Carding in Online games | Carding Training


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Easy $ 1000 on online games.

The story will be told in the first person.


In general, as happens with many people, I decided to give up on all this darknet stuff immediately after buying the training. A slow computer, unwillingness to configure the car, problems with configuration, lack of free time. I was stuck in one place, nothing worked out, and, to be honest, I didn't really want to.

But then circumstances forced me to move to another city, where I am still today.

And then the problems started. There was no normal operation. Money, too.

"What do I have to live on?" I asked myself.

That's when I decided to remember carding.

With fresh energy, without the annoying brain that I used to live with, it went almost instantly. Inspired by articles about the sale of electronic goods, such as games and donations, I decided to try to find myself in this area too.

I have a friend who's a real nerd-nerd. Very fond of donating money (approx. - buy in-game products for real money). We saw him, I asked around and found out that he had recently invested about $ 100 in gambling.

I thought about it and asked: "Do you want me to buy you toys for less than half the price?" He didn't agree, they say, fuck off.

I come home, sit down and let's re-read your lectures, with tact and arrangement. I decided not to crush the eggs, and rush into battle. Almost immediately, I managed to enter the account of one gaming platform.

I bought a bunch of fucking toys there, and I went into one of them to play a little bit.

Well, you know, to do something well, you need to feel it at least a little bit.

In short, there were diamonds, and they can only be bought with real blood money. I go to the purchase section, look, and there the same card is linked, with which I beat. I click "buy" and immediately take the largest pack of diamonds for $ 100, and so on 3 times until the card is banned.

A few days pass , and the account still lives. I throw a screen of diamonds to that nerdy kent, and he buys it right there. I gave it away for a penny, because my goal was not money, but experience.

If you say that I was in cool, it is considered to say nothing. It was easy money out of thin air.

I realized that you can make good money here, so I started developing this idea.

I found a foreign trading platform for gaming accounts that has a special department with clean accounts, i.e. those that haven't been played yet.

These people don't like when the nickname of his hero is some kind of "sweet katy", give them "partner xxx". That's where the money went.
That's where I focused on this topic. The first three accounts went for a total of 340 bucks. I waited for clients for about a week, but I made really fucking accounts, there was a lot of donater currency, and other shit.

When I had the third ACC hanging, a person wrote to me in a personal account, asking me to make two clean accs for 250 bucks. I agreed and just yesterday I received the money.

About the operating mode

So far, I work only in the evenings, as I sleep until 11 in the afternoon, then to uni, and by 7-8 o'clock in the evening I just sit down to work. Now the session is over, and I will devote much more time to this.

I still got my high from this class.

About profit

In October, I got about 40 thousand rubles net.

Considering that just a month ago I was unemployed and in a severe depression, this money is a breath of fresh air for me. If you work 2-3 hours a day, a few days a week - this is great money, I think. Half of the country receives less than $ 1000, and works much more.

Personally, I am very happy with my results. I think that after the session I will be able to reach $ 2000-2500, working a little more.

But still, the attitude to money is really changing. To things, to clothes.
And in general, to the whole world, when you realize that you can do this, and others do not.

Author: @dolpfy


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have several questions) Is there any antifraud policy in this games? Do you use good expensive white socks and no vbv cc or there security is shitty and anything could go in?


Reaction score
have several questions) Is there any antifraud policy in this games? Do you use good expensive white socks and no vbv cc or there security is shitty and anything could go in?
Hello , it all depends on the specific site. Most online stores with electronic goods use 3ds, so it is better to reinsure and use Non VBV , as well as pure Socks under the card holder. Still, we are not in the 2000's)))