What is bins


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What is bins - here probably silly, simply will tell is collected information on this theme for simplification of work:

The first 6 figures of a card define type of a card and bank which gave out a card

Bank of America
401868, 401901, 401902, 402300, 402301, 402302, 402303, 402304, 402305, 402306, 402400, 402402, 402408, 402411, 402413, 402421, 402422, 402423, 402424, 402441, 402442, 402443, 402444, 402445, 402446, 402447, 402448, 402449, 402450, 402451, 402452, 405397, 407000, 407001, 407100, 407101, 407189, 407190, 412101, 412158, 416875, 426208, 426225, 430143, 430156, 430178, 431036, 433600, 433601, 442862, 442898, 405333, 405459, 415366, 415367, 416032, 416033, 416034, 416035, 419452, 419453, 421763, 421764, 421765, 421766, 429130, 429131, 429302, 429324, 429325, 429397, 429398, 429399, 442621, 442622, 442623, 442624, 442625, 442626, 442627, 442628, 442629, 442657, 442658, 447299, 491724, 460500, 471596, 475400, 479802, 479814, 483000, 484201, 484203, 485100, 485101, 485102, 485103, 485104, 485105, 485106, 488800, 488860, 488880, 450717, 450718, 450719, 450720, 450721, 456810, 475580, 475581, 492292, 544139, 525400, 525402, 527301, 528900, 528905, 530000, 530001, 530002, 530003, 530004, 540253, 540254, 540266, 540629, 541198, 541337, 541441, 541455, 541535, 541632, 541706, 542076, 542576, 543225, 544008, 544009, 544140, 544141, 544146, 544262, 544263, 544264, 545675, 545689, 546279, 546280, 546606, 547225, 547259, 549631, 556718, 556719, 540490, 540521, 540582, 540780, 541100, 541120, 541168, 541272, 541836, 542162, 542163, 542252, 542253, 542513, 542562, 542855, 543005, 543818, 544147, 544148, 544149, 545078, 545079, 545385, 545662, 545663, 546078, 546079, 546080, 547379, 547635, 547636, 548001, 548034, 548035, 548044, 548071, 558272, 558273, 548020, 548022, 548019, 545973

Capital One
400498, 403444, 412174, 430523, 430549, 430572, 438864, 477596, 477597, 479124, 540199, 543211, 546096, 546097, 549139, 545749, 545756

First National
400277, 405424, 406016, 415311, 416837, 416838, 419475, 419477, 422903, 422906, 422909, 425108, 426601, 433438, 438529, 440363, 440377, 442717, 444348, 447459, 447930, 432973, 419430, 423637, 442870, 422370, 409235, 406062, 422412, 426296, 419444, 421755, 422365, 430820, 438803, 443219, 447054, 418506, 433799, 422422, 412164, 415433, 415434, 421798, 440884, 443183, 438964, 443192, 443199, 442649, 442650, 414979, 403724, 405579, 415396, 415397, 415398, 415893, 422987, 422990, 427087, 413913, 402136, 415892, 403726, 422464, 401149, 421057, 427534, 412116, 427550, 427551, 427552, 427553, 427554, 431679, 431034, 443109, 430961, 435734, 442371, 442728, 415821, 420091, 447217, 447087, 443167, 407193, 431760, 431764, 431766, 431768, 431772, 431773, 431774, 431778, 447477, 447478, 447479, 443521, 440322, 423663, 423664, 423665, 423666, 427174, 426405, 412959, 405458, 401768, 401769, 407140, 418400, 421789, 421790, 425136, 427535, 429805, 429812, 431454, 440385, 440386, 441800, 441801, 441802, 441811, 441822, 441833, 441836, 441837, 441839, 441840, 441841, 441844, 441853, 441855, 441890, 430920, 426462, 442375, 447033, 412115, 432641, 423604, 423605, 427581, 431456, 424663, 447081, 415896, 440388, 422932, 430043, 430044, 401795, 447235, 400809, 435762, 404699, 448261, 449309, 449310, 449822, 466155, 466172, 466182, 449330, 449446, 466186, 479271, 540006, 544171, 545098, 546460, 541937, 542098, 542833, 545775, 545776, 558415, 542409

407145, 407199, 408119, 412136, 416847, 426226, 426232, 426429, 426900, 426906, 427560, 430321, 431301, 431302, 431308, 431657, 431701, 433306, 438713, 438731, 438875, 440178, 440861, 440891, 442869, 443901, 440287, 440288, 448072, 449888, 461245, 461653, 462407, 462408, 462409, 464200, 464201, 465611, 465612, 465650, 466119, 471509, 479819, 479837, 479870, 480011, 480012, 480013, 481665, 481687, 489709, 466300, 466392, 491600, 491601, 540015, 540043, 540078, 540126, 540193, 540665, 540878, 541091, 541133, 541374, 541702, 541960, 541967, 542005, 542018, 542033, 542132, 542183, 542203, 542517, 543084, 543143, 543405, 543672, 543730, 543849, 543891, 544730, 544731, 546688, 547206, 547497, 547758, 549099, 558805, 545240, 545241, 545242, 545243, 549198, 549199, 547283, 549991, 544182, 545043, 548948, 548949

405316, 405317, 405318, 407114, 416874, 426206, 426298, 427513, 431012, 431902, 433110, 433700, 433718, 435200, 435202, 435205, 435210, 435211, 435212, 435213, 435214, 435215, 435216, 435217, 435218, 435219, 435282, 435290, 435291, 435603, 435619, 435620, 435630, 435640, 435641, 435643, 435656, 435680, 435681, 435682, 435683, 435684, 435685, 435686, 435687, 436800, 436801, 436802, 436804, 438757, 442773, 405436, 410838, 415338, 416891, 422321, 422358, 423300, 429495, 429496, 429497, 429498, 431097, 431237, 431623, 431900, 431901, 431903, 431904, 432209, 432311, 433234, 434200, 434201, 434202, 434205, 434207, 434208, 434210, 434211, 434212, 434213, 434214, 434215, 434216, 434217, 434218, 434219, 434220, 434221, 434222, 434223, 434224, 434225, 434226, 434227, 434228, 434229, 434230, 434231, 434232, 434233, 434234, 434235, 434236, 434237, 434238, 434239, 434240, 434241, 434242, 434243, 434244, 434245, 434246, 434247, 434248, 434249, 434250, 434251, 434252, 434253, 434254, 434255, 434256, 434257, 434258, 434259, 434260, 434261, 434262, 434263, 434264, 434265, 434266, 434267, 434268, 434269, 434270, 434271, 434272, 434273, 434274, 434275, 434276, 434277, 434278, 434279, 434280, 434281, 434282, 434283, 434284, 434285, 434286, 434287, 434288, 434289, 434290, 434291, 434292, 434293, 434294, 434295, 434296, 434297, 434298, 434299, 435600, 435601, 435602, 435604, 435605, 435606, 435607, 435608, 435609, 435610, 435611, 435613, 435615, 435616, 435617, 435618, 435621, 435622, 435623, 435631, 435632, 435633, 435634, 435635, 435636, 435637, 435638, 435639, 435642, 435644, 435645, 435646, 435647, 435648, 435649, 435650, 435652, 435654, 435655, 435657, 440853, 440893, 440894, 442706, 442707, 442708, 442710, 442711, 442712, 442818, 442878, 443087, 443514, 412600, 412606, 412619, 412622, 412656, 462577, 464700, 464726, 464729, 464730, 464732, 464733, 464763, 464765, 464766, 473155, 479487, 479809, 479828, 461241, 461242, 461243, 462554, 462800, 462801, 463900, 463901, 463902, 463903, 464723, 464725, 464727, 464728, 464731, 464740, 464741, 464743, 464745, 464746, 464747, 464764, 464790, 464791, 464792, 464793, 464794, 464795, 464798, 464799, 465200, 465201, 465401, 465402, 466168, 466191, 467000, 467001, 467002, 467003, 467005, 467010, 467011, 467012, 467013, 467014, 467015, 467016, 467017, 467039, 467050, 467051, 467052, 467054, 467055, 467056, 467060, 467061, 467067, 467070, 467071, 467072, 467073, 467074, 467075, 467076, 467077, 467078, 467079, 467080, 467081, 467082, 467083, 467084, 467085, 467097, 467098, 467100, 467101, 467102, 467103, 467104, 467110, 467111, 467115, 467117, 467119, 467120, 467121, 467122, 467123, 467125, 467127, 467128, 467130, 467131, 467132, 467133, 467134, 467135, 467136, 467137, 467138, 467139, 467140, 467141, 467145, 467146, 467147, 467148, 467150, 467151, 467152, 467153, 467154, 467155, 467156, 467158, 467159, 467160, 467161, 467162, 467163, 467164, 467165, 467166, 467167, 467168, 467169, 467170, 467171, 467172, 467173, 467174, 467175, 467177, 467178, 467179, 467197, 467198, 467400, 467401, 467402, 467403, 467404, 467405, 467409, 467440, 467441, 467450, 467451, 467452, 467455, 467456, 467457, 467458, 467459, 467460, 467464, 467465, 467466, 467467, 467468, 467469, 467470, 467497, 467498, 467524, 467525, 467526, 467530, 467554, 468004, 468006, 468801, 470001, 471503, 471529, 471555, 471566, 471574, 473366, 474410, 474411, 474412, 474413, 474414, 474680, 474681, 474682, 474683, 474685, 474686, 474687, 474689, 478826, 479847, 540071, 540151, 540505, 540674, 541208, 541473, 541563, 542106, 542129, 542141, 542197, 542280, 542456, 542836, 543273, 544210, 544265, 544267, 544450, 544453, 544454, 544455, 544456, 544457, 544458, 544459, 545513, 545661, 546420, 546510, 547036, 547039, 547040, 547255, 547285, 547708, 547733, 550345, 550353, 550357, 550358, 550359, 551052, 551053, 551054, 551055, 543407, 540509, 540558, 540793, 541454, 542224, 542900, 542908, 542976, 543013, 543704, 543835, 544003, 544162, 544164, 544451, 544452, 546495, 546496, 547037, 547038, 547220, 547246, 547575, 549105, 550352, 558999, 540079, 541319, 541524, 540847, 541105, 543043

Navy Federal Credit Union
403216, 403939, 406041, 406095, 418406, 471592, 473468

Providian Bank
421751, 425448, 432807, 447900, 405342, 412129, 412137, 416810, 416851, 416852, 421702, 421721, 421722, 421739, 421792, 423323, 425449, 430158, 431039, 442800, 442802, 442823, 442847, 442848, 442856, 442867, 447941, 447943, 447945, 447947, 447948, 448215, 449832, 449838, 449845, 449846, 461681, 471543

Prudential Bank
405331, 405415, 405416, 405417, 405442, 427585, 432611, 438433, 438434, 438435, 438444, 427584, 432612, 448880, 449413, 449544, 449545, 449546, 449547, 462533, 462535, 462548, 462549, 471501, 479855, 449412, 449542, 449543, 461106, 461107, 540513, 540783, 542572, 544366, 544367, 540784, 544364, 544365, 542594

Wachovia Bank
400821, 400822, 401708, 401712, 401713, 401714, 401715, 401716, 401733, 401754, 401755, 401756, 401757, 401758, 406063, 431615, 431616, 438811, 541649, 543593, 546494, 546675, 546710, 546711, 546725, 546731, 548310, 548311, 548325, 548331

Wells Fargo Bank
403700, 403717, 403718, 403719, 403739, 403740, 404000, 404001, 404002, 404003, 404004, 404005, 404006, 404007, 404008, 404009, 404010, 404011, 404012, 404013, 404014, 404015, 404016, 404017, 404018, 404019, 404020, 404021, 404022, 404023, 404024, 404025, 404026, 404027, 404028, 404029, 404030, 404031, 404032, 404033, 404034, 404035, 404036, 404037, 404038, 404039, 404040, 404041, 404042, 404043, 404044, 404045, 404046, 404047, 404048, 404049, 404050, 404051, 404052, 404053, 404054, 404055, 404056, 404057, 404058, 404059, 404060, 404061, 404062, 404063, 404064, 404065, 404066, 404067, 404068, 404069, 404070, 404071, 404072, 404073, 404074, 404075, 404076, 404077, 404078, 404079, 404080, 404081, 404082, 404083, 404084, 404085, 404086, 404087, 404088, 404089, 404090, 404091, 404092, 404093, 404094, 404095, 404096, 404097, 404098, 404099, 405000, 405010, 405011, 405012, 405013, 405014, 405015, 405016, 405017, 405018, 405019, 405020, 405021, 405022, 405023, 405024, 405025, 405026, 405027, 405028, 405030, 405031, 405032, 405033, 405034, 405035, 405036, 405039, 405040, 405041, 405044, 405045, 405046, 405060, 405061, 405062, 405063, 405064, 405065, 405066, 405067, 405068, 405069, 405070, 405071, 405072, 405073, 405074, 405075, 405078, 405080, 405081, 405082, 405083, 406098, 408000, 408001, 408002, 408005, 408006, 408007, 408009, 408023, 416825, 416886, 418500, 418502, 424690, 426249, 426294, 431056, 431614, 431626, 431643, 431652, 442644, 442808, 442899, 408010, 411277, 412080, 412081, 412082, 412084, 412085, 412086, 412087, 412088, 412089, 412090, 412091, 412092, 412093, 412094, 412095, 412096, 412099, 414921, 414922, 414923, 414924, 414926, 414927, 414928, 414929, 414930, 414980, 414984, 414985, 414987, 414988, 414990, 414991, 414993, 414996, 414997, 414998, 414999, 415350, 415351, 415352, 415353, 415354, 415355, 415356, 415357, 415358, 415359, 416000, 416001, 416002, 416003, 416004, 416006, 416007, 416009, 418510, 418511, 418512, 418513, 418514, 418515, 418516, 418517, 418519, 418520, 418521, 418523, 418524, 418527, 418528, 418529, 422841, 422842, 422843, 422844, 422847, 422848, 422849, 422850, 422851, 422853, 422855, 422859, 423731, 424780, 424781, 424782, 424784, 424786, 424787, 424788, 424789, 424790, 424791, 424792, 424793, 424794, 424795, 424796, 424797, 424798, 424799, 426617, 426657, 426660, 426950, 426951, 426952, 426953, 426954, 426955, 426956, 426957, 426958, 426959, 426960, 426961, 426962, 426964, 426965, 426966, 426967, 426968, 426969, 430070, 430071, 430072, 430073, 430074, 430076, 430077, 430078, 430079, 430117, 433750, 433751, 433752, 433753, 433754, 433755, 433756, 433757, 433758, 433759, 433760, 433761, 433762, 433763, 433764, 433765, 433766, 433767, 433768, 433769, 438501, 438504, 438505, 438507, 438517, 438830, 442660, 442661, 442662, 442663, 442665, 442666, 442667, 442668, 442669, 447430, 447431, 447432, 447433, 447435, 447437, 447439, 449495, 449496, 461051, 461634, 462564, 471541, 472400, 472600, 472601, 472602, 472603, 472604, 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477884, 477885, 477886, 477887, 477888, 477894, 477895, 477896, 477897, 477898, 477899, 478890, 478891, 478893, 478894, 478896, 478897, 478898, 478899, 478965, 478966, 478967, 478968, 478969, 478970, 478971, 478972, 478973, 478974, 478975, 478976, 478977, 478978, 478979, 478980, 478981, 478982, 478983, 479800, 480356, 480357, 480358, 480359, 480360, 480361, 480362, 480363, 480364, 480365, 480366, 480367, 480368, 480369, 480371, 480372, 480373, 480374, 480375, 533473, 533474, 533475, 540510, 540528, 541732, 541821, 542143, 542950, 547463, 547464, 547802, 548077, 549170, 558347, 542561, 533470, 533471, 533472, 533476, 533477, 533478, 533479, 540065, 540511, 540797, 540819, 541037, 541189, 541270, 541352, 541403, 541415, 541517, 541565, 541620, 541652, 541828, 541830, 541832, 541919, 542144, 542173, 542384, 543180, 544089, 545326, 547223, 547224, 547262, 547366, 547696, 549103, 550048, 550049, 550050, 550051, 550052, 550053, 550054, 550055, 550056, 550057, 550058, 550059, 541831, 541834, 541837, 549140

+ Sowtware Mars Banks Base 1.1
Database on banks with the possibility of searching and filtering for each field or several at once. Contains 11 databases in one program:
-- ABA numbers of U.S. banks (25871 Record)
-- Routing numbers of U.S. banks (26197 entries)
-- Bank MasterCard card identification numbers (17297 entries)
-- Bank VISA cards, identification numbers (35154 entries)
-- Bank identity card numbers American Express (1215 records) - ZIP codes USA (70884 entries)
-- Employed phones USA (11784 entries)
-- Regions social insurance numbers dollars (678 entries)
-- Regional phone codes dollars (249 entries)
-- States of the United States (65 states)
-- Provinces England (114 provinces)

Bank ID number, BIN - this is the first 6 digits of the card numbers. They can identify the name of the bank, type of card.

For rooms ABA, database contains the following fields:
ABA number, bank name, address, bank, Bank city, state, zip code, phone bank.
For routing numbers:
routing number, bank name, city bank, State Bank, the phone bank.
For BINs of MasterCard:
BIN, the name of the bank, the country bank, the phone bank.
For BINs of VISA:
BIN, the name of the bank, the country bank card type 1, type 2 card, the phone bank.
For BINs of American Express:
BIN, the country Bank (always USA), the type of card (gold, optima, platinum ...), phone bank.
For the United States ZIP codes (zip codes):
city, state, ZIP code, in the province.
For employees phones in the United States:
State, city and phone number.
For regions of the United States Social Security numbers:
first 3 digits of SSN, state.
For regional telephone codes USA:
a three-digit code, states, which used
For U.S. states:
staff (2 letters), the full name of the state.
For provincial England:
name, country (England, Ireland, Scotland ...).

The programme is implemented the possibility of finding, filtering and sorting on any field. Similarly, it is possible to add any formatted text notes and the allocation of flowers. The text will be saved automatically. The program supports skins, complete postyavlyayutsya 24 topics. You can use external skins format

download: hxxp://www.mars-soft.net/files/MarsBanksBase11.exe