
  1. Tomcat

    The darknet sells malware for $ 5000 that makes ATMs "spit out" money

    Kaspersky Lab specialists talked about a malware for ATMs called Cutlet Maker. Initially, the malware was advertised and distributed through the AlphaBay darkmarket, which was closed by law enforcement agencies last summer. Now malware operators have launched their own onion site ATMjackpot...
  2. Teacher

    Malware, download the money!

    Hello, cyberstalkers! Hello, random carders. Today's computers and smartphones store real money. Well, let them not be stored, but access to them is quite guaranteed! Therefore, we are now seeing that the good old methods, such as blackmail, extortion and fraud, are showing themselves at a new...
  3. BigBeast

    How To Hide Virus/Stealer in a Picture

    Greetings to all readers! Today we will consider one of the simplest ways to disguise malware, and with the help of it, stealers, keyloggers and other nasty things are still masked. 1. Create a folder and drag our picture and virus there. 2. Go to iconvertcom and create an icon for our picture...
  4. Hacker

    JS malware. How Chrome helped me reverse the ransomware virus.

    The content of the article Wrong bees Using Chrome for help Outcomes Before contacting me, a friend tried several times to open the file from the archive. According to him, nothing happened. But I still told him to immediately shut down the computer and remove the hard drive from it. However...
  5. Lord777

    Virus samples with source code

    Finding a collection of current viruses, and even more so with a description and source code, is not an easy task. We have already told you where to download viruses for analysis and study. Today I will tell you about one more source where you can find and download virus samples, but this time...
  6. Lord777

    Selling and buying Trojans in the underground market

    Content 1. Selling and buying Trojans 1.1 N0F1L3 1.2 Kratos 1.3 AZORult 1.4 Eredel 1.5 Kpot 1.6 Arkei 1.7 Pony 1.8 Predator The Thief 2. Total Among commercial Trojans, a separate niche is occupied by stealers and similar spyware. It is not surprising: other people's secrets have always been...
  7. CreedX

    HackBoss malware spreads via Telegram and steals cryptocurrency

    Avast experts have discovered a tool for stealing cryptocurrency HackBoss, which is distributed on Telegram under the guise of free malware for beginners. The creators of HackBoss have already stolen more than $ 500,000 from "novice hackers" who fell for this trick. Basically, HackBoss...
  8. Carding

    Прячем наш Malware под видом фейковой программы

    Всем привет! Сегодня я научу вас создавать фейковые программы, которые скрыто запускают ваш .exe файл с помощью #WPF. Для этого нам понадобится: Visual Studio 2019 и обычный архиватор. Перейду сразу к созданию фейкового софта. На примере буду копировать RIOT BRUTE, который продаётся у нас на...
  9. P

    VanToM Rat 1.4 [Windows]

    VanToM Rat 1.4 is a free Remote Administration Tool for windows. Download:
  10. Carding

    Uploading malware to victim's computer

    Here and there you come across messages that here was hacked “with the help of a shortcut file”, and here with... Here and there you come across messages that here was hacked “using a shortcut file”, and here using an Office document. How they do it and how difficult it is. Today we understand...
  11. Carder

    Malware для самых маленьких

    Приветствую тебя вновь, мой случайный кардер. И сегодня я хочу рассказать тебе о вредоносах, они же: Вирусы, Трояны, Черви, Стиллеры, Кейлоггеры, Клипперы, Шифровальщики, Etc… Пестрящие заголовки СМИ все чаще говорят нам о кибератаках, кражах данных, взломах, не так давно была статья о том...
  12. Carding

    New malware for macOS exploits zero-day vulnerability

    A new Remote Access Tool (RAT) attacks macOS using a zero-day vulnerability to gain root access. The malware was named Proton, according to Sixgill researchers, it was found on a Russian closed forum for cybercriminals. At the moment, the malware is offered $ 2,500 for one-time use, and for 10...
  13. Carding

    Malicious programs - Malware

    The name "malware" refers to the English term "malware", formed from two words: "malicious" and "software". There are other, more rare options - "badware", "computer contaminant", "crimeware". In the lexicon of some specialists, there are slang names "malicious", "malware". In everyday life, all...
  14. Carding


    Exploits are a subtype of malware. The term is related to the English verb "to exploit", meaning "to exploit, to use in one's own interests." However, an exploit is not necessarily a separate application (executable file): it can take the form of a small piece of malicious code or a set of...
  15. Forum Library

    Lazarus malware delivered to South Korean users via supply chain attacks

    Security experts from ESET reported that North-Korea-linked Lazarus APT (aka HIDDEN COBRA) is behind cyber campaigns targeting South Korean supply chains. According to the experts the nation-state actors leverage stolen security certificates from two separate, legitimate South Korean companies...
  16. N


    Hello dear members, Offering here best malware related services. - Setuping your own botnet. - Making your exe undetected by antivirus soft. - Creating custom injects, auto transfer systems, fakes. - Bulletproof hosting. (inmunity) - Offshore domains. - Exploits Java,PDF,Flash,XLS. (rent/clean...