trained person, a person who serves to achieve certain goals, accomplish tasks, extract various resources and opportunities that can be realized in order to gain benefit or profit. Drops can also be called people who do not perform any actions at all, but only transfer to us themselves (or fraudulently) the data we need and their services. If such data is transmitted to us by a third party, then the data of the person that we received can also be called a drop, if he indirectly appears in any scheme.

To put it in simple, understandable language, then a drop is a figurehead that we use for our own purposes.

Drops are classified, and have their own varieties.

Drop understands his participation in the process completely. These are such drops that know what is happening, why it is needed, what all this is fraught with. Such drops are called fixed.

An unbreakable drop is a drop like a companion. That is, he was recruited openly, NOT DIVORCE, not deceiving. These drops are very popular because they can often be relied on as they want to profit from their craft. For them, being a drop is something of a profession. They know that their resources will be produced or sold, they receive money. For example, a drop is an alcoholic, a bachelor, which is probably in every second multi-storey building. He knows that he was issued, say, under an LLC, takes pipes from customers, contributes to the fact that he goes to a notary, or somewhere to put a signature.

There is another point where fixed drops are used. For example, the same drop is an alcoholic, but he does not need the creation of an LLC. They forced him, chatted, he was obliged to do it because of any debts, early obligations. For these reasons, he gets in touch, is afraid / does not want to go to declare, hopes that this whole process will be calm, and there will be no consequences for him. He was also not bred. He was simply told MUST.

Undivided drops are also classified. There are two subcategories. Manual, not manual. Someone (and I before) called them Pickable and Non-Pickable Drop. This approach is more accurate, but everyone began to equate the word manual with the word hooked, I will explain in a popular way:

A catchable drop is a drop that can be reached at the right time by the drop guide itself, or by the person using this drop. For example, we issued a personal webmoney certificate for a non-diluted drop, and sold it. Drop received a reward, we are profit. The buyer was given a guarantee that the Persian will live for a month, there will be no locks, because our drop is manual. They made it clear that if something happens, a drop for an additional fee can do something about the deal.

Pickable drops are drops to which there is a physical exit, even through the network.

In our case, the snatching drop is an alcoholic who willingly agreed to make us an LLC, and to be, as they say, "in focus", provided us with the opportunity to consider it tame.

A rune drop is one who willingly makes contact with us, he follows all the instructions that are required of him.

It so happened that the buyer caught a lock due to his money movements, and the system requested PhotoID. PhotoID is a process in which a drop must be photographed into the system with an identity document. Earlier this term came to WebMoney, now it is found more and more often. So, the buyer asked us to take out our hand drop and go through this operation. Fortunately, we have a drop-off, we heal (call, contact) with him, and make a photo session, earning more money.

Detachable fixed drops may not be manual. Yes, this happens in our life. Let me give you an example of a hook-and-loop drop.

Drop was asked to make a Gold card of a bank. Drop agreed, left his coordinates, told / showed (or maybe we already knew) his addresses, and in general, where to catch him. But there was a counter condition from the drop: “Guys, I'm ready to earn 4k on creating a map, but if anything, I didn't see you, all the strangers on the street suggested me. I will not touch your card for 6 months, in six months I will close it myself. I will not answer calls, I will not open or close an account at your request, I will not go to the bank because of this card and money on it, and in general I will not open the door to anyone”.

Let's analyze in stages:

1. Drop agreed to make money by creating a map. So he is an Undivided Drop.

2. Drop clearly understands that "if something happens", they will get it, reach it, etc. Means from disengaged (it can be disengaged)

3. The drop made it clear that there will be no further action on the product. So he is no longer tame. But here is a controversial point. The drop responsible for maintaining peace and quiet in the manufactured goods is called manual. Our drop is both manual and non-manual. Manual - will not climb into the bank. Not manual - there will be no product support. Thus, for the client of the drop guide, this drop is manual, and for the drop guide it is not manual. Although there are times when non-manual drops still go to meet the drop organizers, and provide services for the products produced. The main motivators are either money or fear.

These terms appear in communication on underground forums. Detachable, manual, adjustable. If you sell items produced by drops, your customers will most likely be interested in whether the drop is manual. Most often, buyers mean "will there be recovery, will it take away the money, will it make a lock?" If really, this will not happen - we must say that the drop is manual.

But knowing that the drop is not manual in terms of product support, it should be clarified that our manual drop, which does not PayPal where it does not need, will not devote time to you, the buyer. Unless only for money, and that is not a fact, you need to clarify the situation.

I call this the drop guide paradox. For the client, the drop is manual. For us, no. He keeps the promises he made, but refuses to do anything beyond that. This does not mean unprofessionalism. There are simply people who know that they need to earn extra money, and perhaps there will be some kind of garbage fuss. It is this fuss that such a drop is not afraid of, and realizes that he can play a legend, as if some guys met him on the street and asked to make a map for money. It is logical that he did not see them later, did not call, and so that the debris is not punched, in this case it will be difficult for them to reach you until the drop can tell who he sold the card to.

I appreciate these drops and understand their excitement. Such drops are most often family people, in the worst - poor prosperity. They also understand their position, the townsfolk, they know that in the event of bad deeds, they will be punished by the customer. Including from garbage, if they are punched through his phone, or witnesses, cameras in banks, and the track of phones. So they automatically agree to give us a trial version of themselves. This, incidentally, is safe for ourselves.
  • There were no calls to the drop.
  • Nobody saw together.
  • Phones did not appear side by side.
  • We didn't trade face on cameras.
  • The drop did not go to the banks anymore, which means that the order was single on the card, as if it was really persuaded on the street.

It is more fitting that he is a victim of a fraud, and not an accomplice of an organized criminal group. Such an unhandy drop for its safety in front of the customer and the garbage will willingly become a victim rather than an accomplice.

There is still a moment when a non-removable, detachable, manual drop becomes not manual. This is considered a marriage. There are fuckers in the world, many know them, who promise, and then merge and ignore, or are looking for reasons for this. There are three reasons why a manual drop becomes not manual:

- He decided that he was the smartest, and decided to deceive you. For example, he ran away on the sly, restored the debit. The solution to the problem is to pull out and press the drop, withdraw money, funds, costs. Usually these are dumbass who PayPal out to all banks, live in rented apartments, or by registration, always fighting off the collectors.

- He decided that the garbage could pick him up, and in general there could be problems. For example, a sold Persian was locked, there were no funds on it. The solution is pulling out a drop, having a press-prone conversation, restoring a product. Costs.

- Garbage has come to the drop. He could not hand you over to them, making a fool out of himself, who was thrown into the subway. But after that, he himself will lock everything that is possible, overwriting the traces that lead to him. Either by giving you up, buying into garbage tricks. The solution is to drop it into the filing cabinet. Start educational work after a time when everything calms down.

Drops who understand their participation in the case, but in a completely different way than it actually happens.

Such drops are called Partial-Adjustable.

Partially - Adjustable drop - such a concept for him, as if he is "divorced". He was divorced, deceived, either partially or completely. Such a drop can also be considered a Draw or not. Manual, or not manual.

I used to think that there are two categories of drops. Now. As you can see, there are three of them. The second and third categories were the same, and were called (Adjustable drop). In fact, it remained so until I realized that drops that are partially divorced are not found in this world. I'll give an example again:

There is a junkie Vasya in the area. He is not very knowledgeable in our affairs, but he understands something. One day, Vasya called me and asked if he had a job. I quickly realized that he was missing a gram of spicy meat. Well, good.

I decided to make a personal WebMoney passport for him. Many people know for what purposes it is used, and Vasya was no exception. I know that he often spends time at Legal, where such moments are often discussed, which gave me the idea that Vasya would not want to make a Persian for me a little.

Having met Vasya, I asked directly if he knew anything about Personal Certificates. He said he knew and didn't really want to do it. Now watch how the adjustable hand drops appear:

Vasya, I know everything myself, I understand your fears. But I have an order from people who need Persians not to receive dirt or loans, but for other purposes. The end of 2014 is on the street, the conflict in Ukraine. People are terrified, they are withdrawing capital even from the west of Ukraine. Their banking system does not allow money to be withdrawn at all. They need Russian Persians to withdraw money as if it were the Russians. If a Ukrainian Persian decided to transfer 1KK to any other account, his system would quickly break up. There are no teams for the lock of Russian Persians, so they will calmly enter cash from Russian IPs into accounts through black cashiers, and withdraw / cash out in another country. The country will thank you for the potential support of the economic war with Ukraine.

In fact, I had a buyer who also shit on loans, he used the Persians for another purpose, the color is maximum gray. And I was clear of conscience before Vasya.

Vasya grabbed my monologue, nodded his head, and agreed. The situation in Ukraine really hit the hearts of the Russian population, and it was possible to play on it. There were stories that I sell the Persians to volunteers who help refugees save their hryvnias, changing them in the system, and withdrawing them already in Russia itself. This worked great too. I have not seen a single drop that would refuse to help refugees, DPR, LPR, and sabotage America.

Thus, we see that we have a drop, which for me is hookable and manual. But it so happened that it was specifically necessary to make it adjustable. Albeit partially. He knew what Pers Webmoney was doing, but at the same time he hid some moments from him, because these moments would have a bad effect on the manufacture, the subsequent calmness of the drop, which affects the life of the product. Drops are people too, they have such a function in the body as excitement, emotion, compassion, etc. They are the same people, and you need to pay attention to this. And you also need to follow the news, and use the messages of the media for your own purposes!

If I offered Vasya 3k for personal passport, just like that, silently, most likely he would have refused. I had to play on his psychology, which in this situation would prefer calmness than money. And he would have found this gram in another place, but I would have simply wasted time.

Almost every drop guide in the arsenal has partly adjustable drops. Because from childhood we were taught "If you don't fuck, you won't live." Such drops can be disengaged, which happens most often. After all, they know what you want to do, and they contribute to this, even if we deceive them.

This type of drop is most often hand-held. Vasya, in my case, was tame, and disengaged. I was able to get it out, find it quickly and soon. I considered it tame for the transactions with him. He didn't do anything bad, he likes cooperation, he has the opportunity to work for me not only as a drop, but more on that later.

Such a drop can instantly become not tame if it gets through our true plans for enrichment at its expense, and even with lies. Therefore, it is an important task to make sure that he does not know anything. The best strategy here is to pick such drops for partial divorce, which simply will not show interest in the direction where it was used. Or, having shown interest, he will not find anything that will open the veil of secrecy.

The derivative can still be the non-catching of the drop. He can ignore, move, change all contacts, fly abroad, take refuge in the basement, undergo plastic surgery.

To regain control and the status of a drop, you need to have a lot of information about it, but this will also be discussed later.

He does not know and does not understand that this or that action associated with him is happening.

And he doesn't know anything ... He just looks and is silent.

This drop is completely adjustable. It differs from a partially adjustable drop in that it was completely deceived. Other such drops include drops that were not even deceived, but simply silently taken, and used to suit their needs. Let me explain with an example:

Underground forums often sell someone's data. Scans of passports, other documents, wholesale and retail. Even a schoolchild can afford to buy such drops.

A set of passport + registration costs from 40 rubles. Someone even distributes such documents for reviews. Here we have a set of scans per person. Let's imagine that we are able to make bank cards for scans.

The scheme for obtaining maps for scans has already been perfected, and let it be Kukuruzy. How are corn scans usually made? There is an employee at a point of sale in Euroset. Since they have cameras, they take the person who comes with this scan, and does not shine a face on them. In the process of preparing the map, the grid employee must take a photocopy of the passport. And so that the cameras would not see anything again, he allegedly xerit his passport and gives it to the owner. And on the scan, which was prepared in advance, a map is made. 15 minutes and we have a ready-made corn map to sell. Sleight of hand, and no magic.

As a result, the owner of the card, from whose purchased scan we made it, automatically becomes our adjustable non-manual, non-hookable drop. When he notices that he has corn, nobody knows. Most likely not even soon.

Another example of getting an adjustable drop is the following example. In it, the drop performs any actions, but this is a scam for him. Most often, with personal contact with the stakeholder.

For example, an ad is submitted in Avito that people are required for non-permanent jobs. A person calls, we invite you to a meeting somewhere in a crowded place (I don’t know when I’ll be in the office, I wander a lot, where you live, tell me, I’ll drive by, I’ll call you - we will meet). We say so and so, we have an organization, we can officially arrange you for a salary at a minimum wage of 4690 rubles / month, or at piecework. You can earn more on it, and there will be less responsibilities than on a salary, even if all this is informal. We are engaged in purchases from aliexpress and ibeya. The customs cuts our salary, because goods up to 1000 dollars are not subject to collection for 1 individual. Anything above makes the business unprofitable. We need people who supposedly buy equipment at these sites. Imagine how much they cut from legal entities! For the parcel, your percentage is 5 percent of the cost, plus the opportunity to purchase our goods with a 20 percent discount (you can resell).

On these conditions, you can get hold of debit cards that a drop can make, his documents and so on. This method was in the first dropology, but it has become more relevant now, when hundreds of guys have grown up who need drops. I will also tell you later how to work with the left OOOushka, without registering it for a drop. This can be a good cover for such recruits.

So, the drop agreed, he accepts the packages, does not open them, and calls us when she arrived. He is adjustable because he thinks we are really merchants. We buy cheaper, sell more expensive. In fact, we are taking this junk, putting the drop under attack. How to merge yourself on time - you can find out between the lines a little below.

You can consider such a drop to be manual, but there is no guarantee that he will not open the parcel, and when he sees good stuff he will not piss in his ears that the box has come empty.

You need to be ready for this, because such a drop knows nothing for us, and does not know what independence, dementia and courage can be fraught with. Therefore, this drop is by no means manual. He's just a wrench. They lifted him up, he grabbed him, the system turned with its gears, the mechanism started working. Add oil and fuel!

If we disassemble all the stages step by step, it turns out that we not only set the drop for a service, but also: we took possession of its data, recruited the scans and we have the opportunity to pump it out to the end. For example, for him to make a map. After all, it so happened that it is always necessary to take goods from ibey and ali from different names, because sometimes they send data to the customs, you cannot buy one person for 100-200k per month. But this is done later, when the drop sees that he really participates in traffic. If you open the parcels with him, he will be ready to work for you until the gray hairs, because he will see the TRUTH that you told him. He will begin to trust, and will be able to become already partly adjustable drop, will turn into a hand-held and detachable one. But this is not immediate.

- Drop will be able to participate in the affiliate program that you come up with. Trite, "Bring a friend for a percentage." Again, after a while, when the drop will believe the fictional system.

The ability to get other resources from him. What is worth saying in a month.

“Sasha, here we got out of the limits, we need a personal webmoney certificate to pay for our orders. We don't fit the cards anymore. "

But the main thing is with adjustable drops, if you work with them personally "Play Movies". You broadcast to him a completely different reality, which is better, whiter, cleaner and more profitable than the one with which you actually work. Hitler once made the whole country believe in the Aryan race and its superiority over the rest of the others. The art of convincing is an important point here. But we don't really need it. Sometimes you can calmly propose fictional facts, provide fictional evidence, fake results of this or that work. Here, the drop will himself think about how deeply he needs to believe in it. It is enough to appear in front of him, and unobtrusively learn about his thoughts on this matter, making it clear that your cooperation is beneficial for both you and him. But without fanaticism.

So, the results:
  • Drop can be Undivided, partly adjustable, and adjustable.
  • Subdivided into manual and non-manual drops.
  • And also on Detachable and Non-detachable.

Geography of drops. Who was born where.

How not to have fun now, not to be sad from various troubles, A wonderful neighbor has settled in our house.

Whoever was born where, he came in handy there, says the old proverb. In part, the ancestors were right, but modern trends in drop farming lead to a different formulation: Whoever appeared where, came in handy there. In large numbers of workers, students, refugees, seekers of a better life in other cities, tourists - these are the most affordable and almost the sweetest drops. You will learn about the methods of working with them later. I go from simple to complex.

Due to the fact that I live in Russia, I narrate this moment in the first person, and I ask you to transfer yourself to my place if you are not from the Russian Federation, but continue to study this material.

If we look through the eyes of a drop conductor who lives and works in the post-Soviet space, then we see the following groups:

- CIS drops

- EU drops

- Drops USA

By no means do I want to say that there are no other drops, but now these are the most common groups. Of course, someone has drops in Israel, Argentina, etc. But these are minor cases.

CIS drops are, as a rule, drops located on the territory of the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the terminology of the network underground, it is quoted in abbreviations. For example, "There are RU drops". Or "UA Drops Available". "Drops KZ". These abbreviations are similar, or completely coincide with the domain zones of certain states. .BY - Belarus. Or they are similar to the abbreviations found on the license plates of these countries.

Abbreviations are found in the same way as the full names of the regions where they come from. There is no uniform etiquette.

Europe drops include all drops located in European countries. There is nothing to explain.

As well as there is nothing to explain about drops in the USA. The only difference is the only group of drops that is the most demanded among carders.

After all this, you can classify the drop locally, by region / region / city.

I gave the general geography of drops, let's move on to the local one. Even if you are a beginner, you will always have drops from your city first. And no matter where you are from, from Kiev, Rostov, Vladivostok, the village of novo-ebunovo, drops will be everywhere. The only rule is that the larger the settlement, the more drops.

If you manage to recruit at least five drops in the village, get ready for the fire of the Inquisition. Everyone in the village knows about everyone. This means that the district police officer will find out about this, if any problem arises. If you are from small settlements, do not shake around your house. Better to rent an apartment somewhere, or go to work in a big city. The fact that you will be too mobile will not bring trouble.

Of course, there are more drops in the metropolis. Megapolis means general pokhuizm, huge traffic of people, many poor, more developed drug addiction, and a visiting labor force. Someone like you moved from the village to work. But first of all, a large city is a lot of people. For a drop guide, a drop is a tool, a blank. As for a carpenter, a billet, from which he cut something, and will receive money for it.

If you are residents of your cities in which you are going to work, you already have your plus. You grew up here and you know a lot of people with whom you could work. It’s easier for you to start, but as they say, you have already “burned”. Surely someone was told something compromising you from a drunken shop. And the potential first drops know you where to find and pick you up. So if you are a beginner, initially think over the whole strategy of working with the first drops.

You can be a drop guide without even leaving your home. Good knowledge of anonymity, plus a superb command of social engineering skills, coupled with knowledge of a foreign language, can make you a good, and most importantly, completely (well, almost) anonymous drop conductor who can chat a fat-ass black American woman on Facebook from a fake page so that she can send a pack to Russia ... It all depends on you, your skills. If there is a desire to learn, the rest will come. And you always have to learn.

The peculiarity of the underworld is its mobility. If the shadow economy, its elements, mechanisms were static, everyone would be jailed long ago. You need to move, be in focus, and hold your tail with a gun.

Psychology and philosophy of drop farming

Here money does not wait to be burned, it is in their power to give happiness and happiness to take away. But not for me, I am on my own, and the dark streets beckon me.

Drop farming primarily implies the use of people, their capabilities, for the implementation of any goals, which usually entails making a profit. Drops act as a working material, resources. Fast forward to white life, and imagine a small company that deals with courier delivery. The legal system and the state have the concept of an Employee and an Employer. The employer hires employees in order for them to take any action in order for the employer to make a profit. I do not want to say that the employer does nothing to receive money, this happens, but in general, the employer must go out of his way, constantly monitor and organize the process so that there is work and it is in demand.

By analogy with the underground, the employer is a drop guide.

The couriers hired to handle the delivery are drop runners. Cargo delivery operators, receiving calls - drop

Warehouse workers are the same drops.

They all offered themselves as employees. They perform actions, getting paid for it. And everyone does what he can, what he learned, what health and other factors allow him. But none of them cares about the consequences, because the state system has legalized this type of labor relations, and has distinguished white enterprises from gray and black ones. If an employee wanted to get a job in an office, but it turned out to be gray, he would immediately understand everything, and he would hardly work there.

We have the opposite. Almost any theme requires drops to work. Now it is commonplace, even the card needs to be left in order for everything to be fine. This is a mandatory minimum. But we cannot submit an ad to Avito with a drop vacancy. We cannot even give them several tasks in a row, because if they come to a drop, they will most likely come to us. Those who want to work will not break into our door, because we are outside the system. By legitimizing one thing, she radically changes views on opposite things. Here then we have to dodge so that our enterprise (scheme) works at least for some time, and brings us profit.

What drops are used for:
  • Extraction of resources / goods that are sold or used personally. (Cards, wallets, bundles, OOOshki, IPshki, accounts, accounts, and other things that must be made specifically for another person. About adjustable drops it is appropriate to say that these are copies and originals of documents obtained by fraudulent means.
  • Maintenance of these resources. This item is a derivative of the first. We got OOOhu, but we need our General to go to the banks, and "Download" there for "Own" hanging money. Product support services are in demand. People want cards to work longer, personal passports to come out of the lock, and the safety of funds occurs. Also, additional verification options can be attributed to support (usually occurs at the initial stage).
  • Loans for drops. Everything seems to speak for itself. Drops are voluntary or not, depending on the situation, they can get a loan from the bank. They may give it, they may not give it up. It all depends on your outputs, which will allow you, for example, to take a loan so that no one gives it back. There are rumors, and they are partially confirmed by the fact that there is an opportunity to take loans from the Internet MFI. (Microfinance organizations, quick loans) for the scans obtained. Personally, I didn't succeed.
  • The presence of drop data for registration. Production can be attributed to LLC, but there you need a personal presence at some points. A drop can offer services, although usually he is not asked about this, by registering for himself everything that is possible, without personal presence. Basically, this is done by the guys who found the scan of the passport they need without the knowledge of the drop itself. Completely different things are registered on different data. Sim cards, accounts, and much more. There used to be a topic when cards were sent to the mailbox, it was possible to make hundreds of cards per month for scans. Someone contrived and made credit Tinkoff cards. Employees of OPSOS (Cellular Operators), as well as retail outlets for the sale of SIM cards, are in dire need of constant registration of these SIM cards. Accordingly, for such drops, which I described as adjustable, non-hookable, SIM cards, corn, debit, sometimes even firms are made. It happens that by agreement, a scheme is created for obtaining loans for scans. As a rule, such a scheme ends quickly and sadly, but there are such people, and they are found in our life. This also includes the search for and the use of drops for the topic of working out cars for hull insurance / OSAGO, when you need a culprit who allegedly accidentally drove past us and crashed into our car. By analogy, drops are often required in order to be able to issue a car on them in order to split it again. It is especially beneficial when the drop has a long and trouble-free experience.
  • Fake activity. Imagine that someone has a theme that already has everything. Tools, maps, and whatever you need. Except one. The person who will receive the first blow from the competent authorities, or angry people. Few people bother about this, but although it would be worth it. I will talk about this further. The fake activity of drops is equally applicable to adjustable and non-adjustable drops. Remember the pound head of the Golden Calf? The one who sat all his life, and his job was to sit for others? There are such drops. Most often these are drops, which, if they care that they will be pressed, then at least they have nothing to lose. Drunkards, homeless people, people who have driven themselves into terrible debt, or people who are forced to go under pressure due to circumstances.
  • Create and use the services they can provide to us. It can be confused with the first point, in which our drops register everything we need, and possibly accompany our products. Here is a slightly different picture. Drops can receive packages. This is true for carders who are engaged in clothing. On the left cards, they buy goods (stuff), and arrange delivery to the drop, which, for its own percentage, must either accept the parcel or send it to someone else, if it is a transfer, and the drop is a link between the shop and the customer who refuses to send directly to the desired address. The situation is quite similar with refunds from Amazon, if there is a real drop for which we created an account, prepared it, and order a stuff for refund. Refund is when we buy a product absolutely completely, receive it, then we make sure that Amazon, or another shop make us a refund, or send a second product due to the fact that the first one is defective. (I describe in a very generalized way, who needs to know more - they know. Who does not know, it is better to use the services of trusted refounders). If you adapt such drops for offline, then they may include the fact that their address is used to receive letters from webmoney. They prescribe everyone we want.
  • The leftovers are sweet! Drops from which there is nothing to take or get, as a rule, are thrown away as already unusable material. But there are enterprising individuals who will squeeze everything out to the last drop. They can use them as free or cheap labor, call them and ask them to do something for them. Go to the store, bring alcohol and cigarettes at night, drive them in a car, and so on. In common people they are called devils. In some places - schnyrs.
  • If you have a drop that can be used on all points except the last one, this is a very sweet drop. And you can make good money on it alone. In the previous dropology, I counted and told how much money can be raised from a drop, I will do it here, in the third part of my action movie. But for now, we are looking at the psychology and physiology of drops.

Remember some rules that you should always remember if you work with a drop, even if you are not a drop guide, but just decided to use it for some topic. I am writing material not for professional practice, but so that all layers of the underground have information about specific moments that may arise in their work.
  • Drop is a tool, a material with which we make a profit. This is the rake with which we collect the leaves. Remember that a rake can also hit your forehead.
  • A drop should not know anything more than he is supposed to know. Before you tell him something that will compromise you, think about whether he will manage without this information. And if yes, it will do, fill the airwaves with completely unnecessary noise. Usually one that should drop.
  • Observe the chain of command. Do not take your friendship further if it does not bring any profit. You can make the drop your best friend, if he can take out a loan for you in the future, or something else that, in simple words, will give rise to further topics.
  • You cannot trust a drop one hundred percent, and be sure that he will not do anything contrary to our desire.
  • Try to study the drop, understand it. Knowing desires, fears, obligations, dependencies, and the fullest possible information, you will use this for your own purposes, pulling the strings like a puppet.

These rules should always be remembered, and all your actions should be worked out according to them.

Subordination, methods of work, precautions.

... For them, paranoia is not even a way of life, for them paranoia is a high art.

We found out who the drop is, what it can do, and what kind it differs from its congeners. Let's move on to the immediate conditions that you must comply with when working with drops. Of course, there are a lot of drops with which you can generally score on all the precautions. But when it comes to cases in which consequences are possible, you need to be ready for them, and make a lot of efforts so that they do not reach you.

There is no single portrait of a drop conductor (a professional, or even a one-time amateur). We are all different people. You can't point your finger at someone and say

“This is definitely a drop guide! I can see it by (one or another sign). " It might be a student who is very adventurous. Maybe a grown man who works as the head of sales for a firm. It could even be a woman. There was a person who sang a phrase that was brilliant for me: “Art to go away in time. The art of being outsiders. " If you want not to get to you, or to get to you for a long time, you just need to be a stranger.

I was already pretty tired of the style of presentation of the material that I use here. It seems to me that I started writing a boring scientific dissertation on the topic "Drops in their habitat, their habits, and ways of domestication ..." Hare. It is much easier to give examples, and then summarize them by combining a common thought in two paragraphs.

The drop guide is almost always a good Sishnik. For those who don't know, SI is social engineering. In simple words, these are methods, the use of which helps to get almost anything you want from a person. When personal contact occurs, SI alone is not enough. Appearance plays an important role.

Let's look at my real life example of working with a drop in real life. Early 2013. To begin with, I had to come up with a way to dig up the goods for the customer .. After thinking about it, I decided that it would be better not to touch my drops - pale. The first thing that came to mind was to start punching through my friends in different parts of the city with the questions “Is there any game? There is a topic, we need to make a debit ”.

Here you shouldn't be greedy at all, and share with people who give you access to drops. Since the whole topic comes from us, then in this case your partner will most likely make great efforts to earn more money. If a partner has game that will soon become our drop, then initially you need to agree that it is your partner who will give the earnings to the drop. Firstly, there will be no need to waste time on another meeting with the drop, and secondly, we do not risk burning ourselves up once again if a fuss has gone about us.

I have formed an image of a person who is often suitable for the role of a drop guide, or a gunner. You know, there are guys like that, 23+. Imagine a construction site, a house is being built. This guy works there along with 5 brigades, in one of them. Everyone gets 25,000 a month. Our guy gets more. Because someone constantly owes him, someone has lost to him at cards, etc. Everyone works in the brigade the same way, but our Guy works the least. And often his employees do some kind of work for him, because he either forced them or divorced them. Such guys are found not only at construction sites. They everywhere. Those who have been in the army know that in each company there are 10-15 percent of people who do not do nichrome all their service life, but only drink seagulls, fight, and flutter their tongues. It seems that everyone serves together, but our guys are not like that. There are TYPES of personalities that I have highlighted. Below I will give exactly the types of persons, not positions, so that you understand what kind of people I am talking about. Maybe in psychology these people have their own terms, but I have not found such definitions. Taking almost any human collective, we will see the following hierarchy:

- Chiefs

- Deputies, bureaucrats

- Guys

- Hard workers, devils.

A moment of philosophy.

The bosses are the people I spoke about. They don't like to work, they like freebies. They realized that they were lazy in physical or mental work (or hands not from there), and became managers. Most often charismatic. The devils are afraid of them to death, the men scolded themselves, and the deputies with the bureaucrats honor them. Potential drop lines. Please pay attention to the following: Bosses do not denote the position of managers. Take the sales department in the office. 20 tube sales, and one sales manager. Maybe he is the boss among the subordinates (they were obliged to do so), but among other leaders of his level he may not be one at all. And out of 20 sellers, there is also such a personality type as a boss. This is not a leader. He does not lead everyone forward, he does not organize some kind of internal movement. This is an ordinary salesman who can fuck the boss and do whatever he wants. As a rule, people like him do whatever they want at work, and the main work is when "there is absolutely nowhere to go." With one confident and strong word they can force someone to marry him again on Friday. "Boss" does not mean the position, but the type of person.

Deputies, bureaucrats are friends of the bosses, or random personalities who, for some reason, turned out to be of higher status than men. They can do something, their boss can delegate them, ask for something, if he cannot. Never take such a layer as a partner. Drop guides are bad. Their position in society is formed at the expense of other people.

Men are the main labor force. Honest. They follow orders and instructions. Sometimes they show their displeasure, but more often they put up with it. They can prove to their superiors that they are right. Occasionally they frighten deputies and bureaucrats. Potential Good Reliable Drops - Partners

Hard workers, devils. Impersonal people, weak of character, due to their mental weakness, found themselves in the bottom line of our chart. They can loan you a big TV if they try hard. You don't even have to pay. People are the bottom. They tolerate constant bullying, injustice of life. They often tend to believe everything they are told. Potential drops for EVERYTHING.

We need Chiefs. They may or may not be leaders, but they have a VERY strong influence in their team. Leaders should not be excluded from your arsenal either, but they have one drawback. They have a lot to lose. And the leader's most precious thing is reputation and status. Therefore, I prefer to take secretive bosses.

Turning to one such person, I learned that he has 10 devils at a construction site who can easily make a debit if they piss in their ears. The partner guaranteed supervision of these people. Knowing how he is respected by any team where he finds himself, I accepted his guarantees. The scheme of work was formed: The partner pisses in the ears of the hard worker, that there is a person who needs cards. “My people brought me to him, I worked with him myself. They asked to help him, but you still don't give a fuck. No one will take any credits to your card, I promise you that. Let's earn some money together. "

Here we will move away from the process and listen to me. When you take a partner to give you drops, for the partner everything should look as if he got the easiest job. If this does not work out, you need to position your part of the work as the most difficult and responsible. Clarify that you need to bear guarantees to the customer, risk your reputation, status, orders, money. You can even blink about the fact that people there are serious, and these are the simplest orders that they could now give. "Then you can earn more, the main thing now is to do everything beautifully, and at a level." Not drops need to be processed, but intermediaries, if they figure in this.

When your partner knows you have the hardest job, a simple conclusion suggests itself - he has the easiest job. And when, on a subconscious level, what he does almost nothing for the cause will fit, he will do the work better and more efficiently.

There were so many motivational network statuses, various jokes and stories that the main thing is to believe in yourself, and everything will work out! In our case, we must believe in the person we hired. Take an interest in progress, offer help. But if you stumbled upon the personality type of the Chief, he will do everything right. If he does not, then he is not very interested in our proposal, or he is afraid of something. We need to work on this. Foreplay isn't just about sex.

I somehow needed to do something for the drop. I found a distant friend, let's call him Sasha. I phoned, briefly said that there was business to him, and the rest was not on the phone. In the evening I took him home from work, and after putting him in the car, I immediately began to talk to him about the case.

Pay attention to how you are recruiting drops. When you are familiar with a drop and try to recruit it, the most common mistake happens, due to which the drop falls off. His teeth begin to speak IMMEDIATELY. “Hello, san! Brother! How many years! Etc". Take a sober view of the situation. If you met him in the mall by chance, would you be so nice? Would you rinse with him, fraternize and sidekick? Why the hell did you wonder how his children, his wife, a dog who died a year ago are doing ... During such an introduction and dialogue with drops (establishing contact) do you know what is spinning in his head? What does he need? Teeth talking, huh? The campaign needs money. He behaves dully, is too kind, crawls out of his pants too much. The first one called and took me from work. He plays on his show-offs ...

Such things are in the head of such a person. Better to start like this:

Sanya hello! How are you? Sit down, listen, I came on business, I'll tell you right away and straight. I need your help very much. Pitchfork without you, listen. Now the topic is interesting, I climbed there, people needed in the course, so there will be no problems. Businesses need cards so that they officially have lower profits. You understand yourself, they pay taxes on profits, you need to spend money. In simple words - cash out in white. They pulled me up, I supply them with cards. Therefore, we can work with you profitably. People need reliable people, because it’s a no brainer that the cardholder can get hold of the money. But this cannot be done - you yourself understand, people are serious. Now one card is needed, a classic. Not credit, empty. You will make it to me, I will give it. In a month or two we will go to the bank together and close it. At the same time, you will make sure that nothing bad happened. Then there will be more orders, but more. Soon the reporting period, there will definitely need 10 cards.

We look in the eyes, we behave calmly, we conduct the conversation slowly, as if we are telling a distant acquaintance about how we achieved success and got rich. Without pre-beauty, calmly and without raising the tone.

Okay, think bye. What did I start with the case? How is life, what's new, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Do you remember Andryukha from your entrance? Where did he go? how are ours?

If Sasha refused right after our dialogue. NO, I'm sorry, I won't. All the same, we start to fuck with nothing, taking him home, asking about things that are not interesting to us. We behave naturally, not letting him know that we were very hurt by the refusal. In the brain of the drop, a mismatch of situations will begin. He told you no, and you, neither sleep nor spirit, continue the conversation about something else. How so? Usually they begin to persuade….

And believe me, in the process of your chatter, Sasha will most likely start asking questions on the topic that you told him about. And what did you offer there, long ago there? What kind of people? I just think that not everything is clean there, since this is how everything happens. I heard they take loans for people.

Further it is a matter of technology - we tell the way we need it. When at the end of the meeting Sasha says: “Okay, I'll think about it, I’ll tell you the answer,” you need to sharply tighten the lasso on his neck. “I would not come to you so abruptly and spontaneously, if it were not an urgent order, you need to make an application faster and wait for the card to be issued. It is done for 10 days, you know yourself. Yes, everything will be fine, that you are as little. You know me, and no one will cheat me there either. Sit down, let's go to the bank, there is business for 15 minutes. And another 15 minutes in 10 days to pick up the card. 30 minutes 2000, little chtoli? I've already made cards in all the banks where I could. Together with my family. "

This is a rough example. Dialogue should be based on facts that are valid and valid. Once again, pay attention to the formula by which acquaintances are recruited, or future drop guides from the list of acquaintances - first the case, then cotton wool. Then everything will go by itself.

Who read the second dropology now probably scold me. How so? You talked about subordination, disguise, secrecy!

Sure! And there will be great dialogues about this. It is simply impossible to live like James Bond forever. And without direct contacts, relationships, connections, where you present yourself to the interlocutor - nothing at all. I was talking about a non-adjustable, or partially adjustable drop, which can easily be our drop guide. We will include James Bond another time.

In the process of writing, I faced one problem. Dropology is a textbook not only for a drop guide, but in general for any person who needs to work with a drop. In some situations, information can be presented in different ways. After all, for an amateur who needs a drop, it's just wild to read about the troubles that will be needed for the future or the current drop guide. But I need to find a compromise, therefore, I will still describe everything in more detail, as for drop leads. And if you need only a part of this information - select this part yourself. Knowledge is never superfluous.

There is a big difference in chain of command and safety between constantly looking for drops and being fickle. When it becomes your job, you can go crazy, but everything is done automatically. When working with an unfamiliar drop, you need to present yourself so that he cannot identify you afterwards. Of course, he recognizes your face, but all the same, in order to be poked at you, you have to get a confrontation. And in order to get there, you must leave signs and features by which you can be found.

Let's analyze such production by imagining. Drop made a card, we sold it. He was invited to the department / support office to explain the fact that someone's Sberovskaya dirt was chasing on the map. First, questions will be asked about where the card that he issued in the department in the city center went. Drop is either asked to sign the paper, or they will pressure that he is an accomplice, and he needs to try to be a submissive interlocutor so as not to get punishment.

- They will in every possible way find out how the contact arose between the drop and the drop guide. How did it happen that the drop sold / gave the card to the drop conductor? How the contact took place, who brought them together. If a friend brought you together, then what kind of friend (with pulling him out), Phone, full name of the person who brought you together, all the data on the drop lead. Phones of all persons involved in the case.

- Find out the reasons why the drop lost this card along with the bag where the leaf with the pincode was. Most likely, he will receive a couple of blows, but not more, if there are no prerequisites to consider him a drop-driver, or a hacker who snatched Sber's dirt.

In this case, the drop should have some kind of legend. It is impossible to believe that a drop to talov will not surrender the drop guide. Therefore, if you mine materials for dirt, or other things that may be of interest to cops, use drops that are as far away from you as possible.

So, when establishing contact between us and the drop, names and surnames will appear first. It is logical to assume that a drop should not introduce himself by his name. If there is a mediator, it is advisable to think over this fact too.

Drop said that a distant friend called and offered to earn some money. Who is the friend? Vasya. How do you know you? We used to work at a construction site. Which one, when? A year ago on Lenin. Where Vasya lives, give me a phone - write it down.

Drop leaked the middleman. The person who brought us the drop. You need to prepare such a person. Firstly, the intermediary should not call the drop from his phone. Secondly, the intermediary should not say anything to the drop at all except

"There is not a difficult job, everything is fine there, a person will call you."

Dropa is asked how it was, how did he come to you? I called, I erased his number a long time ago, he says a person will call you, there is a part-time job. What number did you call? I don’t remember, it happened six months ago. Is there his number? Like it was, here it is.

The number for the intermediary must be left. I think it's clear why.

How do you know this Sasha? We worked together. Where is he from? I don't know, like from the other side of the city. What do you know about him? Yes, almost nothing, six months ago I went to the Prior, not married. Do you remember the car number? No.

If the drop really does not know much about the intermediary, it is unlikely that they will look for it, or catch it.

What happened next? A man called, introduced himself as Petya, said there is some work to do when you can meet. We met near the shopping center K. What did he say? He says that he needs a card, he is ready to buy, like he needs to accept money, he promised 5k, and another 5k in 3 months, if the card is in complete order. What is his number? I don't remember how long ago it was. How did you arrive? Was on foot, I left did not see how he leaves. What did you look like? …normally. Autumn black jacket, jeans, boots, a small leather bag. Regular build, slightly shorter than me. Were there any distinctive features? Scars, tattoos, moles, glasses? No, I didn't notice anything like that. If they bring him here now, will you recognize him? Yes, probably. Did he have glasses? No. Watches, rings? No. Did the phone see him? No.

Here's what a drop has to say about a drop guide if accepted. And no matter how frightened and broken there he is, he has nothing to lie. He doesn't really remember the distinctive reasons. The main task is to remain a completely outsider when recruiting a new drop (with which there may be consequences).

The art of being an outsider.

The skill to be redundant, like me. The mastery of being loved is like a noose. The mastery of being global is like a baked apple. Art to step aside in time.

Everything that I will tell you is applicable in general to all people who work with the surrounding nature. They leave home to make money, or to create conditions for earning money.

We can be bright personalities, recognizable by our friends and those around us in general. Someone prefers, on the contrary, to be unsociable, to remain in the shadows. But unsociability attracts attention no less than the brightness of behavior and lifestyle. When you are remembered by people for your clothes, car, manners, appearance, conversations, all this is deposited in the minds of ordinary people. They don't seem to pay attention to you, nobody needs you. But when the tenant of the house next to you is asked if you saw a man here in a white Mazda, he will instantly remember you.

And if you lead a secluded life, do not remove the hood from your head, and generally behave inappropriately, you will also be remembered. Especially grandmothers.

And what can I say? Even if you are an ordinary middle-level manager, the residents of neighboring houses will still be able to recognize you if you have lived in one place for a long time.

Therefore, there is no need to change anything in your daily, and most importantly, personal life. Live the way you want, no need for inventions. It's very simple - by doing any business (recruiting drops, working as a drop), be a different person. For example, a drop can see you in one guise, mistaking it for the present. Who would ever think that you "threw yourself into another skin" before the meeting? Nobody.

The main rule:

RULE CONVERSE. For less de-ionization, use methods that mislead others and create misleading images and memories of you. Imagine that you have an appointment with a person who needs to be deceived later. It doesn't matter how. We know that after our dialogue with him completely different people may be interested in us.

If we climb all winter in a sports down jacket, then we wear a strict jacket or coat to the meeting. If we wear a watch, take it off, or put a watch of a different color on the other hand. Rings, all the junk that a cunning and watchful spy can recognize us by - everything must be removed.

Consider how the meeting will take place, what you expect from it, what the result. If you need to breed a fluffy fool to invest in our dubious project, you need to be as honest and reliable as possible from the outside. It is also desirable to be smart. For each specific situation, you can create an image that you want to match. To make us look honest, reliable and smart, we have to try hard. Your speech is the main weapon, but appearance is the wrapper in which they have packed you - the devil.

If you have extra money, buy yourself glasses. Ordinary glass glasses that do not distort vision. People with glasses are subconsciously associated with smart people who work a lot while sitting, either with papers or with computers. By putting on eyepieces, you can outwardly deceive.

If we need to be reliable and honest, we need to be punctual first. Try to make all calls, meet on time. Let's move on to the appearance of reliable and honest people. Everything is more than obvious here. How do they look? They have their own external stereotype. Classic clothes, classic colors (black, gray, white). Correct straight lines. Reliability can be attached with expensive clothing. But do not overdo it, otherwise you will turn into a pontorez.

Of course, anything is possible in this life and in this country, but guys in sports who ride kamryuhs and TsEshkas do not inspire confidence in ordinary people, and in those who become our source of income. If you are from the same team where they go to sports and earn money outside the factories, be sure to get a second set of clothes, preferably one in which you are not used to seeing.

The classic is versatile, and fits almost any moment where we need to work with people. However, if you work with a drop, and constantly wear perfume and shirt-pants, a drop who likes to watch NTV with a beer after work will quickly get out of hand. Ready-made drops with which you work should subconsciously know that you should not break the rules that you have announced. According to statistics, guys in sportswear are more afraid than people in classic ones, and even more inodes than people in uniforms and caps. According to Rosstat data for 2014.

Therefore, you must always assess the situation sensibly, be able to dress up. It is not for nothing that even in antiquity they used to say, "They are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds." To recruit adjustable drops, and in general, for all the moments where you need to meet a stranger and let him know that we are a decent and honest citizen - the classic is used.

To work with drops, where there is a risk that they will start to be self-willed, where you need to show that you do not need to joke with us, use a looser style of clothing. For those who are not scary - advice: take a scary friend with you. When he stands and is silent, and you are intensively communicating something to the drop, the drop begins to fear your terrible silent friend more.

Unfortunately, not in all cases you will be able to be an outsider who is difficult to reach. The art of being an outsider is a utopian thought, and an elusive one. But you need to constantly remember about it, and PayPal to this ideology a little. Sometimes a little thing can play a role in our favor.

Truly clever is the one who knows how to hide his dexterity (François La Rochefoucauld).

That's it, I think the most boring part of dropology is left behind. This is all a boring theory, yet no less boring is my philosophy, which, fortunately for you, I have described very briefly. Believe me, you can get depressed and sleepy if you don't forget about it. I suggest you forget yourself and learn how you can pat the drops so that money appears.

Again philosophy.

Drop is like a cow. One cow is raised in order to give a little milk, then slaughtered for meat.

The second cow is like a family member. She feeds everyone with milk, she is fed, looked after and loved. They are in no hurry to prick, I would even say, they do not want to.

There are also gobies. They are raised in calves. They are fed, so that later on for meat, like the first cow. The only difference is that the first cow could give milk in addition to meat.

33 cows, or resource extraction.

There is a Mastercard for every dream, human stupidity is priceless.

Drops are used to produce a wide variety of consumer goods and speculation. I will not list everything. For a drop, you can do everything that is possible to do on a person, so I will talk about the most common and most popular things.

1. LLC and IE. Firms and pikes that are made for drops are in great demand on the undergound. This instrument is one of the most expensive in the field of cash withdrawal of funds of any origin. But as practice has shown, most often LLCshki and IPshki are taken under white or gray cashing of an enterprise and a company. I will not tell you all the subtleties, because I rarely encountered it personally, but I can tell you about the peculiarities of mining and creation. First of all, find out the main difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. The SP is responsible for almost everyone that he has for his debts. Which, most likely, will not be formed by the IP specialist himself.

With LLC everything is easier, but the degree of responsibility is still present. LLC is more complicated than an individual entrepreneur in terms of the number of nuances and a package of documents. It turns out a little more expensive.

Changes have been made since September 1, 2014. The size of the authorized capital of an LLC in 2015 cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles. In 2015, the authorized capital must be paid within 4 months from the date of state registration of a limited liability company.

Previously, it was allowed to assign a wardrobe, a table, a printer, and a dog kennel for the authorized capital. Now we need a property appraisal. We have to go somewhere, wait for appraisers, Signatures, permission. It was easier for me to put ten there, and I don't care.

I will stop there, I want to go through the list and tell WHAT can be obtained, and how to do it. Although for LLC I can give some information below. So, for an individual entrepreneur they give an average of 40k, for an LLC from 50-60k. Do not forget that you need a Current Account (no one needs it without it, and RS sometimes becomes even more difficult than the LLC itself)

2. Debit cards, instant flash cards. Another common commodity that drop conductors get are cards. The prices for them vary from the type of card.

Approximate price list:
- Instant 3k
- Classic 4-5k
- Gold - 6-8k
- Platinum 10-12k.

There has always been a demand for cards, and does not think to fall. (According to my observations on the dark). They are taken for different purposes. Someone wants to anonymously accept any funds, or just use it yourself. Some buy them on purpose to accept gray money or dirt. The demand increased in 2015, when the guys started working on mobile devices into which the APK (bot) was installed, and the program itself would withdraw money to the attacker. As a rule, they worked on collection, and bought Sberbank cards with large volumes.

Debit is not so difficult to extract, but be prepared for the fact that almost always money of unknown origin will be chased through your debit, and the drop will have to answer any questions. Also, cards are mined for scans through LLCs, for which banks provide "Salary Projects". The director goes to the bank, where his organization is served, fills out forms, brings photocopies of passports, and says that these people need cards in order for them to receive a salary.

The salary project becomes an obligation for organizations. They want to oblige all organizations and entrepreneurs to pay salaries on cards, not in cash. However, the presence of a mass of left debit often spins the production process through the RFP.

3. Webmoney certificates. Formal, initial, personal. I will dwell on this in more detail. If you are a beginner, and do not know what passports are in the webmoney system, and you are also going to make money on Webmoney, go and register there, study the whole process of obtaining each certificate. Formal passport. They are in demand, who would not tell me what! To get it, you just need to find a scan of your passport, SIM card, register, enter all passport data, and send a scan of your passport for verification. In less than a day, you will receive a formal certificate. It costs about 5-7 dollars. They take mainly those who quickly need to accept the money, but do not want to show their certificate.

A similar story with the initial passports at registration, only now you have to call the attestator who issues the initial passports, pay the fee, and make an appointment. He will verify the passport and issue a certificate. It takes more time, but the certificate costs 25-30 dollars. They have more limits, you can be more confident in taking loans.

Personal passport. On the black market, it costs between $ 200 and $ 300 per novorega. Novoreg is any product that has a recent registration date.If you take Persians with a swinging BL (Business Level) and TL (Trust Level), as well as with a passed secondary, PhotoID, and the date of receiving Persian for about a year, such a Persian can be sold for $ 500 as minimum. There are many factors at play here. For example, Ukrainian Persians are cheaper than Russian Persians. The more verification points are completed, the more expensive the pers. Likewise with the indicators of the life of the Persian. The higher the BL or TL, the more it will cost. It turns out a Persian almost the same as an initial certificate, but here everything is much more complicated. First, the appraisers who are responsible for issuing these certificates know very well about us, about the swindlers who extract the Persians in order to sell them later. Secondly, the attestator may be in for the fact that there was such a boil with the attestator that there are 4 episodes according to the Criminal Code, and even the drop says that the Persian did not receive ... Each attester has a large deposit in webmoney, which he made to start working for system. It used to be 2k, now it seems like 5k of greenery.

The procedure for obtaining a personal certificate is very specific. We receive a formal certificate, then leave an application for a personal one. The system spits out an application form to us, which must be filled out very carefully. Also, an application for a certificate must be paid! It costs between $ 20 and $ 45 depending on the city. After payment, you need to call the examiner and come to visit him with a questionnaire and a passport.

Well, what's wrong with that? I paid 25 bucks in webmoney, brought my application form, passport. But they didn’t give me a certificate. Moreover, the grandmother cannot be returned  It's simple. If you need it, this certificate, they will ask why, and you will clearly answer. Now imagine that you sent a drop to them. And the drop comes in and says "Hello, I came to get a webmoney wallet, uh, sorry, a certificate!" And his question is: what kind of keeper do you use? And what is your BL? Have you received the formal form long ago?

Drops can be prepared, spend whole days with them, teaching them. By the way, this is also a way out, there are smart drops. You should also make an analysis, and prepare a drop not only mentally. Think about who needs such certificates? People who do online business receive and send money. Online store owners, freelancers, coders, designers, web builders. You even need to correspond externally. If I am an examiner, and a kid comes to me on adidas, it will immediately become clear to me that he is going to sell it, or collect loans, or throw it for prepayment.

You can make personal certificates with a notary. Look for similar methods in the public, many detailed manuals walk the net. As if a notary had assured us a scan. We are sending this case to Moscow, and we are waiting for it to be approved. Of course, our notary is a left seal. But the method still works, albeit with a big creak. Also Persians - notars are cheaper and less willing to buy than personally received.

If you are absolutely pitchfork, and the Persians are hunting for hunting - work on an attestation. Agree, threaten, cheat, it's up to you. Remember only one thing. You cannot have 200k per month on one certification. He will quickly jerk off and stop giving out the Persians in the same way. If you find an approach to your certification, do 5-6 Persians a month, (1000-1200 green, little chtoli?). As Vasya said, it is better for a little longer than many and once.

4. Loans. Forget about defaults and the fact that it is so easy to get a loan for a drop. Such topics exist, but they cannot be sucked out of the finger. Everything is done by the method of mutually beneficial ties between drop conductors, bank employees, etc.

It is possible to take ordinary loans, but again, the drop should try to get it. It is he who will come to the bank, show 2-NDFL, declare his place of work, and his earnings. You can fake a certificate, you can fake a place of work, contact information, the degree of earning a drop. But not in savings. And time goes on, the nuts are twisted. Some banks themselves began to push through the applicant for the loan for the presence of contributions to the FIU. (Pension Fund). Everything is simple here - if a person works officially and for a long time, the employer makes contributions to the Russian pension fund for him. And if there are no such deductions, then the applicant is lying, or the employer is dishonest. The second reason does not give a fuck to them, and they exclude it, turning it into the first.

And where to get the drop for credit? Catch debtors, or hang noodles on people's ears that you can help with a loan for your interest. You can stupidly do nothing, and wait at random that our adjustable drop will be given a loan (and he will think that we helped).

5. Retailer products. Our retailers, represented by Beeline, Euroset, MTS, Megaphone, Svyaznoy, offer different products. They offer, and the salon workers are simply fought for the fact that they poorly sell cards and other shit. Let's help them!

After going through the underground sites, I looked at the various offers for the sale of retailers' products. These are corn, world corn, Zolotaya Korona Beeline card, MTS money card.

Walk, walk around shopping malls, visit retailers' sites http://kykyryza.ru/cards/ we are not talking about creating your own service for the sale of these products, but when they are in your hands, you will quickly study the demand, and perhaps stop at something.

6. EPS products. A large segment of the market is occupied by sellers of various kinds of electronic payment systems (EPS) wallets. Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, payeer, Okpay, RBK money, paypal, and many others that only exist. Wallets of varying degrees of verification are bought, this is in demand. There is such a payment Peyer (payeer), for the sake of fun I made 2 wallets for drops, and put them up for $ 30, having completely identified them beforehand. I somehow sold 2 wallets in a month, almost no one was interested in them, and then BAM! The client asks for 30 wallets. The demand paradox.

Now the situation is such that ID kiwi or ID poison costs 3-4 times cheaper than a year and a half ago. This suggests that a lot of sellers have appeared who extract them, and accordingly arrange dumping among themselves. That is, a special price cut that should drive an increase in sales. I remember doing ID poison for 1k rubles. Now it is made for 300-400 rubles. Sellers went wild, and many merged with this business. However, it has become more accessible to beginners who need to earn their first money.

7. Accounts, and registrations. In addition to everything that I described above, you can register many different accounts for drops, and sell them. Remember for life. Not only carders sit on the shadow forums.

The audience is terribly motley. For example, bonus hunters. They drain the bonuses that Bookmakers give them. Poker gulfs - splicers, privateers, office givers, auctioneers scammers, and many others. And it often happens that because of your profession you have to have a lot of any accounts and accounts for the business to work. It comes to the point that there is simply not enough time to register these accounts, or there are no resources (sims, scans) for this. And here you can make money. The demand is not as great as for cards, but still “shoots”. There was a case, I had a partner. I registered accounts for my drops in one bookmaker. He paid me well for the fact that the drops did not go to this bookmaker, and did not PayPal their dirty hands where they did not need, and also in the case of Lock (account blocking), I was able to reduce the drops and pull out the money. In simple words, the person played on my people's accounts. I could have done something bad at any moment and steal this money, but he trusted me, and I had all the prerequisites to trust me. Cherish your reputation, do not throw it, and work honestly. It costs a lot.

8. In addition to all of the above, accounts are actively used by bonus hunters, carders, who upload to these wallets from CC, and then work them out. There are also more peaceful people - they buy wallets, and work out stray poker players on a pre-prepared table. This is just one of many possible interpretations. There are a lot of people who deceive different systems in different ways, as well as variations of their schemes. Service for drops and registrations has a place to be and make a profit

9. Products OpSOS. OPSOS are Cellular Operators. You can and should register modems, sim cards on drops. Of course, physically, if you come to a cellular salon, the SIM card will cost us 50-100 rubles. Selling it for this very money is difficult. If there is a way out, you can create OPSOS products for scans almost for free. If there is no way out, we do an LLC, go to the beeline (mega, MTS), conclude an agreement and sell these sim cards. Most likely, according to a dealer agreement, we will be obliged to register each activated SIM card, so that the cost of a SIM card will be equal to the cost of a passport scan. We simply register them for the obtained scans, and sell sim cards. Left-hand 3G / 4G modems can be safely taken for a drop at a retail price in cellular salons, and sold a little more expensive on black forums. This is normal practice.

We touched the tangible products that drops can give us. Now let's move on to the services they have to offer:

Receiving parcels. There are many wonderful sites, forums where carders conduct their activities. In particular, the guys who trade in carzh. (Driving the purchased credit card data "CC" into the store). In almost all cases, SSs are driven in under the goods - clothes. Someone came up with a good rule "do not work according to RU", so almost everyone drives shops (shops) into EU or USA. During the drive, the data of the recipient is entered - a drop, or a forwarding service. This is where we can be useful. Most often, drops, which we can recruit for receiving parcels.

The simplest, but not very reliable, is dating on Facebook. A page is being created with a girl, ordinary photos, a country Russia that is looking for dating in the USA or Europe. It takes a little time for it, maybe half a day, or even less. Then, naturally, we begin to rub in the story with the sending to the brother / grandmother, it does not matter, “they don’t send to Russia, I don’t know who to send it to”. Amers are selfish and even those rats can cheat, but often also conscientious ones come across. In ey rolls much better, they are all very naive and compassionate there, and after talking with a Russian beauty who is not against dating, even more so. The second, but already difficult, is the opening of a fake "company" for this you need skype with the number of the country where you will work, a typical contract for hiring an employee, posting ads on specialized sites about finding a job, our goal is students, housewives. Think for yourself how to place an ad, what position to put, there are a lot of options. it is ideal, of course, to communicate by mail here, language skills are not needed, especially since your story is a foreign company so that weirdness from google transliteration will be forgivable. It is your business to pay them for sending or not, according to statistics, 1 person 1 pack. further for them already come.

Gray delivery. Black and white drops - for carding

Intermediary - an organization engaged in the forwarding of parcels, it is an intermediary between you and the store, which performs the functions of international delivery in the event of its absence in the store.

Let us consider the scheme of work of a mediator using the example of the USA - Russia.

So, we have a desire to buy something in an American online store, but the store does not deliver to Russia, and in general, it does not send anywhere except to our home country. What to do ? - we google "delivery of goods from the USA" or

"Intermediaries in the USA" - we introduce ourselves to a great variety of organizations that can help with the shipment of our purchase. Let's choose http://ru.litemf.com/ (for both queries in the top).

If we are honest people, of which there is not a single drop of doubt, we register with our data and buy everything we want for ourselves and our loved ones. But, if the requests of close people are large and not uplifting, then we will please them at the expense of Credit Cards (cc) of people "not close" to us. In case of participation of “not close ones”, it is better not to use your data at all, namely, we create an account in the name of another person in our country, our city. You will need passport scans, email, phone, all this can be found and done without any problems.

After registration, we are provided with the address and cell number, we indicate them when ordering goods. Upon receipt of the purchase by the intermediary, it will be displayed in your LC (litemf.com)

Next, we send our purchase or purchases (you can consolidate) yourself or your loved one.

Let's dwell on this in more detail. The data specified when registering an account with an intermediary and the data for receiving a parcel in the Russian Federation may be different, the intermediary himself does not pay special attention to this. It is also possible to send to different addresses, for example, if you have 2 or more purchases, then after pouring into the middleman's ears a fairy tale about a relative in another city, country, you can send everything beautifully. I do not recommend sending your data to yourself. How to find a drop in your yard has already been.

It is better to pay for the intermediary's services from the data specified when registering an account on the intermediary's website, i.e. if we registered for the data of Vasya Pupkin from the Russian Federation, then the payment must go from the Russian Federation (visa cards or master of the Russian Federation banks, the Qiwi virtual machine will do, the name of the cardholder is not important), you can also use the data of cards (ss) of people who are not close to us , again, but I do not recommend, the intermediaries from this become angry, block accounts and interfere with normal work.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that it is advisable to enter the intermediary's website from the IP of one city, otherwise the account lock is possible.

When registering the sending of our parcel on the intermediary's website, we are offered delivery options:

USPS express - received by courier,

USPS priority - we get it at the post office.

Next, we must fill out a customs declaration, where we indicate the name of the product, its quantity and price. The limit for the cost of a parcel that does not require additional payments for the Russian Federation is 1000 euros. But this can be bypassed by talking with an intermediary, for a small fee, he will throw out the shop invoices from the parcels, and you will enter the prices you need in the declaration. Checked, but rarely.

How to receive a parcel. At the post office:

We take a scan of the passport in whose name the package was sent from the intermediary and go to the post office. Before entering directly into the post office, we knead the vocal cords, moisten the throat, boldly approach and pour optimism into the ears of the employee.

We take a local drop and lead it. (Russian drop-carriers - about 1000 rubles / pack) By courier:

We breed a courier. (passport scan, student ticket, etc. - we make sure that you are you or that you are not him, but since he was drinking at the exam, at his grandmother's, on a business trip, (the girl threw), and you are the best friend he asked you, if you don’t believe, call him, he will tell you everything.

As a result, by creating an account on the website of the intermediary organization, we receive a drop for receiving and sending our parcels.

Gray delivery.

"Gray delivery" is a way of forwarding cargo bypassing customs and all customs duties and taxes. There is gray delivery in any country, from any country and to any country, you can transport anything you want, in our case, parcels with liquid goods easily fly over any borders.

I will tell you about the way of working with "gray deliveries" using the example of China - Russia.

China has flooded the whole world with its products, in Russia, in Moscow, in particular, the markets of the shopping mall “Moskva” “Sadovod” sit tightly on “gray delivery”. Everything happens as follows: from the Chinese side, this business is represented by "Cargo companies" that consolidate cargo, check, pack and send it through their gray channels to any country. We are considering Russia, Moscow. When the cargo arrives in Moscow, the phone number you left is called and told the time and place (TC “Moscow”, “Gardener”), basically all the same Chinese call in broken Russian. You arrive, check, pay for delivery and pick up your parcels.

Cargo companies are a group of enterprising Chinese with access to the main "gray stream" of Chinese shit to any of the countries. The gray stream is your own person at customs who gives the go-ahead. There are a lot of cargo companies in China, it is very easy to find them on special forums and even in social networks where Russian students in China advertise them. The hitch may be in the minimum amount of work, but you can find one that will undertake to consolidate one by one and send, albeit not large, batches.

Delivery times and costs are different. For instance:

1-3 days 30 $ for one unit (phone, tablet, etc. not bulky in the amount of 1 pc.)

up to 10 days - about 10ue per 1kg (any quantity, from 10kg)

And so, the scheme of work:

- find such a company and specify the working conditions, minimum weight, price, payment, etc. (specify the days of sending so that your parcel does not wait long in the warehouse).

- you are given the address, phone number of the manager and your code (better name), who need to mark the parcels from the shop.

- buy goods with fast delivery to the Cargo company,

- you are waiting for the parcel at your address according to the agreed conditions.

In the US, everything is the same. Prices are about 15ue / kg. The minimum wage is also from 10kg (preferably). If the product is a mega-brand, then they ask for an additional payment, so that no one is "offended for the state").

From EU in exactly the same way. Prices are different, depending on the country and the parameters of the parcel.

The only caveat is the minimum volume of cargo, because the "cargo company" earns from the weight of the parcel, and if it is not big, then messing with it is not particularly interesting.

How to receive a parcel.

You can do it yourself or your man (adjustable, not adjustable) with a legend that he bought on an ad on Avito and goes to pick up. Pre-advertise the sale and call the “seller” by texting in the vibeer or SMS for credibility.

So - having found the "gray delivery" (cargo company) you need, we get a drop for receiving and sending our parcels.

White drops.

"White drops" - tourists or vacationers. All well-known social networks are suitable for searching, where people will gladly take something with them for a small fee. For example, search in Russian-speaking vk groups for cities from / to which you need to transport the parcel. “White drops” just write “I will fly out tomorrow, I’ll take it to you,” and therefore White, that they receive the package and go straight to the airport.

There are also special sites where people themselves write where, where and when they fly, google "delivery by travelers". For example - http://tudatuda.com/ru/

You - urgently need transportation of something. (I bought my beloved for my birthday, white delivery (DHL) - it's a long time, I don't have time, and since you fly out tomorrow, let me send you from the store and meet you at Sheremetyevo. Thank you, kind person)

He (drop) - gives you his coordinates, and if you describe the situation beautifully, then he will not take money for the sake of such high feelings for his wife.

Black drops.

Black drops - addresses obtained from local drop organizers. You can find them on the forum. Upon receipt of the goods from the store, the drop sends it to your reseller (see above), then according to an already understandable scheme. If you are engaged in carding, then you probably came across the expression "forwarding service" actually on black drops (perhaps even in a literal and figurative sense), it is based.

This includes compatriots actively living in social networks. You can find them all in the same Russian-speaking groups. You can pour anything into your ears, from a sense of patriotic duty, you are ready to work for your family - Thank you. To settle with them, it is better and easier for them to buy something, i.e. buy yourself a GoPro + an iPhone case for him or something by agreement, you don't care, "ss" is not a loved one. The only negative is Russian names.

And now I will shed some light on one good way to recruit drops. Please note that the text was created for the scheme for the divorce of lawyers, which I still will not sell in full, because my topic is very afraid of the public. So keep the clipping from there, and screw everything up to recruit drops.

Industrialization, the media educated people, and now they trust less and less people who offer something dubious. What to do? Think the other way around. Let's analyze. If our potential drops do not trust muddy faces, then who? Government, organizations, friends and acquaintances.

It is difficult to pretend to be a state structure. It's not so easy for a friend either. Organization? - Easily!

I will tell you how to make yourself a firm. It will not be real, but fit for you to believe that it really is real. How competent you are in LLCs and individual entrepreneurs is completely your problem. I will give a way to create the tool.

I will not use the example of an individual entrepreneur. Those who defeat LLC will cope with individual entrepreneurs, it's easier there. Let's imagine that we need a "Leftist organization with which one wants to cheat someone." Those who have worked with lawyers know that the most important documents that
These are "glowing" when making any transactions:
  • Registration certificate
  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Photocopy of the gene
  • Printing
  • The charter

They ask for completely different kits from the above, but it is better to be ready and do everything at once. First you need to choose a donor office. You choose absolutely any. We go to the resource, which was kindly provided to us by the system: http://egrul.nalog.ru/

There we enter either the name of the organization or the TIN (if we have chosen a goal before). We enter the captcha, and we are kindly given all the data of the organization.

The system kindly gives us matches, and offers to download the electronic version of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. On the right there will be TIN, PSRN, KPP, and other data.

We need to save this vipiska and all the data. Next, you need to contact the artists for a complete rendering of the entire kit.

Let's ask Google to help Dasha - the Pathfinder find samples for us!

Google INN MOSCOW (if we need a Moscow office). Find out what numbers the TIN starts with in your city. (Perm, for example, 59, and often coincides with the region number on license plates), similar to google For inquiries "Charter of Moscow LLC, Certificate of registration Moscow, extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Moscow", you will find samples, and most importantly, color seals of tax authorities, which will be needed on the charter, and the original extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

We save ourselves everything we need, take the data on which the office should be registered, and go to our favorite artists. According to the correspondences, we need the INN, which is on the document, to be replaced with "OWN". And by analogy all the data. From the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities we take the full name of the PERSON WHO HAVE THE RIGHT WITHOUT POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE LEGAL PERSON. This will be general as a rule. We will be them.

We take the prepared scan of the passport, insert the gene data, and insert our photo. Done!

We go to the duplicate, or to any nearest office where stamps are made. We say that we need a seal of the organization (better, fuck it, with patterns), give TIN, PSRN, KPP, the name of the LLC, and wait for production.

While we were getting the print, the artist probably managed to redraw everything. We print it on a black and white laser printer (so that there are more technical sins), put our stamp on each copy below, and write. "The copy is correct. General Director SIGNATURE Ivanov II".

Many organizations do not use originals of documents, and go with certified copies of constituent documents. Everything except the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is constituent documents with which we can conclude contracts.

For example, we accidentally build ourselves a house outside the city. And we need to buy a lot of profiled sheet under the roof and fence, and in general, various building materials. We call the firms who are implementing this, and introduce ourselves as an office that is engaged in construction and repair. "We would like to conclude a contract with you and purchase materials from time to time." You are not alone, many mean by this all a discount, which is automatically given at the conclusion of the contract. The seller wants to constantly sell his goods, and clients for him are the guarantee of turnover, albeit at a reduced price. This should be rubbed into the managers with whom you will negotiate. I cannot promise that everyone gives a discount, you have to find out, call. But you will stumble upon what you are looking for.

Various construction hypermarkets, shops, retail chains offer to work with legal entities on special conditions, that is, with us. Of course, you need to know right away if they are taking cash. Otherwise, we simply will not be able to physically pay for the whole business by bank transfer. Thus, you can take for yourself a completely different product with normal discounts.

Particularly enterprising individuals immediately realized that it was possible to make money on this. Banal mediation, took it cheaper, paid more expensive. But it will work, provided that you already know how, what, and where to sell the product.

We call, we introduce ourselves as the director of FART LLC. We say that we are doing nonsense, and we want to buy your goods constantly, because we do nonsense regularly. Tell us on what conditions you work with legal entities, what discounts you provide. How the contract is concluded, and what is needed for this, what set of documents.

It was a shock for me that some large networks, players, sellers only asked to send ordinary bank details to the post office. They prepare a contract, we come with a seal, certified copy of the passport, power of attorney and sign it.

By the way, it is not at all difficult to find out the current account. We use a simple SI method. We will be FART LLC. This office actually sells carpets. Okay. We introduce ourselves as a client, we say that we are the manager of the ZETA company. We are from Uryupinsk, and we want to buy KAMAZ carpets from you. Please send your details. (there will be PC)

You can go further. After receiving the details, you can get a lot of documents. We call and scoff further. You know, we are ready to pay, but nevertheless we are far enough from each other, it is necessary to reduce the risks. What guarantees can you provide? Send a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, our boss is very concerned about this point, because recently he was deceived by one day-trip. We made an advance payment for the product, then we learned that the company simply exists, without assets, movements. It just exists on paper, you know, that is, scammers. Simple formality. Also let us know when the truck will be ready and how the payment process can be solved? Ideally, in parts. Do you have GLONASS on cars, will the deal fail? We have a potential buyer, we persuaded him to wait 2 weeks, I would not want delays.

The more we pretend to be buyers, the easier it is to confuse FART LLC. Thus, there are more chances to get the maximum information about them. We sit with a notepad, record who's name, everything that we hear and feel.

In general, Google has all these documents.

So, we have collected all the information about the office that interested us. Now, through simple movements, we put on this very office, and act on its behalf! That's what we need.

The artist is given constituent documents for drawing. (600-1000) rubles. If you own Photoshop, you can do everything yourself.

We are looking for a seal manufacturer. The seal can be EASILY found for 500-800 rubles on the underground forums, of course at the office we need.

Then we just need to print all documents on a black and white printer, put a seal. The question is - who is the CEO? Either you (we hang a black and white photo on a scan that the artist invents), or not you, but you have a power of attorney from the CEO.

Google the one that suits you best. Having found the trust, fill it out on behalf of the CEO, stamp and sign the gene. After that, you are almost a real person who can do something on behalf of the organization (within the framework of the power of attorney that you write).

Of course, we will not write trust on our data. We take a scan that we have fished out in advance through Avito for some fellow countryman, and through the artist we insert our photo there. We print on a black and white printer. It turns out a photocopy. We certify the photocopy with the gene's signature and seal, with the words "copy is correct".

With this package, you can easily rent an office, conclude agreements with contractors, suppliers, buyers. With everyone, with anyone, within the skill of your "broomPayPal" "revenge".

You can also transfer everyone on behalf of this organization. Visionaries will find use for this method, which I recently invented. The main thing is to understand how the paperwork and document flow of legal entities are going on. It will look extremely suspicious if you are stupid, on behalf of the general director, and the office is already 3 years old. So if you don't have experience, make an LLC for yourself, and do some nonsense that doesn't bring money, but doesn't ask to eat either. It will add to your experience, quickly teach you how and what works. The second plus is a way of laundering your illegal income and taking your eyes away from other people. For your friends, you will not become a muddy type who bought a new Mazda from nowhere, but a beginner, and God forbid, a successful entrepreneur.

But we are not going to throw. In addition to these functions, the LLC can recruit employees. Here is the salt. Firms are trusted. The stereotype is that they can be sued. Let them serve.

You can hire people for anything you want. Here work is an unplowed field. Post a vacancy in Avito, rent a small office on the left docks (by the way, the accounting department does not give the originals, the gene has banned - a pretty obvious excuse). Invite students to work, here are the drops for the clothes. You can piss in your ears, and dilute to debit, Persians, wallets, whatever. All in your hands. Fantasy is your main weapon!

How to quickly register an LLC for a drop.

If you find a drop and decide to issue an LLC for it, remember the most important thing. If you have never worked with an LLC, did not open, in general you only know from Google how to do it, do not try to do everything yourself. You simply won't succeed. None of the instructions from Google will give you any benefit in drafting documents that must first be prepared, unless you graduated from university with a degree in accounting.

Below will be a revised excerpt from one of my manuals, where I tell you how to make a white LLC for a business. The experience of creating the first LLC, which I did, is described.

We all value our time. We especially regret wasted time when nothing works. I didn’t want to bother with a pile of papers and redo everything 100 times. You know, our tax authorities, and their attendants, are very picky about the execution of certain documents. The probability that you will submit everything on your own the first time, and even successfully, is zero, if you have not done this before.

Appreciate your time and do it this way: In every city there are a bunch of offices that will make you an LLC / individual entrepreneur, whatever you want, as long as you pay. Such offices are dark. Just enter in Google the query "legal services in <city>".

I found one of these firms in my city, I came there. Typical "Horns and hooves" Table, chair, printer, cabinet. A girl was sitting at the table. When I asked that I want to open a company, she was delighted and started asking questions, filling out a questionnaire. Typical questions: what will you do, how many co-founders, what is the authorized capital, etc. For the services of setting up an LLC, they asked 4000 + 4000 state duty + 400r stamp. Not bad. They promised to return the state duty if the tax authorities refuse to register me (there are a lot of nuances, read the agreement). They are required to provide you with a service agreement signed by both parties. Make it a rule that if you gave money to someone in advance and did not draw up a contract, you are already a sucker. Trusting in our time unfamiliar offices is stupid, they can even throw this unfortunate money.

What documents and what will be required from you in general - they will explain everything to you on the fingers, leave a phone number. They will help.

Checking account. The organization must have its own bank account. Offices that provide legal services can usually make you RS at the bank. In banks it is free, but gemorno in terms of paperwork and other things. Offices take a small amount, and sometimes do it for free. IMPORTANT moment. If such an office imposes a bank on you, agree. True, one should not agree if the nearest branch of such a bank is located on the other side of the city. It's just unreasonable. Usually, they offer to do in the bank with whom they are used to working. Probably, they have a person sitting there, their own person, with whom the procedure is simplified, and it is beneficial for all parties to make RS for you there. If for some reason you are not sure that the bank will give you PC (and this happens), it is better to do it through the offices. It is also a huge time-saver. I did everything myself, abandoning the alpha that the office imposed on me. Spent 2 weeks.

Thus, these offices will do you whatever you want (within their range of services), as long as you pay them. For them, the provision of services is business, earnings. They are addicted to it and they can use it. Bring the drop, put him at the table with the girl, and right behind the drop say, “you need an LLC, but this person will be the genome”. In 80 percent of cases, our office will turn a blind eye to this. Everything is according to the law, the drop knows that LLC is being done on it. The office will not suffer from this in any way, despite the fact that it understands the fact of creating a cloudy oooh. Money doesn't smell.

Moreover, such designs are common practice. Many active organizations (even white ones) were made at one time also for drops. In case the company has any problems, or in order not to shine in front of the system. So no need to worry. Find a reliable drop, and an office that makes OOOshki. The farther such an office is from the city center, the cheaper the services, and the more likely it is to arrange everything successfully.

After going through different counters, we will find out which bank they offer to make "on their own, cheaper, faster." Doing PC itself, especially for a drop, is a disastrous, rotten, thankless job ...

Technical safety.

You are how you resist and nothing else.

Every self-respecting person who nevertheless decided to do something that could turn sideways should understand one thing - someday they will be interested in him. Nobody knows what the final will be. It remains for us to delay this moment, to the point as far as possible from us.

I will not describe all the nuances of how to use what. There are excellent courses on anonymity and security from bes73, which he teaches on the forum, I advise all paranoid people.

Despite the fact that we work offline, we need to arrange our own security schemes. Something I told above, but there is more about offline anonymity. Most often, we need to go online to sell our products, to communicate. Therefore, the "setevukha" should also be taken into account and not ignored.

Let's start with offline. Phones. Phones are bought at flea markets in your city (there are a lot of them on VKontakte), on Avito, in pawnshops that accept electronics. Have several phones, and it is better to have some that you don’t mind throwing away or drowning somewhere in the river. If you need androids, get the cheapest Chinese. I advise you to refuse poppies and Apple products in general.

Never use your personal phone at work. Never insert other SIM cards into your personal phone. NEVER. Let's look at the picture:


The star is the operator's tower. Circle - tower radius

I will tell you about how the direction finding of a cellular subscriber or any source of radio emission occurs by application. You can go deeper here: http://habrahabr.ru/company/pt/blo...IMG] [url]http://www.ircos.ru/ru/stn_sp.html

Read by following the link about this monster. Without the help of operator towers, it will be able to identify a wifi signal, a code grabber, a jammer, almost anything that can emit radio waves. The table on the site shows the bands and radio frequencies in which this bitch operates.

And it works almost the same way as I said above:


In general, study the sites, everything is written there that she can. You will dispel all myths:

The station is designed to search, detect, measure the field strength and parameters of REM signals, direction finding, recording, technical analysis and classification of signals from modern communication systems and data transmission in the HF, VHF, UHF and UHF ranges, as well as to determine the location of their sources - autonomously and with work as part of ASRM ARMADA.

But do not be alarmed, this is how they catch terrorists and very dangerous criminals. I just told you a theory.

Now, imagine if your personal phone has the same track as your work one? Or will it constantly intersect in some place? And if you put a work and personal SIM card in one phone, you can assume that all your tracks, calls will be combined. (to put it very roughly).

There was a case. Someone wanted to buy a phone from the gypsies. I inserted my SIM card to check. But I didn't buy it, but I took the SIM card back. A couple of days later they call him and offer to come to the trash can. On the agenda was the question "what the fuck did you have this phone, and where is it?" The man just inserted the SIM card there and took it out. While they were looking for the phone, they began to pull all the subscribers who inserted SIM cards there.


Similarly, everything works for modems. They burn like cell phones. It is necessary to change not only SIM cards more often, but also the modems themselves. Better to buy left-hand modems from other cities, and work calmly. The denser the population of the area where you work, the more difficult it is to locate you. The likelihood of knocking on your door in a block where 5 adjacent high-rise buildings is reduced to zero. Indeed, in each apartment heaps of telephones, microwave ovens, routers, and everything that will be a shield for you.

I think I should tell this to everyone who is doing something non-public. You need to know the enemy by sight, and understand his methods of work, even if you are just selling wallets. Study, study, study again, as grandfather Lenin said!

Next, I'll tell you about cameras in cities. I have no technical information here, so I will give you facts that I know personally, and which have been confirmed.

Cameras on the roads are designed not only to write out fines. They are also used for complete monitoring and recording of traffic flow, and the movement of certain vehicles.

Someone left the city, leaving his son with the car keys for safekeeping. The son, of course, decided, why ride his car, if you can ride his father? Dad arrived some time later and went to the traffic police to find out if there were any fines. To the operator he said, "here the son had to put it in the garage, see if he did not go." There were no fines "but the car very often got into the camera lenses."

Cameras fix the car in the place where there is a camera. That is, at this point. This is done to intercept criminals, to determine their route. For example, a car is stolen. The cops raise the base and look through which cameras it passed, and where it was last seen. In this case, it does not produce pictures, it simply stores information of the form "А111АА99 Lenin street 7, 7-30 Moscow time".

If a criminal is intercepted, then posts are posted on the outskirts of the city. Before leaving the city, there are always cameras, about a kilometer away, so that the guards have time to come to intercept, and they would have time to prepare for the operation.

No advice, just keep in mind. Where were you Friday night? Houses. Why did the car roll to the city center and back? Alibi is gone.

Communication with colleagues. Here, of course, only left registrations, to left ones (better compiled mail), and sim cards that do not belong to us and have never been used before. Don't use whatsapp, skype, viber, icq, and telegram. Many contradictions have appeared about the latter. Someone thinks that he is flawless. Someone has denied it technically. And they argue constantly. In my opinion, a person who presented the FSB with voluntary dossiers on themselves from CIS residents is not able to change their opinion about someone else's confidentiality.

Forget social media. This is not discussed at all. If you really need to - better buy accounts. Sometimes they are even given away for free. They cost a penny.

My choice of jabber + OTR for communication.

For networking - traditional VPN and Dedicated. Notebooks are also desirable to have freshly purchased beushki at flea markets and pawnshops. Cover the cameras, disassemble the device, and pull the microphone out of the motherboard.

There will be time - study some kind of Linux assembly, preferably tails.

Of all browsers, I think TOP is the safest, although there are various refutations regarding it.

Bank cards. There are cameras on and around ATMs. If you received money of a very dubious origin, you should change your appearance as much as possible, and, as they say, "Do not burn." Use someone else's debit. But only for quick cash out. Do not store money on other people's debits. Unscrupulous drops can freeze her at any time and get your money. The scheme is as follows - from the payment system they are quickly transferred to plastic, then fly to the ATM for withdrawal.

Our payments are unfair. Having started a wallet for your data, and receiving money for them, you automatically told the state that you had received this or that amount of money. Prove later that you are not a camel. The system knows everything, it has access anywhere. If there is no access, she will still get what she wants, sooner or later.

Therefore, register wallets for scans that you can get yourself (avito vacancy - send a scan of your passport to check our security service. As we check, we will call you). Give the scan to the artist, let him change the photo there. Print on a color printer to match the size of a real passport, and store away. It will come in handy if the payment system starts to swear and ask for your registration data or photo ID (photoID). A color printout of a scan with your face goes very well for a real passport, if you take a photo on a webcam, after putting it in the crusts and putting a real passport down to make it look very similar).

Better use bitcoins. Convert all your incomprehensible money into this currency, and then withdraw through the exchanges. A very good way to whiten money.

Travel. Try to travel between cities by buses if it is close. The plus is that they often don't ask for a passport. You can travel on trains without a passport if by the time your train arrived, you have come to the platform and walk along the conductors who stand on the street. Say what is not enough for a ticket, or you want a compartment, but a little cheaper than it costs at the checkout. You can stupidly silently walk between them, and pretend with your face a desire to leave on this train. They themselves can offer - it often happened.

If you do not want to light up at the station, to leave by bus, go to the nearest station or stop where your bus will definitely stop. Yandex.Schedule is our friend.

Follow the news of your city, study crime reports, learn from other people's mistakes!

This concludes my very short story about drops. You realized that there are no specific topics or schemes here. There are only fleeting sketches. You need to come up with everything yourself, sometimes relying on my material and my advice.

As for the consultations, they were, are, and will be. On the forum, I will communicate with you, help you. For without consulting on specific topics or projects, the dropology you have read is not that strong. This time I gave a more philosophical approach to drops, because I found out that the schemes and themes are different for everyone. And many are ruined by the absence of any framework that does not fit into the financial framework. These are offline security, philosophy, and other factors that I described above.

For beginners, the material should be useful in such a way that it tells about the world of offline adventure. Those who are already familiar with him will pick up the necessary knowledge here, or in consultations. Those who are just going to - will be able to understand, "Is it necessary at all." Guys from offline are caught most often. It is a complex craft that is based on many factors, not just one computer with a set of software...

Good luck to everyone!
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All about drop farming

Drop (mule) = figurehead.

An deceived drop is a drop whose services we obtain through deception, social engineering, divorce, (typical 159). For example, you post advertisements on the vacancy of a security guard on Avito. They call / write to you. "We are interested in you, but please send your scans of your passport to us by mail so that we can send them for verification to the security service." Thus, you can extract scans and other documents. The point is that we split the drop and received his documents. In a similar way, you can breed on cards, Bitcoin, personal certificates Web Money, and much - much more (it would be a fantasy).

An deceived drop can be called a drop to whom we say one thing, but in fact it turns out completely different about which he does not even know. Another example of an adjustable drop: you can submit a vacancy for Avito, which is the type of work from home offered. You need to accept goods from ibeya. The company sells junk from Europe. That's all. The person thinks he's working, takes a couple of orders, then sends it to you. A couple of times - and forget about it, and look for a new one.

Not deceived drops - the most popular. He agrees to the conditions put forward by us (he is in the subject). That is, there are people who, in general, give a damn about everything, or not really. And also those for whom easy money is money. This category can make a card for you for 10$. True, there are those who seem to be ready, but they have doubts. Then you need to work, explain that nothing will happen to them. With the right approach, you can persuade almost any potential drop. It is on such drops that LLCs are made, loans are taken. Where such potential drops are found - I will tell you a little later. Both categories of drops (deceived and not deceived) must be subdivided into two subcategories.

Detachable - drops, which we can then pull out if there is a need to pull them up again. For example, we made identified Yandex Money on a non-diluted drop. It so happened that the person who bought the wallet from us got stuck with this money. The system asks to appear to unfreeze the money. In this case, we call our drop, instruct, and (probably) for a small reward he goes and unfreezes the money (this was a fictitious example).

Non-detachable drops are one-time drops. Most often they are adjustable, but they are also found among non-adjustable ones. They will not be able (will not / do not want) to come to us again at our call, and again to do something for us. There may be a lot of reasons for this. Including just the fact that the drop, when working with you, feels uncertainty and danger in the future. Never send an uncoupled drop to pick something up for you, or worse, snag it.

If we want a drop, we need to roll up our sleeves before finding it. In the initial stages, with a small amount of experience, this is a rather tedious and difficult task. "Cadres are everything!" - it was said by Stalin before me. And he was damn right. It's generally difficult without personnel. Especially without normal frames.

Let's start with the basic things that a beginner might encounter.

Let's imagine that we want to buy a batch of SIM cards, but we don't want to burn our address along with the data. The situation can be not only SIM cards, but in general with a product of any kind.

First, forget about the US post office. If you need to accept something, use courier services.

- Fedex

These guys are the most expensive, but nimble (they send them most often by plane). A batch of SIM cards from Washington reached a client in New York 3 days later. Yes, I got there, when they were already loading a truck with parcels, and the box did not have to wait. Secondly, always look for the most despicable courier point in your city. In my city - CSE. I came for the package, asked for my last name, and gave it back after I paid. There was a case, they did not find their last name, I told them the track, everything went the same. They never asked me for my passport there.

So, we need to accept a parcel with sim cards for a drop. Where can a beginner get it?

Acquaintances. First of all, look for acquaintances, ask them to accept the parcel. Tell them the truth, “I don’t want the person to know who the SIM cards were sold to, but if a stranger asked you for something on the street for 10$”, we make new not deceived drop.

We are looking for a friend, we say, “I ordered a gift for mom / dad / woman / daughter, but I'm afraid that they will bring a receipt, or they will call when the parcel arrives. I want it to be a surprise, please accept the package so that your family does not know ”- the adjustable drop will turn out.

We are looking for a drunk, a peasant from the neighborhood, who could use 5$ for receiving a parcel. We say that “I want to accept parcels so that no one at home knows. If you open it, I'll start it! "

Or a woman, they generally believe in everything. If you practice a constant change of women, they are good drops.

This is the most basic level. Remember, the best motivator is money. Almost nobody needs us without money. It is with such simple things that you have your own network of drops. You will not order parcels all the time for one person. You need to think a little about security. After your first drop has received a couple of packages, he will understand that this is a freebie for him. He will be sure he will work. He's hooked. And then the time has come to receive another package. We need a new drop. We go to the first one and say that we have sent 2 parcels, find a friend - 5$ for each.

Believe me, he will find a friend. But the package will go alone. His friend. And to the first drop, you can just hum that some problems, the package did not reach. Now we have two drops. Alternatively, one could simply give 10$ with the words "find me a new one, give him with 10$ as much as you want, the rest for yourself." Works.

At the initial stage, all drops (95%) will be your friends. It just so happened.

So, where are all the drops found (not only for receiving staff and other cargo?).

- Acquaintances. To some time, to someone we tell the truth and ask for help, sometimes for a reward.

- Those friends who owe us. It is desirable for a long time. It's time to remind them of the debt and how to pay it off for free.

- Junkies. The most interesting category. They could use it for free to find money for a couple of grams. They will not go to work without exception, many do not want problems, and many know a lot of tales about the black market for goods and services. But they have such a need as to blow / throw / shoot / sniff. If you need cards / wallets / other services, but the junkies refuse.

Smell your number insolently, and immediately announce the price. The time will come when they will be hungry, and there will be nothing to blow. The same junkie will either call and agree, or will bring you a drop. Having made a small reward for the one brought, he will continue to drive them to you. There are junkies in the entrances, on the streets. There are many of them, everyone has such acquaintances (with the exception of those who are afraid of these same junkies and generally pissing once more at night walking down the street). Every self-respecting person who needs the services of drops should have their own junkies.

Also junkies hang out in their Mecca. On the legalrc.biz forum Thanks to the laws, getting there is not so easy. Go here: hideme.ru

Choose a VPN, test for 1 day. Enter your mailbox, they send you a code, download the client from there, install, enter the code-voila! You have your own free VPN. Can buy. A month costs 3$.

But the best thing with junkies is the affiliate program. This is when we explain to them in brief what a person is needed for, we make it clear that it smells like an easy money muddle, and weak crime. This will inspire them, because they themselves are addicts, and in general mom is a criminal. And we offer a certain amount of money per soul. How much they give to the soul - it doesn't matter to us, even if they drive for free, but the junkie (namely, our future drop guide) will receive money.

This really happened in my practice, I found out that in one of the entrances my distant acquaintance hangs out, who loved to rattle. I appeared at the entrance, there were four of them, they drank beer, and it was clear that they were already giggling.

I explained to their company what to do, and what alignment we have. The first two weeks I did not receive any information, but then they apparently remembered about me when they were stranded, creating a small stream of “willing” to make cards.

- The rabble. Homeless, drunks. As a rule, they are milked, and there is nothing to take from them, and no one will give them anything. But still there are drunks with their apartment, and in appearance they are not very different from an ordinary man from the factory.

Such a person can go to the bank for a debit, and accept the parcel, and send it. Money is a motivator.

- Little men. Have you seen them gathering together and drinking "hunt" after work? In garage complexes? On a bench in a drunken yard? It's them. They almost never agree to anything. For the promised hunting box, they can believe that they are part of history, and in general there is a maz to pick up an American. They don't like Americans. More or less a working legend - “I have a friend, he lives in a neighboring town, studied here together. He takes some money from American accounts. You need cards, and different ones, otherwise the system simply does not allow you to withdraw much. There, the amount of no more than 200$ goes to the card, but what is 200$ for americos? But money for us. They wield everything in the world, why not pinch their pockets? Besides, who will look for you? Sanctions are imposed, the dollar is forced to grow, and even if they send a complaint and a request for a hacker and cards to Moscow, they will be sent from Moscow to another place, far away!Let's guys make money on them. I have no acquaintances, I'm a simple guy, and you seem to be normal men". Crazy? But sometimes it works.

- Students. The most hungry part of the country's population. They dream of easy money. There are also junkies among them. A definite approach has not been identified here, many are garbage, many houseworms.

- Sudden. Once I came to BC with the aim of charging for football. I made a bet, I was sitting on the couch, watching a match. I observe that in the hall a man is tearing his hair out with the words "How so !!!". Apparently he lost all the money. Gambling addiction is a strong thing, so I decided to wait until he goes outside. There I caught him and offered to make me a personal webmoney passport. For 2000 rubles. Since the fonbet then accepted bets strictly according to the passport, he had the document. I took his number, gave 20$ in advance, having photographed his passport. A week later, I had a personal certificate (and my rate grew at the moment of the dialogue, I was no longer afraid to lose 20$), the approach to them was according to the situation. In simple words, this is a drop that is in trouble, and you can help it out. I do not argue, there are ungrateful peoplebut the random number generator of fate can present us with a conscientious person.

I know of a case when a man worked in the city center, where there are many pubs. I was looking for a drinking companion at the table, rubbing myself into trust. Legend: I'm from another city, here on a business trip. Suddenly the money ran out, and treating a local resident as he wanted to, because he is a fucking guy. There followed a dialogue “brother, make a card, my brother will transfer money to me now”. It was done in the afternoon, when Sberbank issued instant messages in 10 minutes.

- Network drops. They hang out on forums, offer their services. Many of them just write “looking for a job”. I have never contacted such people, because where are the guarantees? Yes. You can buy a card from them. You can even have a company. But where is the quality assurance? Maybe he will sell you a card, and at one point he will stupidly lock it, without waiting for the deadline. They will not work through a guarantor, they have no money. And 30-day hold will suit very few people. There are such drops, but I don't dare to turn to them. Is it possible after their joint to go across the country to give pussy? A matter of principle, but expensive.


NEVER TAKE POLICE AGENTS IN THE DROP! (if you suddenly found out, merge)

Being a drop driver, and indeed a person who is a bit of a drop driver, you can become a successful seller of products on the forums. A lot of interesting things are on sale, just look at the trading sections of the forum.

If you bring a short list here, then this is what it looks like. What you can get from the drop:

- Cards (debit, instant, credit cards if you are lucky).
- Loans (quick loans, loans, surety).
- Sim cards, wallets (bundles wallet, card, sim, scan!)
- Scan of passport and documents.
- Acceptance of goods.
- Registration of LLC, individual entrepreneur.
- Black work (actually for carding).
- Physical labor (moving a neighbor).
- Other front activities.

Let's imagine that you have a drop. Such a sweet drop drop. I have such a drop, although I milked all the possibilities. This is the kind of person who stuck a loan to a couple of banks, and MFOs as well (microfinance organizations). Many have friends who do not mind taking a loan and not giving it back at all. He was ready to do a lot of different things for me for a normal rollback. Let's calculate how much we can earn from the "sweet drop".

- Cards. At least 10 debit (classic) cards can be issued in a city with a population of 500k. Debit on the black market costs 70-100$. On average, 10 cards can be sold about $1k. Minus 100$ for the work of the drop, plus sending, plus the cost of connecting SIM cards to cards, and we have 500$ and more.

If you put on expensive clothes on your drop, dress it up so that the bank manager "flows", then you can make gold cards (more costs in some banks), but they cost 6-8 thousand.

In the old manual, I wrote more about snapshots. They have become less relevant, they are poorly accepted, the price is falling. Corn cards, mts, and other retail products are almost out of demand. I advise you to carefully study the market on the same dark before starting work.

- Personal webmoney passport. I strongly advise you to go there yourself and find out the whole process of getting a Persian before sending drops there. Costs 250/300$. With a drop salary, we will have about 300$ net.

- Qiwi - 70$ retail, 50$ ours. Yandex money, I will not count, against the background of the above is a penny.

- LLC with a current account and a cash card, (from 500$). Below I will tell you how to do it.

1k$ from a sweet drop. This is the price I see now. In the previous tutorial, this amount was 700$. I want to make a reservation right away that I will not teach you how to make a personal certificate, how to make a qiwi, which banks to go to, and where to sell cards, and in what denomination. If you need sims (many sims for scans). Previously, SIM cards were handed out by promoters on the street, even for scans of left passports. Now the bill has been passed, and the hole has been patched. There is information for those who want to make a small sim business. You won't earn a million, but you will have enough for a pie.

As I wrote from above, we go to Avito, we advertise in the city we need that we need security guards / drivers / sellers / directors / yes, anyone! The salary is decent, send your resume by mail. You can do this on superjob.ru. There, CVs are sent automatically from those who are interested in you. There are also job.ru and headhunter.ru They unsubscribe, you allegedly looked at the resume and answer in writing, or call:
You are interested in us as a candidate for employment. Please go through the security check of our company. Send a photocopy of your passport. Best regards, HR manager, Elena Vaenga. All.

You have a scan. You can make a SIM card for it.

Read on carefully. In a more or less large city, there are representatives of the big three. I did this with the beeline. I give you a fulcrum, turn the ground yourself ...

- Option 1. We go to Avito, looking for ads, on request "agent". In most cases, one of the operator's dealers is hiding behind the employer, who needs agents - distributors of sim cards.

- Option 2. We hit the door of the beeline, asking everyone the question "how to become a distributor agent?" Agents are a new feature of operators. When promoters are banned, they quietly look for agents. An agreement is concluded with an individual. The agent buys SIM cards for his own money and also sells them, filling out contracts and submitting reports to the operator. Earnings lie in how much the buyer of the SIM card "speaks" for six months (something like this). With a beeline in my region, it was 20% of the money spent every month for six months. Thus, you can buy SIM cards (with a different balance, sometimes without it), and this whole thing can be used for the scans obtained.

Sell ​​/ use according to your needs. Since we are talking about other people's scans, I’ll tell you how you can use them with fun and benefit!

We are working on the scan in the network. Preferably the same age as the drop. We scan the photo of the drop, or the passport, cut it out, and insert the waste into the scan in the paint. At the exit we will get Vasya's passport, with a photo of the drop. You can also do this for yourself. Now we have a scan. We go to the euroset / connected / mts, and draw up SIM cards. Sellers can get overwhelmed as if they weren't applying for scans. Here you need to break the comedy a little. “Girl, I lost my bag with documents, so I have left a photocopy at home. The phone was hijacked too, Xperia. How can I even make a SIM card for communication? They don't want to restore from the scan, but I need a connection. Fill out please see my photo there. Help out girl, trouble ..

Such actions can be performed not only by the drop, but also by yourself. Try to make acquaintances in cellular salons in order to connect your SIM cards to other people's scans in the future. They have a plan, for non-fulfillment of which, the point receives less money. To some extent, it is beneficial for them to connect you. The difficulty lies in the fact that the salon employees believe that you are not a check, and then you will not do them dirty tricks.

You can do a lot of good things for such a scan that we do with our photograph. We rent an apartment with a girl for a day. We don't light the car, neither the girl. If you ask for a passport, say that you are not with you, here is a photocopy in the bag. It is also profitable for them to lease and receive money.

Then the blackness begins. We carefully check in, try not to touch anything. It is better to have gloves in advance. At night we call a friend and take out the TV for example. We erase the marks of our fingers, and we leave.

I do not recommend it to those who are not sure of themselves. This is just an example of how to use such a scan. You can even try a bike with him. You need the ability to convince people. Success is not guaranteed.

There are sellers on the dark who will make a debit for your SIM card and scan. This one costs twice as much as usual. With such a debit, a color scan and a sim card, you can try to take an online loan. I still do not believe that they are given, although some received money. If asked to be photographed with a passport - we print a color scan, cut, laminate, and insert into the crusts.

You can make a personal certificate for this data through the same people on darkman, and actively start downloading Trust Level, Business Level, in order to throw someone who will take you some money on the network. Another topic with a scan, a SIM card is bonus hunting.

If you have several drops, you can organize a drop agency. Indicate your conditions on the forums, and offer your drops and their resources, for example. Cards, SIM cards, etc. to accept something. Orders are coming to you, drops are working - profit. The truth is that the drop does not run away and throw you as it often happens.

If it so happens that the drop ran away from you, then it's up to you to find it or not. To make it easier to do this - before the case, collect as much information about him as possible. Looking closely at the drop, start collecting data on it in your head. With whom he communicates, where he happens, where he studies, works. Where he studied, where he served. VK pages and other information. Scan pass for example. Who are the relatives, where they live.

Find out passively by having casual conversations "nothing" when driving to a bank branch. While working with him, you should make it clear that he will be utterly fucked if he kicks you. You should already be ready for this conversation! You must have arguments so serious that you will get him out of the ground and do a lot of evil, not even reaching for him to wet his pants from the shock that you already know everything about him. You should not tell him everything you know, but make it clear that you know everything. Blackmail.

I prefer to work with drops in a tougher way, therefore, during the period of working with drops, I collect as much information about him as possible, identify weak points, try to make sure that he remains in debt, in addition to the basic profit from him, I also take profit from the debt. The debt can be forgiven him for his own labor. Or a new TV on credit, of course. I consider assault a necessary action sometimes. But in the event that he provides unreasonable statements of resignation, or tries to throw you / threw.

I think the right way is good, bad cop. Now I work in pairs, I have a friend - an assistant. Angry and scary bearded friend in a tracksuit in gold. I often work with a drop myself, but often I do not have time, and then a friend works. From the mere sight of it, they understand that it is impossible to throw. He swears at them a lot, I calm him down. I am good, I give money and work. A bad friend, he swears, and generally looks askance at everyone. Sometimes I specially invite a friend with me for the company when I go to the drop. They need to know that they are not working with one person, but with a group of people who will be difficult to resist if they want to throw.

But if the drop is adequate, and there is no point in scaring him, don't do it. Let him feel safe. But if you were thrown by a drop and you found it, do whatever you want, but so that he does not run to the cops.

Let's talk about the cops. Drops can drain you themselves, or cops will come out on them. Drop will either endure for you, or you will merge. To make it drain less deplorable for you, use my rules for handling drops, which I wrote about at the beginning. And avoid frequent personal contact with drops. Minimum meetings. There is one good piece of advice. Make an appointment with the drop, and if there is time / opportunity, pass it immediately as agreed. Make an appointment so that you can go there, look around and observe him unnoticed. You can even come before him, and observe how and from where he will come, will come. You can buy a jammer (I use) to muffle the sound if you hook it and put a wiretap on it. Science fiction, of course, but NTV often shows this in crime chronicles. Jammer will jam GSM WCDMA HSDPA EDGE networks within a radius of 5 meters, which will break off the alleged wiretapping. True, you need to buy a jammer at the frequencies that I named. Weifai to jam now is also relevant by the way.

If your drop is accepted, do not hope that it will not drain you. It will tell you why he needs to load for you (although there are different cases). If they call on the map (as a rule, they call it as a witness), the drop must first contact us, tell everything he knows in order to make him a legend. In most cases, it is enough for him to portray the terpila as if a stranger bought his card near the branch for 100$. 100$ are not lying on the road, so I sold it.

When called, it is better not to go anywhere at all. Let him stay at home. If the invitation was not handed over to the signature, one can generally say that he did not receive anything. Then a stupid district boot with a daddy will come and simply write down how the drop sold the card to a stranger for 100$. 100$ are not lying on the road. That's it, victim of a scam! The dumb district boot will close the folder and will try not to be fucked by the bosses for this case, because here, FBI except won't find the truth. If the drop first went to them, and told you - sound the alarm. I do not know what he told them. Chop the ends, lose this drop, and get lost yourself. Maybe a snitch.

It's about cards. But if wallets, personal certificates, and other Internet projects - do not hope that someone will come somewhere. At least in provincial cities. Read local news, analyze the work of cops. Which cases reveal more. If the breeders did not go further, then everything is clear.
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Who is Drops (money mule)?​

Let's talk about drops today.

In fact, this topic is quite extensive, therefore we will touch on it in its basic version.

What is a drop?
In simple terms, a drop is a dummy person who performs some useful action in your chain when you do not want to perform it on your behalf.

The scope of application of drops is huge: receiving parcels, transferring money, issuing cards, registering left accounts, issuing loans and a bunch of other categories.
A drop can either take an active part (for example, with parcels, issuing debit cards), or simply provide his data.

How are drops?
There are classifications. Let's consider them.
Initially, everything is divided into 3 types:
1. Drop completely knows that he is involved in the scheme and knows which one.
2. Drop knows what is involved, but does not know what exactly, or has a false idea about it.
3. The drop does not know what is involved and does not know what exactly.

But the categories don't end there.
They are divided into subspecies, so to speak.
1. An unbreakable drop is a drop that is not fooled. They are often very reliable, know that they are involved and get their profit from it. The simplest example is a bum. Registration of the company, sim cards and other things.
2. Manual (detachable) fixed drop - such drops can be used after a while. For example, you formalized a company, and then you need to sign documents at a notary. That is, he is always at your side.
3. Partially adjustable - these are drops who know about their participation, but not as it really is.

We will also analyze it with examples.
1. The drop has agreed to participate in your scheme and knows about it - non-drop drop
2. Drop understands that you may have to, for example, go to sign - he is manual
3. The drop will then not perform any more actions (like the same signature) - it is not manual
A manual drop will not withdraw money from a card issued for it, for example.
But the drop may not be manual for making trips to the bank, for example, but be manual in terms of withdrawing money from the card.

Now let's talk about why some non-diluted drops refuse to be manual and are not ready to do something else after the "product".
Often this is due precisely to the desire of the drop to protect himself. After all, if you do something one-time, then if something happens (a meeting of garbage) - it can be presented as something that strangers just threw him or he simply agreed to help without knowing what was happening and he did not know anyone.
It is more fitting that he is a victim of a fraud, and not an accomplice of an organized criminal group. Such an inaccurate drop for its safety in front of the customer and the garbage will willingly become a victim rather than an accomplice.

Now about the partially adjustable drop.
For example, a drop knows that a card will be issued for him, but he crumples, because he thinks that there will be dirty money. A story is being written about why a map is needed and that there will be no dirt. In fact, the card will not be used for white money, but, for example, for gray money. In principle, they did not lie to the drop, there is no dirt there, but not white money either. As a result, the drop knows about his participation in the scheme, but not as it really is.


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Such drops are most often manual and easily hooked, but as long as he does not sleep on lies.

Adjustable drop.
He is completely deceived, does not know what he is being used for and that he is being used. These are usually scans of documents.

For document scans, you can make the same cards through familiar employees. For example, a person comes in with a passport scan on the left, and the employee allegedly makes a copy and gives it away so that there is nothing suspicious on the cameras. Most often, these are cards that are issued instantly in mobile store networks.

Another example is the submission of ads on Facebook with a temporary job offer. It is not difficult to create a legend and create a map or get scans of documents from such sites.

Another example of a non-dilutive drop is when a loan is advertised. The future drop gets interested. He is offered such a scheme - he draws up a loan for himself for equipment in the store. We give him 50% of this amount. As a result, he undertakes to pay interest to the Bank, and we have a profit in the form of equipment.

That's all the minimum base, now you know the types of drops. In the next part, we'll talk about them with more practice.


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Drop is a person, a prospective person who will perform your duties in moments when you need to make a profit from this. He can carry out these duties directly or indirectly. Drops can also be called people who do not perform any actions at all, but only transmit to us themselves (or fraudulently) the data we need.

Roughly speaking, the drop is a figurehead. I can compare drops to work gloves. Here we have to do the dirty work. You can do everything with your own hands, but then your hands get dirty and you will need to wash them. And if you put on gloves, you can leave your hands clean, and forget about dirty gloves by throwing them away.

Drops are used in almost all moneymaking schemes. Carders are recruiting drops to cash out dirty money at ATMs. Money hunters use drops to cash in on their data. And someone does not even do anything bad, but prefers to be another person on the network, and also uses the services of a drop, under whose name he performs any operations. There are many examples of how drops are used. Wherever there is even a gray shade of activity, there are drops. There may be such an example from life. Many people know him, this is the SAS online store, which transferred many people to prepay for new iPhones, which they allegedly speculated with. The scheme of their work was as follows: they found a drop. We made an LLC for him, where the drop is the general director. We bought a domain for this LLC, and wrote down an online store, where the constituent documents were placed for "dust in the eyes". It seems that everything is official, this is an office, spent on advertising, at first they sold iPhones at cost price, and when word of mouth started working and sales of sixth iPhones began, they collected prepayments and quietly merged. For cops, a tip-off is LLC. They will be pulled by the CEO, who the drop was. And what's next - whether the drop is alive, whether the drop will be found at all - is unclear. After all, an ordinary homeless person can be a drop, find him in Moscow.

Carders who prefer to engage in shipping (buying in online stores from left cards (CC)) also often use drops to receive parcels. Bought material (CC - credit card) and let's pay for clothes in the states. I don't think this craftsman will have to take on these things. He needs work gloves to keep his hands clean. And so he needs a drop.
As a result, crooks will need drops to implement the work of any scheme. Where to get them? You can get confused yourself. Or, you can turn to drop drivers who keep a certain number of drops in focus, providing services for their use. There are pros and cons to this.
If you decide to "stir up" the topic, and you need a drop, you can find a drop guide.


Saving time (you don't need to run around the city yourself as if stung and look for a person);
Great anonymity (between our clean hands and dirt there will be not only gloves (drop), but also the drop guide itself). Therefore, if you have fierce dirt, and garbage comes out on the drop, then first of all the cones will fly to the drop lines. This, again, is a lot of anonymity, and an increase in lags in the "case" process.


The droper is a deceiver. You can be shod with the same drop lead. Don't tell him about the deals at all. In no case! If you need people under an LLC, then say so. If you need cards of a certain bank in n-th quantities, be on your guard! The drop-off driver understands that the cards ordered from him will be used for their intended purpose. It’s clear that money will go to the cards. Fuck still need a map? A bad and incompetent drop guide will immediately make a loophole for himself in order to waste money when we receive money in order to cheat it. Look for fistulas then such a drop conductor.
I don’t want to say that all the drop guides are scammers and fagots, this is a practice from arbitration. There are good performers, it is better to work with people who have a reputation and, at the worst, poorly any recommendations or experience.
People make money on drops, and some do it better than other drop drivers, that is, they earn a lot. Everyone started with something, and everyone is at their own stage of life.

The psychology of drop farming primarily involves the use of human resources, both in a factory or in another organization. People do - you get. Drops for a drop guide are the workforce of a workshop foreman in a factory. The shop has stopped, there is no money. Drops lag - the drop conductor has no money. Being a drop handler is a very exciting and fun activity. For some reason I associate it with prostitution. The drop is also quickly used and forgotten. And they remember only when the tests showed that we have syphilis (problems?)) So that our end does not have trypaks and syphilis, I have in my arsenal some knowledge that can be called contraception. She's not as reliable, but still. Everything that will be written below, we use only for new drops, or one-time ones. For example, you posted an ad on Avito that you are offering work for students. In fact, we need bank cards. It is possible that at the meeting there may be a "decoy duck" with a voice recorder.
When a new drop is recruited, you need to be in focus. Because most often they like to sew 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the sale of cards: fraud is the theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust.

We seem to be buying a card from a person, he even agrees. But this is an abuse of trust. If they get to the drop, (practice shows that 90 percent of visits to the drops end simply with the fact that the card was sold, or even lost / stolen a purse with a phone and wallet a month ago, I forgot about the card, it was still empty.) But there is garbage. different, they can scare the drop hereby this...
That is, you sold the card - you are an accomplice! So we will follow you, or merge, to whom you sold the card. Here, of course, the drop will say everything he knows about you. Do not think that the drops will act out of denial. Practice has shown that even the most faithful and close (like) people can turn their ass towards you.
Now we are talking about what the drop will say to the cops about us. What should he tell them? The best thing is nothing. Therefore, it is in our interest to minimize information about our identity if you work with one-time drops.

Do not give a personal phone number to drops (you never know someone does not see anything wrong with this).
Do not shine a personal phone in front of a drop (phone model). A trifle in theory. But if they tackle you, they will collect all sorts of petty coincidences in order to find the right culprit - that is, you. We met in a cafe with a drop, or near a metro station. Do not twist the phone in your hands. Even if they call you, do not pick up the phone. Better set it to silent mode in advance.
Do not come to him by car / do not burn the numbers. Leave your car a block away from the meeting point. Never drops know our car. Of course, if we ride an AMG, this is a good show-off for gaining trust, but fuck it. After agreeing with the drop, do not leave the place first. Remember that he can be tricky bathing. And he can set fire to the car. Just make a detour, make sure you are not herded, and go about your business in peace. It even needs to be done not only for what is "rubbish". Imagine that the drop card is somehow driven into a minus. Thousand to 100. At the drop, as always, the familiar bandos, cop uncle, aunt the prosecutor, a scumbag brother will be drawn. It turns out that he "copied" the number. And one fine moment our chaise will be engulfed in flames ... Ugh - ugh.
If you are negotiating over the network, do not kill yourself.
If you are negotiating in real life, the details about yourself have not fallen, by which you can be identified and found.
I'm left-handed. But I do not show this to the drop. We are 7 percent on earth. All drops think I'm right-handed like everyone else. It's just that if he is pricked, the questions will be leading. Will break through my signs. And they will definitely ask which hand I was holding the cigarette or phone with. In theory, I can do everything with both hands :) I write and eat only with my left.

It's the same with the beard. I remember how I looked before the drop. If I have been shaved and find out that the drop has a problem, I let go of my beard or mustache. I put on other things. At first I confused everything, and then I got used to it.

Do not tell the drop at all what can be used against me.
These are my rules. I try to comply with them. You need to be a kind of gray character, without obvious signs. But people are reluctant to work with the gray character. Therefore, you need to dress more or less fashionably, or classically. At your leisure, complete the following task:
When going about your business, look at yourself in the mirror. Examine from head to toe. Carefully so. Then go about your business and make a list in your head of your signs. What are your signs. Imagine that you are being targeted. What subjects will determine and look for you.
The surest way is not to show your omens. But it is difficult because our habits are often done unconsciously. My new and favorite way is disguise. Special creation will accept.

Go to an optics store. Buy yourself plain glass glasses that suit you.
+10 Attractiveness and Speech.

If you don't wear a watch, buy it and wear it specifically with glasses. Wear them only when you need to confuse the person +5 to authority (if you look at them often). Silver ring “save and save” if you don’t wear it.
+10 luck.

Again, wear on the hand that is not yours (left-handers wear everything on the right) Right-handers on the left. You can get confused, this is for left-handers. Right-handers have nothing to drive.

There are tons of tools for special creation!
Contact lenses will change blue eyes to brown ones.
A night on women's forums will help us learn how to draw a greasy mole on the cheek, or vice versa, how to erase it with a foundation.
What a delight to be unrecognizable. The coolest impression I had was that once I disguised myself in such a way that an acquaintance did not recognize me, in front of whom I loomed for an hour on the streets and shops (of course it was winter, the number of clothes gives a plus) in summer it is more difficult.

Drops are different.
We have already figured out what a drop is. Now it's time to find out their classification.
A little about LLC. Making an LLC is much easier than it sounds. If you have a drop, then you can make a company where he is the only founder. We don't need any special knowledge. In real life, there are many companies that will make an LLC for 10k per person, and a bank account.
These organizations are hiding on the map of your city under the signs "Legal Services". Call and find out what you need to open an LLC and how much money to bring them.
In my city, which is not a millionaire, this price tag was 8k rubles.

The order is as follows:
We call the company, make an appointment, and find out what to take with us.
We drag there a drop (there are offices which FSUs. On whom to draw up everything). You can send one drop there if you are sure of it.
We tell them the legend that we will be engaged in this and that, we will have one founder, he is the general director, he is the chief accountant Vasya!
For example, we open a car service. But just in case, ask to be stuck with the most different OKVED codes. To be believable, and fit for "expansion".

A wide list of activity codes sometimes plays a plus when selling an LLC.
We are offered to make a current account. Most likely, the lawyer has an agreement with any of the banks and managers, so she will immediately offer “hers” who are cheaper. Agree. Despite the price. If you refuse and you yourself go to make an account, even with a prepared statement, you will freak out from habit. They may refuse altogether, seeing you in the role of a drop guide. So let them do it themselves, maybe it doesn't even have to go there.
Request a cash card. A card through which the organization can post expenses. Pay for them.
That's it. We go to darkmani, or besnal.cc and look for a buyer. We work on their terms and through a guarantor. To be honest, I am not familiar with the process of selling an LLC, only by hearsay, so I honestly cannot advise you anything in terms of sales. For myself, I made an LLC for a drop, rented an office, I am sitting there now, "working". LLC can, after all, have a bad credit history - it’s poor to create some!

Now (at the time of writing) I am working on the following idea. There is a drop who can take a loan and give a dick for it. I arrange him in my LLC as a general sales manager, with a salary of 30k. I pay him taxes for six months (60-80k), and I lend him half a million with a 50/50 rollback. Rather, he is credited, I give personal income tax, all the data on his work. And after receiving a loan from me, he will first receive a sick leave, as if he broke his leg, and then he will quit altogether. There is a lot of paperwork, but what is not a scheme?) I advise you not to get involved with an individual entrepreneur.
Remember this. IP is responsible for everything with his personal property, and himself in particular.

How to make money on an LLC (even if it is not there). For implementation we need:
Printing. (The one that is put on the documents is not so expensive, you can use an existing company, you can invent your own. You can write the left OGRN and TIN on the seal itself, which will look extremely plausible the approximate cost of 1k). Sold on the dark, deceased flashing lights, and other similar forums.
So, we take our drops and offer them to get experience! Official work experience. He is needed by everyone who does not work. We say that there is an individual entrepreneur, or LLC (depending on the press), and we say that we can write any position in the labor one. As you know, an entrepreneur pays taxes for an employee. So, if your drop is an employee, he must be profitable so that the employer can pay taxes. We offer a drop of 2 options for the development of events.
Fixed fee per month. For experience. You can take 1.5k-2k thousand.

If the drop has no money - let it work for you! The fact that you are an employer of a drop will increase its efficiency. Here, in the event of a conflict with him, you can threaten him that you will write such a record in a labor record that no one will then take him to work. What can you get from this:
  • Cards;
  • Acceptance of goods;
  • Goods on credit (if it is not good for anything, let him take you a TV in technosil for 2 years);
  • Dirty work;
  • Sims;
  • Wallets.

Do not forget that now you are the employer, and he works for you. Moreover, it almost does not work. You can do whatever you want if the drop is submissive.

The development of this topic can be done in universities and colleges. But be careful.
You can invite students to your "Experience". Climbing through the FB groups, find a group of your university and offer a job to third-year programmers.
Think of what you need to write and offer a condition - "For experience".
Agree, believe me. Well, then you can ask them to run around on the cards.

If you haven't found programmers, look for FizMat. They can repair phones. The same announcement - and voila! You have your own phone repair (here you already need to throw it from above). I think there are sly bitches here who figured out that you can do everything without printing!

Yes. Just imagine yourself, and let others introduce that you have it! I took a labor one and that's it. And when you need to return it to a drop - do not return it, or find a reason not to put a seal there. OR SELL her to a drop because he did a bad job, or messed up.
If the drop went to the employment center, and asks for a certificate from the place of work, send it to the fuck. If you give him one, they will push through deductions, and they will see facts of violation of the law. It will be hard.

Pervert as you want. Remember that the topic has a little to live, and they threaten to completely cancel work books. But on the other hand.

Than it threatens. You can fall under the article only IF: the employee himself comes to the police or anywhere else with a statement that you do not pay him taxes. He can check this on the website of the pension fund. The work book is not a legally binding document, and in general it does not give any force other than information about the work. It is not a crime to counterfeit it.
Case of life. How my friend and I credited the drop. We need contacts at the places where they work on a rotational basis. It is desirable with a good salary.

And you need your own person who will work there. Looking for a drop. Unemployed and unhappy poor drop. We tell him - “Emae, how long can you live like a bottom! Let me help you improve your life! I have contacts in one company. Workers get there 50k for example. The rotational method, the conditions are good, they do not throw at the salary. BUT they only take their own. I'll arrange a place for you, you will work. Then those who were helped only need to be thanked. OK?
Of course, the drop will agree if the salary in the city is 15k. If he doesn’t agree, include all your negotiating skills. You must make it work for you!

Drop was upset for his financial well-being, and agreed. We organize a trip for him there. To do this, contact someone who already works there (your friend). Draw him the whole picture and promise money for the fact that he will tell the drop on the train that they will really arrange you through the authorities.
Everything. The drop works. Wonderful. Now find another sim card and a friend with a commanding voice. Call him on behalf of the security chief. I need your number to be in touch, now I have received a request for you, they vouched for you. Please do not let people down, work and do not create any problems.
Drop is shocked. He understands that everything is really bought here, and he is under your wing there. You can pay extra to a friend who works there to help.
So it's time for money! The drop receives a salary. You can take from him a little "for the movements" that you created. But it wasn't worth it. Our goal is to credit it in six months. Just a cash loan. We say that Evgeny Ivanovich from the Security Council of the company sets such conditions. We turn on all our resourcefulness and heal the drop for the fact that with such a salary he can give everything in 1 year. And then work quietly. The amount, for example, 200k. This amount was given to my friend.

We set up the drop, wait six months and get the money.
If he refuses, we need to make it clear to him that he will not come from there. My reputation will also suffer, even if you come - I'll chop you up here.
It's up to your skill to speak!

So you've read this short tutorial on drop farming. Many have understood, but I want to summarize that one hundred percent success cannot be achieved if there are no skills to communicate with people. I do not suffer from this, but I sympathize with such people. In their place, I would find a friend with good skills, give this material, and offer to work in pairs. He is with drops, and I am implementing tools with the network.


Reaction score
A drop is a person you use for your own purposes. To make it clearer, let's imagine that you are the director of a large company with a worldwide reputation. And you need to wander around different parts of the world and conclude contracts, sign papers, accept the goods that your company produces, and so on. All this is difficult to keep up with, so you hire assistants who sign papers for you, accept the goods, draw up any statements, and so on.

With drops, the same is true - these are people who do something for you, while leaving OWN passport data, and your data and your identity remain in the shadows. For example, do you need to issue a personal passport? Why shine your data, you can use a drop for this. Do you want to carding some things from the online store, but are afraid to receive them on yourself? For this, there is a drop that will do it for you. That is, in fact, this is your second person, to which the law enforcement agencies will come first, since it is lit up everywhere. And you remain in the shadows.

Drops are divided into several categories:

1. Undivided drops.

This type of drops is those who know what they are doing and what they are risking, receiving for this the appropriate payment (often decent), or a percentage of the scam.

2. Adjustable drops.
This type of drops are those who are unaware of the true purpose of their use. One thing is said to him, but in reality another is done. For example, you ask a taxi driver to give a package of documents to your person on the other side of the city, but in fact, drugs are also in the package with documents. This is how the taxi driver becomes a drug-carrying “wedge-drop”.

3. Semi-adjustable drops.
This is a type of drops that seem to know the purpose of what they are used for, but everything is much worse, and the consequences are more severe, but the drop does not know about it. That is, you are misleading him about responsibility and risks. For example, you ask him to make you a personal passport, ostensibly to receive "gray" funds, but in fact you hang a dozen credits on this personal passport. If in the case of gray money (for example, replenishing balances in stores selling credit cards) he is only threatened with blocking a wallet and a passport, then in the case of loans, he is still awaiting a court and claims from victims (creditors).

Advantages and disadvantages of all types of drops:

Undivided drops.

1. Ability to explain everything without unnecessary inventions. That is, there is no need to invent legends and waste time on divorce. This type of drop knows what he is doing.
2. Full control. When working with this type of drops, you control its step from "A" to "Z", which simplifies the work at all its stages.

1. Possibility of a kick from the side of the drop. No matter how corny it may sound, the non-diluted drop understands perfectly well that what you are doing is illegal, and that if he kicks you, then you will not be able to contact the police. And in the event of physical violence (a la the 90s), he himself can set the police on you, and you will already go under the article.
2. Security. Drop knows you personally, and in case of problems, he can turn you over to the police. We'll talk about how to protect ourselves from this later.

Adjustable drops.


1. Cheapness. Such a drop requires a minimum payment, or does not require it at all.
2. The ability to use it in any topic (even the dirtiest) without fear of the consequences, since the adjustable drop most likely does not know you.
3. Easier to find and many can be found. You can breed in large quantities (we'll talk about this below). Given that the drop is unaware of the true purpose of its use, it can be easily recruited.

1. Again, a scam. Since there is no complete control over the drop, he can easily throw you if he understands what's what.
2. Lack of control over the drop. That is, such a drop can easily go into a binge, or disappear somewhere, and you cannot do anything about it.
3. The influence of external factors. In the course of work (for example, issuing an invoice), he may hear from friends that it is illegal, and refuse. Both time and money will be lost.

Semi- adjustable drops.
This type of drops combines all the pros and cons that were described above. Everything is strictly individual with this type of drops.