The guy from Soligorsk sold bank details to swindlers: the court issued a verdict


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The Prosecutor's office of the Soligorsk district supported in court the state prosecution in the criminal case against a 17-year-old young man. He is accused of illegally distributing authentication data that can be used to gain access to other people's accounts, BelTA learned from the information service of the Minsk Region Prosecutor's Office.

In December 2022, the guy saw in one of the thematic Telegram chats a message from an unknown user, which spoke about the possibility of receiving income with an explanation of the details of the illegal scheme. Having agreed to this method of earning money, soligorchanin from December 2022 to January 2023, using a mobile phone and a Telegram account created by him, transferred authentication data from bank accounts opened in his name to an unknown person for a fee.

Then the young man, having learned from his friends and acquaintances their usernames, passwords and SMS codes of the multi-factor authentication procedure, which can be used to gain access to their accounts, reported this information to the attackers. For his actions, soligorchanin earned more than Br1,1 thousand.

During the court session, the defendant pleaded guilty in full. On the basis of Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code, the accused was sentenced in the form of restriction of freedom without being sent to an open-type correctional institution for a period of 3 years without a fine. The court also seized the mobile phone used by the young man to commit crimes as a gratuitous income of the state, and recovered from it over Br1, 1 thousand, which the person involved obtained by criminal means. The verdict came into legal force.