UK Provisional DVLA


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Today I will try to write my first article on this forum. I decided to supplement the section on documents with a story about how to get the original UK Provisional Driver License in a false name. The topic was still six months ago. Now I don’t know, because there were some difficulties with the material.
What is Provisional DL for? Well, firstly, the sale to illegal aliens in the UK. Secondly, there is more trust in you from financial institutions. Interestingly more the second, although there were cases that non-cowardly illegal aliens exchanged them for normal DLs in a month or two (but this is given that the material has not yet been announced).
Here is Provisional DL:

The principle of the circuit is very simple. Everything is based on SI. So, we need original and undeclared material: ID or passport. Better, of course, ID, since the photo is smaller there. The first thing to do is check the material for loss. We go to the site and look for a country that interests us, we check. We worked mainly with Lithuanian docks. Polish cannot be checked on the Internet. This is their grief and charm. I didn't work with them. Doubtful
investment ...

If everything is good, then we take a photo of a goose on which we are going to make Provisional (it would be better to pick up so that the face is max similar (for illegal immigrants, as a rule, docks are already "under the face")) and photoshopped so that the similarity is 50 / 50 with dock. Next, we print a photo for standard sizes on the docks.

The next stage is going to the post office. There we ask for Application for a driving license .
The form is free. We go home and fill out.

After, we come to the post office, buy a post check issued in the name of DL. We sign it from behind. We buy two special delivery envelopes (for tudy-syudy). We sign them. One per DL address. This is where the postcode goes:

And the other - to whom and from whom (that is, to myself from them).

We put in the first envelope:
- ID;
- the second envelope;
- a form with a pasted-in photograph;
- check according to the price list.

We give it to the uncle, he is the tracking number with the check to us.

After 2 weeks, the ID first comes to the address, which we graze on tracking, and after 2-3 days - Provisional DL.

What is special delivery for? - There were geese who said that nothing came. - Okay ... Tyts you tracking !!! Oh, how bad ...

What if "on the way" ID "shows up" or such a person is already there? - It was so. An ID and a check + letter were returned to the address, where it was briefly written what Provisional could not do. Ok, we take a receipt + receipt and cash it to the post office.

For Anglicans, this is done directly through the online . Not suitable for us since we are not residents of Great Britain. But that's how to say.

That's all. I think the scheme is applicable not only in the UK.

And one more thing - the black ink form is being filled in!