Cupper tips: how to make a tennis prediction correctly


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The content of the article
  • Coating
  • Tennis player rating
  • Motivation and status of the tournament
  • Current form
  • Head-to-head confrontation
  • Player stats
  • Generalist

Tennis is a dynamic, exciting and, accordingly, a very popular sport. According to statistics from bookmakers, it ranks second in popularity after football. Beginners mistakenly think that analyzing tennis matches is easy, because there are only two opponents. In fact, there are many important factors to look out for. In our article we will tell you how to make a tennis prediction correctly.

Court coverage is a key factor and pay close attention to it. There are four types of flooring: soil, hard, carpet and grass. Some tennis players feel confident on hard, while others have learned to show excellent results on clay. It is important to make a detailed analysis and see exactly how your tennis player is playing on a particular surface. On the ground, the game is longer, because the rebound is slow and high. More often than not, experienced, technical and level-headed players win on clay. On the grass, tennis players with a powerful serve show themselves better. As a rule, the game is played in three or four strokes, because the rebound is fast and low. Hard is a cross between the two previous floorings. Carpet is rare. For example, Grand Slam tournaments do not take place on it. By the way, it's easier for beginners to practice live. You will see during the sets what kind of game the tennis players are demonstrating. To always be able to watch the game, install special software on your mobile. For example, the Parimatch application completely repeats the functionality of the main site and works very quickly.

Tennis player rating
It is also worth paying attention to the rating, but not placing an explicit emphasis on it. It is clear that the first racket of the world will outperform an inexperienced beginner. But if we compare the game of several tops, then everything is not so simple. It was not in vain that we talked about the coverage in the first paragraph. There were cases when the fifth racket beat the leader just because the surface was more comfortable. Learn to consider several factors at the same time.

Motivation and status of the tournament
Motivation is the engine of progress, a lot depends on it. As the practice of sports analysts shows, at Grand Slam tournaments, tennis players fight to the last and even outsiders show a good game. Sportsmen are also motivated by the Masters series. Interesting fact. Sometimes top tennis players decide to take part in small competitions, although at first glance they do not need them. A professional just comes for the money, he wins in the first two rounds and takes the prize money. this is important if you are betting on the duration of the meeting.

Current form
This criterion is more important than the rating. If the top player is injured, then he will definitely not be able to show a decent result. There is such a concept in sports - "burnout". The athlete successfully performed at previous tournaments, but he was just tired. The games go on one after another, the flight and the change of scenery tiresome. See the history of meetings. Perhaps your athlete has gone through a series of games and is already tired. There is an interesting strategy that can be profitable at a distance. You are not betting on the favorite, but against her. You need to choose leaders in bad shape.

Head-to-head confrontation
In individual sports, the term “uncomfortable opponent” is used. These are found in boxing, MMA, tennis and similar disciplines. Sometimes the first rackets were inferior to tennis players from the second hundred, surprising the fans. A left-hander can be inconvenient for a right-hander, his presentation will be slightly different from other opponents. Punching power and playing style also matter. And again, remind about the flooring. An uncomfortable opponent on a dirt road can become a passing opponent on a grass surface.

Player stats
The last tip is to study the statistics, they are more important than the rating. Pay attention to winning percentages from second and first serve, as well as games. Keep track of the ratio of enforsis and winners. Don't worry, you can find such information on the websites of bookmakers. We recommend getting to know Parimatch more closely There is a “Menu” section on their website at the bottom where you will find useful subsections “Results” and “Statistics”. Study them carefully. Select "Tennis", and then enter the name of the tournament in the search box. Over time, you will learn to “see” the situation and understand what the chances of winning a tennis player are. As a result, you will profit from the distance.