Carding with an iPhone

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Hello I was wondering what is the best set up for trying to card with an iPhone. For example jailbroken or not. What apps I should get, settings? Browser to use? Any help or advice would be appreciated.


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I won't make any screenshots, as everything is clear.

It goes well for carding, both in shops and under brut pp and so on. It is good to drive when you are on the road or far from home/at work. As well as not firing your IP to climb, where to get high.

Also, we all know that carding through mobile devices, the success rate is much higher.

I came to the iPhone settings under 100% anonymity two weeks ago, with the appearance, so far, of a free program.

So, what would you like to set up your iPhone:

1. Go to App Store and enter Betternet in the search and download the program.

2. Go to the program, click connect and link the program to the iPhone, so that after that, we can go to the program and click connect and we will already be configured.

3. Check for If you use IP address, then everything is OK.

4. The next step is to change the time for the United States. Settings - > General -> Date and time. We remove the slider "automatically" and change the sub-state in vkhuere. When you're done, just turn on the check mark and the time will be "Moscow"again

5. Change the language to English. "In the main settings"

6. Go to vkhuyer and check 100% anonymity.

That's it, your iPhone / tablet is set up. All successful drives


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Setting up an iPhone for Carding 2024​

1. Who does not know how to use socks on iPhone-there are 2 balls. First - go to the Wi-Fi, poke the letter "i". Scroll to the very bottom, see the proxy settings, enter the profit.
The second one is the ShadowRocket app. I think you can figure it out on your own.
2. How do I replace GEO on apple?
The first variation is that there is a 3uTools app for Windows (thanks for the hint, I didn't know). Emulate, podrubayut iPhone, substitute.
The second one is just jailbreak and tweaks. Fortunately, there are plenty of them and it is not difficult to find them.
3. For greater security (and it is never superfluous) - connect the "paired iPhone lock". What is it and why, I attach a link to the article. I recommend reading it.
Since we're talking about security , I'll just share my apple presets.
1) Disabled face ID for unlocking and a random pass for 18-20 characters. Why is that? Because brutalizing it will take a very long time. It will be easier to just score.
Mac, I personally have 34 characters with the entire set of upper/lower registers, numbers, squiggles, and so on. I'm paranoid and I feel so much better this way.
2) Naturally enable the "erase data" function. 10 incorrect pass entries and the iPhone is cleared to zero.
3) Pair iPhone lock with mac. The mac is encrypted with a filevault (embedded in the macos crypt aes-128). Felled yusb and other ports.
4) In the mac, we also prohibit the firewall from accepting absolutely all incoming connections.
5) All geo, photos, videos, microphones, and so on are disabled on your iPhone.
I do not use it, I do not need:)
6) Of course, no jail, the most up-to-date axis and model of the working wheelbarrow no later than 2 models from the most recent on the market.
Why? I explain:
First , the newer the axis, the more secure it is (as a rule). While there is no jail, it means that there is no official hacking of this axis.
Why not older than 2 models - because the newer the percentage, the better it is resistant to protection.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe apple isn't perfect. But again, this is more reliable than android, it is more reliable than Windows and other leaky systems. If even in Apple they can't remove the complex iPhone lock (and no matter what anyone says, it seems to me that this is true), then no one else will definitely remove it.
I repeat, I can be wrong and I do not encourage you to follow my biases. This is purely my opinion, and online and live security is strictly your own business and only you can decide how and what to use.
In the article, I did not write about vpn, socks, basic anonymity, etc., because so everyone knows what how and why. Many things are inherently understandable initially, and I didn't write the same thing as everywhere else.
All your safety depends only on yourself, you need to think 10 steps ahead.


And of course, disable all items in the lock settings.
1) The most important point is to prohibit the connection of all USB devices on the LOCKED screen. That is, until the iPhone is unlocked, no device will log in to connect.
2) The same data erasure function. You never know who didn't know.