One of the ways to extract traffic in 2023


Reaction score
Let's start, I think, with the basics and the very beginning. Current file types for infection at the moment:


A regular encrypted file, usually disguised as a token. Personally, I use a dropper and inflate the file itself to 20-50 MB. I put the launch in 20-30 seconds, since some events may trigger on the instant runexe. So that's the best option for me. Since I started crypting myself, I sometimes have detectors too. 0-2 out of 26 in scanttime and 0-3 in runtime. You can talk about cryptocurrencies for a long time, but not the point, there are a whole bunch of services and people who do this at a professional level. As a small example: A person assured me that he had an absolutely crystal file, but after he changed the region in Windows....


he immediately had detectors. So when using crypts, keep in mind that for the most part, almost all avs and even more so vds have regional databases too. I personally crypt for myself under the USU or under France. (although I know the attack from chekzily base under the YUSA machine)



Carders Club

Let's take a closer look at what can be done with the exe

First, to get around the total virus itself, you need to inflate the file over 650 MB, since up to 650 MB can be uploaded to virustotal.


It is convenient for some people to spill files like this, because some people start scanning files, which can already protect them at least with this and increase the life of the crypt. There will always be detections for the total virus, because they have a global database, since they are regional on avcheck and other file scanning resources (mostly in the USA).

Using files of 650 MB+ is not always convenient, much less replacing them, and so we start using launchers.

Walking around the forum, I came across such an interesting thing.


It was quite interesting, so I decided to try it out and see what happens.


You get these launchers with the downloadandexecute function, of course this is better than inflating the file to hell knows how many MB, so the best option. Because of the scarcity, I decided to open it, see how it works and make it for myself, it turned out in the end:



Of course, we won't shoot the whole office, but it's beautiful and not in public. Much more convenient, more beautiful. more original. The advantage is that a person gets what they downloaded, and I get goodies from them. That is, if a person downloaded a crack, he gets a crack, if he downloaded software, he gets this software.

If this is not enough, then you can of course use the creation of installers. There are a whole bunch of them, so there is a wide choice. We throw up a bunch of unnecessary files, create an installer with a shortcut. Optimal in my opinion:

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

Advanced Installer

Inno Setup

WIX Toolset

Guides on how to use them can be found in Google and on YouTube, so I don't see any point in describing how to use them.


Add-in files for mircosoft excel have become quite common at the moment


Their advantage is that, at the moment, they are relevant for spam and google chrome does not aggra on them, which contributes to the open files, since they can not be opened on ios, from the phone too, the online file is not supported, so you will have to download and run. Quite an interesting thing, who has good smtp servers for the masses of spam. Prices range from 100 bach for a single crypt to 5k per month.


Quite a new method, which became relevant in the public not so long ago. There are current sellers on the forum, you can view them in a little more detail.


Here is such a thing I was recently sent for testing, of course, I immediately saw through the chip, so developers, take a closer look at what you are working on and what files you are opening. The essence is the same as with xll - you open a file, get a document or text file, but the victim's PC gets infected.

The rest

Here it will be in a couple of words and screenshots.

.iso \. img - suitable for those who keep sites with large software and games. Suitable for torrents, if the file is well-scripted, then everything will be ok.



.pif is the same as .lnk, but it looks different. The response to it is also not very quick and easy to trigger.


.html - I haven't seen them for 2-3 weeks already, but in fact, they usually put them to normal software under the guise of a manual. Av triggers on them as well as on the exe file.


Well, from those files that I caught or did myself, I unsubscribed. There is no point in telling about .ps1 and other things here, since the article is for beginners. Now let's move on to the methods themselves, otherwise I probably already tired you out with some incomprehensible writing.

File delivery methods

Link - During the entire time I've been working on logs, I've seen several methods for delivering files to the user. The most common one is a link to a file sharing site with a password, which is basically a mass one. Hot water and password, nothing weird. Stupid adults or schoolchildren who want to download cheats are led to this. Normal people, this will never be downloaded!


This is for students and beginners, as you do not need any expenses and knowledge in programming. I went further.

Landing page with autoresponder bot is essentially a standard landing page, but there is no direct download, there is only a form for filling out mail. I made such landing pages before I had my own ev certificates.


The victim enters the data in response and instantly receives an email to their installation email address. In parallel, we collect a database that can be spammed in the future.


Tell me why bother? Yes, because the person has already agreed that he needs it, once he sent the request. It means "receive and sign". This method is already suitable for attracting a smarter audience, since it is not a standard method and they have encountered it before. Logs from such sites are always bolder than from regular links under videos.

A digitally signed file EV Code Signing Certificate is the most expensive method in fact + landing page. This method is the most expensive because it is desirable to prepare white software with a non-resident loader for such things, but the exhaust from it is always greater than from the methods above. Av and vd on such files do not trigger and in fact it is the original software written by "you". Making an ev is not so difficult. In a circle with LLC registration, it costs 1000-1300 USD.

We will need fullz + self-reg ba + cc (sometimes a drop is still needed):


Registration in your state-under the owner of fullz

Fill out an application form - you will need to specify the name of your company, address and main business owners. There will be a list of working hours, and you should check the type of business you want to set up. You may need to submit a business plan in addition to your application.

Send a commission payment - Pay the required fee. All states require you to pay a fee to register your business, although it varies by state. When registering online, you must pay the fee by credit card. Next, we are already regaining the EIN

Registration for receiving an EIN is described below.

Visit the IRS website You need to visit the Internal Revenue Service website to apply for an Employer Identification number or EIN. Even if you don't have any employees, this number is used for tax purposes. This app is not always available. You can register your business only during the following hours: Monday to Friday from 7: 00 to 22: 00 Eastern Standard time. So we apply online, you will always find an online application form there.

Describe your business - determine the type of business (your business should be connected to the Internet and software!!! You will not be issued a certificate for the bakery or cafe) that you are starting. You will need to choose the type of business, such as a corporation or individual enterprise. They may ask for more detailed information, such as the type of corporation, why you are registering this business, and ask you to confirm your choice.

Enter the owner's details - confirm the authenticity of the business by providing information about the business owner. This includes your name, address, and social security number. You will also need to provide your business address on the next page and answer any questions about your business.

Подтвердите отправку - we wait a little (sometimes an hour, sometimes 3 days), congratulations, you have a drop company in Yandex. I won't talk about how to make a self-review of the bank for the owner of the fullz, how to top it up to send contributions, I won't either, as it will take a lot of time and text.

Next, go to



Here it is better to have an address that can accept and forward it to you, since you do not have the old token, and install on an HSM you will shit yourself on providing documentation. This is only for professionals, but you can sign certificates remotely.


I always chose premium delivery, but this time I limited myself to simple delivery. So see for yourself. On the next page, there is such an item as forwarding the token to another address. It is best to use the address of USA, preferably in the same state or city!!!


If you want to send it to another country yourself, I strongly advise against it.


Next, fill in the data, everything is standard here. And payment with cardboard.


Did you fill it out properly and pay for it? Well done. You will receive everything you need in your email address.


That's all. You will have your own certificate with minimal costs. You can sell it for 3k + bach for those who don't know how to do it, or leave it for your own needs. This cert bypasses smart screen and chrome alert.

Then the white software, malware, landing page or website is already ready. You can even set your company's data for proof of work. I do not advise you to sign them a redline or raccoon or even more so some more poor software. It is better to buy a non-resident loader for such a case. There is a way even cheaper, but I will not shoot it. There, such a cert is bypassed in 850 bach.

Well, it seems that the current methods of file delivery are all. Further types of traffic extraction.


Let's start small, where I usually made mistakes and write out some of my developments. There will be an unrelated text below, but it will be interesting to read.

It is best to buy a ready-made website that is already available in Google. That is, on the exchange of sites, and not regat novoreg domain. The trust will be higher. - a great site for buying out ready-made sites with business, just replace the file later or send out updates to its "software". It almost always pays off.

Keitaro-slag, not under our themes.

FastFlux - it is not suitable for us for other things.

Quickly pass the moderation - just wait for the moderation to pass and then make a redirect to your site without touching the site code (we do it in cpanel). It works 80 times out of 100. Usually I put a page with some thread referral from the exchange at this time. Passability is normal if you don't have enough money for a decent sewer yet.

I advise you to buy logs for spilling ads only at the beginning, after that you will have all the top type.

Always communicate with the technical support of Google and fb

DON'T SKIMP ON PROXIES!!!!! (sor for caps scalded (((just)

I will not shoot the offices directly for sure, but I will always give tips along the way, if you have thought up well done, no, it means not for you yet.

Do something unique every time.

Не покупайте уникальные видео

Don't give data for straits

Always buy live followers \ likes \ views. I don't understand, but at least a little.

Delphyn, vector t13 is awesome, but it rarely fits my tasks.

socks5 + mozilla portable eng normally only for the receipt

Now you can go to the types of traffic themselves, what to get from where, how to do what in general terms.

Direct purchase of installs

Let's start with what install is in our terminology. Install - install your software on the victim's PC. Installs are different in both quality and quantity for different sellers. There are a lot of suggestions, but there is one problem. There is very very little fresh valid. In fact, the development is sold or those installs where they did not find anything useful. I do not argue, there are some that flood traffic, but there is better than Steam and Minecraft and Insta and Twitter will not get much out. This applies to those who bandit. That is, the type (some really sit) sit on install exchanges and buy installations there. The quality is usually worse than from YouTube. I call them resellers, because for the most part they all claim that the traffic is from the exchange, there are no questions for them.

If you look at the installation from the side of a crystal-clear fresh WHITE install, then its price is much more than 1-2 USD for 1 install. Why? And because-the installation of white software (which I take from the admitad) goes to 10-18 bach on average and reaches a maximum of 24-28 usd. Proxy - 5-10 bach per month. If the machine is weak, then it is better to install scripts that walk on my sites and click on google ads (revenue up to 43 bach from 1 machine per month, an average of 15-18 bach comes out). Well, of course, working out the logs themselves \ selling installs (who doesn't have a multi-hand guide). As a result: 2 + 15 + 17 = 42 bucks on average + what you worked out. Here is the price of a real car in the USA. I did not take such aspects of ddos and resale of installs further. This also gives a good profit even from above. So for 1000-2000 bach, you will rarely buy unique installs in one hand anywhere. Regarding the purchase of installs for miners, it will be much more profitable. But, if you can work out a bunch of requests, then even with the mix of the world you can squeeze out normally and pay off in a plus, unless of course it's a car killed in the trash.

Stock market

At the moment, there are not many relevant exchanges.

Halif bundle (I can't give a link admin will see insert or ban)

Here you will already have to work hard and in order to get on a normal exchange, you will need the same ev certificate with normal software and a loader. If you look at the type of polarads (also known as Polarka), then it is best not to write to them by mail, but immediately call their contact details and already discuss the conditions. You will be accepted faster (now very few people are accepted on the exchange). For the exchange, it will also be a plus if you have your own company, since all exchanges work with LLC more willingly than with individuals. Well, yes, the entrance threshold is higher, since in addition to software, loader, company, ev, you also need a good entry deposit. So not everyone can afford it, but you can get installs directly from exchanges. Valid there is already much higher than buying through resellers, but on one condition. And the conditions are as follows-to pour non-stop then you will be the first in the list and you will receive installs first, because on the stock exchange, installs always go into several hands! The profit is much higher on non-stop!

SEO promotion

Not exactly for beginners, but if you bring your site to the top, it brings good installations. To understand SEO promotion, you need to understand how to make websites, what indexing is, semantics, and a whole bunch of other aspects. For myself, I concluded that it is better to do it for a specific country and not try to make the site global (in fact, people themselves will quietly catch up anyway)

Internal site optimization – changing the content of a resource in order to index it more fully and more quickly by search engines. In other words, you will need to: post new content and edit the old one. robots.txt how to set it up correctly, adjust it to the real world, constantly edit the description and title meta tags, edit program code, internal page linking, work with keywords for each text, writing articles.

External site optimization – promotion of the resource using third-party sites and tools, i.e.: placement of press releases, reviews, news and other interesting content on third-party sites, elimination of shortcomings that may lead to a drop in positions and blocking the resource by search engines, constant monitoring of the site's position in search results. Registration of the site in directories and search engines, use of social networks and blogs, exchange of links with other resources, purchase of perpetual links.

And if you make a mistake and buy something that you don't need, you can even fly a few pages further in the search results, so it's not a good idea to join SEO right away without your personal knowledge in this area. I tried - I had to study a whole bunch of other things, so I gave up, because I need to do this tightly and kill a couple of months to study.

There are also different ways of SEO optimization - white, black, and gray methods. About seo uncle Google will tell you better than I, so if you chose this page for yourself, then you are just a monster o_O


Teasers, of course, are abbreviated in essence - these are teaser networks, of which there are a lot at the moment. Teaser advertising on the Internet is a type of advertising banner that uses the teaser method and contains some information about the product, but the product itself is not shown.


Moderation is easy to pass, the settings are also decent, but it's better to make the GIFs clickbait to get people interested. Yes, in 2q22, they are still being clicked on. I spilled from the teaser for 1000 bach, it paid off well. You can use it, the main thing is to approach the matter correctly and arrange it.

Buying a business

As I wrote earlier, there are sites where they sell ready-made businesses, such as flips. There you can find add-ons, websites and other things that you need. As an example:


Here is an example of 6000 installations for 2500 usd


well, or here are 10k installations. I sent out an update with malware here are 10k installations for 2500. It is advisable to look for tagret software was on tier 1, well, or at least tier 1 and tier 2. And yes, always ask about your active audience.

Here I think everything is clear. You need to choose the best ready-made sites \ software and sew your malware. Owners always normally go to a meeting and show statistics and give other advice. For those who have a budget, this is a good option. Once I took it personally for myself. I was satisfied, but the correspondence and purchase takes a lot of time and just knocks me out of the rut.

Flood of torrents

I left this area a long time ago, although it brought some income, but due to the fact that the admins got fat and started asking for many times more than I received from logs that fell from torrents.

The point is simple.

How to create a torrent file:

It is advisable to first make an iso or img image and already sew it into it. File sizes are preferably from 1 GB and above, little things will be downloaded with a torrent. Logs are poor, because in fact the same thing as YouTube with cheats and quacks.

It will be impossible to combine the installer with the launcher at all. A hillock of torrent trackers is a shaft, but you can not meddle with large ones, they will look at newcomers under the microscope, or how I negotiate with admins for $$$, they put them in the caps and fixed them, the main thing is that they don't get too fat.

Spam by mail or email distribution

An up-to-date and profitable method at the moment, if you have good databases, high-quality smtp servers and competent email compilation. Relevant for xll and lnk files. You can also use accounts with the same logs. Mailchimp and other resources. Personally, when I was spamming, I made myself mailwizz + powermta. The passability was average and the inbox was weak 76.65%. There is a whole bunch of software and there is much better, you can search on this forum, which will suit your taste. It is advisable to collect databases yourself + check them for valid and sort them. Write your email correctly. Do it like a professional, if you can't make a template yourself, you'd better order it. Do not spam the casino's crypt database, the exhaust will be small, just spend resources and time.

The work is not so complicated, everything mostly depends on software with smtp and inbox. If the database is fresh and warm, then the logs will be available in any case if the email is compiled correctly.

Spam on social networks

It will always be relevant. Because there are a lot of people sitting in social networks who don't know much about programming and what kind of software they are trying to push through. Of course, corporations struggle with this, but to no avail. Removed 1 method, added 2 new ones, introduced restrictions on the number of messages and so on. But still. I wrote software for myself and it still makes me a profit, sometimes I have to edit it, but in general everything is fine. The problem is that you constantly need a bunch of cookies and accounts, because either blocks or bans.

You can take a walk on the forums and find the software you are interested in, buy instals and start spamming them, the best option at the moment is how to recoup instals.

Messenger Spam

Many people probably saw how a girl flies into some Telegram group and starts spamming with voice messages.


These are essentially spam bots. We wrote this one back in 2020


Well, they constantly redid it for different needs.

The point is this. The script makes registration in Telegram via sms service, makes a layup and then starts spamming the list of groups that you specified. If you write to the BOS, the bot will start a conversation with you, sending standard voice and video messages in response, and at the end it will give you a file or link.

Loch is not a mammoth loch will not die out as they say. At one time, this bot brought just a lot of cc, after it already advertised the casino and after it already began to spam trade chats for a software download.

The same thing is available under whatsapp viber tinder discord imo line qq. You can climb the forums and find what your heart desires. It all depends on your ingenuity and on the girls (boys) who will record voice recordings for you. Exhausts from such a good in any field. While I was writing this part, this bot got me down -_-

Text message Spam

Very rare method, but profitable. We need normal databases for certain operators and apis for your needs. As an example which provides this function. Writing software to order is not a problem, and if you try hard, you may even find that it is normally sent to operators via Yandex: Tmobile, Sprint, boostMobile, MetroPCS. In Canada: Bell, Telus, Fido, Rogers. I still use the software on average, there are 40 bach for 50,000 messages, but I found another service that provides an api since tvilio is finished and often banned (it's hard to work with them in black themes, but they are normal for white things).

Publishing a video

About YouTube, I think it makes no sense to write, since every zoomer who just starts talking first of all says not the words "mom" but "I'll send your video through 911 for 50 rubles." So they killed nafig 911 (((From what I can add:

- don't order videos - shoot them yourself

- Voice-activated videos provide a better conversion rate than just playing music.

- Do not pour x...nude with cheats, quacks and other things choose rare themes and rare software.

- Signs can be bypassed with normal proxies and correct browser settings

- Auto-login is done on BAS software with 911 integration

- If you do not want to order software, then you have food for thought. Just set the default browser where you upload your logs study it.

- Learn how to work with vidq. How to make vidq Max

- Buy real users \ likes \ views \ reposts in fb this also affects. It is not necessary to buy everything, at least a little bit of it is necessary.

- Seo spins normally with software

- Channels tir1 tir2 countries from 500 subscribers from 5-10k views, preferably with monetization and a thematic and near-thematic vidos without copyright violations with all the conditions, but according to your needs.

- Shots sometimes shoot better than regular vidos

- If the videos on the channel are subscribed to in Portuguese, then make the names and descriptions also in Portuguese

- Disable alerts in the settings


Let's go through the rest of the sites.

Tick tok also gives a good boost. Fill in the videos. By the type I hacked this account. People click through, download, and install, but mostly tier 2 and tier 3. But if the video flies in some magical way in the recommendations, then the exhaust is not bad.


Trovo is now also becoming a relevant platform. Download the obs, download the video of the game with cheats, put it on the link to the screen in OBS Studio and stupidly twist it. While the site is not so hard, sometimes it's not bad, but I do it when I don't want to eat.

Twitch, the same as trovo, but accounts often get banned((


Ads, ads, and more ads. Google ads \ Facebook buisness can just make you sad if you master these things. When you get your hands full, you will either move to farm accounts or you will simply not have enough of your logs and start buying them. I'm certainly not a super duper pro, but I've learned how to configure it and I'm happy with my work and logs.

I can only mention some small developments from myself, and I recommend Vasily Nashib's courses on Google (I just haven't seen better courses anywhere) and ImproveTeam ( Vadim Volochnyuk, Nikita Petrenko) on Facebook. These courses are the best I've ever seen. Respect to the guys.

- As I wrote above, buy the old domain on the site exchange and already do whatever you want with it

- High-quality proxies are your everything

- Use a normal sewer, there are even themes on the forum

- Learn how to choose keys and optimize budgets

- Don't forget about fp on Facebook

This is from the main one, so you need to write a separate article on fb and Google here. That's it!