? 5 books on intellectual development


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1. “Technique of memory development. Self-study guide" - OA Andreev. The book contains lessons on training memory, which will allow you to perfectly develop those mechanisms of your brain that are responsible for remembering and storing information. Description of the exercises recommended for training and the procedure for working on them.

2. “Learn to Learn or Juggle” - Tony Buzan, Michael J. Gelb. A unique method of developing and mastering the potentials and resources of the brain, based on the results of many hundreds of special seminars conducted by the authors in various companies, educational institutions, as well as in the units of the US Army and National Guard.

3. “Memory cards. Preparing for exams”- Tony Buzan. Memory cards are a unique and very simple method of memorizing information. Having learned how to use them, you will no longer be afraid of exams, you will have more free time, and your grades will become much higher.

4. "Unlock your mind: become a genius!" - Stanislav Müller. A special technology that helps to increase brain activity and the percentage of active thinking. By studying this book, you can become a particularly trainable person, regardless of your age.

5. "Teach yourself to think: a self-study guide for the development of thinking" - Edward de Bongo. Thanks to this book, you can improve your thinking. An absolutely simple technique that includes five stages.