Books and textbooks on financial literacy


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Financial literacy can be divided into two key topics - theory and thinking. Theory represents the essence of money, planning and accounting for finance, financial analysis. It deals mainly with numbers, formulas and graphs.
Financial thinking will allow anyone to get rid of their inner delusions and prejudices, change their psychology in order to treat money more consciously and learn to think like successful people and millionaires. In addition, financial thinking teaches you to motivate yourself and look for non-standard approaches in business.
The psychological aspect and the theory of finance are inextricably linked, they cannot be considered separately or considered that one is better than the other. We recommend that you cultivate your financial literacy in these two directions, which will be helped by the list of presented books.
Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of other materials - audiobooks, films and videos, which will very clearly and easily explain you what's what. However, such materials have one significant drawback. You are absorbing information on autopilot and you do not have time to think and rethink the content. That is why the book is still the best source of information.
Agree, it's one thing to watch a half-hour video on the Internet and quite another to read one book on the same topic for several days or weeks. In the second case, your thinking will begin to change by itself simply due to the prolonged concentration, reflection and reasoning that will arise when you read any good book on financial literacy.
We present to your attention the most iconic and useful books from our point of view. Remember that only a combination of cash flow theory and financial thinking will make it possible for you to radically change your life, attitude towards and management of money.


The ABC of Financial Literacy. Avdenin V.​

This book tells about what such a thing as financial literacy really exists and that a person who knows how to manage his money correctly can achieve tremendous success in life. Ignorance about money leads to poverty, while good governance can work wonders. The book is recommended for a wide range of readers

The financial analysis. Efimova O.​

This textbook examines the methodology of financial analysis that allows you to solve applied problems of assessing the effectiveness and financial condition of a business. The textbook is recommended for training and students of business schools, as well as employees of accounting and analytical services.

Cash flow quadrant. Kiyosaki R., Sharon L. Lecter.​

The book shows and tells in a very accessible way why the poor or people of average income cannot provide themselves with financial freedom and in which sector of the quadrant you need to be in order for this to happen. Any profession or activity can be placed in one of four sectors, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The book is recommended to all people who want to reach a future in which they may not work and still receive finance from passive sources. As an ideological follower of Poor Dad, Rich Dad, this book incorporates many of the most important ideas of the previous one and at the same time provides a lot of other useful information. If you want to read just one book by Robert Kiyosaki, then this is it.

Multiple sources of income. Allen R.​

The book examines ten ways to generate additional, the so-called residual income. This is the income that does not require further investment of labor and capital. The book focuses on unusual and little-known ways to achieve financial freedom. Upon reaching financial solvency, a person can also freely dispose of their time - to pay attention to family, physical and emotional health, to enjoy life in all its diversity. The book is designed for middle-class people who have an average income and are able to save 10-20% of their earnings monthly. As in other similar literature, this book first of all looks at ways to save money in order to then invest it wisely for your financial future.

The path to financial freedom. Schaefer B.​

The book quite clearly and easily explains that in our time everyone can become financially independent. This does not require an incredible mind and iron grip. It is enough to form a German discipline in yourself and adhere to some rules and tips. Schaefer does not offer to get rich quickly, he points out that everyone can become a millionaire in 15-20 years and explains this quite easily. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

Mani, or the alphabet of money. Schaefer B.​

This story was written for children, but it is also suitable for adults, because the culture of finance for many people is something new and incomprehensible. Since the main principle of Schaefer is economy and competent money management for 15-20 years, in order to become a millionaire, you need to start from childhood. Recommended for any child to read, regardless of character and school performance. Although Schaefer claims that the majority of those who have read this story are adults, respectable people.

Richest man in Babylon. Clayson D.​

The writing of the book began with the writing of pamphlets and ancient Babylon. Over time, they became very popular among banking and insurance employees and were published in book form. Today "The Richest Man in Babylon" has become a modern classic in economics. Recommended for thoughtful reading by any person, regardless of the level of economic savvy.

Financier. Dreiser T.​

This novel is the first in the series "Trilogy of Desire", which tells the story of Frank Cowperwood. It is based on the story of the American millionaire Charles Yerkes. Dreiser shows the customs and life of the financial elite, as well as the attitude of big business to society. Despite Cowperwood's predatory nature, the hero is sympathetic. The novel is recommended to everyone who loves good literature, as well as to those who want to see the downside of business.
These books will become your support in difficult times, and will also shape your financial thinking. As you will see, you do not need to be a financial genius to become a very wealthy person. It is enough to know a few simple and effective rules and adhere to them all your life. While there are some very important and iconic books featured here, don't cling to just them. Hundreds of others are written every year, so keep track of new arrivals and learn more.
This list will open your eyes to what you always have at hand and in your head - money and how it needs to be managed. Build a financial mindset and develop financial literacy.