Using online trading


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Well at perhaps we will begin. It will be a question about trading accs (example, and т.п). I the frequent visitor at different forums. And repeatedly saw, how beginners, having received in the hands such accounts try to sell them «THOUGH FOR HOW MANY» or try to give them "under cashing", being proud of a round sum and with thought in a head "Dudes! I am rich!".
Those at once I will break off - you except round figure is not present! Wish to have something? This theme not for beginners. At "tradings" the specificity. I, certainly do not apply for a complete description of all existing trading offices, but the general rules at them practically at all are identical.
Well to begin with - that it for accounts such? Can open any, even you reading now these my pearls. Requirements to the minimum sum on opening of such account at all offices different, some are content 2000 dollars and another not less 10к submit. In general you come on a site, register, you fill special forms in a paper kind, you send to office, you receive instructions on transfer fair money and you start to trade at a stock exchange. Further all from luck and talent depends. The trade major principle - price movement considers everything, i.e. on increase or fall of quotations of the action, i.e. its current price, any look-ahead expectations, economic and political events etc. Accordingly can influence if you have bought the action, have taken, have waited its growth and have sold on peak - have earned, but can happen and on the contrary. About futures and options, etc. we here hold back not to litter your head with unnecessary words. You will want to learn - Google to you in the help. Here in a summary the superficial description of a question of trade in securities. (I will ask not to kick strongly.)
Well, about a makeweight to the account in a kind credit cards there we will not speak, etc. One give, others are not present, someone check gives. All depends on what policy at office. Can be and others everyones goodies, but speech not about it.
Cut to itself on a nose that trading acc means can be deduced only addressed to the owner trading acc in other bank or trading office, i.e. transfer on drop from the account not work (there are separate exceptions). Usually such transfer occupies till 10 days.
Esteemed and have broken off. Such tasty ballasts! And such ambush!
So the ambush would seem, but also here was clever uncle which I have thought - lawfully I trade at a stock exchange, has opened the account (as see above) - but баблоса a little, the risk all the same is, and as though to me to make so that actions of any small office which I will buy in advance, have gone up in price? How to make so that the market has paid attention to them and there was an excessive demand? I will wait, while the course will grow and I will throw off them. Thus I will lawfully receive profit. Uncle it besides trading often swarmed up forums, типо ours, thirst of a profit pushed its search of new and new schemes of earnings, let and illegal. Here he that also has paid attention that beginners often open theme about sale trading accs. Idea! - we has exclaimed uncle. - I am?! Here it! Also began uncle to buy up ours trading accs at newbie for money for this business at it was. Also there was we uncle from these purchased accounts with the big available assets (with those what not in papers naturally though them to throw off from a name a cholera not a problem basically, patience a current it is necessary) to expose demands for purchase of actions of those firms which holder was itself. Accordingly demand raised the price, uncle threw off and considered profits.
Well now you, I hope, all have understood. And run have run to open to myself trading account.
But remember - there are nuances. Scheme all the same remains roguish, and is reference in usa under securities and the share markets which the bread knowingly guzzles … Well and not to get to its field of vision at once - all these operations become slowly and slowly. You will be often with transactions in - you will get in "speculators", anything like as terrible, the current attention superfluous to you will be. Therefore for realisation of such scheme it is necessary it is desirable the big group comrades.
Many nuances are missed specially. Include a brain, rummage in Google, learn English.