In Altai, members of the group who stole almost 1 million rubles from 53 customers of the travel search service will be convicted


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The investigative unit of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Altai Territory has completed the investigation of a criminal case on the theft of funds from the bank accounts of customers of the online travel search service living in 18 regions of Russia. Charges of embezzlement were brought against three members of the interregional group-residents of the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as the Udmurt Republic, whose detention in May last year was reported by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk.

Recall that three accomplices born in 1996, 1999 and 2003 registered on an online travel platform and posted fictitious offers for long-distance travel and passenger recruitment. When potential victims responded to the ads, the accomplices convinced them to continue communicating in the messenger, where they were asked to make an online payment via a link that actually led to a duplicate site. Once on a fraudulent resource, citizens indicated their bank card details in it, which allowed members of a criminal group to steal money from victims accounts. In one of these cases, the attackers issued a loan to the victim and transferred the borrowed funds to themselves.

The accomplices were engaged in criminal activities from March 2021 to September 2022 and stole almost 1 million rubles from 53 customers of the online travel search service, including residents of the Altai Territory.

During the investigation, it turned out that the defendants were in closed groups in the messenger, in which citizens of different countries communicated with each other, and also committed money theft using various software.

The defendants in the investigation voluntarily reimbursed the victims in the total amount of 350 thousand rubles. At the request of the investigator, their property with a total value of over 600 thousand rubles was seized.

At present, the investigation of the criminal case initiated against the accomplices has been completed. In the near future, its materials will be sent to the court.