Carding Amazon from logs


Reaction score

Setting up the Socks5+waterfox browser.​

What we need:

1) Download the browser With the latest updates.

2) Install the extensions Webrtc, coockieBro, Canvas defender (prints optional) we put it the same way as on the skin below. (what a pit it's closed)



In country - write the country!

In state - write the state.

In City - city

In StartIP - Set the IP address of the cardholder

В EndIP, we write the first digit of IP, but instead of 2/3/4 numbers, we write 255. (see the screenshot above)

Zip (this is the cardholder index) - write zip cardholder.

1) We punch the ip of the cardholder. (You can also go to - Services - whois.) there we insert the IP log and look.

I'll give you an example of the skin below:


Selecting a proxy connection:

1) ZIP+provider

3) City of cardholder + provider

4) cardholder stuff + provider descending order

Also, do not forget about the IP, suddenly there is that socks (proxy) with the ip first digits or the nearest one.

IP cardholder - the IP carholder itself. It should be as close as possible in value.Amazon reacts very strongly to IP,so we approach it wisely.Rarely,but there are cases when the IP of the kh itself gets to 911.

City cardholder - In EU/USA, cities are very small,so if you can't find cardholder city, then you should go to maps and see the closest possible city.The maximum distance I can see is 20-30km. No more!

ISP (cardholder provider) is also a very important thing that should be approached wisely. The provider and IP are a bundle for shops and specifically for Amazon.

Found it! Connecting to it! This is done by double-clicking or right - clicking and connect.

Next, we look at the cleanliness of our sock

The proxy must be clean!

We need to convert coockie to json format

We insert the already converted cookies into the browser. To do this, use the coockiebro coockiebro

Once everything is loaded, we can start working.


Go to the mail from Amazon. the mail that is in the log. You can use copy-paste to access mail itself. In it, we set filters for Amazon emails. (I think how to put them will not be difficult - it's all Googled)

For example, in Gmail, this is done like this.

Click on the button (down arrow) in the top panel. Or gear - open all settings, then you will see filter-create filter(create a new filter)


This window will appear (see the image below), where you will have to enter the criteria for filtering messages. In this case, this word is "amazon", but you can do the same with "eBay" or the bank "Chase" and in general with anything.


Here, click CREATE FILTER. The white button, not the blue one!!

Then, you set the following settings:


All. This way, all emails will be dropped directly into the trash, bypassing the inbox folder. In this case, push notifications are also not sent to your smartphone. Cool, convenient, and useful. Always put a filter on the service that you are going to bend.

Further 1) never immediately log in to Amazon after setting up filters.​

We are warming up all our cookies! We open passwords and in addition to our main request, we open all other links and try to enter them. This warms up cookies. We climb on social networks, and so on.

Turning on the actor mode! Now we're cardholder. First, we climb on the sites by watching cardholder. Social networks and so on. (Preheating cookies for about 25-30 minutes.)

It is better to go to Amazon itself with an email from mail
. If not, then write amazon in google (without .com)

We get to Amazon. ENTER THE PASSWORD USING PENS (no copy-paste)

(If it asks you to enter a code from mail,it means one thing.Amazon frod)

enter we need to get to Amazon.

Go to the store and see what kh ordered. We need to warm up the position that kh ordered.

in amazon, we warm up further the position on the cardholder that we beat, we look at analogs

We need to warm up well! We look at positions - open images, read reviews, descriptions. We behave very slowly, look closely at the pictures so that 15-20 seconds pass. In addition, we also add cookies. Adding 7-10 items to your shopping cart. Next, we need to decide what to order from this, We look at the cheapest. I advise you to immediately switch to a more expensive product, view descriptions and reviews , and then delete it from the shopping cart. And so it is with each product. It takes 30-45 minutes to warm up. At the same time, I additionally warm up cookies for 20-25 minutes.

After you have 1-2 items left in your shopping cart. We go to egift and add our gift - we look at the description, from zyva, about the product., You can send it to the neighboring kx mail, or to the same mail. We enter everything by hand. Congratulations can also be entered by hand. Let's warm up this position. Gradually. 10-15 minutes.

We throw it in the basket, we can slowly drive it in. Choose where to start paying if there are bindings.

After the purchase, go to orders and check 2 things, namely: Track Package and Order Details.

Track Package - a kind of alternative to tracking your product from the shop itself to your door.

Here we can see 4 points:

-writes to everyone, means that the order was given to us(gives to everyone, so it's too early to relax)

Shipped if you,dear friend,have reached this point, then congratulations! Af missed you. And so it is indicated that the dick/dress/other shit was sent to kh

Out for delivery - on the way to the kh doors, located in the car/plane/train for transportation

Arrival + date - the actual delivery date

The distance from Ordered to Shipped is very important

It is divided into about 3 points:

Order skipped by Amazon (skips to everyone )

AF missed the order(this is much more serious and better in this case)

The transaction itself and its processing started

Order Details - details of our order. Here we can see the trance itself and understand whether it was approved or not.Also, if someone warms up with a serious product, you can immediately find an invoice for our product (receipt)

After we have been trunked, we can only wait, you can still sit on those social networks that cardholder was sitting on.

Send a gift to your email address.


We take it and sell it to scoops!

I advise you to enter the gift together with the position - the passability is higher.

Part 4. Antifraud and why they eat it!​

I could probably compare the anti-fraud of Amazon to the Anti-fraud of a stick. It is just as capricious and requires foreplay,just as incomprehensible at any stage of work, and just as fucked up for all of us. However, there are a couple of interesting points in it that help us bypass the protection, instead of catching a lock on the account.

You're burned! Throw the acc away and try to understand what you were burned on(depends on the severity, because if it was pale at the entrance/checks, then it didn't go anywhere else, and you don't fall at the time of buying clothes or gifts, then it's much more difficult)

AF checks whether you are or not(code to the mail/knocking out from the account). This is easier to understand. Here we can just look at the root of our palev and quickly fix everything.

AF makes a gift. By knocking out account and then requesting exp date of the map/zip CH/FN and LN cardholder. After that, Amazon usually stops requesting the card number.

The main mistakes that beginners make:​

Rush. No need to rush! Remember, rushing is the worst thing you can do. Work on relaxation,think more and evaluate each action. Peace of mind will not come from large amounts immediately, however, at first I advise you to keep yourself in hand.

Crooked system/half-dead sock. Here I told you at the beginning, but once again I will repeat - Amazon looks very carefully at the system with which you beat. I generally keep silent about the sock, because this is the very first thing that absolutely any service pays attention to.

The more you warm up, the more you can get. There is no need to think too much,the more sessions we have and the more cookies we have,the more Amazon trusts us.

Take 2. The way to break through "drunk"​

Method for Amazon:
Register on the middle and do USA VCC with bill=shipp=address of the middle. I'll tell you about this a little later, but definitely.

All our costs - about 50 bucks for register in the middle and VCC, well, then still pay with clean forwarded to yourself that pulled off. Here I do not advise you to take care of yourself - they can also turn you around to customs.

Then we go to Amazon. We meet, walk around the shop there, collect goods in sheets. In short, we behave like a buyer. AF there is smart and monitors the behavior on account.

We make a small purchase (5-10 bucks) and wait for it to reach the pub. This is how the af removes suspicion of the address. Although this intermediary has a contract with Amazon and is sent there safely. The package arrived, everything is quiet. Paid with the VCC. Everyone is happy and happy)

Amazon begins to "court" you.. Spin ads in front of your nose, send a bunch of spam to the soap at discounts, and so on. Yeah, that means you're in the AF green zone.. Congratulations))

What we need is to get a link from an ad to register in the amazon prime premium service for a 30-day trial. They'll ask for an CC, and it's already there) And congratulate you on participating in the freebie) CC will check out the amount of about a couple of bucks and then successfully return them. And interesting opportunities are opening up for us. In addition to free 2-day delivery and prime wardrobe service, we are basically not interested in anything. If everything is clear with the first one, then the second one is just the most interesting)

The point is that they give you the opportunity to take up to 3 similar things for FREE to see and try on their type at home. This includes clothing, shoes, hats, and shirts. Sometimes inexpensive electronics. Bags. You just need to search by the prime wardrobe tag for lots. And they give 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods for fitting.

We make it so that it arrives, for example, on Thursday or before the American holidays. During the last working day, we quickly pack all this on our own and to ourselves. Thus adding to yourself a couple of more days - the mail, and everything else does not work. And even if they call the intermediary, it will be too late. Puck will go behind customs. You can, in principle, make another purchase along with the free part. Buy some garbage. For cover.

There are a lot of topics about Amazon right now, Amazon is a swamp, the main thing is to approach it correctly and then it will break. All profit!