Police officers from the Altai Territory detained a resident of the Voronezh Region involved in illegal access to computer information


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In January of this year, the police received a statement from a resident of Barnaul that unknown persons illegally gained access to her personal account on the portal "Gosuslugi", which led to modification of information protected by law. A criminal case was opened on this fact under part 2 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Illegal access to computer information".

Employees of the Department for combating the illegal use of information and Communication Technologies of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altai Territory during operational search activities went on an official business trip and, with the power support of the Rosgvardiya special unit, detained a resident of the Voronezh Region who was previously convicted of theft and involved in the commission of a crime related to unauthorized access to information. During the search, four mobile phones, five hard drives, three flash drives, more than 300 SIM cards of various telecom operators, a list that included more than 1,000 subscriber numbers that could become potential victims of the crime, and bank cards were seized from him.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that the suspect entered chats in one of the messengers and began to perform certain tasks. He received mobile phone numbers from which citizens registered their personal accounts on "Gosuslugi", but for some reason they stopped using them, and the phone number entered on the portal was not changed. After six months of non-use of the number by the subscriber, the mobile operator implemented it again. Such numbers were acquired by a potential criminal, with the help of which he hacked personal pages. He changed the subscriber number to the one that was necessary for him, got illegal access to the personal accounts of citizens and received the details of their passports, SNILS, TIN. After that, he transferred the hacked account of the Gosuslug personal account to his accomplices. Thus, subsequently, unsuspecting owners of personal accounts were illegally issued loans through various manipulations in banks and microfinance organizations. In addition, the suspect issued about 40 cards of different banks, the details of which he also provided for a reward to potential fraudsters who withdrew money obtained by criminal means there.

Further operational-search measures and investigative actions are being carried out aimed at establishing additional episodes of illegal activities and the identities of all participants in the criminal chain.