Sold bank cards and earned criminal liability


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Every day, citizens use bank cards to pay for services and transfer funds. Paying "in cash" has become somewhat inconvenient, because everything can be done with one touch of plastic to the terminal. Acquiring, contactless payment, transfer of funds via Internet banking and this is not all the possibilities that the presence of a card account provides. Becoming the owner of bank details is as simple as possible.Just download a specialized mobile application and register.

Against the background of optimizing the process of issuing plastic cards, a new wave of crimes has appeared. Most often, people are attracted to quick earnings. I went to the bank, issued a card, and sold my banking details to the interested parties. It's simple, but selling personal data is a criminal offense.

The Frunzensky (Minsk) district Department of the Investigative Committee has established the circumstances of illegal distribution of bank payment card details.

According to the case file, in February 2022, a 24-year-old boy came across an ad for a part-time job on a popular social network. During the correspondence, the group's administrators informed him that he needed to issue several bank payment cards and transfer them for a fee. The part-time job interested the young man and the so-called coordinators dropped him the contacts of a potential buyer of "plastic". Communicating with a stranger, the guy found out that the banking details are needed for the withdrawal of cryptocurrency and such cards need a lot. He received detailed instructions from the interlocutor in which specific banks to issue cards.

At the agreed time, the young people met and exchanged "envelopes". The accused received his fee in the amount of at least 100 Belarusian rubles, and the buyer received the desired banking details. The guy who frivolously sold his personal data was completely unaware that he was far from the only one who fell for the "easy" money. Before him, five men appeared in this chain, who did not hesitate to issue plastic cards for the so-called customer. But the collective "business" did not last long and all the "sellers" of banking details came to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

A young resident of the capital found himself in a similar situation. In June 2022, a stranger wrote to a 17 - year-old boy in Telegram with a proposal to issue bank cards for a fee. The naive guy gladly agreed, because the idea of making money without difficulty seemed to him successful. Without wasting any time, he issued several cards and new mobile numbers, since they had to be linked to bank accounts. After the first reward, the generous "employer" offered the initiative guy to issue a few more cards, as well as tell his friends about the part-time job. Without thinking twice, the teenager offered to earn his girlfriend. When she received her first income, the young people decided to share the "stunning" news with their relatives and friends, how to get money without effort. The euphoria of young speculators disappeared quickly. They were detained by police officers.

During the interrogations, all the accused as one said that they just wanted to earn extra money and none of them even guessed that it was illegal. The defendants naively believed that they were doing a good deed. Someone was helped to withdraw crypto assets or deal with foreign payment transfers.

Participants of criminal earnings were charged under Part 2 of Article 222 (illegal turnover of means of payment and (or) instruments committed repeatedly). Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.