We extract traffic and installs


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So, people want money. This is logical. People want money without investing anything. This is not logical. People want a lot of money without investing anything and without knowing anything. This is already stupid. Therefore, first of all, we will have to sort out another question, which again 99% lies horseradish.

The first rule of financial literacy is not to sit on general purpose forums.​

99% of people are not capable of anything. Of the remaining percentage, 99% of people do not do what you are interested in. With the remaining ones, you can use the coincidence of many random factors make a big deal.

Imagine that you have a question that you need to get an answer to. You go to a forum where noobs, trolls, shkolota and a small percentage of smart people sit people. Smart people will answer you, it is unlikely, they have no time, laziness, and in principle, it is somehow not easy to shoot useful information. But the others ... uh. At least get the time spent and the mood ruined. Maximum – they will feed the left information.

What to do? Less absorb unnecessary information based on useless emotions and stuffing. Form connections, join small businesses target groups/channels/closed forums, communicate with knowledgeable people. The process is slow, but very effective.

The second rule of financial literacy is to have a reliable, reinforced concrete, titanium-alloy technical base.​

If you exchange freedom and prospects for sausage, one day there will be no freedom, no prospects, no sausage.

To my previous post. Always work on a good and reliable hosting service. It's not that expensive! This is your base and foundation. Without it, there is no point in moving on. The logic of "while it's fast, I'll raise a pretty penny and immediately move to normal" usually ends up being a complete "zilch".

Always check your purchased software for performance! If your purchased software on a rented hosting performs its task at least 4 plus, then you can move on. If not, go back to "step zero" and go through the path again.

The third rule of financial literacy is to have a clear business plan, economic calculation and specific figures.​

Real values are much harder to create than their appearance. For the second one, you only need a good PR person and a lot of imagination. With the first one, everything is usually more complicated — there are numbers there.

And this is generally a scourge of current under-carders. When I am asked for help or advice, all I ask is to show you financial calculations and a clear plan of action. As you can see, none of these little people does not exist in nature.

ALWAYS (like this with caps, aha) you need to have calculations. By points, with feeling, sense and arrangement. Given the imaginary and harmful savings (I'll take the host cheaper, crypt cheaper, traffic cheaper) and the necessary savings (I'll take a little more expensive, but I'll save money).

Approximate calculations look like this:

Hosting + software + consumables + crypt + rent of necessary services + current expenses + airbag for unforeseen expenses (10-20% of the amount) = N dollars
Then we check with the amount of money on the account. If you fit in, then good.

If not, then we either think about where we can adequately save money, or finish off the missing amount. Starting something with a budget surplus means losing all your money and not getting anything in the end.

The fourth rule of financial literacy is not to make candy out of shit.​

Miracles happen, but only to other people. You need to prepare your miracles carefully and in advance.

Here again, faith in miracles plays an evil role. Almost every person without personal experience, waiting for that "and suddenly it will work out and everything will work out."

the last role in this is played by forums, where there are a lot of reviews and stories

people who hop and row money, without experience, knowledge, understanding, investment.

Agree it's a shame? You are all so well-read and prepared and you have a bagel hole in your pocket, and someone is chopping loot out of thin air.

This doesn't happen. If there are people in your social circle who don't know anything, don't understand, don't understand, don't want to learn, and generally actively broadcast bullshit on the topic "I stupidly chop money by pressing buttons", then it's time for you to change your social circle.

Don't expect miracles.

Do not expect that with zero investments you will become dramatically rich.

Don't expect that with zero investment, you can do anything at all.

Don't wait for magic.

Don't assume that problems and budget gaps will resolve themselves.

Always use specific numbers and practical results.

Never believe the words of people that "I have a hop and everything works, but why don't you work for me xs".

Success is not an alternative to failure. Success is what comes after a series of failures.

Attention! I'm specifically talking about traffic, not ready-made installations. I'll give you an explanation at the end.

All the rest is my personal opinion, based on logic and practical experience. To believe, not to believe, to accept, to use, to operate with the received information or not-this is your personal choice.

Traffic. Basic pseudo-myths.​

Myth 1. Traffic is 99% of success in business.​

Traffic is 30-35% of the success of a business. Maybe less.

Correctly convert traffic to installations (the number and quality of installations depends on this), work out all types of traffic (dexterous and non-stop). mobile), achieve a high conversion rate, and finally monetize the result as much as possible – this is an even more difficult task than extracting traffic.

Myth 2: There is very little good traffic and it is very difficult to get it.​

There is a lot of traffic and it is not so difficult to get it, as leshy paints about it. You just need to move your head. You don't need to search where you don't have what you want to find.

Myth 3. For good money, you can buy high-quality traffic.​

Must not. No one will sell money for money. Myth 4. There are ready-made solutions for traffic extraction.

No. All ready-made solutions are a banal divorce for hamsters and nothing more.

Installations. Basic pseudo-myths.

Everything is even more interesting here. If working with bare traffic is relatively small (because there you need experience and some kind of base, but for acceptance and processing), then the market for selling installations is "A Big Cycle of Shit in Nature". Do you want to know why? Read on.

Imagine that you have your own traffic channel, and you draw installations from it. Your traffic is private, your own, good, etc. And then you decided, instead of making money on it, sell it for 1 dollar per install. Or even more fun-sell ready-made logs, instead of monetizing them yourself.

Can you imagine how many noble Samaritans there are?

Can you imagine how many noble Samaritans there are?

The first output. Any service that sells installations / logs uses "public" traffic. Without exception.
Output two. Any service for the sale of installations / logs is created for v-popuimeniya not particularly smart hamsters and school children. Without exception.
Conclusion three. Any sale of traffic / logs implies the fact that selling this log for five kopecks is more profitable than monetizing this very log.
Conclusion four. If installations are more profitable to sell than to monetize, then the quality of installations is quite sad.
Conclusion five. You are considered a dibil. Isn't that a shame?
I once calculated, taking into account all the monetization possibilities, how much my installation would cost if I wanted to sell it. Crypt, banks, stick, Amazon, shops, akki, links, etc.

Paragraph six. Traffic. Extraction.​

What is the easiest way to get traffic? It makes sense to buy it. And now the key question is: why is exchange traffic the most overdue and deadliest? The answer is because you can buy it for free (i.e., drive it in). The picture is roughly as follows. There are a certain number of exchanges where you can buy free traffic.

That is, to buy a cardboard box and drive it in, it is much more profitable than laying out your hard-earned money.

Who benefits from such traffic? Services that sell installations and logs (see above). Stupid hamsters will eat this shit, squeal at the unfairness of the world and ... continue to eat this shit. The fucking coprophile sect. Ugh. It turns out that all exchanges are a complete UG and there is no point in them?

Well, gentlemen, this is ridiculous. Traffic exchanges are a hell of a lot. Well, that's a lot of them. Take the ones that don't jerk off and work with them.

Yes, you will have to lay out your hard-earned money, that is, pay white. But where have you seen a business without ads? There's a similar pattern here. If you want "customers", invest in advertising. And you will get a profit.

Well, or keep complaining about bad and evil uncles who don't let you live well and push traffic into 10 hands.

P.S. But the obvious disadvantage of exchanges is limited traffic, which will be generated one way or another. Therefore, for those who actively want to use exchanges in their work, it is advisable to constantly look for new resources and change the wiring on the old ones.


Obsolete method of extracting installations from IE. Zero sense, profit, in general, too. A good mat is even more so. Waste of time. It's not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday.

CPA offices​

They are more suitable for mobile installations, but with imagination, you can come up with a high-quality approach for desktop traffic as well. Topic enough

vydrochennaya, so on the curve of the goat can not drive up here. Need some understanding market share and a certain share of smart people. Not for average minds. So if you are successful, congratulations, your intelligence is above average.

Facebook and Google adwords​

Very high-quality and targeted traffic. One of the best themes for working with traffic, in general. The disadvantages are the same. Constantly turning the nuts, you need to constantly look for a new approach, fight moderation, raise the envelope, and track a bunch of other parameters. It is recommended to work in a small team. In this segment, the speed of work is one of the most important parameters. Working alone, you won't have enough time for anything.


Many will say that the topic is long overdue. In general, yes. For ordinary people. But smart people get VERY tasty traffic and installations from there. I don't recommend discounting it. Our guys with installations purely from torrents make about 10-15K$ per week.

Life hack. If you are too lazy or don't know how to do something yourself, outsource it. The specialist will do everything himself, set up and catch up with traffic.


Convenient and saves a hell of a lot of time.

Traffic will be really clean, without "neighbors". Volumes can be obtained very sickly.


The main freelance exchanges are long overdue, bro, relax.

Finding a good specialist is still a headache.

You will have to pay to non-expired exchanges with your own little white ones. And I'm not talking about vodka, but hard-earned money.

They throw current on the road. We don't relax buns.

And so the niche is good, just in the fact that the border between "they threw it, freaks" and" cool person, fucking traffic " is huge and difficult to overcome. It makes sense to take care. The entry threshold is high.

Spam (text messages and e-mail)​

Spam e-mail, the topic is frankly difficult, because it requires a powerful technological base and support. Spam filters have become powerful, on the curve

the goat can't avoid them. Plus, we need good databases, preferably corporate ones. High imagination, how to properly process them. Well, hands from the right place. For noobs, two crucial points:

YOU CAN'T cram an exe file into a PDF. It used to be very difficult, but now all vulnerabilities are closed. Who says otherwise, wants you hard anal fuck them. I bet he's willing to do it for "a small amount of money"?

Put the EXE in .docs is only possible if the person has macros enabled. Otherwise, nothing will work there. Now let's think about how many people know what they are and why they are needed at all.

Sms spam, on the contrary, is a noble and fertile topic. The disadvantages are the same, you need your own sms gateway, a good imagination, an application/APK file, databases, etc. And finally, software and money for the organization of all this economy.