USA Garments


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If you decide to use your cards in a different incarnation, and this trail turned out to be clothing carding, then here you will have to face the fact that not all goods are sent, since the address to which you will send the goods will be the address of your drop (I repeat: to the person who lives in the USA) and who, in this case, is ready to accept goods that (are you not confused? will still come from shops (shops) and so, with a drop for this service you will pay either in money or leave part of the incoming goods.

In a good way, you will have to find a list of shops and peck everything in a row, ordering what you like there, and some shops will still send the goods. Then you need to pinpoint these stores and hammer them until they stop sending goods ... as practice shows, you can get 5 more or even more orders, as a rule, it depends on the size of the store and the negligence of the employees of this institution, deaf and dumb people blindfolded :)

Further, I advise you to still think about how you will receive your goods from the drop, because if you still knock on the door to the drop, you can not doubt the truthfulness and honesty of this person before law enforcement agencies. As a rule, drops live a little over a month, because if you only bought at the beginning of the month, then at the end of the month, the cardholder will dispute the payment at the bank and the grannies from the store will be shaken out. Now think about where the store wants to shake out their goods? :)

Let's say that you are a hammer and everything worked out, but your favorite electronic things are not sent to any well ... you are upset ... And the whole thing lies in the fact that electronics stores, which our brethren love so much, are tired of receiving left orders and began to call the bank and ask if such and such an address was added to the credit card ... if they are told that it is not, then they call the owner of the card and ask, and you, they say, in kind ordered something for this one address? And as a result of all this, there is a bummer.

So, to prevent this from happening, you need to add the drop address to the credit card, and for this you need to call the bank. You can find out the name of the bank by the first 4 digits of the card number, it’s not a problem to find out by the name of the bank and its phone number, do it right on the Internet, but in the bank they can, and they ask, for example, SSN, DL, DOB (if you don’t if you know what these abbreviations are, then follow the channel, a post about all the abbreviations will be released soon)
and so, the Russian heroes have not yet died out on the land, who by name and address for green candy wrappers give all this information ...

So sometimes you have to do small caps. investments, sometimes you have to ... well, when you call and tell all the information, then you will add the drop address, well, then the chances of getting your favorite electronic increase, and not weakly. Well, let's not overload your head, work with casinos and stuff...

Good luck!