The guy met a girl at a Dive shop and, on her advice, bought a couple of NFT images for resale


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He successfully sold the images, and took out several loans to withdraw the money.

28-year-old Evgeny met Alice on May 3. The girl said that she makes good money on the resale of NFT images, showed a couple of screenshots with large numbers, and Zhenya decided to roll into the business. A few days later, the guy bought two pictures for 80 thousand rubles and, on the advice of Alice, put them up for sale for $ 2100. The images were purchased, but for a smaller amount. However, Evgeny was still satisfied: the wallet in the bot, where he sold NFT, dropped 144 thousand rubles.

However, when the guy decided to withdraw money to his card, a message appeared in the bot that withdrawal is not possible and you need to contact the support service. There, an employee named Viktoria explained to his wife that he needed to pass verification and "secure" a bank card for 50 thousand rubles. After fixing the withdrawal, it still did not work — my wife lacked a certain "status", which cost 100 thousand rubles. The guy issued a loan, bought a status, but still failed to get 144 thousand — this time there was not enough "threshold of trade turnover".

Then Evgeny finally realized that all this was a deception and a deception. The scammers offered to take a photo with the inscription and then promised to return 70%, but the guy already guessed that they could not be trusted, and went to the police.