real carding

  1. Tomcat

    Real carding for noobs

    So, real... You thought for a long time, and finally decided to radically change your life and go to real Madrid. What will you need for this? In order to start doing real-carding, you need much more than just a desire, aspiration or even money (although many people shout that nothing is...
  2. Tomcat

    Real Carding Manual

    Chip from POS terminals, (but not valid on all POS terminals), I read somewhere that if you have a Bank card but do not know the pin code, then you can pay with it, even without knowing the pin code. To do this, I went to mac Donals to check it, (with my card), inserted the card, dialed the pin...
  3. I

    How to generate ATR?

    Hello, I've been into carding recently, everything is prepared and fine. But I do have one question, how to generate ATR code of victims bank? I've search this long list of ATR codes from the ATRTOOL 2.0, but sadly I do not see the ATR code for it. It is Bank Millennium from Poland, can anyone...
  4. I

    Questions about IST files

    Hello, I've seen that some people were talking about IST files and it is necessary to properly cashout from ATMs and POS. So my questions are: 1. How do we obtain IST files? I've heard that you need physical card with same BIN and then you can get the IST file. But is this really necessary...
  5. I

    Problem with the software.

    Hello, I've got the recommendation to use the X2 software for carding, but sadly it is not working, I'm talking about forums software. ATRTOOL, MSRX and Jcop are working just fine, but if it comes to the main X2...
  6. I

    Question about card programming.

    Hello, so after all the research I've made on the carding forums it is time for some questions about card programming. So, we have valid track 1 + track 2 with PIN and stuff, also we got the EMV_X2 from this forum, just like everybody says to use it. Not to mention we do have MSR605X card...
  7. L

    looking for dumps

    Looking for dumps of the USA interest in post-training cooperation, please write to telegram real people, not scammers, let's work honestly TG: @babyhonda
  8. Tomcat

    Real carding is a one-man theater

    So, you thought for a long time and decided to finally try yourself in real life (maybe you hit your head, or you urgently need money, or you just got tired of driving into steam). How to be, where to start? Skimmers are not yet affordable, and experience is not enough. You can also forget...
  9. Teacher

    Real carding, you are not a raider, but an actor

    So, you thought for a long time and decided to finally try yourself in real life (maybe you hit your head, or you urgently need money, or you just got tired of driving into steam). How to be, where to start? Skimmers are not yet affordable, and experience is not enough. You can also forget...
  10. Teacher

    Real carding basics

    Real carding has always been considered one of the most lucrative directions in our dark business. Naturally, this entails no "Privileges". This word in this case is used in an ironic sense. Why do you ask? So the answer is simple, I advise you to think about it and remember how many times you...
  11. U

    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    CardShop №1 This shop doesn't require any description. Registration - 100$, you will get these funds on your balance and you'll be able to make purchases using it. 1000000 cards every day update. USA - 4$ EU&WORLD - 9$ WEB: UNICVV.RU TOR: http://uniccxide6hker6y.onion BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN...
  12. MaskaCC

    Делаем скиммер сами.

    Прикладываю архив с инструкциями, прошивкой, фото и тд скиммера. Может кто искал, будет полезно. Скачать: VT:
  13. BigBeast

    Carding With Dumps

    Which track we need to write? As we know normal your purchased dump the most important is track 2 which is transaction track. Some of dump included track 1 or track 2. Track 1 is used to show what name will be appear in the receipt come out from POS machine. But honestly, only track 2 will be...
  14. CarderPlanet

    PRO Carding - Real Carding for Iron

    If you are completely finished, then this article is for you. Well, but seriously, there are times when you need to quickly raise money, well, or everything is so fucked up ... It won't be possible to deal with this scheme for a long time, the bottle will overtake faster than you think, or am I...
  15. CarderPlanet

    Real Carding: Lebanese Loop

    Disclaimer: Do not work with ru! well, just don't work on ru. These are just stories, not a scheme of earnings :) Kostya needed cash and he went to the ATM. He took out the card, inserted it into the card reader, typed in the pin code and entered the amount he needed. I took the money and then...
  16. Lord777

    Real carding 2021

    You've read a lot of various articles about real carding naturally, some comrades don't think to show their best practices in public. But nevertheless, for beginners, I hope it will be interesting to read my short article. As far as we all know, the most popular and monetary, but at the same...
  17. Father

    Real carding tutorial - working with dumps

    Hello! This tutorial is just to start you off with instore carding, most basics and a few tips. Before we start, I'd like to analyze the carding terms I will use throughout this tutorial. 1. Dumps Dumps are the information written on a credit/debit card's magnetic stripe. It comes in tracks 1 &...
  18. Teacher

    All about real carding - plastic cards and dumps

    I hope that this will slightly reduce the number of questions that sometimes just get boring. Therefore, I will try everything on my fingers and in simple words. This case does not pretend to be complete coverage of everything in the world in terms of real plasticity, but simply provides some...
  19. Hacker

    Real Carding + shopping = profit

    Sooner or later, a turning point comes when you have already heard enough of all sorts of stories that real carding (hereinafter 'RK') is the most pale, dangerous and kind of unstable topic in terms of security. Each of us is pushed to this step by our cockroaches in our heads. In general, you...
  20. K

    DUMPS - having t1 + t2 without a pin, is it possible to earn money?

    having t1 + t2 without a pin, is it possible to earn money? For example, withdrawing from ATMs? please for advice.