In the capital the man of 5 years transferred money to swindlers


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The Pervomaisky (Minsk) district department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on fraud committed on a particularly large scale.

In 2018, a 40-year-old man became interested in the prospect of earning extra money and registered on a specialized investment website. He activated his personal account on the platform and transferred more than 13 thousand US dollars over several years, expecting an increase in his capital. After the Minsk resident decided to stop participating in the project, he could not withdraw the invested money.

In the summer of 2021, a foreign law enforcement officer allegedly contacted a resident of the capital and reported that the investment company financed by the man was caught in fraud. At the moment, his funds are "frozen". The representative explained in detail that they can be returned, but for this you need to open the appropriate license, worth 3 thousand US dollars. The Minsk resident took the false employee's word for it, because he convinced him that his savings would be returned as soon as possible. However, the competent assistance of a foreign "law enforcement officer" was not crowned with success.

After that, the man was called by regular representatives of various pseudo-organizations, who promised him to understand the situation. "Bank" employees explained that there was a technical error with the transfer of assets, but nevertheless there is an alternative way to return the money. A new attempt was to open an account in a foreign bank, which is also not free. The desperate Minsk resident agreed to these conditions and, at the direction of his personal "assistant", transferred 2 thousand US dollars to the provided banking details. Unfortunately, the decision did not bring a positive result.

Various people were connected to the story, posing as currency control officers, lawyers, and international financial consultants. All as one told the man their "legend" about the fate of his investments and, of course, each offered a professional solution to the problem. For five years, the Minsk resident continuously kept in touch with fraudsters, following clear instructions, transferred various amounts.

In August last year, the victim doubted the reality of the assistance provided to him, since at that time he had already transferred more than 27 thousand US dollars to scammers. The man after the next replenishment of the account decided to check the authenticity of the operation performed by sending money to his bank account. The Minsk resident realized that he was cruelly deceived when he discovered their absence and asked for help from law enforcement agencies.

For five years, a resident of the capital transferred 31 thousand US dollars to fraudsters.

During the interrogation, the victim explained to the investigator that he did not lose hope to return the invested money. In addition, scammers constantly kept in touch with him, manipulating the fact that they were sincerely interested in solving his problem.

The Pervomaisky (Minsk) district Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Article 209 (fraud committed on a particularly large scale). Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, a complex of investigative actions and operational search measures is being carried out aimed at identifying the perpetrators of this crime.