
  1. Father

    Google упрощает настройку двухфакторной аутентификации (это важнее, чем когда-либо)

    В понедельник Google объявила, что упрощает процесс включения двухфакторной аутентификации (2FA) для пользователей с учетными записями personal и Workspace. Также называемая двухэтапной проверкой (2SV), она направлена на добавление дополнительного уровня безопасности к учетным записям...
  2. Father

    From SMS to Passkeys: Google makes It Easier to Set up two-factor authentication

    The corporation decided to make verification in its products even safer and faster. Introduces changes that will help simplify the activation of two-factor authentication (2FA) for users. Now, instead of entering your phone number first, you can immediately add a "second verification method" to...
  3. Father

    Google harshly cuts off the wings of deepfake pornography

    Advertisers will soon lose the ability to promote synthetic 18+ content. Google tightened its policy regarding ads related to adult content created using artificial intelligence technologies. On May 30, the updated inappropriate Content policy comes into effect, which now explicitly prohibits...
  4. Father

    Google removes sensitive employee correspondence in an attempt to hide its own violations of the law

    The trial in a high-profile antitrust case is nearing completion. In Washington, one of the key legal proceedings against Google, accused of antitrust violations, is coming to an end. In the last days of the hearing, the prosecution's lawyers claim that the company deliberately destroyed...
  5. Father

    The trial of Google is coming to an end: what is the verdict waiting for the main monopolist of our time?

    The fate of online search is in the hands of Amit Mehta. Lawyers for the Justice Department, the U.S. Attorneys General and Google have provided closing arguments in the long-running case against Google. The court has been investigating for more than a year whether the tech giant violated...
  6. Father

    Google объявляет пароли, принятые более чем 400 миллионами учетных записей

    В четверг Google объявила, что пароли используются более чем 400 миллионами учетных записей Google, в результате чего аутентификация пользователей была произведена более 1 миллиарда раз за последние два года. "Пароли просты в использовании и устойчивы к фишингу, они зависят только от отпечатка...
  7. Father

    Espionage and data theft: Xiaomi and Google urgently update software due to problems in smartphones

    Companies respond to vulnerabilities after specialist intervention. Cybersecurity company Oversecured has discovered problems in Android applications from Xiaomi and the Google Android Open Source Project (AOSP) affecting users around the world. The study identified 20 vulnerabilities related...
  8. Father

    Roskomnadzor recommends blocking Google, Apple and other bots on Russian websites

    The agency is concerned about data leaks and the collection of critical information. In late April, Roskomnadzor's Public Communications Management Center sent a letter to companies from the registry of hosting providers with recommendations for setting up restrictions on access to information...
  9. Father

    Protect your browser from Spam: New Security Check Features in Chrome

    Google has come up with a reliable tool for dealing with information garbage. Google Chrome has introduced updated security settings for the Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. One notable innovation is the "Security Check" feature, which now alerts users to an excessive number of spam...
  10. Father

    Google: 2.28 million malicious apps are not allowed in the company's Play Store

    The company has once again proved that it does everything possible to protect users. Yesterday, April 29, Google announced significant efforts to improve the security of its Play Store app for Android. Last year, the company rejected or demanded to fix about 200,000 apps that tried to access...
  11. Father

    Google предотвратил доступ 2,28 миллиона вредоносных приложений в Play Store в 2023 году

    В понедельник Google сообщила, что почти 200 000 отправленных приложений в Play Store для Android были либо отклонены, либо исправлены для решения проблем с доступом к конфиденциальным данным, таким как местоположение или SMS-сообщения, за последний год. Технический гигант также сообщил, что в...
  12. Father

    Are you waiting for Google to finally remove third-party cookies in Chrome? We'll have to wait another year.

    The initiative was planned to be implemented in 2022, but the CMA still does not trust Privacy Sandbox. Google has again postponed the deadline for disabling third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. Initially, the company planned to get rid of this practice of tracking users by 2022, after...
  13. Father

    Google откладывает отмену использования сторонних файлов cookie на фоне контроля со стороны регулирующих органов Великобритании

    Google в очередной раз продвинула свои планы отказаться от сторонних файлов cookie отслеживания в своем веб-браузере Chrome, поскольку она работает над решением нерешенных проблем с конкуренцией со стороны регулирующих органов Великобритании в связи с ее инициативой "Песочницы...
  14. Father

    Google Meet expands the boundaries: now you can chat without a Google account

    Encrypted meetings are now available to external users. Google updated the client encryption mechanism for Google Meet – now external participants and those who do not have a Google account can join encrypted calls. Client-side encryption ensures that only participants have access to data...
  15. Father

    Google is preparing a response to Microsoft: AI investment will exceed a record 100 billion

    DeepMind assures that the corporation will not remain in the shadow of the Stargate supercomputer. Google intends to invest $ 100 billion in artificial intelligence, said DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis. At the TED conference in Vancouver, he answered a question about rumors about the $ 100 billion...
  16. Father

    Вредоносная реклама Google, распространяющая поддельное программное обеспечение для сканирования IP-адресов со скрытым бэкдором

    Новая рекламная кампания Google использует группу доменов, имитирующих законное программное обеспечение для сканирования IP-адресов, для распространения ранее неизвестного бэкдора под названием MadMxShell. "Злоумышленник зарегистрировал несколько похожих доменов, используя технику опечатывания...
  17. Father

    Средства командной строки AWS, Google и Azure могут привести к утечке учетных данных в журналах сборки

    Новое исследование кибербезопасности показало, что инструменты интерфейса командной строки (CLI) Amazon Web Services (AWS) и Google Cloud могут раскрывать конфиденциальные учетные данные в журналах сборки, создавая значительные риски для организаций. Уязвимость получила кодовое название...
  18. Father

    Google's Proprietary VPN Goes to the Digital Graveyard

    What is the reason for the company's decision to bury its next service? No sooner did we tell you about the problems with Windows network adapters that were caused by the incorrect operation of Google's proprietary VPN, Dobra Corporation suddenly announced the imminent termination of this...
  19. Father

    Google builds digital bridges: new submarine cables will soon connect the US and Japan

    It is planned to spend $ 1 billion on the implementation of the ambitious project. Google announced plans to invest $ 1 billion to build two undersea cables that will create new digital routes between the United States and Japan. The new cables, dubbed "Proa" and "Taihei", will be built in...
  20. Father

    Browser for $6 a month: Google introduces Chrome Enterprise Premium

    What can the new product offer and how will it affect the development of the industry as a whole? Google announced the launch of Chrome Enterprise Premium, a new version of its web browser for enterprise users, supplemented with artificial intelligence technologies to improve security. Using...