"You paid for the item, but you can cancel the payment"


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I received an SMS that $ 250 were debited from the card for a purchase in an online store - and the name of the store. I do not know this. And at the end - if you want to cancel the write-off, call the number. I called.
They say you didn't make a purchase with us? But you - and they call my name and patronymic - we are listed as a buyer, paid from your card. And they call her number. I confirm - yes, the card is mine, but I did not buy anything from you. They: we can cancel the purchase and return the payment. But for this you need to clarify the date of validity of the card and three numbers on the back. I told them: like this is a secret code, how can you tell it? Here they are: you have 20 minutes to cancel the payment. And then you will have to write an application, it will be considered for two weeks. Then, up to two weeks later, the money will go back.
Well, the amount is big for me. I can't wait for her for a month. And I named the code. Well, they say, within 10-15 minutes the money will be returned. I hung up the phone. And then sms began to pour in: $ 250 were written off, then another $ 150, then another $ 100. I didn't even have time to do anything - all the money was gone from the card.
I called the bank and they tell me: you yourself told the secret code. It means that you have violated the rules for using the card. We will not be able to return the money. Can I ask the bank to return them back? They were definitely scammers.

Financial Culture Expert:
According to the law, the bank is obliged to return the money to the client if the fraudsters debited them without the knowledge of the cardholder and he challenged the operation no later than the next day.
But if a person himself told the fraudsters the CVC / CVV code on the back of the card, it is considered that he voluntarily agreed to transfer money. In this case, the bank does not have to reimburse the losses.
Anna should contact the police. By the phone number she called and the account number to which her money went, the police can get on the trail of criminals.

In order not to step on the same rake, you need to remember a few basic rules to protect your money:
  1. No one should be told the full details of their card, including the three-digit code on the back of the card.
  2. Data can be found out not only by phone. For example, your card may be photographed when you are trying to pay in a small store or cafe. The card is taken away "for a minute to catch the net", and after a while the money is debited from it. It is best to never let the card out of sight.
  3. You should not leave complete card details on the site if you are not 100% sure of its reliability. You can only shop on sites that provide a secure connection. Look at the address bar in your browser: there should be https: // in front of the site name, and the closed padlock icon at the end of the line.
  4. For purchases on the Internet, it is better to have a separate debit card and put the required amount on it immediately before paying.
You can dispute any suspicious card transaction no later than the next day after the notification about the withdrawal of money has been received. Therefore, on the one hand, there is no need to hesitate. But on the other hand, there is no need to rush. If you are persuaded to take action immediately, within minutes, they are almost certainly scammers.