
  1. Brother

    VirusTotal Report: AI is 70% more effective in detecting malware

    The company explained how much neural networks have overtaken the capabilities of modern threat analysis. The VirusTotal presented a new study that actively examines the possibilities of using large language models, including neural networks, to detect and automatically analyze malicious code...
  2. T

    Ransomware PHOBOS

    SALE RANSOMWARE PHOBOS - Адмпанель в TOR, круглосуточный сапорт. - 80/20 в вашу сторону. - Полностью оффлайн. - Для работы не требует подключения к интернету, не отправляет статистику. - При выключении и повторном включении ПК или его перезагрузке, софт автоматически проверит...
  3. Carding 4 Carders

    Wiki-Slack: How Wikipedia Helps Spread malware in Work Chats

    Developers should clearly teach the Slack messenger to format text correctly. Cybersecurity specialists from the eSentire Threat Response Unit have identified an interesting technique for cyber attacks on employees of companies that use the corporate messenger Slack. The method is called...
  4. Carding 4 Carders

    Advertising Android malware from the Play Store penetrated 2 million devices

    Several malicious Android apps hosted on the Google Play Store have made their way to more than two million mobile devices. Their task is to display intrusive advertising, hiding their presence in the system. Dr. Web specialists told Advara about the latest kit. According to them, these apps...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    StripedFly: how the malware deceived information security specialists and affected millions of victims

    A universal program in the cryptominer mask allows you to conduct cyber attacks of any type. Kaspersky Lab specialists have identified a complex malware campaign called StripedFly, previously unknown and extremely confusing. Since 2017, the operation has affected more than one million users...
  6. Carding 4 Carders

    Brazilian WhatsApp users are massively losing their savings: what is the secret of the GoPIX malware?

    Phishing and financial fraud are intertwined in a crushing hacker symbiosis. The fast-growing popularity of Brazil's PIX instant payment system has attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who have begun using the new GoPIX malware to illegally extract profits. Kaspersky Lab, which has been...
  7. Carding 4 Carders

    Malware worries the world: 250,000 victims in 164 countries and this is just the beginning?

    Positive Technologies: Using MaxPatrol SIEM, the company's specialists identified HPE affecting hundreds of thousands of users. Positive Technologies specialists used the MaxPatrol SIEM information security event monitoring and incident management system to detect abnormal activity in the...
  8. Carding 4 Carders

    From Games to looting: Lumma Stealer malware spreads in Discord

    Now users pay for installing games with their personal identity. According to a new report from Trend Micro, attackers have started using the Discord Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute the Lumma Stealer malware. Moreover, hackers create bots using the app's API that can control...
  9. Carding 4 Carders

    Hidden malware attacks Telegram and AWS users

    Learn how to protect your data from the new cyber threat. Researchers at checkmarx have discovered hidden malware targeting users of the Telegram messenger and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services. This threat is an extremely clever method of data theft, which makes it particularly...
  10. CarderPlanet

    New malware BunnyLoader: when a small rabbit brings big problems

    Key features of the new malware that is already being sold on the darknet. Cybersecurity researchers at Zscaler ThreatLabZ have discovered a new malware called BunnyLoader, which is distributed on a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) model and sold on underground cybercrime forums. The researchers...
  11. CarderPlanet

    Here's the twist: Microsoft Defender started marking Tor Browser as malware

    Did a secure browser decide to spy on its users? Recently, users of the "most popular desktop OS in the world" began to report that the Microsoft Defender antivirus program, integrated by default in Windows 10 and 11, marks the latest version of the Tor browser as malware "Win32 / Malgent!MTB"...
  12. CarderPlanet

    Good job, Bing: Microsoft's Chatbot offers Malware to Users

    Don't blindly trust a digital companion when it comes to installing software. Responses displayed by Bing, Microsoft's artificial intelligence chatbot, revealed a mechanism for spreading malicious software when searching for popular software tools. This was announced by Malwarebytes in its...
  13. Carding

    New challenges: Omron fights sophisticated malware

    The company fixes dangerous vulnerabilities that opened access to ICS systems. Japanese company Omron recently released patches for vulnerabilities in the programmable logic controller (PLC) and engineering software discovered by cybersecurity firm Dragos during its analysis of sophisticated...
  14. Carding

    How can your vacation schedule steal your passwords? New malware DarkGate answers the question.

    Be careful if you receive a message from a colleague in Microsoft Teams. Truesec specialists have discovered a new phishing campaign in which attackers used the Microsoft Teams corporate messenger to send malicious files that activate the installation of the DarkGate Loader malware on victims...
  15. Carding

    Malware allows hackers to control devices on macOS without the owner's knowledge

    Guards researchers have discovered a new threat to computers running on Mac operating systems. The use of malware allows a hacker to gain full control over the device without the owner's knowledge. The Guards team warns about the risks in their blog. The tool will be offered at one of the...
  16. LummaC2

    LummaC2 - универсальный стиллер, инструмент для профессионалов

    LummaC2 - стиллер не имеющий аналогов, средний отстук 75-85%, работает даже на чистых системах, зависимостей нет никаких (ВООБЩЕ), расшифровка лога на сервере, вес билда 150-300КБ, ворует браузеры на базе Chromium и Mozilla, отличный низкоуровневый быстрый адаптивный файлграббер, ворует и...
  17. Lord777

    Carders have implemented malware in the module of the payment processing system

    While investigating an attack on one of its clients, Sucuri specialists discovered an unusual cardder campaign, during which hackers hid their malicious code inside the Authorize payment gateway module[.] net for WooCommerce, trying to avoid detection. The researchers explain that attackers...
  18. Brother

    How to analyze malware with x64dbg

    This is the fourth and final article in a series on x64dbg. In this article, we will use this knowledge to demonstrate some of the techniques that can be used to reverse engineer malware. Examples of using x64dbg Reverse engineering malware using a tool like x64dbg is ideal if you want to...
  19. Tomcat

    Search for malware and keyloggers in MacOS

    Even when you suspect that your MacOS computer is infected, it can be very difficult to be sure one hundred percent. One way to detect malware is to analyze the behavior of processes, for example, whether it reads keyboard input or launches it every time the system boots. Thanks to the free...
  20. Brother

    Malware for Android steals one-time passwords and bypasses 2FA

    ESET expert Lukas Stefanko discovered a new type of fraud and dangerous Android apps that steal two-factor authentication one-time passwords (2FA) using a notification system. This technique allows you to bypass the restrictions imposed by Google developers at the beginning of this year and...